The Wannabe

By iSneakZ

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Jordan is loving her life. It's time for her senior year and she just wants to relax and enjoy it. She gets a... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter One

613 13 6
By iSneakZ

Chapter One

            I stepped out of my 2006 baby blue Volkswagen. I got my basketball from the floor of the passenger side. The sun was slowly starting to brighten up the sky. I looked at my watch: 5:30 a.m. I inhaled, letting my lungs fill up with the early morning air. I walked to the concrete court that was set off to the side of the park. I loved playing basketball early in the morning. I began to relax seeing there was no one here, until I heard the familiar sound of a ball bouncing rhythmically. No one came here at this time; I was always the only one. It was less than a week before school and now someone decided to come and steal my secret oasis? I sighed continuing walking, feeling slightly annoyed.

            Eventually, I saw the shape of a boy. He had to be the new kid that everyone was talking about. There was nonstop talk about how adorable he was, but he would probably end up being another popular jerk. I dribbled my ball to the other end of the court ignoring him. Him, having heard the sound of another ball, turned around. We locked eyes before he gave me a nod of acknowledgement.  I nodded back while getting my mp3 player from my pocket. I put on my headphones, checked my shoe laces, and started stretching. Feeling loose, I started my favorite playlist and began practicing.

            My body did exactly what it was suppose to do. The ball moved easily from hand to hand and between my legs, back and forth. I dribbled in going for the lay-up. I faked right and went left. I faked left and went right. I shot three pointers and two pointers repeatedly, knocked down free throws, and took a water break between each new drill. Finally finished, I sat down on the ground and stretched again like I did every time I finished. Done stretching, I stood up to put my mp3 player back into my pocket. I looked down at myself. I was soaking wet, drenched. I took off my tank top and just wore the sports bra I had on. While trying to wipe off some of the sweat, I remembered the boy who was there. I looked down the other end of the court and saw him sitting on his basketball. He was watching me. How long though? I looked over at him and he smirked. I gave a little wave and began to walk away. I was almost to my car when I finally heard his voice calling out to me. It sounded so beautiful to my ears.

            “Hey, you’re pretty good,” He yelled out making my heart pound.

            “Thanks.” I called out.

            He waved while I got in my car. I looked at my watch: 8:30a.m. While putting on my seatbelt, I checked my cell phone. I had text messages from both Sophie and Randi setting a time for our video chat. We had promised not to open the letter that told us our senior year schedules by ourselves. I felt kind of giddy whenever I said it: my senior year.

            I drove away from the park and arrived at the only house in the neighborhood with big gates that had a giant S on the front. I pressed the code box entering the seven digit password. I parked my car in the 6-door garage and unlocked the front door of the two story mansion. As I entered into the grand living room, I saw Wanda, a college student who helps part time around the house. She’s studying to get her business degree because she wants to start her own boutique. Things she designs are amazing. Why couldn’t I create anything like her? Sometimes I felt a little envious of her talent.

            “Jordan?” She asked without turning around.

            “Yeah it’s me Wanda.”

She turned to smile, “How was your workout?”

            “The usual . . . besides that I saw a glimpse of the new boy everyone is talking about.”

Now I had caught her attention. “I bet he was cute!”

I shrugged, “He’ll probably turn out to be a jerk like all of the others.”

            “You’ll never know unless you actually speak to him. How come you didn’t talk to him at the court?”

            “Wanda I was just going there to play basketball.  Not to find a boyfriend.” I said a little annoyed.

            She studied my face. “If you really wanted to do it, it’d be fun.”

            “I don’t want to do it.” I said stubbornly.

             Starting up the stairs, I heard her sigh. I went into my room. It was nothing special just really plain. No posters or pictures. I had so much room for so much nothing. I walked up to my MAC computer, probably the only awesome thing in my entire room. I logged on ready for the video chat.

             I heard a dinging sound and a chat request box popped up. I smiled while clicking the accept button. It was time to endure Randi’s social butterfly personality along with Sophie’s quiet but making a statement personality. Both of their faces popped up on my screen within a matter of seconds.

