Winter's Rose ~A Beauty and t...

By twinkleharryy

59.9K 2.4K 193

'"Oh, William, there will be no heir. The throne will sit empty for years. Everything your father created wil... More

The Two Curses
The Debt
The Attack
The Castle
The Beast
The Fever
The Prince
The Lie
The Fleeting Winter
The Celebration
The Moonless Sky
The Letter
The Battle
The Wish
The Return Home
The Escape
The Child
The Man
The Curse
The New Kingdom

The Truth

3K 119 14
By twinkleharryy

Rosalind woke the next morning to Cassandra's soft voice calling her name from the other side of the door. She rolled over in bed, moaning as the door creaked as Cassandra entered. She felt Cassandra's hand appear on her shoulder, shaking her slightly.

"Rosalind," she said with a melodic tone. "You need to wake up."

Rosalind's stomach rumbled with hunger giving her wakeful state away. She rolled onto her back, pushing herself up with her elbows. The wool cloak slipping off her shoulders. So it had not been a dream, she had indeed met William last night. Cassandra seemed to notice the cloak too.

"Where did you get that?" Cassandra asked.

"William," Rosalind told her softly.

"William--How did you know his name?" Cassandra seemed perplexed.

"He told me his name."

"Last night?" Cassandra questioned. "He came to you last night? In your room--how brazen is he?" Cassandra seemed abhorred by her interaction with William.

"Not in my room, I went wandering last night and met him." She explained. She knew the rules of propriety and how a man and young woman should never be unaccompanied. William was the master of the house; he would never have such an interest in her any way. She wanted to tell that to Cassandra, but she feared it may make Cassandra have a fit.

"Well, you must have made quite the impression then," Cassandra said with a cynical tone. "He has invited you to take breakfast with him this morning. Which is strange, he rarely dines away from his quarters. Selene has been bustling around the kitchen all morning." Rosalind's heart stopped for a moment. She had just met the strange man.

William, was an enigma, that seemed to switch between a gentleman and a raging lunatic. Cassandra helped her out of the warm bed, and out into the cold of the room. She walked on her toes in attempt to avoid the cold stone floor. Rosalind wrapped the cloak tighter around her.

"I brought you another dress." Cassandra told her, taking away William's cloak. She folded it and placed it on the vanity. She lifted Rosalind's chemise over her head, replacing it with a fresh dress. Rosalind braced her hands on the corner of the vanity as Cassandra pulled the laces tight.

"Cassandra?" Rosalind began. "What does William look like?"

"He looks like a man." Cassandra said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Does William have scars on his face?"

Cassandra stopped mid-lace. Her touch instantly leaving. "How would you know that?"

Rosalind's face flushed with embarrassment. "I felt it."

"You what?" Cassandra asked in disbelief. "He let you touch him?"

"Yes--well, no-- only for a second." She stuttered. Cassandra began tying the dress again in silence. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Most things are better left unsaid," Cassandra mumbled. "I will advise you not to ask that question anyone."

Rosalind was quiet. Cassandra sat her down, and brushed her hair. She did not mean to overstep; she was just curious. She could feel Cassandra loosely braid her hair down her back, tying it with a small ribbon. Rosalind now dreaded going to breakfast for the fear that she might say the wrong thing.

Once she was done being made up, Cassandra handed her the folded cloak and led her down the same series of hallways that they had travelled down yesterday. This tension between the two of them made Rosalind uncomfortable. She heard the wooden doors of the dining room creak open.

Rosalind smelled a wonderful aroma. Cassandra had not been wrong; Selene had worked very hard. Rosalind was enchanted by the smells of citrus and cinnamon. Cassandra sat her in a plush chair at the end of the table. Rosalind traced the width of the table with her fingers, she could not reach the end of the table; even with both arms stretched out. She had never sat at a table that was so big.

She played with her fingers in her lap. Selene set a plate of fruit jam and toast in front of her; Rosalind mumbled her thanks. It smelled amazing, her stomach growled in hunger. Her father had taught her to wait to eat until everyone was served. Rosalind sighed. She was nervous. She did not know why.

