DARK PARADISE. [ Currently Un...

By jolante424

12.2K 492 65

He is the masterplayer of this game. She is the prize in which he strives for.. In sinister ways, he moves an... More

Authors note.🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Chapter one [ Edited.]
Chapter 2 [ Edited]
Chapter 3[ Edited]
Chapter 4 [ Edited]
Chapter 5[ Edited]
Chapter 6 [ Edited]
Chapter 7[ Edited]
Chapter 8 [ Edited]
Chapter 10[ Edited]
Author's note {Part Two.}🌸
Chapter 11[Edited]
Chapter 12[Edited]
Chapter 13[Edited]
Chapter 14[Edited]
Chapter 15[Edited]
Chapter 16[Editing]
Chapter 17[Edited]
Chapter 18[Edited]
Chapter 19[Edited]
Chapter 20[Edited]
Chapter 21[Edited]πŸ”₯
Chapter 22[Editing]
Author's note
Chapter 22[Editing]
Chapter 23[Editing]
Chapter 24[Editing]
Chapter 25[Editing]
Chapter 26[Editing]
Chapter 27[Editing]
Sorry not an update!!!
Chapter 28[Editing]
Chapter 29[Editing]
Chapter 30[Editing]

Chapter 9 [ Edited]

225 12 0
By jolante424

The morning came rather early and it was out to interrupt Max's sleep, with the alarm clock ringing. Today was one of the few days he had to drag himself out of bed.

Opening the curtains and window, he was surprised to see the same van  from last night, still parked at the same place . He wondered whether there was something wrong with the driver or the van itself.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Kate coming out of her home. It was clear that she was going for a morning jog and he wishes he could join her, but opted for simply watching her.

He watched as she stretches, preparing herself for the run. As if she could sense him watching her, she glanced in his direction. It became clear that she noticed him too when she waved at him. He made sure to wave back, feeling good that she noticed him, even though he didn't mind not being seen.

As he was about to turn around and leave his room, something caught his eye that made him frown a little. Not long after Kate had ran off, the van drove off.

' That was a little weird.' He thought to himself.

Deciding to not swell too much on it, he moved away from the window and went ok about his business.

One thing he could not deny was the weird feeling he felt about the whole situation, even when he excused it for a drunken driver that stopped for the night at a random place.

Later in the day, Kate had been preoccupied with checking her phone every now and then, for any missed calls or messages from Nick. Unfortunately each time she did check, there was nothing.

She couldn't hide her disappointment each time she saw nothing. She worried more when she thought  about the last conversation they had, his energy was quite off and she couldn't help but believe that she had truly disappointed him after she turned down his invitation, to go with him to the Mad X party.

She was free and not working tonight and it would have been the perfect time, to join him but she didn't. For a moment, she questioned herself on the real reason she bailed out on her friends despite how she's been feeling lately.

What was truly holding her back?

Was she being paranoid once again for an unknown reason or being delusional?

What was wrong with her really?

" Kate!" She almost jumped out of her skin when she heard her name being called.

" Yes?" She glanced towards her Aunt, who pretended to not have noticed her reaction and scare her.

"How was your morning jog?" Charice asked.

"Uh, it was okay,'' she answerd, looking at her for a moment before glancing at her phone again.

"Boy trouble?"

"No, yes... maybe. I think I'm selfish for not going to Mad X's party tonight with Nick. He sounded so excited on the phone until I..." She trailed off.

" Do you think that this might be the result of his distance? Or might be thinking of --------" Charice was simply putting her thoughts out there, wanting to see where Kate's mind was at.

"I-no....You know what Aunt, forget what I said. I'll be downstairs if you need me." Kate dashed out of there, leaving Charice frowning in confusion.

When Anna paid a visit to Kate's house, she found her best friend chilling on the couch or what seemed like she was chilling. The vibe she received from her friend was not good. She could tell that her friend was not okay, especially when Kate tried to hide her sadness.

Anna tried to lighten the mood by mentioning the party but was met with an unenthusiastic response.

"I think this event will be so much fun, I know the night would be even more awesome for Nick if his girl were there." Anna nudged Kate's shoulder.

"Well, I doubt that," Kate mumbled.

"Why do you say that?" She asked.

" I don't think me being there will make any difference now."

"Why would you think that?" Julie joined in the conversation, as she entered the living room.

She had overheard their conversation and saw an opportunity to hear Kate's thoughts.

