Haunted By You


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When Lexa is hit with a stray bullet meant for Clarke, can she save her? If she can't, how long will she be a... Еще

Chapter 1: You Did It, Clarke
Chapter 2: Six Days
Chapter 3 Ai Hod Yu In
Chapter 4 Dark to Light and Light to Dark
Chapter 5 You're Sorry?
Chapter 6 Nowhere Visible
Chapter 7 You Are Not Atlas
Chapter 8 Do You Ever Miss It?
Chapter 9 Nowe
Chapter 10 Nightbloods
Chapter 11 Prisoner 319
Chapter 12 Breakfast
Chapter 13 Soul Bonds
Chapter 14 How Was She?
Chapter 15 No Matter Where You Come From
Chapter 16 Do Not Apologize
Chapter 17 Home
Chapter 18 The Meeting
Chapter 19 I Win
Chapter 20 You Cannot Take the Coalition
Chapter 21 What the Hell Were You Thinking
Chapter 22 Nerves
Chapter 24 Killer
Chapter 25 Prisoner
Chapter 26 Pain
Chapter 27 Healing and Ink
Chapter 28 Bound
Chapter 29 Osir Keryon Ste Teina

Chapter 23 Build a Brace

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Clarke woke up to the sunlight streaming on her face through the curtains. She blinked against the brightness and nuzzled back into her pillow. She heard a small chuckle from the other side of the room. "Clarke, pretending the sun is not up is not going to make it disappear." "It's too early." She mumbled.

She heard another laugh, followed by the scraping of a chair on the floor and footsteps coming towards her. She didn't look up from the blankets until she felt the dip in the bed, and when she did she was met with an amused forest gaze. "The sun is nearly mid sky, Ai Niron. You slept through the day and night, you cannot still be tired?"

Clarke gingerly turned onto her side and lifted her head to rest against Lexa's thigh. "My whole body hurts." She whined. Lexa smiled down at her endearingly, running her fingers through Clarke's hair. "I would imagine. My healer left you some tea, she said that a cup every morning and night would help take some of the pain away."

Clarke nodded, closing her eyes again. "Do I have to get up?" "You are almost as bad as my Natblidas." Lexa teased. "Mockery is not the product of a strong mind, Lexa." She mumbled.  Lexa laughed softly, a sound that Clarke heard so rarely she was sure she had to still be dreaming.

Clarke turned her head and nuzzled into Lexa stomach. "Just a couple more minutes?" She pleaded. Lexa smiled down at the sleepy girl, amused and entranced with her tired ramblings. "I suppose a few more would not hurt anyone." She conceded.

After a few peaceful moments, Clarke decided to stop prolonging the inevitable, and she blinked lazily up at Lexa. Nervously, she asked "How bad did I screw up?"

Not needing an explanation, Lexa answered, "I have told the Ambassadors that you have not been well as a means to delay the meeting. Though I fear they are beginning to feel restless, so, if you are well enough today, I think we should hold it."

Clarke nodded and Lexa continued, "I will do everything in my power to prevent a war, Clarke." Once again, Clarke nodded, "I know." Sitting up fully, Clarke moved to the edge of the bed and swung her legs over the side. She felt her left leg resting on the ground, but nothing but the same tingling sensation from yesterday in her right.

Lexa brought her a small cup filled with a steaming, muddy liquid. Clarke drank the bitter tea quickly, trying to hide her disgust and knowing she didn't quite succeed when Lexa laughed quietly. She handed the empty cup back to Lexa, who set it on the table and came to kneel in front of her.

Placing a hand on the blonde's knee, Lexa asked softly, "Is there any feeling at all?" Clarke shook her head sadly, feeling tears building her eyes, "No." Lexa nodded solemnly. "I sent Octavia to Arkadia to retrieve Raven. They should be back in a few hours. Perhaps she can build you a brace to use for now." Refusing to let the tears fall, Clarke swallowed thickly, "Thank you."

Lexa took her hand and kissed the back of it. "Anything you should need, Ai Hodnes. You need only to ask." Clarke nodded and took a few moments to collect herself. "Can we not talk about it?"

Rising from her position on the floor, Lexa placed herself on Clarke's lap. Kissing her gently, she pulled back to whisper, "Oso nou gaf chich nou taim."


Lexa wondered how Clarke had ended up convincing her to stay in bed for a while when she had work to do. But she also knew she wouldn't trade this for the world. The girl she loved was here, in her arms, and they were safe. Right in that moment, there was peace, and her and Clarke were okay.

She looked lovingly down at the girl whose head lay against her bare stomach, occasionally feeling the blonde's lips against her tanned skin. Lexa ran a hand through Clarke's hair, "Octavia should be returning soon." She saw Clarke's shoulders sag and heard her sigh, and Lexa wished she wouldn't have said anything, it only served to remind Clarke of her situation.

Lexa wished there was something she could do for her, but knew that this fight was Clarke's alone. "I am sorry I said anything." Clarke sighed again at her apology. "Don't be. You didn't do anything wrong. I need to face this."

A few moments later, there was a soft knock at the door. "One moment." Lexa called. Clarke sat up and Lexa followed, wrapping her arms around Clarke from behind, pressing their skin together. "Are you ready, Ai Hodnes?" Clarke swallowed and nodded, "I have to be."

The two women moved around the room, dressing for the meeting, Lexa helping Clarke with her armor, and making sure the set was light enough to not put too much weight on her injuries. Once they were done, she walked over to the door and opened it, revealing two brunettes.

Once they looked past her and saw Clarke, they were crossing the room in seconds, though Octavia at least stopped to bow her head respectfully and murmur a quiet, "Heda," in greeting. Lexa nodded, turning to motion to Clarke, "You have done well, Octavia. Thank you. Rest, now." Octavia smiled at the praise. "Thank you, Heda. How is she?"

The two women observed Clarke are Raven, who was talking animatedly and with a lot of hand gestures. "I believe the feeling will return to her soon. But I know that you bringing Raven here to build her a brace in the meantime will lift her spirits."

Octavia nodded, "Clarke is the strongest person I've ever met. She'll pull through this." With that, Octavia walked down the hall and back to her room to get some sleep since she had been woken in the early hours of the morning.

Lexa walked to the two girls and sat quietly on Clarke's other side, listening to what Raven was explaining. "-can't get it super wet. If it rains, just make sure to dry it super well and it should be okay. It'll take some getting used to, and you may need to pad some parts here and there if they're too sharp or dig in, but it'll get you up and walking again, Princess."

Clarke smiled then, the kind of smile that lights up someone's whole face, and it left Lexa breathless. It had been too long since she'd seen that smile.

Raven stood and hugged Clarke tightly before she turned to Lexa, "I was able to bring some of the parts I need, but there's a lot I don't have. Is there a blacksmith here in Polis who would be willing to work with me on this?" Lexa nodded. "Yes. In fact, we can all go there now and you can get started while I prepare for a meeting with my ambassadors. Clarke will need to be present at that meeting tonight. Can  you get it done by then?"

Raven's laughter filled the room, "It'll be done in like an hour. Two, tops." Lexa stood, "Perfect. Let's go to the marketplace then."

Raven stood in front of Clarke, who was looking at the floor and playing nervously with her hands, "Hey Commander of Death. Want a piggy back ride?" Clarke smiled and nodded, her uneasiness fading.

Lexa's brows furrowed and she asked, "Why would you ride on a pig's back? Raven, horses are much faster."

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