She heard the door open and slam behind her. She stood quickly sensing the powerful presence in the room. She could hear harsh footsteps pounding the floor as they crossed to the other side of the room. The chair at the other end of the table screeched as it was jerked from its place. Rosalind hadn't realized it, but she had stopped breathing.

"Well? Why are you still standing?" William's voice was coarse. She took a sharp intake of breath before sitting back down. She did not know what to do with herself. She was hungry, yes, but she was so put off with William's finicky behavior that she could not see to reach for her toast.

"Aren't you going to eat something?" William asked crudely between bites. She was at a loss of words. Here she was sitting across from a man whom was so different from the man she met the night before. He was back to being the knave that harassed her in the kitchen. What sparked the change, she had no idea. "Eat!"

She reached for her toast carefully. It was cold now, considering how long it had been on her plate. She ate it still, the sweet taste of jam exploding in her mouth.

"Was it all that hard?" He grumbled.

"It will be hard to stomach if you continue to behave this way," she told him coldly. She heard Selene gasp from the corner of the room. She heard a clank of a fork hitting against a plate. Rosalind did not know what sparked the sort of courage it took to talk to William that way, but she was thankful for it.

"What?" William asked, his voice seethed through his teeth.

"You march in here like a wild animal, you never thanked Selene for cooking a marvelous breakfast, and you never even asked me how I was this morning! Honestly, were you ever taught manners?" Rosalind took another bite of her toast once she had finished her laundry list of things that was off putting about William.

He remained quiet a long time. "How did you fare last night?" His question was meek and lacking any sincere emotions.

"Fine," she told him solemnly. He grumbled something that was inaudible. "Pardon?"

"I said," he began. "Thank you Miss. Warren, for this delightful breakfast."

Rosalind could not help smile softly. She finished her toast in silence before standing abruptly. She held the wool cloak tightly in her left hand following the table's edge with her right. She walked as firmly as she could to the end of the table; her fingertips treaded on the edge of the corner. A hand shot out and grabbed onto her wrist. She froze in her place feeling the warmth of his hand. Rosalind tossed the cloak at him. He released her and she took a step back.

"Enjoy your breakfast," she said before taking her leave. Rosalind had no idea where she was going, but she kept moving through the halls with confidence.

Rosalind wandered aimlessly through the halls and corridors. She felt the walls learning their placement. This house was enormous or she just kept walking in circles. She had been walking for hours. Her fingers suddenly felt a latch; she pulled on the door. It opened and she could hear laughter echoing from the inside. She felt like an intruder as she entered the room.

"Rosalind? What are you doing here?" She heard Selene ask.

"I was just-- I'll leave I'm sorry!" Rosalind stuttered, turning quickly. Selene caught her arm.

"No, stay! I was just surprised to see you in the servant's quarters is all."

"Oh, I was just wandering around," Rosalind said quietly. The pair stood in an awkward silence. The laughter continued further into the room. Selene took Rosalind's hand and led her deeper into the room.

"Did you see his face? When she through that cloak at him?" A man's voice laughed. Rosalind flushed with embarrassment, they were all laughing about her. Selene cleared her throat announcing their presence to the rest of the room.

"Rosalind!" Cassandra cheered.

"Ah the lady of the hour!" An unknown male voice said.

"Alright, alright! Enough!" Selene scolded. "This is Miss Rosalind--err--I don't believe we know your surname dear!"

"Eldridge!" Cassandra chimed in.

"Leader. A strong name." A man's voice said.

"Oh, hush, Silas." Selene laughed.

A warm hand took up Rosalind's. "A pleasure to meet you officially. My name is Silas Dillion."

"Hello," Rosalind said meekly. Her hand was taken by another, a soft kiss placed on her knuckles.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Rosalind. My name is Jasper Hamlin."

"Ah the infamous Mr. Hamlin," Rosalind smiled. She heard Cassandra burst into laughter.

"Only her second day in the castle and she's already pegged you for the rogue you are!" Silas exclaimed. Castle? No wonder it had felt so expansive. That meant William was a vassal or a lord of some kind. She had been speaking to a man who was of much higher station than her.

