Sword of The Lanterns

By Lizardgurl

137K 5.4K 1.2K

Jaina is an human alien. No one, not even the Guardians of the Universe, know where she is from. And she can'... More

Chapter One- Chosen
Chapter Two- Oa
Chapter Three- Training
Chapter Four- Killawog
Chapter Five- Sword
Chapter Six- Meeting the Team
Chapter Seven- Touring the Clubhouse
Chapter Eight- Violet Blade
Chapter Nine- What's a "Mall"?
Chapter Ten- Crazy
Chapter Eleven- Training
Chapter Twelve- The Force
Chapter Thirteen- First Mission
Chapter Fourteen- Tamba
Chapter Fifteen- Silver
Chapter Sixteen- Family and Friends
Chapter Seventeen- School
Chapter Eighteen- Handstands
Chapter Nineteen- Cocky
Chapter Twenty- A Disturbance In The Force
Chapter Twenty-One- Brothers
Chapter Twenty-Two- Shadows
Chapter Twenty-Three- Innovation
Chapter Twenty-Four- B-88
Chapter Twenty-Five- Date Night
Chapter Twenty-Six- Life Day
Chapter Twenty-Seven- Star Sapphire
Chapter Twenty-Eight- Mines
Chapter Twenty-Nine- Sinestro
Chapter Thirty- Finding
Chapter Thirty-One- Holidays
Chapter Thirty-Two- Snow
Chapter Thirty-Three- Let Those Who Worship Evil's Might...
Chapter Thirty-Four- ...Beware My Power...
Chapter Thirty-Five- ...Green Lantern's Light!
Chapter Thirty-Six- What Comes Next?
Chapter Thirty-Eight- Decisions
Chapter Thirty-Nine- Goodbye...For Now
Dedication + Fanart

Chapter Thirty-Seven- Found.

1.9K 93 23
By Lizardgurl

"Long-range scanners are detecting several objects hurtling towards Earth at sub-light speed." Batman informed the team. 

"The Green Lanterns have it under control for now, but you'll be there to provide backup, as Superman is still in recovery."

When Sinestro had attacked the Watchtower, he'd basically used the unconscious Man of Steel as a battering ram. Since then, he had woken up, but his powers were very weak. Currently, he was recovering in the rays of Earth's yellow sun in his Fortress of Solitude, nowhere near ready to head out into space, much to the team's pleasure.

"Acknowledged, Batman. We will assist them however we can." Aqualad nodded, terminating the communication.

"We're going into space, we're going into space!" Wally squealed.

Bee made a noise that sounded like a burp.

"You've been in space, Kid." Jaina snorted in agreement with her droid.

"Well yeah," Wally scrambled for some thought to explain his childlike joy. "But this time I'm expecting it. I'm in a spaceship, not the Watchtower, and I'm not being kidnapped by some wackos, so I can actually enjoy it."

"Mm-hmm," Robin said, his smiled concealed behind his entwined fingers.

"Come on, guys, just let him enjoy it."  Artemis wrapped her arms around her boyfriend and kissed the top of his head. Raquel, Robin, and Zatanna pretended to gag.

"Girl Lantern, is your team in position?" Hal asked.

"We're ready and waiting." Jaina told him.

"Good, because they're about to-"

Guy was interrupted with four huge spaceships appearing out of nowhere, right in front of the three senior Green Lanterns. One was a sleek, silvery pleasure vessel, for gallivanting around the universe on a vacation. Another was a slightly smaller, but much older, ship whose cargo bay was designed to hold more than the pleasure ship. Another was as sleek as the first ship, but much more heavily armored. Jaina spotted four pairs of laser cannons hidden on the ship before she could blink. The last ship was the biggest. It was as armored as the third ship, and looked like it wanted to be a circle, but the top half was blunt-nosed, with the cockpit awkwardly sticking out of the side.

"That's a really awkward design for a ship," She muttered to herself.

