Friction // HS

By plainlystyles

396 6 1

Carefree and humorous meets serious and mysterious I mean, what could possibly go wrong? More

2 - Panties
3 - StarBucks
4 - Shopping
5 - Party Dramas
6 - Post Intercourse

1 - Greek God

128 5 0
By plainlystyles

Why do most the fine ass boys in fanfics always have a dark past or a bad boy reputation? Like honestly, you'd walk past them and they be looking lit and when you say 'Sup' to them and they be like "I murdered my family at the age of two." Or they got that sex addict aura, so you step back giving them a salute of good will.

That's your classic bad boy, yet even with the nasty past, girls dig it. They coming running from bloody Antartica just to be with this man whore and then they get upset and wonder why the hell he cheated on her.

Girls are so dumb.

Yet I'm one of the people that have to live with fact that I am a female too and these bloody chicks have given a bad reputation for the rest of us.

One of my best friends is one of those girls. I think she's one of the only girls that dig bad boys that I can deal with.

Most of the time...

She's even got that girly girl name, it's Felicity. Although me, my names...

"Margo!" I hear Felicity call from the change room.

Yep. That's my name.

"What." I call back, resting my elbow on my thigh and my head in my lifted hand.

"Does this dress look good? Also does it make my butt look big?" She comes out wearing a tight pink dress as she spins in a circle and rubs her hands down her waist.

"We've been over this Lis, you have no ass." I roll my eyes as she stamped her foot.

"I mean does it look like I have an ass." She folds her arms and flicks her light blonde hair off her shoulder.

"You want my honest opinion or do you want me to lie." I gave her a look, making her huff and look at the ceiling.

"Depends. What's the lie?" She looks at me with raised eyebrows.

"Omg Lis you ass is like as big as Nicki Minaj's! The circumference of the charts and it looks amazing!" I sarcastically jump up and clap my hands together, squinting my eyes with a big fake smile on my face.

"And the truth." She fold her arms and rolls her eyes.

"No, it doesn't look like you have an ass." I bluntly say, flopping back into the seat and crossing my legs.

"You can talk! You have no ass either." She spat, huffing and looked at the ceiling.

"I know I don't. At least I admit it and will forever dwell on the fact that this ass is always gonna be flatter than a pancake and I'm fine with that." I scratch my head and shrug my shoulders.

"More like flatter than the Earth." She mumbles, turning around to hop back into the change room.

"Felicity. The Earth is round..." I point out causing her to groan.

"It's totally flat. Anyways I'm gonna stick with your lie saying it looked great because I like this dress and I'm going to buy it. I'll be out soon darling." She waves her hand like the queen and swipes the curtain across after entering.

I rolled my eyes and fiddled with my fingers. Felicity is your stereotypical blonde. In all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if she was the one they based those stereotypes off.

She's a blonde that is addicted to the colour pink and is a bit of an airhead. She's not the sharpest knife in the drawer if you get what I mean.

"Okay all finished." Felicity pats her hands together and left the change room with a solid ten items of clothing. "Hey Margo, what do you want for your birthday? Its coming up in a couple of weeks."

"Nothing." I shrugged my shoulders and followed her to the checkout.

"Oh come on! Your turning 21 Marg. you need something." She tells me as we line up in the checkout line.

"You know I hate that nickname." I tell her as she scoffs.

"Its kawaii girl. Deal with it." She shrugs her shoulders and steps forward in line. "Just give me an idea of what you want."

"I like food and coupons." I bluntly reply, making her huff. "A little more variety?" She pleads.

"Um. Anything?" I roll my eyes as she groans.

"Please something more specific." She begs as I scowl and fold my arms.

"Make up your mind Lis. Do you want more variety or more specific things. Because if you want more specific things I already told you. Food and coupons." I tell her as she folds her arms and gives me a look, throwing her hands up in exasperation.

"I give up. I'll get you something pink because you aren't giving me variety." She smirks as I roll my eyes.

"That would be great, I'm going to enjoy burning it." I smile at her and walk out of the store as Felicity pays for her clothes.

"That's the spirit." She sighs after leaving the store.

"Well what else am I suppose to do with pink stuff." I shrug my shoulders with a smug look on my face.

"Wear it? Use it? Like every other girl, or guy." She explains, making me roll my eyes.

"Burning it sounds like a much better idea." I mutter to myself, causing her scoff and look at me with disapproval.

