Love of a Legend Killer (Rand...

By sithrollins

432K 8.9K 1.3K

Living on the road 24/7 is one thing. Trying to find a special someone is another. Melody Stratigias, cousin... More

Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)
Usual Night Backstage
Remember It's Scripted..
Car Conversations
Late Night Thoughts
Orton plays The Game
Lingering Thought
Drunk & Disorderly
The Morning After
Steel Cages & Dinner Dates?
Food & Feelings
The Other Morning After
Monday Night Raw
Odd Behaviour
Small Talk
Jimmy Kimmel Live
Unknown Secrets
Fell For The Bad Guy
Trying To Understand It All
The Other Side
Unusual Of Him
What Was That?
*Bonus* The Conversation
Life Ruiner - Part 1
Life Ruiner - Part 2
Unlikely Savior
Surviving Monday
First Time
Making Plans
Confontation Central
*Not a Chapter but it is of Importance*
Randy's Room
*Bonus* Meet the Stratigias'
Overprotective Daddy in Training
Lie Lie and Lie Some More
Confession & Confusion
Finding One's Identity
Honorary Orton
Quick Note
Unexpected Visitor
Chapter Forty-Two
The Answer
Cravings Annoucements & Excessive Screaming
Try Again
New Years Revolution
Don't Say I Didn't Tell You So
Valentine's Day Sucks
Burn In My Light
Remaster? Feedback appreciated!
Remaster Started!


9K 189 28
By sithrollins

We was at the All State arena in Chicago, Illinois for tonight's Raw. Less than 24 hours away from Taboo Tuesday, WWE's first ever interactive pay per view, exclusive to the Raw brand.

It was around half hour into the show, Randy had just gone to have a tag team match with Chris Jericho against Batista and Ric Flair.

Randy had just entered the ring, the referee having to push him back from Flair and Batista. He seemed alittle eager to get the match started. Knowing him he was probably mocking Flair, hence the grin on his face right now as he paced back and forth.

The bell rang.

I swear Randy just slapped Jericho's ass.

Randy stood on the ring apron, Jericho starting the match with Batista.

Evolutions animal and one of fifteen men who was a possible opponent for the Intercontinental Championship, taunted Jericho only to get dropkicked, making him stumble into the turnbuckle. Jericho followed that with another dropkick and continued kicking Batista, making him slump down to the mat, the ref starting the five count.

Batista slid out the ring to recover, only to receive more offence from Jericho when he got back in.

I was currently in the women's locker room with Trish, watching the match.

She had a match earlier, alongside Gail Kim and Molly Holly against Stacy Kiebler, Victoria and Nidia.

"Are you riding with me or are you going with Randy?", Trish asked, briefly looking at me before turning her attention to packing her bag.

"Urm, I don't know.", I shrugged.

"When you find out, let me know.", she smiled.

"Will do.", I nodded, turning my attention back to the match.

The crowd cheered louder as Chris tagged in Randy, Flair stepping back as the young legend killer stepped into the ring. They locked up, Flair getting Randy in the corner giving him his signature knife edge chops, the crowd going woo with each one.

"Never get's old, does it?", Victoria smiled as she sat down beside me.

"Who, Flair or the woo's?", I asked.

"Both.", she laughed. "Ooh, what a right hand!", commenting on Randy's right hand to Ric, dropping the nature boy onto his back.

The match went back and forth between the pair of them, Flair tossing Randy out of the ring, Jericho getting in and giving chops before getting whipped into the ropes and knocked down with a shoulder block before standing and getting a thumb to the eye.

As I watched the match I felt a passing of nausea come over me, my head feeling like I was about to pass out.

Then I felt it.

I stood up, placing my hand over my mouth and ran to the toilet cubicle. Dropping to my knees and leaning into the toilet.

"Melody, are you okay?!", Trish asked, coming in behind me, moving my hair and holding it out of the way.

I coughed, nodding my head slightly. "Fine. I'm fine.", I replied.

"You threw up, doesn't seem like you're okay."

I didn't say anything.

"Mel, this isn't the first time you've felt sick. You weren't looking so good back in the UK, Christian told me."

Of course he told her.

"And I know you've been tired and not all that good for the past week.", she sighed. "Mel, are you pregnant?", Trish asked in a hushed voice.

