You're Welcome // Klance

By g_shimmy

53.1K 3K 2K

Lance and Keith are mortal enemies, and their constant snide remarks and bickering are beginning to annoy the... More

XI - Short Ending
exsqueeze me


4.6K 295 330
By g_shimmy

"So, how did you sleep?" Lance asked the next morning across the breakfast table.

"Okay, I guess." Keith replied half-heartedly.

Keith met Lance's eyes and saw that he was genuinely curious.

"I slept. Is that good enough?"

"I guess." Lance shrugged.

"Did you guys. . . do something last night?" Pidge asked with a confused look on her face.

They were both silent for a moment.

"If by 'something' you mean sleeping, then yes. Yes we did." Lance replied.

Pidge smirked. "Alright. If you say so."

"Please no. Whatever you think happened, didn't." Keith mumbled.

Pidge put her hands up in surrender, still smiling.

After everyone had returned to their food, Keith and Lance shared a glance across the table.

What do you think she means? Keith mouthed.

Lance shrugged. Probably something scandalous.

Keith chuckled softly.

"Are you laughing at me?" Hunk asked. "You think my dream of making out with Coran is funny? Because I find it rather disturbing."

"Oh wow. Clearly, I should be paying attention to your conversations, because this is hilarious." Lance replied with a smirk, leaning in Hunk's direction.

Keith rolled his eyes.

"Okay, Hunk's weird dreams aside. . ." Shiro began.

"I shouldn't have said anything." Hunk whispered in embarrassment.

". . .we shouldn't spend our days doing nothing, Keith."

Keith snapped back to reality and jumped.

"Who, me? Oh sorry Shiro, it's not like my body was physically exhausted." Keith replied sarcastically.

"I get that you needed that day, but we can't get used to that. Zarkon may be gone, but the universe will always have something threatening it."

"That's a nice thought, thank's for that Shiro. Now we know we're in a constant state of peril." Hunk mumbled.

"You're welcome. It's important to know of possible dangers beforehand."

Hunk rolled his eyes and smiled at Pidge, who was laughing inwardly.

There was a moment of comfortable silence, but it was interrupted by a loud crash, and the whole room shaking.

Allura's voice rang trough the room.

"Paladins you must hide! I have reason to belive an enemy may be coming aboard. I believe they'd prefer to take you over the lions. Stay safe and hidden!"

Allura's voice cut off and everyone went scrambling.

Lance was the first out the door. Keith watched him slam the door open and sprint down the hall.

Scaredy-cat. Keith thought.

He moved at a calm pace out the door and down the hall. He had to keep calm to show he was better at emergency situations than Lance.

In his search, he found a small fissure in the wall. It looked like it was built for hiding. It was roughly the size of Allura, maybe a little bigger, and curved back so whoever were to use it would be completely hidden unless you knew where to look.

Keith triumphantly smirked. He found quite possibly the best hiding place on the ship.

He quickly slid his body through the crack sideways until he was obscurred from possible view.

He realised how on edge he had been, and released his breath.

He turned to look around and came face to face with Lance.

Lance's cheeks were puffed out and he looked annoyed. He was probably trying to refrain from speaking.

"Dude you're in my space." he whispered.

"I found this on my own. I should be allowed to use it." Keith replied.

"Except I was already here. Gp get your own hidey crack!"

"Shhh." Keith threw his hand over his mouth. "Lance we're trying to hide. That means be quiet."

Lance sighed and kept quiet.

Keith removed his hand, but realized there wasn't really enough space to move it. Keith was uncomfortably aware of how close he and Lance were.

He could smell his breath, which was like alien goo, filling the room.

Lance was a couple inches taller and his head brushed the top of the crack. His neck was bent so his head wouldn't hit the ceiling.

Keith decided that the only place to put his hand was draped across lance's shoulder.

Lance jumped and turned towards Keith, but Keith was listening intently.

"Listen, Mull-"

"Shh." Keith covered Lance's mouth. "Listen."

The two of them listened closely, and could hear a conversation.

"Have you seen any of them?"

"No. They appear to all have gone into hiding."

"Well send your troops to look. We especially want the red paladin."

Lance could feel Keith tense up agaist him. His breath caught. Keith made no noise whatsoever.

"And the others?"

"Take them if you find them, but like I said. The red paladin is our top priority."

No more words were exchanged before Keith heard their footsteps walking away.

"I guess we're in here for the long run."

Lance sighed exasperatedly, obviously not exited for the quality time they now had to spend together.

After about half an hour, Lance started to go nuts.

"Forget it. I'm turning myself in!"

He tried to shove past, but Keith, being on the outside, could easily keep him in.

"Nobody is turning themselves, or any body else in. We just gotta tough it out."

Lance groaned. "But I don't wanna! I dont wanna spend another moment crammed in this stupid hole with you!"

"That's not very nice. What happened to 'buddy?'"

"I was just trying to make friends with you!"

"Obviously it didn't work."

Lance looked at Keith, and groaned again.

"Whatever. I'm going to sleep. Wake me up if I snore too loud or something."

Lance settled himself a bit. He was standing up, and uncomfortably close to Keith, but who knew when the intruders would give up their search? Maybe never.

Lance internally screamed at the idea of being stuck in this crack with Keith forever, but he had to keep cool.

He closed his eyes and drifted into a light sleep.


Keith, who had fallen asleep out of boredom, awoke with a start.

"Paladins? Everyone still on board needs to meet on the main deck. We need to make sure we have everyone."

It was Allura.

Keith shook Lance, who was snoring loudly, awake.

"The princess wants a headcount. She says the coast is clear."

The two of them slid out the crack and walked down the hall.

Sweet open space! Keith thought, taking as much space in his strides as possible.

Lance seemed to have the same idea.

They headed to the main deck, and saw Allura and Coran standing there.

"Oh good, you two are okay!" Allura hurried towards them and hugged them both.

"I was worried they had gotten you."

"Don't worry. We both found a great hidey-hole." Lance replied.

Allura sighed with relief, but it was short lived.

The others still hadn't shown up.

After about five more minutes, Hunk burst in the room.

"They took them! The Galra that were here! They took Pidge and Shiro!"

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