Amourshipping Short Stories

By MinunAmour

5K 171 228

This is just a bunch of Amourshipping short stories that I come up with. You can also feel free to suggest an... More

Welcome to Amour One Shorts
12 Roses
Ash vs Lysander: Battle for the World
Consumed by Darkness

I Can Fix That

1.2K 44 87
By MinunAmour


Serena's POV

"OMA ITS SERENA YVONNE THE FAMOUS ACTRESS!" A random fan yells out loud causing a crowed to quickly form around the famous 18 year old actress as I exited the shooting grounds where I had been shooting sences for my next movie.

"SERENA! WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?!" "SERENA I LOVE YOU!" Said various fans as camera's began to flash in my eyes causing me to stop in my tracks which was a bad mistake because now I was completely surronded by fans with no escape.

But I was soon saved by my well know boyfriend Calem who aggressively moved the fans out of the way, pushing them onto the ground as he created a path towards Serena's limonene, which I felt was a bit mean because I loved all of my fans but I didn't argue with his tactics.

Wegot into the million dollar vehicle and drove off.

"Thanks for the save babe." I said to her boyfriend, while giving him a small peck on the cheek but I didn't get a responce from Calem who I noticed seemed to be deep in thought.

"Calem? Are you ok? You have seem to have been a bit distant lately." I asked him with concern for my boyfriend willing mu voice.

"What... Ah, yeah I'm fine. I-it's nothing." Calem responded, sounding a bit on edge as he did so. Lately Calem has been acting very weird around me, he began to spend less time with me and began to show less and less love towards me everytime that they meet.

Though we had only been dating for 3 weeks now and it was too soon for me to decide if I actually loved him or if I just liked him. I wanted to be sure that I found the right person for me. The thought had crossed my mind though that he could just be using me for the fame. But Calem didn't seem like that type of guy... well at least not to me.

The limosine parked right outside my house, which was a big two story house with enough room in it to fit a minimum of 500 people.

I hoped out of the limo and began to walk towards my house ready to get some rest as I had a long day shooting scenes for my next movie and was now exhausted and just wanted to fall asleep.

Once I reached the front door I turn around and realised that Calem didn't follow me which made me a little sad. Instead he got into his car and drove off, not telling me where he was going or what he was doing which to me gives off a bad vibe.

'He has probably got some work to attend to.' I thought, wanting to stay positive but I couldn't ignore the fact that Calem has been leaving me a lot lately and didn't return until late at night.

But I didn't let his strange behaviour get to me as I believed that he was just busy and once he is done working they would spend more time together let how they first did.

I entered my home, locking the door behind me and carelessly kicking me red high heels off my feet, not caring where they ended up, and made my way to her kitchen where I planned to cook myself some dinner.

Though I was famous and very wealthy I still cooked for myself as it gave me something to do and to be honest, I actually enjoyed cooking, even as a child I would try and help my Mum in the kitchen in what ever way I can.

I made my way over to the kitchen sink to wash the lettuce for the salad which I had planed to have with some left over stake which I had originally planned to share with my boyfriend but he didn't come home until 2 O'clock in the morning.

"Hhmmm? Why is the sink full?" I says to myself out loud because no one else was in the house. I observed water overflowing the kitchen sink which was unusual so I went and took a closer look.

I noticed that the tap wasn't running but water was somehow leaking out, filling the sink causing it to over flow.

'Great! Just what I needed.' I think to myself while shaking my head a little at the situation. 'Now I am going to have to call someone to come and fix this because I don't know how to and Calem isn't here to help either.' I conclude while picking up my phone and dialled the local plumber.

"Hello this is Pikachu's Plumbers, how may I be of assistance?" The voice over the phone said causing me to giggle a little at the name but I quickly shrugged it off and told him what has happened.

"Don't worry. I will send one of my finest workers over immediately." He said. I thanked him before giving him the address then hang up.

"Great what am I going to do for the next 10 minuets while I wait?" I asked myself while looking around the house looking for something to keep me entertained. My eyes soon landed on the TV and I quickly decided that it has been a while since I have just sat back and relaxed.

I laid down on the couch, switched on the TV to some random movie that I didn't really pay much attention to as I closed my tired eyes and drifted asleep.

No One's POV  

*Knock Knock Knock*

The sound of someone knocking on the front door was enough to wake Serena from her slumber. She was a bit confused at first but quickly realised that it must be the person who has come to fix her sink.