"How can you tell?" Superboy asked. like the others, he stared in amazement at the technological wonders spread out before him. Jaina, however, was unimpressed. 

"Girl Lantern, I want you out here by me," Hal said, keeping Jaina from giving an answer she really wasn't certain of.

"Acknowledged. Miss Martian?" M'gann nodded towards the airlock, and Jaina didn't hesitate to jump from the safety of the ship and out into space. Of course, her rings shielded her immediately, and she hurried over to Hal. Now that she was out of the bioship, something drew Jaina towards the four ships, the largest one particularly. And it wasn't the flight of her ring.

John and Guy were arguing over who got to introduce their little group, and John won due to his seniority.

"Attention, We are the Green Lanterns of Earth. You are now entering Earth Space. Please identify yourselves." John connected their rings and the team's comms with on a channel, tuning the ring to pick up communications from the ships.

"Woah, woah, woah, hey! We don't want any trouble!" A male voice protested. "The name's Lando Calrissian, Baron Administrator of Cloud City and the GemDiver Station on Yavin IV. I'm sure you've heard about them." The cocky tone paused, waiting for their affirmative reply.

"What the pooze is a Gem-diver?" Guy asked.

"I've never heard of Cloud City..." John shook his head, looking at Hal.

Wally spoke up from the bioship. "Wasn't it like that floating thingy from that one movie- OW!" There was the telltale exclamation that Artemis had slapped him to get him to shut up.

Calrissian chuckled nervously, thrown off his high horse, and Jaina heard a whispering in the back of her head.

"I guess you're pretty out of touch. Don't worry, I'd be happy to show you the wonders of my entrepreneurship after we've finished what we came for."

 "Anakin?" She asked.

She saw Anakin, not in her mind, just standing right behind her shoulder.

"Listen to your ring." He whispered. 

Jaina closed her eyes, and tried to listen. She could feel her ring vibrating, just the tiniest bit. Something was off.

"Listen to the force."

"And what are you here for?" John continued to question Calrissian.

He didn't answer right away.

"What is it?" Jaina whispered to her ring. She briefly thought of her sword, and how she hadn't gotten it replaced quite yet. Was the ring feeling too empty?

Instead, the ring pulled up a small, green, glowing screen, similar to the one that Robin's computer showed whenever he hacked the motion sensors.

Jaina's eyes went wide, and her ring connected a small headphone to her ear.

Robin noticed it too. "One moment guys, I'm picking up something-"

"Already got it, Rob. They're talking to each other, but their communications are heavily encrypted. My ring can't decrypt them and keep me alive in space at the same time. Can you-"

"Already on it, Jay!" He interrupted her in the same fashion.

"I can promise you, Mr. Green Lantern, my friends and I want no trouble. We're simply looking for a friend of ours that disappeared a few months ago. A few of my contacts said she may be in this area." Calrissian continued

Jaina felt like someone- something, actually, something she couldn't quite see- was watching her. Watching her very closely. And then, suddenly, she felt as if she was being poked and prodded by a thousand fingers, all over her body.

"Ow!" She yelped quietly.

"Are you alright?" Kaldur asked.

"'M fine..." Jaina nodded to herself.

"Who is this...friend of yours, Mr. Calrissian?" John continued while Hal and Guy kept a close eye on Jaina.

"Her name is-"


Another voice broke through Mr. Calrissian's transmission, one Jaina knew very well.


To me, this seems so much shorter than usual. Sorry about that. I really don't know how long it'll take me to get the next chapter up, with AP classes and crap, but if you guys want  a preview of the second book I can post the pre-written prologue if you really want.....

Also there's about 100 more votes to go until we have 1K votes on this thing, and it would really mean a lot if this story got a thousand votes. If you haven't voted before, please go ahead and vote, or make sure you voted on every chapter! You don't have to, but it would be super-amazing if this story got a thousand votes in addition to the twelve thousand PLUS reads it already has.

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