
By Klarolineswife

80.8K 2.7K 577

BEING EDITED - A Klaus Mikaelson/Caroline Forbes Love Story ♡ More

|Chapter One|
|Chapter Two|
|Chapter Three|
|Chapter Four|
|Chapter Five|
|Chapter Six|
|Chapter Seven|
|Chapter Eight|
|Chapter Nine|
|Chapter Ten|
|Chapter Elleven|
|Chapter Tweleve|
|Chapter Thirteen|
|Chapter Fourteen|
|Chapter Fifteen|
|Chapter Sixteen|
|Chapter Seventeen|
|Chapter Eighteen|
|Chapter Nineteen|
|Chapter Twenty|
|Chapter TwentyOne|
|Chapter TwentyTwo|
|Chapter TwentyThree|
|Chapter TwentyFour|
|Chapter TwentyFive|
|Chapter TwentySix|
|Chapter TwentySeven|
|Chapter TwentyNine|
|Chapter Thirty|

|Chapter TwentyEight|

958 45 1
By Klarolineswife

|Two Months Later|

"Ivy. You are driving me insane." Klaus yelled upstairs to his daughter who was moaning about not being allowed a boyfriend. She sighed and twiddled around, begging him to let her go to the party tonight.

"Allison has a boyfriend dad. Why can't I?" Ivy sulked, slumping down onto her bed, almost suffocating in her pillow but at this point, she didn't care. Typical teenage years. Klaus was upstairs in less than a second and lent against the door frame of her bedroom.

"Allison is lucky I'm only her 'uncle' and not her dad." Klaus smirked, raising his brows. He remembered when Allison first told Stiles she had met a boy, both their faces turned sour as they exchanged looks. Klaus turned to Ivy and whispered, "don't you go getting any ideas. It's not happening." Stiles and Allison yapped at each other for almost an hour before Lydia pulled Stiles aside for the 'letting go talk.' Klaus was dreading it.

"Ugh!" Ivy huffed; she slammed her bedroom door with her telekinesis. Klaus vamped into his room where he found Caroline laughing to herself sprawled out on the bed with her favourite book, To Kill A Mocking Bird.

"Don't look at me. That's all you." She said as he took her hand and pulled her into a hug.

"She's sixteen Klaus. She's getting older. You have to let her go sometime. Let her. Explore the world." Caroline smirked, raising her brows. Besides, Caroline didn't need all this drama in her life at the moment. Her mother was getting sicker by the minute, she was glad she'd just had this long with her.

"But, love. If she were a normal child, she wouldn't even be six yet." Klaus frowned, gritting his teeth. He wandered over to the window for a better breath of fresh air.

"I'll speak to her..." Caroline said, rolling her eyes. Klaus laughed and shook his head as she got up and placed her handmade book marker onto page 205. Caroline knocked on Ivy's door.

"Ivy, sweetheart, what's wrong?" Caroline asked. After Ivy didn't respond Caroline opened the door. Caroline bit her lip to keep from calling Klaus' name as the curtains flapped in the wind.

"Yeah, she's totally fine." Caroline lied, empathizing the word 'fine.'

Klaus sighed. "She isn't even in there is she?"


Just as Caroline responded, her phone rang.


"Caroline. Allison's not in her room, are you with Ivy?"

"No, Lydia. They've done it again."

Lydia sighed. Lydia and Caroline burst into laughter, knowing that they too done the same when they were younger.

"What's so funny at a time like this?" Stiles said from the other room down the line.

"Hey, Stiles." Caroline smiled. She could hear him through her vampire hearing. Klaus got out of bed and stood near the door frame shaking his head.

"Klaus is panicking too, don't worry." Caroline said.

"I'll check on Elijah and Charlie." Lydia said, hanging up.

"Hey Elijah. Is Char-"

"No. Lydia. I'm guessing Ivy and Allison are missing too?"

"I have a feeling I know where they went..." Lydia smiled. Allison had asked her mom if she could attend the high school party as well, and as her dad gave her the same answer. She must've got the same idea as she and Ivy met on the corner of Bushfield Road.


"This, is, going, to, be, so awesome!" Charlie shouted as all three walked to the party everyone was so hyped about.

"You can meet with Ryan." Allison smirked, nudging Ivy.

"Ryan and Ivy, sitting in a tree." Charlie sung playfully.

"It's so weird that no one knows our secrets." Ivy laughed, running to and fro the end of the street. "That's so unfair!" Allison sighed, her bottom lip overlapping her top.

"Get on." Ivy laughed, as Allison jumped onto her back. Charlie and Ivy raced down a few streets until they stopped outside the house.