Serena got up and answered the door. Once She opened it her eyes fell upon a tall male with dark raven hair, hazel brown eyes and z marks on his cheeks. He was wearing a blue and white jacket and darker blue jeans and had a red and white hat on his head.

Serena just stared at this person, marvelling at how muscular he seemed to be.

'Wow... he is so cute!' Serena began to think as she just stared at him in awe.

"Hello. I'm Ash. You called for a plumber?" He asked, giving her a friendly smile which made Serena's heart melt.

"Ye-yeah... pl-please come it." Serene shuttered while letting him inside of her house and closed the door behind him.

"How! Your house is so big!" Ash said while he moved his head around, observing the whole house with stars in his eyes which caused Serena to let out a small giggle.

"Th-thank you." Serena said while a tint of pink became visible on her cheeks.

'Why am I blushing! I never blush! Not even when Calem complements me!' Serena begins to think while a little confused at how just by complementing her house Ash was able to make her blush.

"So, what is broken?" Ash says, snapping Serena out of her thoughts still with a wide smile on his face which Serena couldn't help but stare at.

"Th-this way." Serena says, grabbing Ash's hand making her face go bright red at her actions. Serena could tell she was blushing heavily at her action as he lead Ash into the kitchen and showed him the sink.

"Ah, a leaking sink. Don't worry ma'am I can fix that." Ash said while placing his tool pox on the kitchen bench.

Serena watched as Ash pulled out tools that were unfamiliar to her but she did recognise the wrench. But there was something inside of her that didn't feel right to her. She knew his name but he didn't know hers.

"Please, call me Serena." Serena said just before Ash was about to begin working causing Ash turned around and gave Serena a confused look.

"Uummm. Ok Serena." Ask said giving her his toothy grin which made Serena's heart beat faster while she felt her cheeks begin to heat up even more.

Ash began to work his magic. He told Serena that he will be done in about 5-10 minuets. So she decided to text her best friend Dawn while she waited for Ash to finish.

Serena: Hey Dawn!

Dawn: Hey bestie!

Dawn: What you doing?

Serena: Noting much...

Serena: Though my sink had a leak and now this really cute guy is here fixing it for me.

Dawn: Oooooo. On a scale of 1 to 10 how cute?😏

Serena: 10 definitely!😍

Serena felt her cheek begin to heat up again as she sent that message to Dawn, looking up at the working Ash as he used his wrench on the leaking pipes.

Dawn: Could you snap a photo for me?

Serena: Uummm... sure one sec.

Serena lifted up her phone and as soon as Ash sat up to retrieve a different tool she quickly snapped a photo using her phone. Serena then sent the photo to Dawn knowing that she is probably going to go crazy.


Dawn: Maybe I need to break my sink so that cute guys can come to my house.😏

Serena: Don't you already have Paul?😑

Dawn: Yeah so! Don't you already have Calem.😝

Serena: Yeah... but he has been leaving me a lot lately and I am starting to think that he doesn't love me anymore.😔

Dawn: Don't worry Serena. I'm sure he is just busy at work.

Serena: I hope so.😊

Dawn: Anyway got to run me and Paul have a date tonight. Later Bestie!

Serena turned off her phone and looked back up at Ash who was working hard and could help but smile as she stared at him. He made her feel something that no one, not even Calem, made her feel in her life. She felt happy around him, her stomach felt like it had butterflies in it and her heart would melt just by him smiling.

"Alright Serena. Your sink is fixed." Ash says, breaking her out of her thoughts. Serena eyes meet his chocolate brown ones and she immediately began to stare into them, not wanting to look at anything else.

"Th-thank you Ash." Serena responded, getting up off the couch where she was texting and went to examine his work. 

Much to Serena's surprise her sink was not only fixed but it was also cleaner than what it use to be. 'Did Ash clean it as well?' Serena asked herself while she ran her hand across he good as knew, clean sink.

"I also cleaned it for you at no extra cost." Ash said while giving her a toothy grin.

"Wow... Thanks Ash. That's really kind of you." Serena said in response while she felt her body become numb at his smile.

"Also here." Ash says while hanging Serena his business card. "Call me if you need me to fix anything else." He adds while maintaining his smile. Serena's hands were shaking as she reached out and grabbed the card from him.

Normally it would be guys asking her for his number and she would be very interested. But this time is was her that wanted his number and when he gave it to her she could feel her heart going into overdrive.

"Th-thank you Ash. And don't worry, after seeing your work I wouldn't want to call anyone else." Serena responds, giving him a wink and her brightest smile before reaching into her purse to pay for the fix but Ash suddenly stoped her.