"Okay. Change of subject." She claps her hands together, making all the shopping bags she was carrying sway back and forth.

"Have you heard about the new guy in the neighbourhood? I heard he's 22 and is extremely handsome." Felicity squeals like a kid getting ice cream.

"Bad boy I'm guessing." I groan as her mouth becomes agape. "What does he look like?"

"Like that." She turns my head as I watch a muscular man stride through the mall. He had long curly hair that was a beautiful brown colour that fell just past his shoulders. He was wearing a white, long sleeve button up shirt with black, vertical stripes on it with the buttons undone to the middle of his chest and the sleeves rolled up, as well as wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and black shoes. His mouth was slightly parted as he ran his fingers through his hair to adjust his part. My eyes trailed to his jawline as I watch him clench it. Boy. I am so tempted to run up to him with a fucking sandwich because that jawline is sharp as shit.

Just in case he noticed us staring, I quickly stood in front of Felicity and shook my head.

"That's a bad boy. No go. Off limits." I quickly said, attempting to block her view of him.

"But!-" She pushed past me to get one last look at him before he left the mall, causing her to sigh in content at the sight of him.

"No buts. He is completely off limits." I tell her as she snarls, muttering curse words under her breath as she turned and walked the other direction.

"Why do you have to be so protective. I can date him if I want to. You're not my mother." She folds her arms as we walk to who knows where.

"Maybe because I'm sick of getting the 2am calls of you bursting into tears because your boyfriend at the time cheated on you because you couldn't help but fall for a bad boy." I sigh and look at her with a huff.

"Well I cant help it if they think I'm hot and they want to get close to me." She tells me as I chuckle.

"They only go for you because you got that good girl reputation." I explain with a shrug. "You're just to easy to get in bed."

"What are you trying to say."

"All I'm gonna say is if you ever got a chance with that guy, not like anyone has a chance with him seeing as though he looks like he was literally sculpted by the Greek gods, if you do end up having a chance with him don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart." I bluntly say.

"Cheers Margo." She chuckles with a slight eye roll as we head back to her car.

"That'll be $20 thank you." I say as we hop in the car. Felicity scrunched her eyebrows together as she looked at me with a confused expression.

"I get hired for $5 an hour and we were at the shopping for four hours so $20 please." I held up hand out waiting.

"What are you getting hired for exactly?" She buckles her seatbelt and starts up the car, backing out of her parking space to take me home.

"My 'hire a friend' company." I fold my arms as she chuckles.

"God I love you Margo." She laughs as she turns the steering wheel around a corner. "There's $2 in the glove box and I'll buy me and you a McDonald's slushy. How about that?"

"Sounds good to me." I smile to myself and relax my body, allowing myself to slide into the comfiness of the car seat.

"Do you want a coke or raspberry?" She asks me as we neared the McDonald drive through.

"Coke? What kind of person do you think I am McBitch." I raised my eyebrows at the fact she even needed to ask that question.

"Just checking. McChill." She held a hand out with a laugh as she ordered our frozen drinks and left the drive through to take me home.

I happily sipped the drink as I sighed in content, looking out the window to watch all the buildings and cars we past to help make the time speed up.

"Well, here you are Margo." Felicity smiles as we pull up to my flat. I unbuckled my seatbelt and grabbed my slushy, hopping out the car to bid my goodbyes.

"Thanks for bringing me along, I needed some time out of the house." I chuckle as she smiles at me back.

"I'll see you later. Text me!" She waves and drives off, I waved goodbye and walked up my driveway to enter my house.

I grabbed my keys from my pocket and placed it into the door, turning the key and forcefully opened the door.

"Honey I'm home." I call as I enter my almost silent flat. I took off my shoes and closed the door behind me.

I hear muffled bark in the distance as I roll my eyes and walk into my living room. I watch as my light brown Pomeranian puppy Eevee lifts her head up from the couch and jumps down, making her way towards me. I picked her up and allowed her to lick all over my face, making me chuckle as I placed her on the ground and allowed her to run off to who knows where.

"Talk about an ineffective guard dog." I mutter to myself as I walk into the kitchen and boil the kettle.

If you were wondering, yes I live alone. I have Eevee to keep me company most of the time but I tend to go hang out with my friends a lot, seeing as though I have no one at my flat.

