My Blood to Shed

由 8DarkHeart8

502 20 11

There is only one way to kill a vampyre and that's to pierce it through the heart. Amari, or Ari for short, k... 更多

Midnight Premiere
An Unexpected Ally
Lost Soul Mate
Battle for Prom


131 4 2
由 8DarkHeart8

Hey peeps! As ur reading this, u may notice tht it follows about the same story line as the old version of this book. This is the new and revised version and hopefully, a lot easier to understand and way more exciting! While ur reading, plz ignore any grammer or spelling mistakes kaz, chances are, I already noticed them and plan 2 fix them eventually. I will probably be uploading one chapter each day, depending how much time I have to write and be on the computer. I get really bad hand cramps if I write 4 too long so I might not get a whole lot done. Anywhoo, plz enjoy the 1st chapter of my new and revised Vampyre Story :)


I wander aimlessly along the streets of my coven's "hometown." It is quiet and I meet no one along my way. The streets are dark, lit only by a few campfires. I don’t really live here, but a lot of my free time is spent here. Tonight is my turn to patrol the northern sector of my coven.

Ok, so my "coven" isn’t really much of a coven. It’s more like a tribe since we have a few werewolves living here. Covens are large groups of between 40 and 50 vampyres, packs are smaller groups of about 30, or less, werewolves, and tribes are really big groups of vampyres and werewolves. This coven is what my mentor belongs to so I’m kindda stuck with it. I don’t mind though. My best friend, Trista, belongs to this coven too. Trista usually patrols with me, but for some reason I was sent out alone tonight.

According to Angyre, my mentor, we didnt have these precautions a few years ago, though I’m pretty sure he really means a few centuries. Angyre is immortal so time isn’t the same for him as it is for you and me. Anyways, back then, there was a new family of vampyres that came and took the throne from the old King and Queen. Well, this caused a lot of fighting amongst the tribes, covens, packs, and stuff and, well... things got pretty messed up. I don’t really understand it. I’m lousy at history.

So after this new King and Queen came along, they started changing all of our laws and saying that vampyres are better than all the other supernatural creatures - which is so not true - and stuff. This did not make the Elders, or any members of the Council, very happy. The Council is a group of a two to five representatives of every supernatural creature and they help keep the peace.

Well, anyways, the Council sent the Elders to dispatch the new King and Queen. The Elders killed them, but they had a son, Aran. Aran is just as psycho as his parents, so he declared war against all supernatural creatures. There were a bunch of vampyres and werewolves that joined Aran, along with many other supernatural creatures.

You would think that it wouldn’t be hard to keep track of who’s on what side, but it isn’t. Its pretty much chaos all around - which Aran loves - and everyone is fighting everybody else. So, the reason I’m walking around, feeling like an idiot, is because there’s a huge war going on. Its great isn’t it? Yeah, not really.

I hear a rustling noise in some of the trees just beyond the perimeter. It could just be one of the other vampyre's familiars, but I decide to check it out anyways. Stupid idea.

Bow in hand, I slip between two tents and silently step into the trees. I don’t even see that damn arrow coming. It hits me in the dead center of my forehead, and I fall on my butt, hard. I yank the arrow out of my head and sit up, furious, but, before I can say anything, another arrow hits me in the shoulder.

Though it doesn’t do me any serious injury, it does annoy me. "STOP HITTING ME WITH GODDAMN ARROWS!!" I scream and shoot an arrow randomly into the trees.

This time, it’s a sword coming at me. It barely misses as I flatten myself to the ground. I chuckle under my breath. An enemy with a sense of humor.

"Come out and show yourself!" I holler into the darkness. Nothing answers me. Just the silence of the forest. I strain my hearing to its limit, listening for something, anything, but still nothing. I sigh in defeat.

"Damn, that was a promising fight."

I turn away to go back to camp and I am suddenly hit over the head with a wooden plank. I’m instantly out like a light.


