ENDANGERED ;; nct | βœ”οΈŽ


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|sequal to danger but what happens when jinsol wants the danger? + nct apocalypse! au More



549 32 2

twenty two degrees ain't that hot but taeyong is.

I steered clear of Miyoung today, I was quite iffy about her. "We can't even call our parents?" Yeohyun gasps. "We can but it's not like anyone will hear, we have service and we can try but the school block anyone else from seeing them... just like last time." Hansol says. We are in a meeting, I looked away. It's not like I like my parents.

"As ambassadors we should find a way to escape." Heeyun says. "Even as that was the most sensible thing you've said currently, no." Yuta responds. "Come on! What do we do? Just sit here?" He says.

"I read the last time you did that, half the school died from a disease and Xiu Jin here sold herself to her drug dealer father." Jeongyi shrugs. I choked on my spit, that was too dangerously accurate.

Taeyong stood up surprising me, I wasn't that offended. I guess he was. He walked over to Jeongyi and pulls her ambassador badge off.

Jisung gasps really loudly and Haechan covers his mouth "Ta-Mr.-" I begin, "I would never want anyone to relive what we went through. Do you think, no do you even know how we felt? How it felt to see your classmates drop dead before your eyes?" Taeyong says angrily.

I hate to admit it, he spoke the truth.

"If you guys aren't going to be of help I suggest you leave." He says.

"What is this? A pity party? You want me to feel sad for what? Pfft, you could have saved everyone if you took action." Yeohyun says.

"Yah, if we take action, you could die you know that right?" Johnny says.

"We will die heroes! Unlike Miss Oh, dying without anyone caring!" Gowook says.

Hell to the no. I stood, no I pushed a chair away. "It seems you like having a gun to your head." I say. "Of course, the outcast's only friend. " Haejeon taunts.

I'm pretty sure everyone knows what my boiling anger can turn into. I took my dagger and cut both their badges off.

I put both of them against the wall with my knife.

"It's not like you guys are even ready for the real world, for this world. With what skills? With what weapons?" I ask.

Then guess the fuck what happens


Yeohyun pulls off her badge "Okay Xiu Jin, we'll rebel." And then they walk away.

Taeyong groans, "another problem."

"What about you?" Jaehyun turns to Miyoung.

She stands, "I-I like you guys and all, but this is not right for me." She smiles warmly and takes her badge off. Then I notice it, a scar on her neck. Maya has a similar scar.


"Why are we always back at square one?" Ten asks.

"I think it's because we always play with fire." Jeno responds.

"honestly man.." Mark whines.

Jaehyun walked in, "I just had a meeting with the chairman, he's not calling off graduation either." He said. Oh yeah, that's right I was a senior more importantly I was graduating. "It's not like I'd want anyone I know to come." I stroked my chin laying back in my chair.

"Jinsol, we're having the senior dance tonight and then the graduation tomorrow." Jaehyun said. I guess my chair overreclind because I flipped off the chair and onto my feet. "What kind of notice is that?" I ask.

"We should have a party!" Doyoung cheers, "Do you realize what happened last time?" Jisung asks. I nodded. "As I am graduating with her, I'll stay with her." Jaehyun says. "It still bugs me, how does the rest of our country not know about us?" Ten strokes his chin.

"Let's throw the party, if they want this to happen all over again we can stop it in it's tracks." Yuta says, "bwoya? You think I want to go through that again?" I ask. "Jaehyun and Winwin will be there with you, they are graduating with you all good." Johnny smiles.

"Guys, I left on my choice, I left because if I hadn't left you and I would be dead. What if I get faced with a choice like that?" I ask they all fall silent.

"We should pull the party, we just won't invite anyone else. No one will know." Taeyong says. I nod defeated. I whip out my phone, all of us seniors or third years sadly have a group message. I know I'm gagging as we speak. Well no speaking just, you get what I mean.

ew#1: don't forget, tonight's dance is on! bring your friends and a date! ;)

I groaned, I need a date? ew#1 is yeohyun by the way.

ew#18: really? yay! I'm excited
ew#27: kyuyeon, will you go with me?
ew#30: wow seonhyeo asking here?
ew#21: okay seonhyeo-ah~~
ew#8: I want to go with ten oppa
ew#15: have you seen taeyong oppa? i swear he's not real.
woosun: what if i don't want to go?
ew#29: of course you should show all the world how lonely you are.
miyoung: hey, that's rude
ew#1: poor miyoung jaehyun oppa left you and you have no one to go with :(

I rolled my eyes.

me: yah, it's not like you're going with anyone.
ew#2: yeohyun is going with gowook
me: perfect couple both an eyesore.
ew#36: it's not like you're going with anyone xiu jin.
jaehyun: she'll be going with me thank you very much!

I dropped my phone, squeeling slightly. Jaehyun looked at me and winked. "What happened this time?" Taeyong asked picking up my phone and scrolled.

We saw his jaw clench, he put the phone down.

"Jaehyun, since Miyoung is going. You go with her.. I'll go with jinsol."


"His ex girlfriend how cruel!"

"Dude, look you're not even graduating!"

"I can go with winwin."


I stepped back. "I'll go with Taeyong and I'll have dances with all of you but my last senior dance will go to Jaehyun." I said. Everyone looked at each other. "Does this still mean I have to go with Miyoung?" Jaehyun said.

Taeyong nodded. "Why did you guys break up anyway?" Doyoung asked. Everyone gasped loudly, I didn't know but I know he was sensitive about it. Jaehyun's a really nice guy and isn't the heartbreaker (breaks into their song)

Miyoung was kind of shaken up but no one really knew what happened.

Jaehyun looked away and shrugged, I smiled and walked over to Jaehyun and pulled him out. "Sit." I said he looked at me weirdly "Explain, if you don't tell me they'll pry you open like they do in the horror movies I watch." I said. Jaehyun stares at me for a second, "ew."

"Okay, well it was fine and all, I thought I could get into a relationship to get my mind off of— nevermind. We met at a bookstore, she was so nice and I thought I could really have something with her. I don't know I mean I guess it was me, I just well we both agreed it would be good. We had different lives and yeah, I really hope she doesn't hate me." He sighs running his hand through his hair.

"You're so soft awe." I hug him, "Please make me sound more of a man when you tell everyone. " He says. I nod and skip inside.

"What he say?"


I needed a dress, and I needed one now. I looked through my closet I got some new clothes but nothing good enough.

I found it, the dress I wore before I nearly died! The white lacey backless one that was really nice. There was a tear in it but I repaired it, I know wow what a sew-er. A seamstress! yeah that.

It'll bring nostalgia of the party, perfect.

I got out my white heels and looked, I need knee highs. I grabbed white ones and slipped it on. I grabbed a small purse. My hair was up in like to braids together creating like the opposite of a crown. It was behind my head and well it just sort of gathers and stays there.

I walked out slowly looking left and right. "Ahem." I looked to my left and at the frame of my door leaned Taeyong. Dressed in a suit and all it's glory.

He was dazzling.


not good.

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