Kate's silence was concerning in all honesty.

" We aren't talking talking at the moment. So it's best I let him be." Kate expressed her thoughts.

" There might be silence but within that silence, there's longing. I think he misses you."

' I miss him too but I'm scared to feel rejected.' Kate thought.

" But you won't know until you hear from him. And another way to do that is maybe....see him?" Anna tried to give her friend a hint, that Nick always loves being with her, no matter what, she's the most important to him.

" Or call him." Julie adds on, sparing a glance Anna's way.

Kate shook her head, " I wont ruin his night. He deserves to have fun without -----"

" Kate maybe you shouldn't assume that he -----"

" I didn't feel up to going anyway so it doesn't matter anymore." Kate got flustered now with all the attention on her, not to mention the discussion over the same topic.

" Kate -----"

" Look, I don't feel like going, okay!" Kate shot to her feet and rushed upstairs, wanting to be left alone.

" Kate?!" Julie called after her, but her call was met with a slam of the door.

Anna and Julie exchanged concerned looks, taken aback by Kate's reaction.

Something was wrong and it was clear that it had nothing to do with what they were talking about.


"You look rather down for a Mad X fan," Stacey mentioned as she stepped next to Nick, who was seated on the hood of his car.

She had noticed him stare far off into the distance, looking quite lost in thought.

Stacey felt silly after what she'd said because she was met with silence, where Nick only took a sip from his drink and continued staring at the beautiful lake. Her desire was for him to speak to her  and say what was on his mind, even though there was no doubt alot concerned Kate.

"You look nice," he said, after sparing her a glance.

Even though he didn't say much, but what he said was enough to make her blush. She quickly looked away from him, trying to hide her face.

She couldn't deny that he still had that effect on her heart.

After composing herself, she faced him again. She prepared to say something else but words got stuck in her throat when she noticed Anna's car pull over, just two cars away. It was obvious that she wasn't alone when the passenger door opened.

It was Kate and Stacey had to admit, that she looked really pretty tonight. Stacey truly believed that Kate wouldn't be here tonight. This was what she expected because Kate normally didn't go to many parties.

Even she knew this.

It didn't take long before Nick noticed Kate, he paused mid drink then. He was surprised that she changed her mind and came. To Nick, she sounded clear about not coming and he settled with that.

Stacey on the other hand, left his side once she took note of his attention being swayed. It was clear that there was no longer room for a conversation to continue between them.

Thankfully Clara came in time to take Stacey away.

A nervous Kate shifted on her feet, as she passed a look Nick's way. " I don't think this was such a good idea. Maybe I should have stayed at home."

Anna let out a sigh, having expected Kate to say something along those lines " No, it's a good thing you came. I don't need to tell to why , now go to him." Anna gently nudged her forward as encouragement.

Anna had not given up on her best friend, even after what happened earlier. Anna could see that something was truly bothering Kate and even though she didn't get much from Kate, she was glad that another round of conversation atleast convinced her to finally come to the party.

Anna sincerely hoped that tonight would cheer her up and distract her, from all that had been weighing heavily on her shoulders.

Kate let out a sigh before she finally took up courage, and walked over to Nick.

Her boyfriend couldn't take his eyes away from her. She looked so pretty in a mid thigh flowy dress, added with long leather boots and a denim jacket. She had let her hair down and the wind took advantage of that, gently blowing it.

The closer she got, his heart reacted. It did a quick flip and now was beating faster.

Kate wasn't aware how much of an effect she had on him.

When Kate finally made it over to his side, she got tongue tied for a moment and this was when she shifted awkwardly on her heel.

" Hi." She finally said, after gaining courage.

"Hey," he responded.

It felt near impossible to keep himself in control when all he wanted to do was, grab her and hold her tight. The last bit of control remained because of the promise he made to himself, that he would not push her but give her space.

He had to admit, doing all this proved to be a challenge, the longer she stood infront of him.

The silence became almost unbearable for Kate. She had to say something, anything at least.

" Can I?" She asked, gesturing to the the space beside him.

He didn't know if he should find her question cute or offensive that she would even ask.

" You know where your place is, where ever we are." The words slipped out of him before he could think about it.

The words were clear and she understood.

' No matter where we are, you belong beside me.'  These were his words.

Despite everything, his words at that very moment were more than a reassurance that he wanted her beside him.

