A New Threat (The K-Series Se...

By UnhealthyObsession69

4.3K 75 41

Weeks have past since Serena began her transformation, her cocoon is smaller and she's more dangerous than ev... More

Waking up
Pissing off the Red Queen
What Happened?
I'm sorry(Not a chapter)
Update.... maybe soon
Far from Over (I'm Back)
What are you?
I'll be back!! (Going out of Town)
The fall of the Predators
You don't control me!!
It's not easy being OverQueen
The imprisoned Queen...
Another ally
Help me!! (Not a chapter)
A different kind of Queen
I'll kill them
Aren't you interesting...
First move
Second Move

Predators become the Prey

199 1 7
By UnhealthyObsession69

Hey everyone I am back, we ended up staying down there for a while longer. We just got back two days ago,It was a lot more fun then I thought it would be, I actually enjoyed it. I ended up seeing an old friend of mine, haven't seen him it 12 years. I actually didn't recognize him at first, it took a lot of refreshing from him to even start to remember him. But yeah, we exchanged numbers and promised to stay in contact. I was pleasantly surprised with the fact that I enjoyed myself there, anyway back to the story.

Serena's P.o.v

Serena didn't know what to make of these new additions to her hive, they were huge, she could see the strength they radiated around themselves. It was almost intoxicating, she felt a deep blood-lust just being around them, as if being around them could force her into a murderess frenzy. She immediately backs up, wary to get close to them, "You five, wait here for me, I'm going to go get three drones and were going to go on a little 'expedition'."

A smirk spreads on her face as exits the room, knowing fully well that she could summon the drones with her mind, but she had someone she wanted to talk to. Walking to the exit of the ship she immediately runs into the Arbiter, though her shock is apparent because she was somehow oblivious to his approach. "Arbiter I was just looking for you, I wanted to let you know that the Zealots you offered, have already 'fulfilled' their purpose."

A growl emits from the giant's throat, "Do not mock me Serena, subjecting my brethren to your kind was a difficult choice. If you even dare to ask again, I will tear you and your kind apart and leave this planet without any regrets."

Serena's eye twitches as she looks at the Arbiter, feeling a slight amount of fear because even through her forces were growing, she knew his threat was very possible if he decided to betray her. Not that she would let him know this, "I just wanted to let you know, they are very powerful creatures. In fact, we will be going on an expedition today, I was wondering if you want to join us."

The Arbiter's small eyes squint, "Why would you want me to travel with you?"

"Because, today we're going to destroy the Predator base, and get rid of one of the many enemies on this planet."

Upon hearing her plan the Arbiter's eyes widen, "You plan on taking on the Yautja, with only the small amount of creatures you have?"

"Yes, eight of mine are coming, and you are going to be bringing half of your army."

"That's nearly a hundred of my men, are you sure that's going to be enough."

Smirking she nods her head, "I am very sure, I have a plan if they are exactly where I think they are. We leaving in twenty, make sure your men are ready."

Showing her sharp teeth she turns around and stalks back into the bowels of her ship. While the Arbiter sighs and turns around, heading out to prepare his men for the coming battle.  Serena on the other hand simply reached out with her mind and summoned them to her. It took them a few minutes for them to get to her, but she was pleasantly surprised with them. The five creatures, who after a few minutes of thinking she calls Destroyers, came running towards her, with the three, now evolved drones, that are now warriors crawling across the ceiling towards her. "Come my daughters, we have Yaujta to finish off." 

Growling in agreement, the eight Xenomorphs charge after their Empress. Upon exiting the ship, Serena smiles at the small army gathered at the exit, walking up to the front of the army, Serena places her hand on the Arbiter's shoulder, who's body tenses at the contact. "Well done Arbiter, I hope you're ready for a fight, there are bound to be a few dozen Predators on the planet."

"My brethren are ready, are your... creatures?"

"Don't worry about us Arbiter, we will be fine."

Sighing the Arbiter signals for his men to march, "We go to the heart of the Yuatja, we will wipe them from the planet."

Smiling a sinister grin Serena screeches, "LET'S GO, IT'S TIME FOR THE PREDATORS TO BECOME THE PREY!!"

Sorry for the long wait everyone, I am trying to upload chapter's whenever I have the time. Testing is happening at school now, so when my brain is not fried and draining out my ears, I will definitely try to update.

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