            “Hey!” Randi’s voice boomed through the speakers.

            “What’s up you guys?” Sophie said in her soft voice.

            “Hey out there!” I said trying to make my voice sound like an echo.

            Sophie laughed at both of us and we started talking about everything that we’d done over the past few weeks. I gave them all of the details about the basketball court.

            “Stop right there sister! You mean to tell me that you just walked around with your sports bra on?” Sophie said.

            “Look at Jordan go!” Randi exclaimed.

I laughed. “I do that all the time you wing nuts! I forgot that he was even there!”

            “I’m pretty sure he didn’t forget you were there because we all know your body is like: BAM! Right up in your face! You have that curvy figure every girl would kill for. You just hide it under all of those frumpy looking clothes!” Randi scolded.

            “Blah.” I said, “I don’t need any tight fitting clothes. I’m not trying to impress anybody in particular.”

            Randi threw my words back at me saying, “You don’t have to have tight clothes to look good Jordan. You could just show your legs and that would be enough.”

            “Can we just get to the schedules?” I asked impatiently. This was taking too long.

            Sophie quickly agreed with me. It turned out that all three of us only had two classes together which was EAST Lab and Study Hall. Both of them had almost every single class together. I immediately started to panic.

            “This school year is going to be so boring! Why do I only have a few classes with you guys? This was supposed to be the best year of my life!” I groaned. I felt like crying.

            Randi was frowning and so was Sophie who was double checking her schedule. I could feel tears starting to form.

            “My life sucks right now. It’s going to be so boring this year without you guys.”

            “Maybe it’s a sign.” Sophie said quietly.

            “What do you mean?” Randi beat me to the question I was about to ask.

            Sophie continued on, “Maybe it’s a sign that something different is going to happen to you this year. I mean if you’re lucky this year you’re going to make the basketball team. You’ve never done anything like that before, so why stop after that?”

            I thought about what she said. My mind was spinning and I felt mixed emotions. I was sad with the deal of the schedules. Besides that, I was happy at the thought of something new this year. I wasn’t exactly the person that everyone hated but I wasn’t exactly noticeable either.

            “Maybe you should go ahead and get a makeover to start the year off on a good foot.” Randi teased.

            “No. How many times do I have to tell you that?”

            “Until you finally say yes, you know how Randi is.” Sophie smiled.

            All three of us talked some more, but my heart wasn’t really into the conversation. I was thinking how my senior year was going to be without my only two friends. I was going to be so lonely.

            “Isn’t that right Jordan?”

            I tuned back into the conversation.  “What? Say it one more time.”

            “Randi and I are going to go shopping Saturday. It’s the big back to school sale that the mall has on the second to last Saturday every year. Are you going to come?”  Sophie said everything slowly making sure I took it all in this time.

            “I don’t really know.” I replied honestly.

            “Well think about it. You can buy some new clothes.”

            “I have a lot of clothes already in my closet.”

            Randi rolled her eyes, “You have a huge walk-in closet that a girl would give anything for and it’s not half way full.”

            I laughed looking at the clock, realizing it was time for me to go to work. I always tried to get in a couple of hours on Friday. Whenever school started, the times I worked depended on my schedule. Since I had Study Hall seventh period, I’d probably get most of my homework done in there.

            “Okay guys I have to go to work.” I cut them off.

            Randi sighed. “Jordan I seriously do not understand why you have a job. Your mom is one of the best realtors in town. Then your dad is one of the biggest producers in California. No one knows but Sophie and me.  Nobody at school knows anything about you so maybe that’s why things are like they are.”

            I held my head down because she kind of hurt my feelings.

            Seeing my expression, she winced and apologized quickly. “Sorry I didn’t mean for it to come out sounding so harsh.”

            “It’s ok. I have to go now. Bye guys. I love you.” I did our secret handshake and they laughed while doing it with me. After I signed off with them I went downstairs. I saw my mom talking on the phone. I waited until she got off to speak. She was talking pretty excitedly and I knew whenever she was moving her hands it was something good.

            “Who was that on the phone?” I asked curiously. 

