My Alpha

بواسطة megawattsmile

29.1K 1K 189

I moan as I feel his lips touch my neck before dipping lower still. Never in my life have I felt this amount... المزيد

Update Schedule
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Author's Note

Chapter Four

3K 125 38
بواسطة megawattsmile

Why is my blanket so scratchy?

My eyes open and I'm met with the sight of a hospital suite. I blink a few times to help focus my eyes. Why am I in the hospital and how did I get here? I look around, taking in my surroundings. What I don't expect to see is a sleeping Xavier sitting beside me in a chair with his head leaning against the bed I'm on.

The sight of Xavier brings back all of the memories from, well I don't even know how long ago. I remember our date, and smile slightly to myself. My smile is quickly wiped away though, as I remember the call from the police officer saying Lucy was found murdered. Tears prick my vision and I start to hyperventilate. Fear begins to take over my body when I remember how my skin felt like it was on fire and the sensation of flying right before everything went black. What if that happens again? I feel my body start to hum as more panic sets in.

Before I can worry too much about blacking out once more, Xavier's awake and grabbing my face with his large, warm hands. The tingling sensation, which only his touch brings to me, calms me down instantly. I still don't understand the affect Xavier has over my body, but boy do I appreciate it right now. My hands slowly reach up to grab his wrists to ground myself even more.

"Violet. Violet, calm down. Breath," he's whispering to me, "Look at me, kitten. Look at me," he demands, and I find myself looking into his eyes.

As I watch his eyes, I feel my heart stop racing and my breathing even back out, "L-Lucy," I stutter out.

His eyes soften even more, "I know, kitten," he replies.

I don't know how long we stay like that, him hold my face and me holding his wrists, but once I finally drop my hands to my lap it feels like it has been hours.

"How long was I out?" I ask shakily.

Xavier's hands move down to my shoulders, "A day," is all he says. I nod my head, glad it wasn't longer.

Xavier sits back in his chair and opens his mouth to say something, "I-."

He's cut off when the door to my suite opens and in rushes Lucy's mother, Sherry, "Oh, Violet," she chokes out through her tears.

I sit up in the bed more before throwing my arms open for a hug. Sherry walks over to me and grabs me in a bone crushing hug. I find myself not being able to cry, I whisper that everything is going to be okay to her and stroke her slightly greying red hair instead. Sherry's been like a mother to me since my parents died, and it feels right to get to console her like she has me for so many years.

As I feel her tears dampen the hospital gown I'm wearing, I begin to think about how much pain Sherry must be in. I can't believe Lucy's gone and I don't think I'll ever be able to. All throughout my childhood she was a part of my life. She was the bright and funny little girl that was a friend to me when no one else wanted to be. She'll always be the sister I always wanted but never had.

My face contours into a grimace as anger starts to consume me. I have to find who killed Lucy, now. I can't sit here any longer with Sherry crying to me about her murdered daughter. I need to get out there and find the person responsible for this and make them pay. My body starts to hum again as my anger level rises.

I glace over to Xavier when I start to fear that I might black out again. The look on his face tells me that he already knows what I'm thinking and he reaches over and grabs my hand that's on Sherry's back and pulls it towards him. Through everything that's happening right now I find myself blushing at our intertwined fingers.

"I-," Sherry grunts out, I pull back to look at her, "I h-hadn't seen her in a whole w-week. I d-didn't even get to tell her l-loved her," she manages past the tears.

My eyebrows scrunch up in confusion. I thought Lucy had left to go help her mom yesterday before she was found. I look over at Xavier because he was at the cafe with us when she left and see he's just as confused as I am by this new information. What had Lucy been up to? 


After an hour of talking and laughing with Sherry about the memories we have of Lucy, the doctor walks in, "Miss Hoover, we've look over all the tests and it seems that everything is fine. You're free to go," she says before smiling at us all and leaving the room.

"Well, Violet, I'm really thankful that I have you," Sherry says as she stands, "I feel much better about all this now thanks to you."