Waking up is seriously painful. I have a bump on my head that hurts like hell, I’m blindfolded and gagged with rags that smell of blood, and my hands are bound extremely tightly behind my back. I choke suddenly on my gag and nearly throw it up. None too gently, it is quickly removed from my mouth.

Now I can hear people whispering. I strain to hear what the voices are saying.

"An interesting specimen."

"Yes, but what should we do with it?"

"You cannot control it, master."

"Silence! I am controller of the universe! I am all powerful! Take off its blindfold so that I may take it over!" The voice commands.

‘Controller of the universe?’ I think, ‘Sheesh, talk about conceited.’

The blindfold is taken off and I blink in surprise at the sudden light. As I collect my bearings, I observe my surroundings. I’m in a lab of some sort and men wearing lab coats are all around me. There is a small chamber in the middle of the room, just big enough for me to stand in, filled with a jelly-like substance. Other chambers just like this line the walls of the room, only these chambers are occupied by different supernatural creatures. One even holds a mermaid. I’ve heard that mermaids are extremely difficult to capture, so how these men managed to get a hold of one is beyond me.

I also recognize the owner of the commanding voice. He is the only person in the room, other than me, who is not wearing a lab coat. Instead, he is wearing a black suit and red tie. He looks so professional, how could he not be the owner of the commanding voice?

I notice a boy, around the same age as me, standing in the room. Like everyone else, he is wearing a lab coat and staring at me. That’s when I realize that I’m not wearing any clothes. NOT COOL BRO! I suppose I should have seen it coming though since all the other supernatural creatures in the room aren’t wearing any clothes either.

I feel a blush creeping up my cheeks and I fight to keep it down. Mr. Commanding Voice is staring me down, so I turn my gaze on him. For several seconds I stare into his eyes without blinking.

"Why isn’t it working?!" He snarls furiously.

"I don’t know, sir, but its brainwaves are immensely strong, sir!" One of the men answers.

I’m beginning to get annoyed with these 'its' that they use to refer to me. I mean, havent any of these losers seen a chick before? I’m quite clearly a female. Not an 'it.'

Mr. Commanding Voice turns away from me to have a heated conversation with another man. I take this opportunity to pry into the young boys mind to see if I can find some answers.

‘Stop that.’

I blink in surprise. This kid can tell Im in his head!

‘Knock it off!’ he says more forcefully. I continue to push farther into his mind.

‘Will you quit it?’ he says again.

‘Why should I?’

‘Because if you do, Ill help you get out of here.’

I back off, surprised. ‘Really?’

‘Yes, really.’

I consider my options. If I go with this boy, I could either get out of here, or get into more trouble. If I stay, I could maybe fight my way out, but even I’m not that stupid. Perv Boy it is.

‘Don’t call me Perv Boy.’

‘Now who’s prying?’ I smile mentally.

‘My names Jason.’


I kind of like Jason. He has a good personality. ‘I wonder why he’s here with these losers?’

‘It’s a long story.’ He says. I send him a mental glare and he chuckles.

Back in reality, Jason winks at me and suddenly, every chamber door in the room opens and out bursts all the supernatural creatures. Quick as a flash, Jason is at my side, freeing my hands. Before I can thank him, he practically flies me out the door. Sprinting down the halls, Jason tosses me his lab coat and I slip it on. I soon find myself back out in the forest, blinking in the sunlight, completely alone.

My mind searches for Jason, but he is nowhere to be found.

‘Did I just imagine him?’ I wonder.

I slowly walk back to camp. Trista is the first to spot me and she flies at me startlingly fast.

"ARI!" Trista cries, hugging me tightly. Her eyes are wet and she has dark circles under them. “We were so worried when you didn’t return from patrolling last night! Where have you been?” When Trista finally pulls back to look at me, she starts laughing like an idiot.

I glance down to find myself still wearing Jason's lab coat. I smile, mentally, knowing that he wasn’t a dream.

"It’s a long story."


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