"Here, Rosalind, take a seat!" Selene cut in. "Jasper move!" She took the seat where Jasper had previously been seated. Cassandra's squeal cut through the air as Jasper moved her from her seat taking it for himself and placing her on his lap. She heard Cassandra's hand swat at Jasper's chest.

"Where is Ben?" Rosalind asked.

"Somewhere causing trouble, I reckon," Silas said.

She spent a few hours getting to know the servants of this castle. They were utterly delightful. She learned that Silas had this pastime obsession with names; that he liked to know all their meanings. He told her that her name meant Little Rose and her surname meant Leader. She could not help but wonder if that is where William got the name that he referred to her as last night. She learned that Jasper had a flirtatious manner and that he was pursuing Cassandra with a vengeance. It was hilarious! Jasper's constant advanced being swatted away by Cassandra. Rosalind could tell that Cassandra adored the attention no matter how much she pushed him away. Silas was an interesting intellectual, he was quiet but when he did speak he sounded like a wise scholar. Selene seemed to constantly thwart Silas challenging his remarks at every chance. She loved to play devil's advocate. She learned that most of them had been employed here all their lives. Jasper and Silas were raised into their positions, whereas Selene and Cassandra replaced others. Cassandra had replaced her mother when she reached working age as had Selene. All of them had known William for a sizable number of years.

They seemed to love laughing at William's expense. Selene explained it as when you've worked with someone for a long time you become a family, and any joke they told was out of love. Jasper thought it was hilarious how Rosalind put William in his place, he told her that it was about time that someone stood up to his behavior. Silas--who she discovered was William's confidante-- told her that he had never seen William so distraught with a woman.

Rosalind grew up in a loving family, but it was a family by blood. This was a different type of family. Their bond was forged on friendship and loyalty. While she did love her father and brother, she had never felt treated as an equal. For the first time in her life no one here cared about her sight impediment. She felt accepted and warm around this make-shift family. Rosalind knew that she would grow to love each and every one of them. It would be hard to leave them at the end of the winter, but she knew these people were her lifelong friends.

Their laughter continued as they told Rosalind stories. The time Ben hid in a cabinet just to scared Jasper, or how Selene use to make a bath of cold water for Silas. Rosalind was truly enjoying herself. She told them stories about her father's shop and Andrew and Anna.

Selene, after many requests, agreed to play a tune on the violin. It was a merry sound, and the laughter made a wonderful chorus. Cassandra and Silas clapped along to the beat. Jasper pulled Rosalind to her feet and began dancing with her. Twirling her around as she laughed immensely. The thing with dancing was, you did not need sight--if the man led correctly. A press of the hand on her waist told her to turn and which way.

The song ceased and Jasper held her up as she nearly crumbled from laughter. She was happy. He sat her down, excusing himself so that he could dance with Cassandra. She clapped along as she sat next to Silas.

"The entangler of men," he said knowingly.


"Cassandra. Her name means entangler of men." Silas mused.

"Interesting," Rosalind said intrigued. Names always meant something; they did not make a person, but it was interesting to see how a name was embodied by that person. As the song finished, Selene welcomed applause. Rosalind could not fight the smile that now inhabited her face. They could hear running footsteps echoing down the hall outside the door. Ben's laughter and squeals of delight followed by a deeper laughter. The door swung open and the group hushed.

"Miss Rosalind!" Ben cheered. William who had been carrying him on his back let the boy down gently. Ben went running to Rosalind hopping onto her lap. William stood awkwardly in the door way. He gained his composure.

"What is she doing in here, Selene?" William asked harshly. Selene stuttered, trying to find her words.

"I wandered here by mistake," Rosalind said quickly.

"You seem to wander a lot of places, Miss Rosalind." He accused. Rosalind remained quiet.

"Well, that tends to happen when you can't see anything," she told him matter-of-factly. He instantly quieted. "Cat caught you tongue, William?"

"I cannot believe she just said that? "Jasper whispered to Cassandra.

A low growl resonated in William's throat, before he stormed from the room slamming the door behind him. Rosalind released the breath that she had not realized that she had been holding.

"Well, here we go again," Silas mumbled. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Eldridge."


Silas left the room, calling after William. She did not know why she felt the need to challenge William's position. It was more fun than she'd like to admit. She bounced Ben on her knee, tickling his sides.

