When the player meets the Fan...

By maryamwrites999

243 44 20

Isabella Thompson is the sorta person who would rather be home in her bed eating ice cream and watching a ran... More



55 6 3
By maryamwrites999

"Good Morning class , my name is Kayden and seeing your maths teacher Miss Lexi is absent today ...I will be your substitute for the day !"

What ?

Is he for real ?

Everyone including Elaine were pretty happy cause come on free period + no one did their homework.

I looked right across the room where Josh was sitting.

He also had a frustated look similar to mine

Fol ! Which is fu*k our lifes !


And then the whole day went just normally . Well if your definition of normally is me being in an extremely pissed off mood and snapping at everyone then yeah it definitely went normally !

And before we knew it it was lunch time.


Buying stuff which was apparently known as 'food' im our school I walked towards mine and Elaines usual table.

This stuff was an insult to food. 

Niall would be soo disappointed!

Elaine was already sitting over there stuffing her mouth with 'food' and continuously ogling over Steven .

Steven was basically -
To be honest I don't know much about Steven .
But then again I don't much about anyone here in this school other than Elaine.

Rolling my eyes I sat down .

"Hows the eye raping going on ?"

She rolled her eyes.

"At Least he is human ! Your the one who eye  rapes her posters !"

I shrugged.

The rest of the lunch time was basically me and Elaine catching up on what was going on.

Apparently she was in a fight with some dude on twitter.

"You know what we need to do ?" She asked looking excited.

"Pack our own lunch from home tomorrow cause this stuff sucks " I said scrunching my nose in disgust.

"No idiot" she said rolling her eyes before continuing .

"We should have a sleepover !"

I blinked.

"A sleepover ?"

"Yes , please Ella ! I missed having one of those ! "

I raised my eyebrow.

"Really now ?"

"Yess" she pouted.

Oh so even she looks great while pouting.

I should start working on my pouts .

"First tell me whats the catch ?"

She blinked innocently.

"Catch ? What catch ? No catch ! "

"Elaine "

She sighed.

"If we don't have a sleepover than my mom will probably make me babysit the neighbours daughter !"

"And..?"  I asked waiting for her to continue.

"And I am not very fond of the neighbours daughter !"
"Seriously Elaine !"

"She reminds me of Samara from The ring !"

I rolled my eyes .

Elaine got scared pretty quick .

"Okay fine we can have a sleepover ! "

She smiled brightly.

And then stopped suddenly realising something .

"Wait a minute ! Tell me whats the catch !"

I blinked innocently .

"What are you talking about Elaine ?"

"Your not the sorta person who would so easily agree to share her room with someone"

So that was sorta true !

I never liked sharing things !

From room to food.

Which  wasn't so hard as I was the only girl in my family other than my mom.

Well the room part wasn't hard however the food part was.

Sighing I told her.

" You can come over and we will have a sleepover BUT we will watch The Ring !"

I said happily clapping my hands.

"Nooo Elly no !  "

"The choice is yours - spent a night with samaras look alike OR just watch the original Samara from my laptop screen"

She glared at me.

"You're mean !"

"Thats what best friends are for !" I said giving her a sweet smile !

I blinked as I woke up trying to figure out what year it was .


Almost there.

Who cares ?

Rolling my eyes I got off my bed.

I had been sleeping for the past 2 hours .

So yeah I was in my room in case your confused.

After lunch the day had gone pretty fast.

And nothing happened in the bus either.

Why ?

Cause the devil who is also an idiot , who calls me marshmellow for some reason , who I also thought was superman last night for some reason  wasn't there in the bus .

Last Night .

I don't exactly remember what happened last night.

When I am sleepy I just don't know what I am doing .

Its like I am drunk or something .

Except in a more decent way.

Weird ?


I looked at the time soon realising that Elaine might be here any moment.

And thats when the bell ringed.

Ooh she has a long life.

Sighing at the thought of having to go down all those stairs I slowly made my way down.

On my way downstairs I saw my idiot of a brother sitting in his room staring at his book which was suprisingly open.

Well that doesn't happen a LOT.

Mom had earlied given him a  BIG lecture on how he should start being more serious . And start concentrating on school and stuff.

To be honest the only difference this whole lecture had made was the fact that earlier he spent his time doing legit nothing.

Now he was doing nothing sitting infront of a open book.

"What are you doing the mannequin challenge ?" I asked teasingly.

He glared at me.

"Oh I am so sorry shouldn't have interrupted you ! " I said innocently.

If looks could kill I would be dead by now.