She stood directly infront of him, closing the distance where she was between his legs. Her hands rested on his legs before she looked up at him.

This was her way of making the first move.

With her eyes she asked for eye contact, which he returned. She normally was the one to not be able to hold it for long, because of how she usually got, but tonight, she held it longer.

She loved her boyfriend, she missed him and she felt sorry and she wanted him to know all this.

" Nick, I -------" her words were cut off when Nick leaned forward, meeting her lips with his.

He couldn't resist it any more, he had to have her close.

She found herself sighing in relief when his hands gently touched her face.

A soft moan released from her when he deepened the kiss, now releasing all the emotions he'd felt during the distance between them.

To Nick, it felt like the rocky period between them wouldn't pass but here they were, they were close again. His girl was in his arms.

She leaned back, breaking the kiss, knowing that she needed to say something. She wanted to apologise.

Her eyes opened and she looked at him. Her face felt warm and her heart fluttered when his eyes glowed under the night sky.

He still looked at her the same. The love had never been lost, more than ever intense love was expressed.

" Nick -----" he shook his head, stopping her from saying any more.

Instead he said, " I'm glad you are here."

Relief washed over her when he said this.

He held out his hand for her to take, which she did and he helped her up to take a seat beside him.

She never realised until that very moment, that what happened between them affected her more than she thought. All she wanted was to be around him more and not leave.

She held onto his arm and laid her head on his shoulder, before letting out a heavy sigh.

They sat in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company. The event had already began but for a while, they settled for time alone.

After a while, Kate raised her head and looked at him for a minute before planting a kiss on his cheek. " I missed you." She could not hold back from saying this.

" Me too," he responded, looking back at her.

She smiled at him which he returned.

Her smile was one of his favourite things about her and he fell even harder for her. Not being able to resist, he gently pulled her face closer before capturing her lips yet again.

He just couldn't get enough and he wasn't sorry about that. She shuddered slightly when his fingers caressed the back of her neck, before trailing down to the side of her face.

" You look so pretty tonight." He said against her lips.

Her face warmed even more; hearing his compliment.

" Thank you."

She leaned back and took his hand, placing it on her thigh before joining their hands together.

" I don't like it when you're alone," a cute frown appeared on her face while she said this sadly.

" Hey, I'm not alone now." He said, squeezing her hand gently.

" But still - You should be enjoying yourself with your friends and not have let my boring self dampen your excitement for tonight."

Nick quickly shook his head, already disagreeing with her words. " You are far from boring. You are the exciting part of my life."

"You are being kind," she said as she hugged him, letting him know that she appreciates his words.

" I mean it." Nick said, gently squeezing her tiny waist."

Kate didn't continue, but let him have his way.

"Can I say something else?" She asked.

" Hmm."

" Your feelings were hurt before and I am sorry." She felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders after expressing all this.

His response was to pull her even closer and bury his face in the crook of her neck. Her scent caressed his nose and he loved being extra close to her.

Kate pulled away in excitement, when she heard one of their favourite songs start to play. She smiled at Nick and said, " lets dance." She got down to her feet before she held out her hand to him.

" You do know that I'll keep you on the dancefloor for more than one song, right?"

" Only for this song." Kate bargained but he was already shaking his head. " Nope, you asked for this." He said in amusement, as they headed to where the party was.

Nick kept to his word and kept her on the dance floor for more than one song and kate didn't mind at all. She received his love and attention throughout the night as the couple danced the night away. It felt good for Kate to be in such a good place with Nick, she felt butterflies in her stomach when he held her close and showed affection infrnt of so many people. One thing Nick was never shy about was showing public affection, where he expressed how proud he was to be her boyfriend.

Being aound him all these years, she learnt to also show affection herself, though she didn't do it much because of how naturally shy she was.

By the end of the night, one moment stuck in memory out of many for Kate, and that was at a time where the music slowed down. Nick had held her in his arms as both swayed to the music, she felt the effects she had on him when she felt his heart beat hard against his chest. The feeling of contentment had hit her and she basked in his warmth. Nick at that moment had wanted nothing more than to place it into memory and keep it locked in his heart. All that mattered then, was them. With Kate being in his arms, there was a sense of reassurance that the Kate he knew and loved was present,  and had been going through something, that made her quite distant.


"Tonight was fun," Nick smiled when he heard Kate say this.

It was the end of the night and Nick had taken Kate home. Both didn't want the night to end, that is why they were prolonging their time in the car.

