
By Tiger-human

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The First Book in The Tiger-human Series Arc 1: The Hidden World As April starts her Senior Year of high scho... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Preview of book 2: Memories

Chapter 11

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By Tiger-human

The house was quiet, and shadows stretched out towards me. The lights were off and I got a horrible feeling like something bad would happen soon. The smell of blood was coming from the kitchen and I couldn't help, but worry that Zack's mother had been caught by the vampires while making dinner and killed.

As I walked towards the kitchen, I felt like I was being watched. Chills went up and down my spine as I walked inside. Laying on the ground was Zack's mother, covered in blood and bite marks. Her eyes were brown, and her black hair hung around her face. I stared at her as my stomached flipped in my stomach. I struggled to turn away. How would I tell Zack his mother died?

"Zack!" I screamed as I ran down the halls trying to find him.

A door opened and Zack popped his head out seeming to be aggravated and had that sleepy look on his face. I stopped and caught my breath while he stared at me.

"What are you looking at?" I asked my alert placed on full power.

"You. You came charging down the hall like hell had taken over this world. Why were you screaming my name?" Zack asked his voice sounding...Is that annoyed and jealous?

Seriously, Zack Prowler was annoyed with me and jealous of Luke? I thought I had made it clear to him earlier that Luke and I are nothing more than best friends. Sometimes, boys can be so damn frustrating and confusing! I stared into his brown eyes really frustrated with myself for not trying to help my species and protect him and his.

"The vampires are here. I have no idea how many, but they...they killed your mother, Zack..." I mumbled looking down sadly.

Zack's hand fell from the door frame as he just stared at the ground. I reached my hand out to him trying to comfort him like he does with me before he pulled me into a hug. I stood there as he burst out crying as he hugged me. I could smell anger wielding up inside of him and I gently rubbed his back. I could faintly relate to him. I lost my father before I became this and even still, I refuse to admit Rick and Peter killed my father.

"We should go find Austin and Emily." I spoke up as I felt as if someone was behind me watching us.

"Well you found them." Austin said his tone grief stricken.

"What happened?" I asked him as I pulled out of Zack's hug to see him holding Emily's body. "No..."

H-How could this happen? That's right, it's my fault Emily is dead! I caused her to die by just existing in their lives! I was worthless and pathetic! I couldn't lead anyone or stop anything! Why must the people I come to love have to die? What if the whole reason vampires are here because they're trying to find me? I am the first one of the Tiger-human experiments to actually survive. If I gave myself up voluntarily, I bet they'd leave Luke and everyone else alone.

I turned and walked for the door as Zack grabbed my hand looking at me confused. I shook my head as I felt tears rimming my eyes and smiled weakly to him.

"I'll be fine...I promise. J-Just watch over them and train them for me. Get everyone out before I carry the blood of more people on my hands..." I said as my voiced cracked.

"April..." Zack breathed before yanking me into a bear hug.

Oh god, I forgot how hard it is to breath in a bear hug. That's at least one thing I won't forget while I'm in a cage being experimented on in exchange for everyone's freedom...Zack leaned down and kissed me catching me completely off guard. I surely didn't expect him to kiss me and not while we were both crying. His tears rolled down his face as he pulled away from the kiss.

"B-Be careful, please, April..." Zack whispered.

"I will." I promised before turning and walking out of the house to see Kelly pinned to the ground still.

Everyone looked at me and sniffed the air before their faces became worried. They seemed very upset and confused at the same time. Luke walked over to me and tried to speak to me, but I placed my hand up to stop him. I couldn't let them know just how upset I was. It would only cause them to go into a frenzy which wasn't needed right now.

"Let Kelly up." I ordered before facing Kelly as she stood. "If I voluntarily go with you, you must promise me that you and the other vampires will let them go freely." I spoke to her.

"What? No way!" Luke yelled along with all of the Tiger-humans, including Caleb.

Seems I must have earned his trust in the small amount of time I got to spend with everyone. Too bad I can't spend any more of my life with them. I had to leave them in order to protect them. This is the only option besides fighting the vampires and allowing everyone to get captured again.

"By everyone, do you mean just the Tiger-humans?" Kelly asked.

"No. The Tiger-humans and Zack's pack. If you lay a finger on any of their heads, I will not hesitate to harm you vampires back." I said as I stuck my hand out for her to shake it.

"Fine." Kelly said shaking my hand.

"No! April, you're insane if you think we'll just let you leave us!" Luke and Caleb yelled at me.

"That's enough! You guys should be able to learn how to change into your tiger forms with help from Zack and his pack! I am making a rash decision to protect all of you rather than fight like my first instinct is screaming at me! I rather you all be safe than me watching you all being experimented on beside me!" I snapped glaring back at them over my right shoulder.

"A-April...D-Don't leave us..." Luke whispered.

"It's too late Luke. I'm leaving and you're in charge while I'm gone." I spoke softly before Kelly grabbed my wrists and dragged me into the shadows.

The shadows swallowed me whole and I couldn't see anything, but a fading light where Luke and the rest of them were screaming my name. I just wish I could have watched Lily and Alex grow up to be strong, proud Tiger-humans. I would be lucky if I even made it out of this alive now. I love them. I am just so sorry I have to go. That I have to leave my new family...