"Right. Lets party!" Charlie said, pulling the girls into the house. It was 9:45pm. They all believed their parents would think they were asleep.

"What are you loosers doing here?" A girl said opening the door. Ryan, Ivy's secret boyfriend came to the door.

"Let them in Roxie. They're cool." Ryan smirked, opening the door so they could step in. Charlie and Ivy looked at each other and Allison laughed awkwardly.

"Well. Come on in."

Finally they could all breathe as Ryan invited them inside.

"Hey! Allison." George called as he stepped forward from beerpong and kissed her on the cheek.

Allison and Ivy were taken into the living room where people were playing pool and throwing up.

"I can barely hear what's going on!" Allison yelled to George over the music. Allison relied on Ivy as she was a tribrid and very powerful. Allison had not found her voice yet, she was working on it. Lydia was helping her find her inner strength.

"Ivy, come take a look at this!" Ryan laughed, pulling Ivy along with him to the kitchen. Ivy was in eyesight of Allison but she still felt unsafe. Allison pulled on George to go in the same direction.

"Alli, you don't need to always follow her. You're okay with me."

Charlie was too busy downing beer to realise he was even at a party anymore. First time drinking so he thought he may as well go all out.

"Come on, Alli." George ordered, pulling her along towards the stairs. Allisons heartbeat doubled in speed to which Ivy caught ahold of.

"No, George."

"It'll be fun. Come on."

"She said no!" Ivy snarled, arms folded in front of them when George turned around.

"I was just messing Ivy. Chill." George laughed, placing his hand playfully on Ivy's arm.

Ivy pulled Allison from George's grasp. "Leave this party and sober up." Ivy ordered, staring into his eyes.

"Ha. You really think I would take orders from you. Come on Alli, lets blow this joint." George chuckled, tugging on her arms. Ivy hissed at George. Her fangs pierced through her gums and dark veins slithered under her eyes.

"Ivy!" Allison gasped. George stared at her gawking.

"What the?" George was so drunk that he passed out and fell to the ground, hitting his head on the stairs. Ivy bit her wrist and placed it to his mouth panicking.

"Please work. Please work." Ivy cried, wiping sweat from her head.

"What are you doing?" Ryan asked, holding two drinks in his hands, suddenly dropping them. The music stopped and everyone stared at the front door.

"Took us long enough." Klaus grinned.

"Parties over." Elijah frowned, looking directly at Charlie whom was now puking. Klaus' attention shot right towards Ivy who was in vampire mode. He walked towards her drastically and compelled everyone to forget Ivy, Charlie and Allison came to the party and all of them flashed right out of the door.


When they arrived home, the teens were all plonked onto the sofa and Elijah, Stiles and Klaus stood in front of them without a word.

Charlie was sat drinking water and Allison sat close to Ivy. "So, why did you all think it was acceptable to go to this party?" Elijah asked, leaning against the coffee table.

"No! What I want to know is why were you with boys! Better yet! Why was your arm in ones mouth. Ivy Elizabeth Mikaelson!" Klaus huffed.

"Allison, I expected better. You had to sneak out." Stiles said, folding his arms.

"Sorry." All three moaned.

"Now. Your mothers want a word." Elijah said, dragging a furious Klaus and hesitant Stiles out of the room.

Caroline, Lydia and Hayley came into the room and looked annoyed. The door closed behind them. Suddenly, all six laughed quietly.

"So! How was your first real party?" Hayley asked, raising her eyebrows to her son who had obviously learnt his first teen life lesson.

"Allison? You like parties? I did." Lydia winked.

"No way. I'm sorry mom. I won't go again." Allison said sheepishly. Lydia placed her arm around her daughter and smiled. "We have to teach you to be ready for these types of things. Your father's right. You can't sneak off. We only do what's best for you. Ivy can't control her powers at the moment, and neither can you. Just start going careful."

"Ivy. You know you cant use your powers properly. Next time, ask so I can train you to protect yourself and Allison. Charlie is better at using his gift than you girls." Caroline laughed.

"Now listen, what you did was naughty but it was your first time at a party so we won't punish you. Though, sneaking out does need to stop, or we will stop you from seeing each other as punishment." Hayley said.

"Thoes are your dads orders." Lydia sighed.

"We will ask next time. Sorry mom." Ivy said.

"Group hug!" Lydia shouted, pulling everyone in for a cuddle. The guys peered through the door and folded their arms.

"Some punishment." Klaus grunted.

"Ugh. I can't believe this." Stiles sighed.

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