            “It was a new client. She’s a single mom. Her and her little boy just moved from Colorado. She said she’s tired of living in a hotel and she’s ready to find the perfect house.” She gave a little chuckle.

            “When are you going to meet up with them?”

            “I’m not sure yet. She said she has to check her schedule. She’s applying for a few jobs in town.”

            “Ok.” I gave her a hug, “Well I’m off to work. I’ll be home later. I love you.”

            She hugged me back and I walked out the door. I got my car from the garage and drove to All Access, the store I worked at. My job was to man the cash register in the Books and Magazines section. I walked into the store and I saw Richard, my manager.

            “How are you today, Richie?” I asked.

            “I’d be better if I were at home, but we all can’t have what we want now can we?” He laughed.

            I chuckled along with him and walked to the employee lounge and checked in. I walked to my section in the back of the store. Lucky for me, no one ever read anymore so only a few people came to this area. Really the only time a big crowd came was when the new Seventeen magazines were released. I walked over to my register and logged in. Next I went around to my section rearranging books that had fallen over. I picked up one of the Seventeen magazines and took it back to my counter. It wouldn’t hurt to look.

            I was on the page that had the monthly coupon when I heard shuffling. I looked up surprised seeing the same boy that was at the basketball court this morning. I wondered if he remembered me. This was my first up close view so I looked him over, trying to appear casual. He was around 6’2, had deep dark eyes, and had on a loose shirt and loose jeans. Besides Christian Matthews, he was the second hottest guy in town that I’d ever seen in my entire life.

            “Hey.” He said smirking, “I was wondering if you could come tell me the difference between two sports magazines.”

            I stepped out from behind the counter slowly. I was still fawning over him a little bit when I answered. It was always the jerks to make you lose your breath.

“Sure, I can help.”

            We walked over to the sports section. I explained the difference between the two magazines. And he picked up the one on the left side.      

“You look familiar. Do you mind putting your hair into a ponytail?” He asked out of nowhere.

            I gave him a weird look, but followed his directions. He stood there patiently. When I was finished, I looked at him and saw his eyes light up.

            “You’re her!” He exclaimed.

            I gave him a question mark look. Who exactly was he looking for? A lot of answers ran through my head at that very moment. The girl everybody talks about? The girl who doesn’t have a life? The daughter of two of the most famous people in this crazy town? What was going on?

            He looked at me with a sheepish grin. “Sorry I didn’t mean to sound so you know . . . crazy about it.” He gave a chuckle. “I meant you’re that girl from the basketball court this morning.”

            I gave a little smile. “Yeah that’s me.”

            “You’re a starter on the basketball team aren’t you?” He teased.

            “Nope I’m going to try out this year though.”

            “I guarantee you that you’ll make it. You’re an awesome player.”

            “Thanks you’re not so bad yourself. I saw you out there working on your three pointers.” I teased him back.

            I noticed his eyes scan over me slowly. I glanced down too. I had on a pair of jeans, a regular t-shirt, and my name tag.

            He didn’t seem fazed. “You are too. You were really getting it out there.  Do you go out to the court often?”

            “Thanks.  I go pretty much everyday during the summer time.  It’s kind of like the early bird gets the court.” I said holding my head down.

            He nodded in agreement then suddenly looked embarrassed.

            “I haven’t even told you my name or anything and I’ve just been talking up a storm.” I started laughing. He looked even cuter whenever he was flustered.

             “Sorry.” He took a deep breath. “My name is Caden Hendrix and I moved here from Colorado a few weeks ago.”

            “My name is Jordan.  I’ve lived here my entire life.” I smiled at him.

            He laughed, “You’re funny. I better get going. My mom and I have a dinner appointment coming up with the realtor and her family. Maybe they won’t go crazy on us. Hopefully I’ll see you around.”

            “Bye Caden.  Good luck with everything.” I chuckled.

            He started walking off and I realized that he’d forgotten his magazine. I called out, “You know you forgot about your magazine right?”

            He turned around with a sly grin on his face. “That’s okay. To be honest, I didn’t really want to know the difference between anything. I just needed a good excuse to talk to you.” He winked and continued walking back towards the exit.

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