The Light of Dusk

Da Averyiator

848 50 69

You know him. Everybody does. He's a monster- a cat part lynx. He's a rogue- all his family has denounced him... Altro

Chapter One - Monster
Chapter Two - Star Lands
Chapter Three - Hwlyn
Chapter Four - Coward
Chapter Five - Lesson
Chapter Six - Prey
Chapter Seven - Mal
Chapter Eight - Voices
Chapter Ten - Pack
Chapter Eleven - Featherpelt
Chapter Twelve - Amber

Chapter Nine - Mist

41 2 6
Da Averyiator

Dusk ran, and ran, and ran. He didn't stop. He just ran until he fainted from exhaustion. He would have been content, to just lay there in the snow and freeze to death. But no, some jerk had to rescue him. Of course.

* * * * *

When Dusk finally awoke, a beautiful brown and white spotted tabby stood over him. Her eyes were a light blue. His automatic reaction was to kill her, but he just closed his eyes and put his head back down, as if her appearance did not faze him.

"Um, hello," the she-cat said politely, sounding nervous. "I'm Mist. I found you collapsed in the snow..? So I brought you here to my den." After a huff, Dusk sat up and looked around, banging his head on the top of the hollow log because he was too big. He awkwardly shuffled backward, Mist following him.

"Why aren't you scared?" Dusk asked, sounding annoyed. Mist took a step backward, fear finally in her pretty eyes. "Who's to say I'm not?" She challenged. Dusk chuckled a little despite himself. He liked her.

"I'm Dusk," he said, watching her with his sparkling green eyes. He had never realized it, but he was quite handsome. It had just never occurred to him before. Pride gave him more confidence and he showed her a polite smile.

"You can leave, if you want," Mist said quickly. Dusk was amazed at how calm she seemed. It just didn't fit with the cat who ran away from him. He knew Mist and that other she-cat were not the same, and that it might just be their personalities, but.. Whatever. He wouldn't think of that now.

"Actually, I think I'll stay awhile," Dusk decided, sitting down with a bigger smile. Being with Mist would be much better than going back home to an enraged Mal. He might stay a day or two. Or three. Or four. Or forever.

* * * * *

"Why aren't there any other cats around? I mean, I know the prey isn't exactly plentiful here, but shouldn't there be cats passing through?" Mist asked a day after she and Dusk had met. It was the question Dusk had been dreading, but he could only tell the truth.

"The lynxes... Killed most if not all the cats around here except for you and me," there was no use for evading the question. Mist gasped, and finally real fear was in her gaze. Good. She needed a dose of fear.

"It's okay, though. They won't bother you with me around," Dusk reassured her. Mist did not look reassured, but she didn't disagree either.

* * * * *

Miraculously, Dusk got to know Mist. He knew her favorite hunting spots and all about her family. Apparently, she had left her family so that she could find a mate and kits. Dusk's love for her grew and one day they decided to go explore down the valley, where from a high point up you could see more trees growing close together. Dusk had heard it was called a 'forest,' and that it was very pretty in the fall and spring. So they went. It soon became hard for Dusk to maneuver around with his large frame, tripping over unseen brambles and roots. Dusk decided to name it 'Traitor Forest,' because walking through it was traitorous.

Eventually they came upon a circle of rocks, with charred wood piled up in the center. "What's that?" He asked, prodding a rock. "I think it's a fireplace," Mist meowed. "Humans make a fire here and use it to get warm." 

"They're idiots," Dusk huffed, curiosity melting away. He kept walking, reaching a very tall oak tree. "What's that?" He nosed a furry green substance on the tree. "Moss," Mist replied.

Making a mental note to call it 'Mossy Oak,' he kept going, reaching a gathering of little plants of red and beige. "What are these?" The tom asked, hooking one up in his claw and sniffing it. "Mushrooms. Sometimes they're poisonous, so don't eat it." Dusk called it 'Mushroom Place' and moved on to a place where the ground was muddy and stuck to his paws. Even more uncomfortable in this new development, he asked, "What kind of place is this?" To which Mist replied, "A swamp, I think."

He came to an edge, and when he looked down, a dark green river swirled below him. Near him were some creatures making strange croaking noises. Remembering what Mist had said about swamps, he questioned, "Frogs?" Mist nodded and he called it 'Frog Ledge.'

Dusk proceeded to ask questions and now had more landmarks named: Turtle Rock and Star River. Turtle Rock was named that for two reasons: One, a turtle had been laying on it. Two, for his sister. Was it just his imagination, or had her scent lingered on that rock..?

As for Star River, Dusk wasn't sure why, exactly. When he had looked into the water, he thought he had seen stars. He had been careful not to go in it, however. Not because it was dangerous, but.. Again, he wasn't sure.

There had been a strange little collapsed stone tower in the center of the swamp. It looked like it had depicted a face that may have been feline, but it was too disfigured to tell. Either way, Dusk called it the 'Temple of Stars', for the Star River. He also decided to call the whole place the 'Murky Swamp.'

They couldn't explore any more, as it was too dark, so they headed back to their den. Dusk had never discussed with Mist when or if he would leave; it was like they had known each other forever.

"Dusk, you should make a Pack," Mist said another day. "A Pack?" Dusk asked blankly. "Yeah, a Pack. You know, like a Clan or Tribe?" Mist said, looking at him as if he were stupid for not knowing the meaning of the word.

"What's a Clan and what's a Tribe?" Dusk said, sitting down. "Well, Clans, Packs and Tribes are all different groups of animals. A Clan is for cats who believe in peace and harmony, pretty much goody-goodys with weird names like Grayheart. Tribes are for cats who are super religious and they have crazy names like Waterfall Where Splashes Are Heard. Packs are the best kind. They have normal names like us, and are the strongest. They are feared for being violent and ruthless from Clans and Tribes, but it's all just superstition. See, Clans can be just as religious as Tribes. And Packs don't take any of that. They tell them what's what and move on with it." Mist looked as if she might burst with pride.

"Maybe I will make a Pack," Dusk said, hoping to please her. "You'll have to tell me more about them, though."

"Of course," Mist purred. "Well, the leaders are called Alphas.."

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