"This one is on the house." Ash says, leaving Serena in complete shock at what he just said.

"B-but... you worked so hard, I need to give you something." Serena protest while using her shaking hands to pull out some cash to pay.

"You already did." Ash says while giving her a wide smile.

"W-what do you mean?" Serena asks in confusion as she began to think what she had possible have give him already?

"You treated me like an actual person, and not just someone here to fix things. Most of the people who call me don't even talk to me, they just point me to whatever is broken and I fix it. But you... you talked to me, you let me use your name. And for that I am happy to call you my friend." Ash explained leaving Serena completely dumbfounded at what he just said.

"So thank you." Ash finishes before making his way to the door.

"Ash wait!" Serena calls out to him, stoping him before he could open the door.

"I would love to be your friend" Serena says, though for whatever reason the word friend didn't satisfy her enough inside.

Ash just gives her a bright smile a lefts himself out.

Serena was able to cook herself her dinner and after she went to sleep with nothing but Ash on her mind.

The Next Day

Serena had just completed another long day of work, though something was troubling her this morning she woke up alone... Calem wasn't there and there was no trace of him even entering the house. She hadn't seen him all day and was staring to worry as to where he is.

Serena was currently in her limo, riding home. She opened her phone case, which was one of those full cover ones, and as she did Ash's business card fell onto her lap. Serena just stared at the card for a bit, remembering everything that happened last night.

She wanted to see him again, she wanted to feel those emotions and feelings that she felt when she was with him.

'But how? How could I get him to come over?' Serena begins to think before an idea sparks in her head.

Once Serena got home she immediately rushed inside and looked all over her house for something to break... something that Ash is able to fix.

The plan was to break something and call Ash over to come fix it for her. But she didn't could find anything that she could break easily that Ash also would be able to fix.

According to his card he is a plumber, electrician and an all-around repair man.

Serena went into her room to think of what to break while looking at his card to try and find something that fits into his area of expertise. While she was thinking she suddenly had the eagre to go to the toilet.

'Wait! The toilet! That's it! I'll break the toilet in my room.' Serena thinks, having one of those light bulb moments.

While she did her business she used her phone and google 'The best ways to clog your toilet.' And to most people she would be considered weird but she didn't care. After she was done she quickly began work on clogging her own toilet, and after sever failed attempts she finally managed to clog it.

'YES!' Serena celebrated in her head while pulling out her phone to call Ash.

"Hello?" Ash's said through the phone, his voice was like music to her ears.

"Uummm... Hello Ash, it's Serena." She responded with a happy tone.

"Oh hey Serena, what's up?" He asked causing Serena to become a bit nervous as she asked herself if what she was doing was considered 'wrong'?

"Oh, umm... my toilet is clogged. And I thought, who better to call than you!" Serena says joyfully while sitting herself down on her bed to make herself comfortable.

"Sure, I will be right over." He responded before hanging up. Serena looked down at her phone to make sure that the call had indeed ended before she began to throw her body around in excitement like a little girl.

Serena waited patiently for Ash to arrive and when he did she bolted towards the front door to open it for him. The two exchanged greetings and Serena showed Ash to her bedroom which Ash said suited her personality and of course said it was way bigger than his. Serena of course giggled at this before showing him her bedroom bathroom where her toilet was clogged.

Ash observed the condition the toilet was in then saying. "I can fix that." While he pulled out his handy tool box and began work.

Serena watched him with sparkles in her eyes for a while before another idea popped into her head. She headed down stairs a brought Ash a glass of water to keep him hydrated then headed back down stairs and began to cook a dinner for two.

"Serena? Your toilet is fixed." Ash yelled while making his way down stairs and found Serena setting a table. Ash noticed that she had set down two place mats and had two sets of cutlery on them.

"You having someone over?" Ash asked curiously will taking a sip of the glass of water Serena gave him.

"I hope so. I haven't exactly asked him yet." Serena said while giving him a wink hoping that he would catch her drift.

"Cool... well it was good to see you again. I will let myself out, call me if anything needs to be fixed." Ash says before he began to walk towards the exit but didn't get far before Serena stoped him by grabbing a hold of his wrist.

"Ash... uummm... could you stay for dinner?" Serena asks nervously which created a confused look appear and Ash's face.

"But I thought you were having someone over?" Ash responded. It become apparent that he wasn't picking up what she was putting down.

"Ash... I want to have you over silly." She said in a joyfully tone hoping that now everything will be clear for him but he still looked troubled.