I smile at her sadly, "It's what you've done for me for years. I'm glad I have you too, Sherry, I don't know what I'd do without you."

I move to the edge of my bed and plant my feet on the cold ground. I stop myself before I stand up because I hear Xavier shift behind me. I realize how much skin he must be seeing right now since the back of the gown is mostly open. I blush.

Sherry walks over and hugs me one last time, "I'm going to head out, Vi. If you need anything at all don't be afraid to get a hold of me. I've already arranged Lucy's funeral for 2 days from now, Saturday," she chokes up after having to say "Lucy's funeral" out loud.

I nod my head into her shoulder. I can't believe Lucy's gone.


"Thank you so much for taking care of me after what happened the other night," I say to Xavier as I see my house come into view.

"Don't thank me kitten. I would have done it for you no matter what," he says grabbing my hand from my lap.

I barely know this man, but for some reason I know I can trust him. The fact that I barely know him and still trust and feel safe around him is kind of crazy. Yet, I can't think of anything that would make me care that it's weird.

"Thank you for taking me home," I sigh taking my hand from his to unbuckle the seatbelt and open the car door.

"No problem," he replies.

I turn to look at him one last time and stop dead in my tracks. Something about the way he was looking at me with his enchanting eyes and beautiful smile had me needing to have him with me just a little while longer.

"Would you like to come in for a while?" I ask before I have time to talk myself out of it.

He smiles, showing me his straight, white teeth, "I'd love to," and with that we both climb out of his car and walk towards my front door.

I feel Xavier walking closely behind me. The heat radiating off of him right now is making my head fuzzy. My heart begins to race like crazy when I feel him rest his hand on the small of my back as we walk.

With his hand still on me I unlock and push open the front door. Xavier steps in behind me and closes the door as I kick off my shoes and lay my bag down. I turn around to see Xavier removing his shoes as well. I gulp as I realize that I just let a man I barely know into my home.

The wonderful scent, which only comes from him, hits my nose and turns my cheeks pink, "I-I'm going to go and shower and change really quickly. The living room's right around this corner," I raise my hand and point, "Don't be afraid to make yourself at home."

"Sure thing kitten," he grins at the blush I can feel turning bright red on my cheeks.

I whip around and quickly run upstairs to clean myself and get changed.


"You got this Vi," I say to myself one last time before heading back downstairs.

I peak my head around the corner into my living room I'm surprised to see Xavier lounging on my couch with his arms hanging over the back and one of my favorite movies playing.

"You like Superman: Man of Steel?" he turns to look at me with a smile on his lips.

I could have sworn his eyes turned a shade darker when he saw me. His eyes roamed up my bare legs and over the over sized t-shirt before roaming back down again causing me to blush. I knew I shouldn't have worn these shorts. My cheeks are permanently going to be red at this rate. I shift uncomfortably under his stare. I hear a deep, rumbling noise come from his chest. Did he just growl at me? What the hell!? Is he a dog?

I clear my throat, which causes him to come out of his trance, "Who doesn't love this movie?" he replies huskily before clearing his throat.

"I have no clue," I say, plopping down on the couch next to him, "They're no friend of mine though."

As we sit and watch Superman I notice our bodies subconsciously, or consciously I have no idea, get closer to each other. Before I even know it my head's resting on his shoulder and his arm is securely wrapped around my waist. My eyelids become too heavy to keep open and fall shut.

"Run away with me, mate," I think I hear Xavier whisper before I fall fast asleep.


Here it is guys! I'm so sorry it took so long to post the chapter, but I've been having a hard time deciding how far I wanted this chapter to move forward with the plot.

I decided to just go with a filler chapter full of Xavier and Violet moments.

What would Xavier and Violets ship name be? No idea.

Where was Lucy the day she died? Why did she lie guys!? Andddddd what does Xavier mean by run away with me!?!?!? ;)

WC: 1770

Until next time guys! Can we try to get this chapter to 10 votes and 5 comments?

~ Megan

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