Not really bothered to cook I decided make some noodles. After putting in the water and flavouring and chucking the nasty vegetable packet in the bin I grabbed my delectable and 100% nutritious meal, lol not, and headed to my living room to watch some Netflix.

After scrolling through and putting on a random movie, I half payed attention due to Eevee's random spaz attack over a little cricket that somehow got into my house.

Not long later, I heard a knock on my door. With a frown I paused the movie and headed to the door, opening it to see Felicity, my friend Dawn and my gay friend Nate at the door.

"Uhm. May I help you?" I ask them with a confused stare as they let themselves in. "Yeah that's chill. Lucky I wanted people over tonight."

"That's great then!" Felicity smiles as she places her bag down on the couch and sits down.

"That was sarcasm..." I mumble as Nate giggles and struts over next to Lis, flicking his quiffed brown hair and smirks.

"We are sleeping over." Dawn smiles, placing her luggage down as I huff, gesturing to the spare rooms.

"You guys know where to go. It's not like this is a rare occurrence or anything." I shrug my shoulders as Felicity and Dawn take their stuff to the spare bedroom and Nate sets up on the couch.

"We have gossip to talk about." Dawn holds up her hands as she enters the living room again, with Felicity following behind her with a smirk.

"What did he look like? Was he as gorgeous as me!" Nate grabs my arm and leans closer, winking as he crossed his legs.

"Oh no." I groan and huff as I realise why they were actually here. "Do we seriously have to talk about this? Can I just eat my noodles in piece?"

"No you can't. Now tell us!" Dawn smiles gleefully as she and Nate look at me with expectant faces.

"Why can't Lis tell you." I flop my body into my chair as I hear Nate growl and throw his hands up.

"God love Felicity but she is absolutely shocking when it comes to her explaining shit." He pauses and flicks his head and turns to Felicity. "Sorry Lis, but it's true. Now Margo, tell us! Is he as gorgeous as me!" Nate turns back to me with widened eyes and a wide smile.

"No one can be as gorgeous as you Nat." I wink as he held a hand to his heart and smiled lightly.

"Oh stop it. Truthfully this time." He flicks his wrist down an placed his hand on his crossed legs.

"Okay okay. He was more gorgeous than you Nate." I tell him as I hide in a ball in a way to protect myself from any upcoming slaps.

Confused when nothing came, I lifted my head to see Nate and Dawn's mouths agape as the eyes widened. "Girl..." Nate dragged, "That fella is mine. I shotgun!"

"Go ahead." I chuckle as he sighs in content.

"What did he look like?" Dawn asks and I give her a look and raise an eyebrow towards Nate.

"So you called shotgun but you don't even know what he looks like?" I turned to Nate with a confused expression as he tuts to himself before rolling his eyes and looking back at me.

"If you think he's hotter than he must be sculpted by the Greek gods because you hardly ever find bad boys hot." He tells me with a bored expression as I chuckle.

"I said that he was sculpted by the Greek gods too! Aye twins." I held up my hand to high five him as I allowed his hand to collide with mine, causing me to hiss slightly in pain as I brought my hand back down and rubbed it with my left hand.

"Well? What did he look like?" Dawn repeats as I look at the ceiling to help picture him in my mind.

"Well he had curly brown hair that fell just past his shoulders and he had a jawline that was so sharp it could probably cut my sandwiches. He was wearing a button up top with skinny jeans and black shoes and he was tall as fuck." I explain

"Yep. Greek gods. I told you." Nate clicked his fingers as I did the same gesture back.

"I heard he moved in on my street!" Dawn cut in, smiling gleefully as I rolled my eyes at her.

"Dawn. I live on the same street as you." I said, causing her to realise and hold a hand up to her mouth.

"That means he lives in our street." She emphasised, gasping quite loudly as Felicity muttered a "Jealous" under her breath.

"Great." I dragged and sighed quite loudly.

"It so is! Now enough boy talk. We got some Netflix to watch." Nate snatched up the remote and starting scrolling through to find a new movie to watch.

He ended up picking some comedy film which I was quickly bored of, so I told the group goodnight and headed into my room and the comfiness of my bed.

Once tucked in the covers, sleep quickly made its way to me and I dozed off, thinking about all the dramas this boy is going to bring.


This book is going to be a comedic book and hopefully you guys love it! I will be making a trailer soon so yeah :)))

Thank you for reading! Make sure you vote, comment and follow me so I can now if you guys like this book

Have a nice day!

Tash xx

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