Thankfully they can't.

I gave him another sweet smile before I started screaming - "Is it too late now to says sorry...."

"Ella let your brother study peacefully !" My mom screamed.

Raising my hands up in surrender I made my way downstairs and opened the door to find Elaine standing there doing something on her phone.

"I am sorry it took so much time for me to open the door !"

Why am I being so sweet to her ?

She looked up .Then continued by saying.

"Oh no its fine ...your wifi is strong so my phone got connected to it so I managed to survive !"

Addicted much ?

Who am I kidding even I am !


The first two hours of us together had passed by with us doing random stuff.  And now it was one and we were sitting infront of my laptop watching The Ring and stuffing our mouths with popcorn.

My window was wide open and a nice breeze of chilly air had made its way into my room which gave a nice effect of the whole horror thing.

We made this deal that whoever screams first will have to buy frozen yougurt for the other person.

Tomorrow was a weekend so time didn't matter much.

And thats when the phone call part came .

Exactly at that minute my phone started ringing .

I gulped looking at Elaine in horror whose expression matched mines.

It was a random unknown number.

I slowly swiped my phone and took the call and at once put it on loudspeaker just incase.

"Hel-hello" I said stuttering a bit.

And thats when a deadly voice said two words which both me and Elaine definitely did NOT want to hear.

"7 days."

At first I thought I had imagined it all but seeing the look on Elaines face I knew I hadn't.

At that point the deal of frozen yogurt that had been earlier by both of us was long forgotten .

Both of us screamed in horror.

But suprisingly our screams were accompanied with laughter.

I looked at Elaine in confusion.

Than we both looked at the direction of the laughter .

Which was outside the window.

Both of us walked outside the window to find out that the room which was directly opposite to mine , which also belonged to a certain devil was packed up with 5 teenagers including Josh . All of them laughing . And the devil had a phone in his hand.

I blinked.

It took them a couple of minutes to stop laughing

One amongst them whose name I don't really know said " That was priceless ! "

And that led all of them to start laughing again.

We stood there like idiots watching them laugh for like a good 10-15 minutes .

Thats when they finally stopped for good.

"How could you !" Elaine asked looking pretty pissed.

"We are sorry" Steven replied.

So apparently Steven and Josh are friends.


Elaine being Elaine fell for the whole 'sorry' thing.

"Its fine , though please don't repeat it !"

Repeat it ?

Wait !

What makes her think we will ever talk again / watch a horror movie with my windows open.

I glared at all of them.

" No its NOT ! I legit got a mini heart attack "

Another dude who looked a LOT like the first dude who had spoken guiltly looked and said " we are sorry ! We shouldn't have done that ! It seemed like a harmless prank then  ! Besides we were bored."

"Glad I could entertain you "  I said sarcastically.

At this Josh rolled his eyes.

"Okay how about we take you to a party as an apology " Dude number 5 who hadn't spoken yet said.

"Sounds great !" Elaine said at once .

Party ?


I hate socialising.

"Noo" I protested at once.

"Ella " Elaine said glaring at me.

"Stop being such a party pooper !"

"Like literally !" Steven  added looking amused .

I sent him another dead glare.

" Tsk tsk " Josh said.

Dude who had spoken first said "So its settled ! Get ready by 7:30 ...we will pick you up"

And with that our conversation ended with Josh sending me one last smirk and Steven sending Elaine a SWEET smile.

I slammed the window shut.

Then glared at Elaine.

"What ?" She asked inmocently .

" Since when did you start liking parties ?"

She smiled sheepishly .

Before jumping on one side of my bed.

I sighed before getting onto my bed.

And the last thought that came to me before I felt asleep was -

Tomorrow was going to be one hella long tiring day.

Authors Note :
Waddup lovely readers !
Hows life ?
So yeah I am back.
And tbh last chapter sucked cause I wrote the whole thing when I was in a bad mood.
But I am pretty happy with this chapter.
It could be longer but hey 1607 words are a LOT !
I just didn't feel like writing but then I forced myself into writing and suprisingly it was fun once again.
127 reads ?? Holy crap you guys are amazing.
Even though people don't vote but its still appreciated that someone bothered to open and read .
Also because of my exams I wont be uploading..
If anyone is actually reading ..any suggestions for the cast ?
Oh and this chapter is dedicated to affusidd for being the most amazing friend I could ask for and legit forcing me to write !
I am sorry about the mistakes I wrote this chapter completely on my phone within 1 hour !
Vote if you liked the chapter and don't forget to comment and tell me what you think !


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