"Wake up little tiger!" A chirping voice called out as I heard bars shaking.

I groaned and struggled to sit up. Where was I and why? How did I get here? The walls were an egg wash brick color, and the ground was cement that had dirt and dust all over along with a few blood splatters from previous people.

I sat up and glanced around spotting the metal bars to my left and a body inside another cage like place. I reached my hand out only for the person to growl. I backed up and looked around worriedly. Did Kelly keep her word and left them alone? Were they safe and sound?

I looked towards the perfidious person, known as Kelly, who was standing at my cage door smiling. Her once blue eyes were now red as fresh blood. Her blonde hair was now curly rather than straight and messy as it was before.

"Little Tiger...Do you want a hairbrush to brush that mess of a head?" She chuckled sounding unusually benevolent.

"S-Sure..." I muttered hearing my voice crack.

"Here you go." She spat sounding rancorous now.

I watched her toss a brush into my cage, but it was a dog brush. I groaned at the fact I thought a hairbrush was just a transient thought. Too many things were spurious lately. If only I could find one thing with enough integrity in my life to hold onto. Especially now when I had nothing left.

I picked up the brush and chucked it at Kelly with so much force that it moved too fast for me to see. Kelly screamed and backed away from the cage holding her left arm. Good. I at least managed to harm her for spying on us. She shouldn't have been completely condescending and trying to kick me out from where I was among my own species. If she had any intuitive, she'd know that she should leave me alone before she gets hurt.

"Why are you in here, Kelly?" A familiar voice asked.

No... That can't be...It can't be him!

"Because I'm trying to prep her for Drake and Trace to do their new experiment on her. They said they needed the Tiger-humans who have been exposed to nature to be their newest test subjects, so I brought them one." Kelly said smiling slightly as she pointed at me.

If it's him, he better run. I will rip his throat out with my tiger form's claws if he is who I believe he is. The figure stepped into my sight. Rick O'Neil...The person who brought me to Drake and Trace to become a Tiger-human even though I never wanted to. I stood up and glared at him while I felt my anger build up. Screw trying to control my tiger form! I want revenge for my father's death by his fangs!

"Wait...You brought April Springs? Where is Luke Patrick? He's better than her! He doesn't lose control like she does!" Rick yelled backing up from the cage.

"What are you so terrified of?" Kelly asked. "She is weak and pathetic. She gave herself up rather than fighting me."

I took steps forward as my body changed like I wanted it too. I couldn't feel the pain of my change like normal. It was just a dull sting all over my body unlike the unbearable pain that normally came with the change. A deep angry growl filled my throat as I fell onto my hands and feet. My body was changing at a fast pace as I stopped glaring at them.

The second my body was completely in my tiger form, I charged at the cage door. The rusty bolts barely kept the door on in the first place and when I head rammed it, it made a loud creaking noise before falling onto the cement floor behind Kelly. A roar ran out of my muzzle as I charged at Rick. He stood there frightened and I almost lost concentration of my anger when I caught the smell of him peeing his pants. I stood their staring at him trying to reel in my laughter and keep my anger out. He looked absolutely mortified that I had escaped and was trying to kill him.

"Leave him alone!" Kelly screamed at me before whacking me behind my head.

I turned to her as my anger grew and growled at her. She backed up and I took a step forward.

"Crap, crap, crap!" Kelly breathed before running for a shadow.

I pounced and pinned her down with my claws still in. A growl came out as I bent down to her face before hearing the doorknob jingle. Uh-oh! I couldn't lose the one I was going to kill! As I bounded towards the door, Rick was still trying to open the door before checking his pockets and looking behind me. Whatever he dropped he must have needed to open the door. Too bad he wasn't going to get whatever it was and escape me...

"Crap..." Rick breathed.

"Drake, give her a few sedatives!" Trace screamed as I felt someone grab my neck fur and pull on it.

I growled angrily and tried to turn to face whoever was holding my neck fur. It was impossible to see who it was with all this fur in my vision and them holding the fur that was connected to the skin of my neck. I felt three pricks of something like a needle on my left side and growled as I tried to face who it was.

My body began shifting back and panic was taking over every inch of my body. I was screwed if I changed back now! If I did, how the hell would I protect myself along with getting revenge for my father? I should have thought this completely through, before attacking Rick on impulse!

My vision faded to black, and I felt myself slam against the cement floor before I couldn't feel anything anymore. I couldn't see, feel, Snell, or taste. All I could do was listen to what was around me. I could hear heavy sounding metal being dragged into the room and the sound of someone drilling soon after.

After about a few minutes of this, I heard a grunt and heard heavy sounding metal being lifted up next to me. Realization hit me and I tried my best to force my sense to wake up but they refused. I heard the metal clank together soon remembering the unbearable sound of heavy chains. I could hear the shackle connect and I could hear Drake's low chuckle as on my other side, the shackle was placed on me again. I would give anything for me only to be trapped rather than everyone else.

Soon, my mind succumbed to the darkness, and I blacked out the fear I felt with the hopelessness invaded my dreams. I knew I was trapped for good now. Well, no way back to them at all...

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