" It truly was." Nick agreed as he took her hand. " So I want us to talk about something."

" Hmm?"

" I've noticed that there might be something going on that I don't know about - Hey hey, look at me." He quickly added, when she looked away from him.

She met his eyes again.

" I know that you never had it easy while growing up, well, I got the hint a while back."

" Nick ----"

" No one told me anything, don't worry. No matter what, I would want to hear everything from my person."

" Your person?" She asked in amusement.

" Yes, my person," he said, kissing her hand.  

Kate let out breath, " I want to tell you but I can't right now,  I'm sorry." She admitted, feeling a little ashamed.

She could not meet his eyes.

" Hey, hey, hey," He gently tilted her chin so that she was looking at him. " No matter what I'm here and I am committed to us and no one else. I'm willing to wait for that time, where you feel comfortable enough to talk to me about what's going on."

Tears threatened to come out of Kate's eyes but she held them back.

She could not believe how lucky she was to have someone love and trust her, such as Nick.

"Thank you," she expressed gratefully. 

Nick leaned closer, where little space remained between them and said, " I love you."

" I love you," she responded.

They shared a short kiss before she finally left the car. Nick watched her make her way inside, wanting to make sure she was safe before he drove off.

Tonight was one of the few times where Kate didn't bother locking the door, knowing Julie would be home soon. Julie had lost her key a while back and Kate was the only one who knew this. For that time, Kate would wait for Julie before locking the door.

Not wanting either of them, especially Julie to get into trouble, they decided to keep all this a secret until Julie got an copy.

Kate, with a glass of water in hand made her way upstairs. She made sure to take her medication along with a sleeping pill, since she'd been struggling to sleep lately. She surely needed to get some good rest.

The night was good and nothing seemed to go wrong, which made her relax.

The clock strikes 12 and he couldn't hold it in anymore. His impatience pushed him to not waste time and finally do it. His thoughts were on her scent and her warmth and like the greedy person he was, he took advantage of the quiet night.

He took his time, making sure to be as quiet as possible as he made his way in, through the back door. He went through the kitchen which smelt of good home made cookies, that he noticed on the table. His stomach grumbled a little but he ignored that, his desire to see her being much greater.

When he made his way upstairs, he entered the hallway and passed the adults room, before he passing his Julie's room, he stopped in his tracks. He peeked through the slightly opened door and stared at her for a few seconds.

She was quite pretty looking when sleeping, he thought, but he had his eye set on one person and he grinned when he entered Kate's room.  He had to admit it himself that she was quite pretty looking when sleeping, but he had his eyes set on one person. A grin took over his face when he finally entered Kate's room.

It was a room full of pictures, mostly of her and the family. When he came across a picture of her and Nick, anger seeped through him. He looked away quickly, not wanting that to distract him.

Walking closer to her bed, he found himself staring at her for a long time.
He couldn't believe that he finally found the chance to be this close to her. He felt overjoyed to simply watch her sleep so peacefully. 

She was too beautiful for this world.

He watched as she shifted slightly, causing a strabd of hair to cover her forehead. Without thinking twice, he took a chance and leaned forward, making sure to be careful as he nervously pushed her hair back. He got down on his knee and stared at her.

'Wow, exquisite.' He thought.

The one sleeping before him had been a free spirit for too long now. No, it had to come to an end soon, he had to make sure of that. She would no longer be in that bed but her own, at her true home.

He felt hurt that he could not take things further and touch her soft skin, that he was sure was warm and smelled sweet.

' Gosh, she smells sweet.' He thought.

It took all his willpower to walk away, when he didn't want the moment to end. He wanted more, to hear her laugh and fall into her smile and lovely eyes. One last look at her was all he could manage to do at that time.

Downstairs at the kitchen, he took along a cookie which he suspected was made by Julie. It had not been the first time since he'd tasted them, once in church, he'd gotten the opportunity. He remembered how sweet she was and he sort of liked her, but when it came to Kate, everything made sense in his life.
Once outside, he checked the coast first before making his way to his van. The moment he was able to relax, his mind flooded with thoughts about his special moment with his Sleeping Beauty. He smiled to himself, letting out a content sigh because he felt good.

Kate was the reason behind all this.

Now that he'd gotten just a snippet of at at his heart desired, he took this as motivation to pursue his end goal.

He drove off with purpose this time. 

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