You're Welcome // Klance

By g_shimmy

53.2K 3K 2K

Lance and Keith are mortal enemies, and their constant snide remarks and bickering are beginning to annoy the... More

XI - Short Ending
exsqueeze me


4.9K 310 236
By g_shimmy

"Go to jail, dweeb!"

Hunk groaned. "This is the third time. I DON'T DESERVE THIS!"

Lance was winning. Hunk had just gone to jail for the third time, and Pidge was using her money strategically, only buying properties that would bring in the most revenue.

But Lance, having bought every property he landed on, was slowly growing his fortune, and slowly depleting theirs.

"Y'know, I think it's kind of funny." Keith interjected.

"What's funny?" Hunk asked.

"That we're on an alien ship and they have monopoly, a game made on Earth."

"Maybe it's just that famous." Lance suggested.

"Or maybe it's a totally different game we just took to be monopoly." Pidge offered.

"Doubtful." Keith said, with a bored look on his face.

The three returned to their game.

Hunk paid 50 dollars to get out of jail, and continued on his path. Unfortunately, he landed himself right on Lance's property. Not only that, but one of the two on the board with a hotel.

"Hah! Okay Hunk, that'll be. . ." Lance checked the card. "Woah 876 dollars!"

"I don't even have that much!" Hunk cried.

"Mortgage some properties!"

Unfortunately, Hunk spent most of this game in jail, or getting unlucky chance cards, so he only had a couple properties.

"Okay after mortgaging all my properties that brings me to about 400 dollars."

"Alrighty, give me all you've got, and you're out." Lance said triumphantly.

Hunk sighed and handed over the rest of his money.

"Pidge, kick his butt for me." Hunk muttered.

Keith chuckled quietly, and Lance glared at him.

"Butt out mullet head."

"Is that the only insult you have?" Keith asked, still chuckling.

"Well. . . it's just the best one!"

"That's pretty weak, dude."

"Shut up!" Lance replied, avoiding Keith's gaze. He looked embarrassed.

Lance cleared his throat and turned back to the game. They were there for quite a while. Kieth and Hunk had gone to bed by the time Pidge slowly procured all of Lance's money.

"I was beating you so bad! How could you possibly have won?"

"You just gotta plan." she replied, smirking. "All it takes is strategy."

After cleaning the game up, they both went to their rooms.


Lance was exhausted, and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

He woke up at three am to the sound of a door opening and closing.

Lance got up and peeked out the door to his room.

He saw Kieth, creeping down the hallway in his socks.

Lance furrowed his brow, and followed him quietly.

Keith headed to the elevator. Lance decided to take the stairs. He didnt want to lose track of Keith, but he couldn't just get in with him. That defeats the purpose of stalking.

He watched the elevator lights and saw that he was going down.

He ran down the stairs as fast as he could without tripping.

He stopped two floors down when he heard Kieth padding down the hallway.

"Where is he going?" Lance murmured, following quietly.

Kieth stopped at one door. The door to the training deck. He opened the door as quietly as he could, and stepped into the room, closing the door behind him.

Lance's curiosity only grew. What is that guy doing? He thought.

Lance cracked the door open and peeked in. Keith was standing in the middle of the room, his back to Lance. He seemed like he was about to start a fight with a gladiator.

"Secret training, huh?" Lance muttered. He kept quiet, not wanting to alert Keith of his presence. Yet.

Two gladiators were dropped from the ceiling, and started jumping towards Keith.

Keith avoided the swing of its staff, and kicked it back.

Lance cringed. That gladiator was made of metal, surely it hurt his foot to kick.

He threw a punch, but the gladiator dodged it. Keith was about to punch again, but he got knocked off his feet by the other gladiator.

"Damn, forgot about that one." he muttered just loud enough for lance to hear.

He got to his feet, and pulled out his knife. He sliced towards the first gladiator, then brought his fist around to the other. The knife missed, but the punch landed on the gladiator's chest.

It didn't seen to faze it much, and it kept swinging at Keith.

It landed a blow on Keith's face, and his nose started to bleed.

He wiped the blood away and kept fighting. Before long, the gladiators had nearly beat him tender. Sure Kieth was good at fighting, but these were two gladiators obviously set on a higher level than normal. Kieth probably thought he was weak or something.

Lance scoffed. Kieth was probably like, the third strongest fighter. After Shiro and himself of course.

But it looked like Kieth wasn't doing too well, so Lance decided he should probably step in and help.

Just as Kieth got knocked to the floor again, Lance jumped in and kept a gladiator from hitting him.

"Kieth! Get up!"

"Lance? What are you doing here? I don't need any help, I've got this!"

Lance rolled his eyes.

"End training sequence." he called. The gladiators turned off and fell through the floor. Lance turned back to look at Keith.

"Keith, you obviously don't, I just watched you get your butt handed to you. What level are these things set on? God tier?"

"I don't know. I tried to set it to the highest, but I dunno if that actually was the highest."

"You're an idiot."

"I'm smarter than you, dummy."

"Hey! I just saved your life!"

"Did not!" Keith argued. "I had it! I could've easily beat them."

Lance gave him an annoyed look, and Kieth furrowed his brow.

"You should go back to sleep. It's like 4am."

Kieth gave Lance a curt nod, not meeting his eyes.

The two of them walked back to the elevator.

"Thanks." Kieth muttered. "You're right, I probably would've gotten hurt."

"Oh, what was that? Can you say that again?" Lance asked cheerfully."

"Thank you." Keith said, looking at Lance this time. "I probably would've gotten hurt, like you said."

Kieth huffed, crossed his arms, and was silent the rest of the elevator ride.

When the doors slid open, the two of them walked down the hall towards their rooms.

"Good night, Keith." Lance said gently.

Kieth glanced at him. "You too."

They turned and walked to their rooms without another word.

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