Husband and Wife With One Sho...

De LucyDragneel663

56.3K 1.6K 630

Being mistaken as a couple is one thing but as a married couple! Natsu and Lucy take a job where being a marr... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Cold Night
Heart Wrenching
Follow Me Into The Dark
Come Back To Me
Half Asleep
I Like You, Stupid!
First Kiss
Dragon Mating Season
Natsu Gets Sick
Loke's Plan


2.6K 86 31
De LucyDragneel663


"Please don't make me do it!" Levy screamed. When Lucy turned around to look at her, Levy flinched. Lucy was so terrifying that she could probably could scare Death himself.

"Don't worry Levy-chan. Its just a quick kiss." She hissed, smiling wickedly. Levy shivered in fear.

"But Lu-chan..."

"No buts, Levy-chan." Lucy said, placing Levy in front of the boys room. Lucy stepped a few steps back so she can see it when it happens. Levy looked over at Lucy silently pleading her. Lucy just smiled. The blush on Levy's face reddened more and she knocked on the door.

Someone opened the door but Lucy couldn't see who they were. Lucy just knew it wasn't good, when Levy smirked. Levy began talking to the guy and she pointed at Lucy, then Levy disappeared through the door. Lucy walked up to it and looked through to see her looking for Gajeel.

"Hey Luce." Said a voice she didn't want to hear. The blush she had came back to her face. She cursed Levy. It must of been Natsu who was at the door. Lucy turned around startled.

"O-oh Hey." She responded, forcing a smile. Natsu stood there, looking at his feet that were suddenly interesting. He knew what he wanted to ask her, but it wouldn't come out.

Natsu cleared his throat. Well here he goes.

"U-umm... Lucy?" Natsu asked.

"Yes Natsu?" She replied.

"Why did you k-kiss me?" He inquired, with a small blush on his cheeks.

Lucy froze. She didn't know that Natsu was gonna ask. Hell, she thought that Natsu didn't even know what a kiss was. She thought about her next words carefully.

"Oh, it was a dare."

The air in Natsu's chest deflated. His stomach churned at the disappointment he felt. 'It was a dare?'

Natsu thought he would have at least a small chance, but now knowing that "it was just a dare" he felt like all chances left him. He couldn't help the scowl that appeared on his face.
"It was a dare?" He asked, his throat suddenly dry. Lucy nodded, confused. The look on Natsu's face wasn't the same look he had 2 minutes ago. Something changed in his demeanor. The scowl he had didn't fit his handsome face.

"Oh," Natsu said coldly, "Well I have to get going." He walked through the door without another word. Lucy watched him leave with a bewildered expression.

What was that all about?

Suddenly Lucy heard gasps, small amount of cries, and a loud thud. Levy ran out of the room with a heavy blush, she grabbed Lucy's hand before she could ask questions, and ran to the girls room.

When Lucy and Levy burst through the door, every head turned towards them.

"I DID IT!" Levy yelled, sitting in a corner.

"What happen Levy-chan?" Lucy asked. Levy looked at them, sheepishly.

"Well I ran into the room, grabbed Gajeel's face, and kissed him. I thought everything was okay until Gajeel fell over, passed out. That's when I ran." Levy explained. All the girls sweat dropped at the girl's story.

"The crying?" Lucy asked.

"Jet and Droy." She answered simply.

"So what happened between Natsu and you, Lu-chan?" Levy pressed, innocently. "He looked pretty upset."

All the girls eyes widened and turned to Lucy. Lucy felt her face warming up. "Well, we talked. He asked me why did I kiss him. And I told him it was a dare. An-"

"YOU DID WHAT?!" The girls yelled.

"Tell me she did not just do that."

"How could you do that?"

"Why did you tell him that?!"

"The girl probably broke his heart."

"I cant believe you, Lu-chan."

Lucy looked at all of them in confusion. What did she say wrong?

"Okay let us explain." Mira said.

"You can not tell a boy. " Laki started.

"Especially one that you like." Kinana added, causing Lucy to glare her way.

"That it was just a dare or bet." Bisca said.

"First of all it hurts his pride." Erza said.

"He thought you kissed him out of your own free will." Lisanna said.

"So when you told him that it was just a dare." Wendy said.

"You broke his pride and his heart." Mira finished.

Lucy stared at them in surprise.

Natsu did not like her like that!

"He doesn't like me like that!" Lucy shouted, voicing her thoughts. "All we are is partners! Why cant people just accept that?! Even if I liked him, he wouldn't reciprocate the feelings!" Her breath was ragged and had a large blush on her face.

Everyone looked at her with large eyes. Then they all shook their heads. She was probably denser than Natsu. She couldn't see his obvious feelings for her.

"Why is this all about me!? Lets just continue the damn game." Lucy barked, sitting down and crossing her arms, huffing angrily.

The girls looked at each other and hesitantly sat down beside her.

"Who's next?"


Levy nodded and looked around the room. Her eyes landed on the smaller sister of the Strauss family. Levy smirked, she just found another way to bring this back to Lucy.

"Lisanna, I pick you." Levy said finally. She prayed for Lisanna to get a truth.

"Dang it..." Lisanna muttered under her breath. She reached for and, to Levy's luck, pulled out a Truth slip. Lisanna looked at Levy, waiting for her question.

"Do you like Natsu?" Everyone gasped. Lucy's crossed arms tightened more. Other than that, she kept her mouth shout. Lisanna blushed.

"Ummm... Actually no I don't."

Lucy relaxed and sighed in relief. Everyone looked at her smugly.

"What are you so relieved about Lucy-san?" Wendy threw out.