"I should go," Rosalind mumbled, letting Ben off her lap. Selene helped her towards the door. "Thank you for all the stories, it was a delight!"

"Thank you for getting lost," Selene laughed. Rosalind smiled as she stepped into the hall. Selene grabbed her elbow, before she could exit. "Don't pay too much mind to William, Rosalind. He is a lost soul with a lot of troubles."

"Thank you, Selene. For everything, I mean." Rosalind smiled as she walked into the hall. She needed to stop going down halls she did not recognize. She tried to go back towards the dining hall that she had fled from this morning, but she felt all turned around. She really ought to get a tour of this massive place. She strolled down the long halls an hour or so before it turned colder. She shook slightly, the walls were not as insulated as other parts of this castle.

She heard voices down the hall. Loud booming male voices. Rosalind feared that she had made her way to the wrong part of the castle--William's quarters. She could hear Silas' calm voice struggling to get a word or two in before William's rage trampled him. She kept close to the wall, making sure her steps were quiet. Rosalind knew that she should have turned back and avoided William's temper, but she could not help her curiosity. She crept as close as she dared. The voices were louder now.

"I can't keep doing this, Silas! These nightly jaunts to the forest looking for God knows what. How do we even know that there is anything that can be done?" William's voice demanded.

"There is always--" Silas began.

"A loop-hole to every contract, I know!" William quieted a moment. "I've looked for seven years, Silas. There is nothing out there."

"Please, William, do not be defeated. What would your father say--"

"Do not bring my father into this, Silas. I am lenient enough with you. This new pet of a girl running about causing trouble!"

Rosalind's heart sank, they were talking about her.

"Now, William--"

"No, Silas! Tell me what is going to happen when I am out of time? Will you and your little family still parade around this castle? Or will you all die with me?"

Rosalind took a step back, and accidentally tumbled to the floor. The thump was loud and noticeable. She heard the conversation cease in the room and loud footsteps bound towards her hiding spot.

William grabbed her by the arm yanking her up. She had seen William's rage before, but this was something more terrifying; more animalistic.

"William, you need to calm down." Silas said calmly behind the pair. William's hot breath hit her in the face, her mind could not help but drift back to the woods where she was cornered by that wild animal. "Let her go, William."

William hesitated, huffing loud harsh breaths. She struggled in his grasp, freeing herself she hit him with an open palm. He growled loudly. She turned and ran. She could hear Silas calling after William as her pursued her. She could hear her heart pounding in her ears, as she struggled to find a door to the outside. She could hear William's deep throaty clicking sounds that she had only heard from a wolf that had come too close to her town. Her fingers wrapped around a metal latch and she tugged it open, she felt the cold fresh winter air on her face. She slammed the door behind her running into the night.

Her mind flitted back to Grover. He had spoken of a beast roaming the castle. Was William that beast? He was so human. She recalled child hood stories of werewolves and vampires, could William be a creature of the night? Did those creatures even exist?

She had not realized that it had been snowing, her feet sank in the couple inches of snow that there were. The cold bit at her exposed skin, as she struggled to run through it. She grew frustrated that she was moving so slowly.

"Rosalind, wait!" William called after her. His voice had shifted back to its normal tone. "I didn't mean to--"

"Stay away from me!" She yelled as she trudged forward. She began to cry in frustration, her hot tears searing her freezing face. William grabbed onto her arm, she fiercely swatted him away.

"Come back inside with me, Rosalind, you'll freeze!"

"I'd rather freeze than go anywhere with you!" She yelled viciously. She fought out of his grasp, and fled further into the night.

"Please Rosalind, I'm sorry! I'm in control of myself, I swear it!" William pressed again; following close behind her.

"Control what? The creature that you are?" Rosalind stabbed.

"You know nothing of what I am!" William called after her.

"I know nothing! It was you wasn't it? In the woods? You could have killed me!" She cried.

She took a misstep. She had reached a body of water. The edges were think enough where it could be safely walked on, but the center was not thick and fell through under her weight. The crack of ice was sickening, a loud sharp crack like a bone snapping.

"Rosalind!" William yelled as he pushed forward to grab her, but it was too late she was already under water.

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