Fighting for my Love

By EmilyAXO

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Why cant you see I love you more than just a friend? You're my best friend & I dont want to lose you if I tol... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
02/11/17 Sorry...(A/N)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 17

77 23 1
By EmilyAXO

A/N: So, I told you guys I'll update today 09/18/17 if I didn't update last Friday or Saturday so here you go👇😊

*3 days after the date*

Rydel Pov:

"I could see by your look that you're giving me, you know what I'm going to ask" I said excitedly. I smiled as I saw her annoyed but a smile on her face. "Well, I got to admit playing with a Lynch with a Lynch it was interesting. Of course Lyvia asked a bunch of questions but Ryland was on top of things" she said as she stood up from her bed. "What about Ross?" Maria asked curiously wanting to know the answer. "He was surprised but he was happy for "us" " she said quoting the us.

"Do you even you know consider you and Ryland to be more than friends?" I asked out of the blue. She gave it a thought as Maria gave me a smile knowing what will happen later on.

"I don't know he is adorable but I don't know if I'll actually go out with him" she looked at us. "Just give it a thought" I told her trying not to tell her.


Later that day, we decided to hangout.  It was great just to hangout over the weekend. Ever since what I found out Isabella hasn't come over lately and I understand. I'm just glad I could hang out with these girls again. "Got anything in mind that you want to do today?" I asked them as Maria handed me a water bottle. "I don't really care as long as I hangout with you girls, like we used to back in middle school I'm good" Isabella told us.

I saw Maria as she sat down and let out a little giggle wondering in her train of thoughts. "What are you doing over there giggling by yourself?" I asked curiously. She snapped out of her thoughts quickly. She immediately turned to face me, still smiling. "I was just remembering myself when we where in middle school, we united ourselves once a week at Isabellas house and we had a sleepover"

"Oh, I remember and we baked goodies watched a movie..." I trailed off by the memory. "I'll say we should do that again, what do you think?" I suggested. Looking at the both of them. "Yeah we should just let me know when and you girls know I'm in" Isabella told us excited sitting on the couch.

"You know we're in" I yelled excited.

Isabella Pov:

After the hangout with the girls in decided to meet up with Ryland to hangout with him for a bit. "Your girls hangout ended early as I expected". Ryland has said getting inside the house. "It was fun and all but we just ended it" Ryland sat down on the couch. "Huh, thought you girls will talk about boys and what not" He assumed. I shook my head. "We don't usually talk about guys" Ryland raised one his eyebrow at me smirking. "I know my sister Bella, she wanted to know about our 'date' that we had" I laughed.

"So what if we did, she is my best friend" I crossed my arms still looking at him. "There's nothing wrong about that, just proved that I was right" I rolled my eyes playfully. "Thanks again Ry, I know I already said this alot but I'm truly am thankful" I hugged him. "Whatever you need, I'm here for"


We were walking to the park because why not. I needed to be active with myself and well, why not be active while taking a walk in the park. It was a beautiful day, hanging out with Ryland would be fun. Right now, we were talking about the most randomness stuff ever. Just talk about what we had in mind, and honestly, it doesn't even make sense.

That's what we do when we're board out of our mind. But me, I'm thinking of what Rydel talked about earlier. Why did she even ask me if I consider Ryland more as a friend? Is something going to happened that she knows that I don't?

"We did a good job with our play date don't you think?" Ryland asked as I snapped out of my thoughts. "Oh yeah,  you should really get an acting gig" I told him as he put both of his hands in his pocket. "No, acting is not my thing Oreo Lover, DJing is my majority top of my list" He said.

"I always wondered how you you mix songs"

"Well, in that case, why won't you come over and I'll show you?" He asked.

"I'm down" I said excitedly.

Lyvia Pov:

"It's really nice to view the park once in a while" I said as Ross walked hand in hand. "Yeah, I guess I mean we should have bring something to be active like playing basketball" I looked at my boyfriend as I continue looking the path in front of us. "Can we just go at the park and just take a walk instead of being active for a while?" I asked as I heard him chuckled. "Suppose only once in a while" I love my boyfriend but why does he want to be competitive?

Well that's one of the reasons why were at the park. The other reason is to see Isabella with Ryland, I'm still not quite convinced. I'm just doing this so she won't be in my way of my boyfriend. Besides, I just spotted them walking around talking.

"Hey you lovebirds!" I shouted as we walked towards them. "Hey guys, what of the odds, what are you doing here?" Isabella ask as Ryland hold her hand. "Just wanted to say hi" I told them with a wave. "What have you been doing?" I asked.

"Oh, you know just hanging out with my Rybear isn't that right babe?" She smiled at Ryland. "Yeah, I mean I'm just a lucky man to have a sweet girl like her" He kissed her cheek. "Don't you think we'll leave them alone Lyv, they seem to having a moment" Ross said as he was trying to pull my hand. "Agree, nice seeing you two" I said as I smiled.

Ryland Pov:

"That was close" I said as I let go of her hand. "Yeah, good thing you caught Lyvia or else she would've catch up" she said as she releave a sight of relief. "Yeah, c'mon let's keep on walking" I gave a nervous chuckle.

I never thought of this, but I'm actually having feelings for her. When we hang out often more. I started  to realize what's so special about her. My brother don't see it but I do and I'm planning to ask her out but I don't know how. "What's wrong?" I heard her ask. "Nothing it's just I've been meaning to tell you something" I said.

"Which is?" She led on the conversation.

"Well I've been thinking, since we got to know a little better, and with the whole fake dating thing...wouldn't  you think we could make this whole thing real?...What im saying is would you be my girlfriend?" I asked as she release a smile yet still shocked on what to say.

Well...that was stupid to ask right away. But I just couldn't helped it.


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