Lucy froze. "Ah...N-nothing." She mumbled. It seemed like Juvia couldn't take what crap Lucy was spewing out anymore.

"Lucy-san! Juvia knows Love Rival is in love with Natsu-san! Why is she trying to deny it!?" Everyone looked at her in surprise but sweat-dropped at the name 'Love Rival'.

Mira jumped in before Lucy could. "You should just accept your feelings and tell Natsu! He's probably sick of waiting for you to realize them!" At that comment, Lucy turned red from embarrassment and anger.

"He doesn't like me like that! I had to remove any feelings I had towards him because he only sees me as his best friend!" Lucy yelled, quickly.

She froze at her own words. All the girls smiled deviously. Now that they knew that Lucy liked the pink-haired dragonslayer, their plan was fail-proof.

"W-wait... I-I didn't m-mean it." Lucy muttered.

"Sure Lucy. Lets continue the game." Mira said, smiling.

🌟The boys room🔥

All the guys shot pitiful looks at the fire mage. He was currently sitting alone at a table with a dark, depressing aura around him. Natsu was holding his usual fire whiskey. He sighed and put down his glass.

"I have better things to do then feel bad about myself." Natsu thought. He slowly got up, slightly swaying due to his drinks. Everyone stared at him confused. They knew that due to Natsu's fire magic, his alcoholic tolerance was higher. He's only had a few drinks and here he was, swaying. They all shook their heads, Natsu wanted to be drunk. What got him so down and that he turned to drinking?

"Lets-hic-fight!" Natsu yelled drunkenly. Everyone slowly walked over to him and sat him down, to Natsu's dismay.

"Flame-brain! What has got you so down in the dumps?" Gray stepped up. Natsu feigned innocence.

"Noth-hic-ing... I'm fine-hic." Natsu replied, smiling.

"Stop with the drunk act." Natsu glared at the Ice mage. They all watched Natsu, heat his body up for a small amount of time. When he was done, Natsu continued to glare at Gray.

"Why cant you just leave me alone? Natsu asked, coldly. He looked tired, everyone noticed.

"Were not gonna leave you, looking pitiful like that. So whats up?" Gray asked. Natsu stared at the group that surrounded him. He sighed, why cant they just let him wallow in his sadness?

"So you know when Lucy came in here? Well, yeah when Levy came here - I see that blush, Gajeel-, Lucy was with her. So I used that chance to ask her why she kissed me. Her answer was 'it was a dare'." Natsu watched as everyone's look became full of sympathy.

"Ouch, that's tough." Gray said aloud. Natsu nodded and turned around in the chair he was sitting in, facing away from everyone. He was going to grab his drink again, but before he could get it Gray swatted it off the table. Natsu turned to Gray, his anger filling to the brim.

"The fuck, Gray?! Why did you do that!?" Natsu yelled, standing up.

Gray smirked. "Were not gonna let you drink anymore. Were gonna help you get Lucy."

They watched as he tensed. They knew he liked her, it was obvious, but when you say it out loud, he gets uncomfortable. Natsu nodded, shyly.
"How are you gonna do that?"

Laxus smirked. "Mira just told me something really interesting. We know you can get her and I know how."

🌟The girls room🔥

"Lucy. I pick you!" Kinana said, excitedly.

They have been playing the game for a while, Lucy's turn would be the last. All the girls smirked mischievously. This is gonna be interesting...

"Okay!" Lucy reached in and pulled out a Dare slip. Lucy mini-panicked again. She somehow knew this wasn't going to be good. All the girls stayed in their spots. Lucy looked at them in confusion. Aren't they supposed to be picking a dare?

"We want you to go to doors of the Lunch Hall (they have that in whatever place they are in) and don't go in till we tell you!" Kinana said. Lucy nodded and began to get up. Cana grabbed Lucy, stuffed something in her hand and pushed her in the closet.

"After you put that on, of course." Kinana added.

Lucy stared at the pretty white sundress that went to her knees. What is this for? She was let out of the closet and pushed out the door. She walked with Mira. She would be the one to tell her to go in. They found what they were looking for and stood silent. Mira listened for Warren's 'Go'.


"Go in, Lucy!" Mira said, excited. She ran away right after she said it. There would be a lacrima camera recording Lucy. Mira needed to hurry or she would miss the show.

Lucy stared at Mira's retreating figure, confused.

What did they plan?

She slowly stepped into the dark room. She yelled a small hello.

"Hey Luce." Someone whispered, their breath on the back of Lucy's neck.

Lucy shrieked and turned around. There, in front of her, was Natsu Dragneel illuminated by light. He was in the suit he wore to the Grand Magic Games, and he held a lone pink rose in his hand. Natsu had a small blush on his cheeks, as he handed the rose out to Lucy.

"This is for you." He grinned. Lucy took it shyly, with a blush on her cheeks as well.

"T-thanks." She muttered.

"Ummm... H-hey Lucy? Can I confess something?"


"Well...-man I don't know how to do this- I've been wanting to tell you that..." Natsu trailed off.

"B-been wanting to tell me what?"

"Okay... I've been wanting to tell you that I really, really like you! More than a friend!" He blurted out, he was blushing so hard that he thought he would just melt into a puddle of embarrassment.

Before she answered, he interjected, "If you don't like me, that's fine! I just needed to get off my chest! I'm sorry if I made this awkward! Oh god, I did, didn't I? I'm sorry, you can le-" He was silenced by a pair of lips on his. His eyes widened but closed gently, as he moved his lips with hers. His arms wrapped around her waist, as hers wrapped around his neck. She pulled away and looked up at him gently. She smiled the biggest smile, prettiest smile, Natsu has ever seen.

"I really like you too!"

I know...... It's the part 2 of the first one.

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