n y c t o p h i☽ i a

sadderddaze द्वारा

3.4K 222 128

nyctophilia: (n.) love of darkness or night; finding relaxation or comfort in the darkness sequel to: s t ☆... अधिक

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143 13 7
sadderddaze द्वारा

"I'm done." I started off.

"What?" she looked at me
with confusion.

"I can't do this anymore.
I can't keep hiding things
from you Noah." I was
almost frustrated because
of just the thought of all
this time I've wasted worrying.
She furrowed her eyebrows,
obviously still having no clue
as to what I was talking about.

"I love you dammit.
I love you so much Noah."
I stared at her straight in the eyes.

"Josh don't." she sighed.

You have to hear it.
You have to know how I feel
and how I've felt for all this time."
her eyes flickered between mine.

"I never wanted this for us."
I continued.

"But you did it anyways."
she rolled her eyes.

"No I didn't.
Your parents did."

What are you talking about?"

"God Noah, do you think
I'd really ever leave you just
like that?!
It was the day of your
birthday and your mom stopped
me before I left the house.
She took me to her office and
told me I wasn't good enough
to be seen with you.
She said I'd give you and your
entire family a bad reputation
because I wasn't as rich as you.
I was so torn at her words
already but then she just had
to completely break me.
She said that I had to stay away
from you, that I wasn't wanted
and that you deserve better.
I told her I had no intention of
leaving you because of her
own selfish reasons but then
she got serious about it.
Her and your dad predicted that
that would be my answered so they
had booked me a plane ticket
in advanced for me to leave.
Noah you have to understand
that I had to do it.
She said things would go bad
if I didn't leave and I wouldn't
let them hurt you or do
anything to you in any way."
my voice was shaky by now.
Her eyes were brimming with
tears and realization.

"T-They wouldn't." her lip
quivered and finally, one single
tear came down from her eye.

"Noah, why would I let you go
after I told you I wouldn't leave
you?" I caressed her face.

"I thought I wasn't good
enough." she quietly cried
as she looked into my eyes.

"That's ridiculous Noah.
If anything, you really were
too good for me." I sighed for
what seemed like the hundredth
time today.
Before I could even think
anything else, her hand was
on the back of my neck and
her lips were on mine.
Fireworks went off in my
stomach and goose bumps
formed all over my body.

God I missed this.

Unfortunately, I had to pull away.

"As much as I want this, you
have a boyfriend." I kept
my eyes screwed shut.

"No I don't." she replied quickly.

"Noah, yes you do.
That douchebag with
sticky fingers."

"I broke up with him that
very first day I saw you."
she bit her lip.


"I love you Josh.
I never stopped." she rested
her forehead on mine.
I looked at her with total
shock but crashed my lips
into her once again.

Nothing was getting in
my way anymore.

The kiss was that long awaited
'I miss you' kiss where it
was desperate, but not a heated
kind of desperate.
It was slow but sloppy at the
same time.
Practically everything you've
waited for every minute you
were away from the person
you wanted the most.

"I missed you Starboy." she
smiled up at me before resting
her head on my chest near
my shoulder.
I smiled at myself before
looking over at my friends.
They had all witnessed.
Tyler was smiling uncontrollably
with his arm around Jenna as
Jenna had her hand over her
mouth in excitement.
Caitlyn was crying as Dallon
rubbed her shoulder and gave
me a thumbs up.
Sarah silently clapped and Brendon
gave me a pouty faced with
his arms crossed and mouthed
'no fair'.

"Wow I missed you guys." I
chuckled even though Noah
was completely unaware of
all the reactions we were getting.

"Yeah, we did too." she pulled
her head off my shoulder and
smiled at me before kissing
me again.

I got my girl back.


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