I stood up, flushing the toilet and moving past Trish, washing my hands.


I ignored her, focusing on my hand washing.



"Melody Maria Stratigias.", Trish spoke sternly.

I snapped my head up, looking at her in the mirror. Her facial expression was that of annoyance.

"Are you pregnant?", she asked again.

I sighed, looking down and ran my hand through my hair. "I don't know.", I said in a soft tone.

Victoria was leaning against the doorway. "Have you had your..?", she questioned.

I shook my head.

"I think it's best if you find out.", she spoke again.

"Vic is right.", Trish nodded in agreement.

I leaned against the counter, sighing. "What if I am though?", I asked in almost a whisper.

"Then..I don't know Mel. We'll figure that out when we know or not. Okay?", Trish replied, coming to stand by me and pulled me into a hug. "No matter what, I'm here okay."

"Me too.", Victoria smiled.

Since we were done, and had nothing left to do. Me, Trish and Victoria decided to head on back the hotel. Packing our things up and walked out of the locker room, heading towards the parking lot.

I was hoping that we'd pass Randy on the way since by the time we had finished getting our stuff together his match had finished.

"He can't be taking that long to get his ass back here, seriously.", Trish grumbled, annoyed at the fact that it has been awhile since Randy's match had finished, yet he hadn't appeared backstage yet. "I never knew he turned into such a slow walker."

"Maybe he got stopped by someone and they're talking or something.", Victoria reasoned.

"Maybe, but still. We have stuff to do."

"Calm down Stratus.", Victoria smirked.

"I'll try.", Trish replied, rolling her eyes. "Ah, Dave!", she exclaimed, causing the animal of Evolution to turn around.

"Ladies.", he smiled. "What's up?"

"Haven't seen Randy have you?", I asked.

"Uh, no. He's probably with Chris or something, the clothesline I gave him seemed to knock him out abit. Why?"

"Oh right. Could you just tell him that I'm going back to the hotel now, and that I'll see him when he gets there, please."

"Sure. Will do.", he nodded with a smile.

"Thanks.", I smiled, heading off with Trish and Victoria.


We arrived at the hotel, having been to the drug store to pick up a pregnancy test.

And when I mean a pregnancy test, I mean several. Gotta be sure, right?

Walking into the hotel room I would be sharing with Randy tonight, Trish and Victoria following behind. We headed to their rooms first so they could drop their bags off.

I sat down on the bed, stripping my jacket off and placing it beside me.

"Are you gonna do it now?", Victoria asked.

"Should I?"

Trish nodded. "Best to do it now. Before Randy gets back.", she said.

I nodded, taking the bag with me into the bathroom. Taking a box out of the bag, I opened it, taking the small plastic stick in my hand and read the instructions. Doing what I had to do, I waited. Placing it on the bathroom counter and stared at it, like it was magically going to tell me immediately.

Three minutes.

Three long minutes of paranoia and desperation to know quicker than three minutes.

Sighing, I started pacing the small length of the bathroom. Feeling slightly claustrophobic of the small space, I opened the bathroom door, walking out.

Trish was pacing whilst Victoria was sitting on the chair in the corner. When they both spotted me they stood up.

"Well?", Trish questioned.

I shrugged. "Don't know just yet.", I replied.

Trish nodded.

"What are you going to do if it's positive?", Victoria questioned.

I really had no clue on what to do.

What do I do?

Well, tell Randy for starters. Then the parents have to know. It's going to seem well, my parents haven't even met Randy and I'm pregnant. Same goes with his parents, I haven't met them either. We've been together for a little under two months and I'm possibly pregnant.

We should have been more careful.

"I don't know in all honesty.", I shrugged.

The more I thought about all this, the more vunerable I was starting to feel.

Would Randy even want to be with me when he finds out that I'm pregnant? That is, if I am. What if he doesn't want it? I can't abort it, I couldn't do that.

Signing I walked back into the bathroom, looking at the test.

Two lines.

Picking up the box to see what that meant, scanning the words.

Two lines - positive.

I was pregnant.

- we have it. Oooh, welp. Looks like Melody has a new situation on her hands. Let me know what you guys think, thanks for reading!

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