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Hey peeps! So this chapter no longer has a sex scene. Yay! Hope you like it!


After telling the story of my capture and escape from the labs at least 10 times, Laeta decides that its time for me to eat. I welcome this idea because I’m so hungry, I could drink a whole bar!

I meet up with Angyre and the rest of the hunting team by the eastern sector. Everyone is sitting around the campfire laughing, talking, singing songs, and telling stories. It reminds me of how human we all are. So childish and free.

"Hey, Blue Jay." somebody whispers, hugging me from behind. I yelp in surprise as Angyre gives me jumper cables. The other vampyres get a good laugh out of this and I feel my face growing hot.

"Anger, you’re such a jerk!" I joke. Angyre pretends to be hurt but then smiles and plants a brotherly kiss on my cheek. I roll my eyes at him as he turns away to talk to another friend. Angyre and I have always been close, like brother and sister.

I settle down by a couple of girls gossiping about little affairs going on in the coven. I don’t try to join in, and they don’t try to include me. I hate drama, and gossiping is just another form of it. So I just sit there quietly and stare into the fire.

I decide to be productive and work on my element control. Angyre has me work with mostly fire since it’s closest to my own element, lightning. I also work a lot with electricity since lightning is electricity. Lightning vampyres are only born once every 200 years so they’re extremely rare. And there’s never been an immortal lightning vampyre so I don’t have anyone of the same element as me to practice with. Still, Angyre’s not too bad of a teacher.

I work slowly, pulling a few sparks out of the fire. These sparks then take on the form of a phoenix upon my command and fly around me.

"Holy shit, girl! Where did you learn to do that?!" one of the girls sitting next to me exclaims. I shrug not entirely sure what she’s talking about until she pulls some fire out and tries to make it do what she wants. When it doesnt turn into an animal, she turns to me and demands, "Teach me how to do that!"

"First, don’t start out with so much fire. Just a few sparks will do the trick." I explain to her and she puts most of the fire back, leaving only a small flame. She looks at me expectantly and I continue, "Now, focus on the form you want the fire to take shape of." I say, remembering Angyre’s words as he first taught me.

I watch the girl scrunch up her brow in concentration and almost laugh. "Don’t concentrate so hard," I chuckle, "just let the image come to you or you’ll get a headache."

The fire finally obeys the girl and turns into an eagle. She claps her hands in delight and watches it soar around her before it crumples to ashes again. Her face falls and I feel bad for her.

"Don’t worry." I soothe her, "That was really good for your first try." I smile gently and her face lifts a little.

"It’s just that fire is my element, but Im still not as good as you." she explains sadly.

Im a little surprised, to be honest. I never really thought I was any good with any of the elements. I feel confident in my powers now with this girl’s statement.


We finally head out to hunt, choosing a large club, not to far from our coven. I can almost taste the blood; warm and sweet, with just a hint of an alcoholic taste to it. Just the way I like it. Angyre glances at me.

"Don’t drink too much tonight, Little Blue Jay. I don’t feel like carrying you home again." I smile at the nickname and stick out my tongue at him.

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