'Maybe he has somewhere better to be, maybe he already has a special someone that he needs to get home to.' Serena began to think, realising that she hadn't taken him into consideration.

"That is... if your not busy or anything." Serena adds as Ash's confused look turn into a small grin.

"Sure... I would be honoured." He said causing a rush of happiness to fill Serena's body at his answer.

The two of them ate dinner together, for Serena it was one of the happiest days of her life. She learnt so much about Ash. She found out that he was indeed single and had done this business for over 3 years now and much to her surprise was actually once an actor himself before people told him he was bad at it and that's what caused him to move to the repair business.

After they both finished their meal, Serena insisted that they watched a movie. She picked of course a love story which didn't bother Ash at all which surprised her, every boy she knew even Calem would complain or at least moan in disappointment when girls pick a love story but Ash... didn't.

The two watched the movie peacefully, Serena of course was enjoying herself very much. And she began to enjoy it even more when she rested her head on Ash's shoulder which he did reject, instead he rapped his arms around her, bringing her closer to him which made Serena melt right into him at the feeling of his touch. As they watched the movie Serena could tell that she was falling for Ash. She loved being around him, she loved his company, she loved his complements and she loved him.


It has been over 2 weeks since Ash fixed Serena's toilet, and ever since then Calem has only shown up at her house twice. Serena continued to break thing so that Ash could come over, but she was smart enough to not do them right after each other to prevent it looking suspicious.

Ash and Serena grew closer and closer with every repair. And every time Ash came over to fix something he would always say those four words that Serena had grown a liking to.

"I Can Fix That." It had became a common phrase for Serena and to Ash it was like his catch phrase, no matter where he went regardless if it was to fix something at Serena's place or someone else. He would always say those four words.


Serena's POV

Today was a normal day for Serena. She had finished shooting the last of the scenes for the movie and was on her way home. She had called Ash in advance and told him that she was having some trouble with the lights in her house. Ash of course agreed to help and said he would be over soon.

As soon as Serena entered her house she Calem sitting on her couch waiting for her.

'Damit! Why did he have to be here today?' She asked herself but a part of her was glad that he was here, she thought that maybe he was going to spend some quality time with her.

"Serena... I need to tell you something." Calem said, getting up off the couch and walked over to Serena who was still in the walkway. Calem placed both his hands on Serena's shoulders. His touch didn't have the same effect as Ash's did.

"Serena... I'm sorry but... I-I don't think it is going to work between us." Calem says, I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces at his words. I was angry at him but I was too devastated to let my anger out. Tear began to build up in my eyes as my shattered heart beated for what felt like the last time.

"I'm sorry Serena, but I found someone else." Was his finally words as he let go of me, letting me fall to my knees as he walked out the door leaving me broken on the floor of my own home as with tears now rushing down my face.

I continues to cry until I heard a knock on the door, at first I thought it might have been Calem! Here to say that he didn't mean anything that he said and that he still loved me, but it wasn't. It was Ash, standing with his tool box in hand and his bright smile, but not even his smile can heal what has been broken this time.

"Hey Serena I- Oh my god! Serena what happened?" Ash asks out of concern as he drops his tool box onto the ground and place his hands on her shoulder, just like how Calem did, but his touch was warm, I felt safe... but I was too shattered and devastated to do anything but cry into his shoulder as he hugged me for comfort.

"Serena... what's wrong?" He asked in a soothing voice.

"C-C-Calem... l-left me!" I manage to say before burst into another set of heartbroken tears.

"Serena. What's broken?" He asked, I was a bit confused at what he meant when he asked that, but I knew what was broken and I doubted that it could ever be fixed.

"M-my heart... my hear is broken." I say trying to fight back the tears. Suddenly I felt Ash's hand under my chin, lifting my head up so that our eyes meet.

"I can fix that." Ash said while staring into my eyes and I did the same while he gave me a small smile before he placed his lips softly against mine.

A spark of electricity jolted through my body as I began to melt into the kiss. I was awestruck at his actions, the kiss... it welt like nothing I had ever felt before. I could feel true love and care in his kiss as I felt my heart beat once again.

Once I felt my heart beat I didn't waste a second to kiss back. Our lips moved in sync with each others, I never wanted this moment to end. Ash had fixed just about everything in my house but this time he fixed me.


Wollar! My first one short! I hope you guys enjoyed!
Also if you want to suggest a theme, song or even an idea that you want me to write for you make sure you comment it or message me and I will try and write it for you. 😊

Word count: 4065

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