The Fighter

By gabby_vazquez

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My life turned upside down when I was 13 My father was murder right in front of my eyes by his own brother M... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors Note

Chapter 6

76 1 3
By gabby_vazquez

"You are striking to fast." My father said to me

"But the quicker you punch-"

"Does not mean anything." He seized my hands "patience is key."

"You always say that." I rolled my Eyes "I'm going to loose if I don't keep up."

"Keeping up with your opponent will only make you loose more." My father chuckle

"So what am I suppose to do just let them hit me?" I gave him attitude

"Let them play at your pace so they are the one who is trying to keep up." Father said

I didn't say a word I just looked at him

"Patience is key my child and in time you will learn that."

I woke up from my dream in a jolt.

It was still dark out but I didn't bother checking the time.

I had been dreaming about my father so much lately and I don't know why. Yes I dream about him but it's happening mostly every night.

Dreams about our sessions together and the things he taught me, the things I learned from him, the things I should of listen to the most.

I wish he was still here I wish he was here to teach me more.

I haven't learned a lot and I'm so lost.

I felt tears slide down my face and I quickly wipe them away.

I refused to cry and I refused to let my guard down.

I had to be strong, I had to stay strong.

I fell back on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

Tomorrow (or should I say today since it was 3:00 in the morning) is the the day that can change my life for the good or for the worst.

And I was determined to make it for the good.


"WAKE UP SUNSHINE!!" Jackson screamed in my ear

I jolted awake almost falling off the bed.

"Jackson are you kidding? Get out." I grumbled

"No can do princess," his voice then got serious "you know what today is."

I sighed and sat up in my bed

"You're going to be okay you know that right?" He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

I nodded my head "I'm just nervous everything could end tonight." I sighed "what if I don't win? I'm way over my head."

"You are not." Jackson said "you've been training your ass off these past couple of weeks and I know you are ready. I would tell you if you weren't. You can do this I know you can you just have to believe so too."

I smiled small. I don't really realize what I was getting myself into until now. These fighters constantly train for year consecutively. I've been locked in a cell for half my life rotting. No matter how good I think I'm getting I'm still inexperience.

I don't know if I could do this. Am I really ready?

"Victoria?" Jackson snapped me out of my thoughts

"Sorry were you saying something?" I asked

"I said we should go we have a lot to do today." He chuckled

"Okay just let me get changed." I said getting up from my bed

Jackson nodded his head and walked out the door.

I looked in my closet and grabbed a dark green baggy shirt with leggings and put on a pair of converses. I put my hair in a low pony tail, brushed my teeth and walked out the door.

Jackson was leaning against the wall and jump up when he saw me.

"Ready?" He asked me

"I guess." I said

"Not the attitude I'm looking for today," He gave me a look.

I gave him a crooked smile and we started to walk. We walked all the way to the medical bay for another evaluation.

I sat still and looked around the room while Jackson did a bunch of test on me. All of the contestants were in the room but I couldn't see most of them.

I knew my mom was in here but I didn't know where she was nor did I care.

I wonder though if she's nervous for me.

I'm nervous for myself.

I could fight today and loose and that's it's.

Game over.

I'll be back in that shitty cell before I know it and I didn't want to end up back in there.

I want to win so I can get as far away from this place as possible.

I didn't want to be a princess and I certainly didn't want to stay in Alancia. It's not the city I use to love, especially with my uncle as ruler.

Whatever happens today I knew no matter what I couldn't give up, not one single person here is going to take this title away from me.

Not even Aiden.

This was mine to have and mine only.

"Victoria?" Jackson said and I snapped out of my thoughts

"Yeah?" I replied

"I'm done, you're cleared. We have to go to wardrobe now." He said "are you okay?"

"Yeah I was just thinking." I told him

"Listen I know you are probably freaking out but you've been working so hard and I know you can do this."

"Just because I work hard doesn't mean I'm going to win." I sighed "it matters what I do in the ring."

"That's true." He says "but you can't go into the ring unprepared because you'll defiantly lose. That's the point I'm trying to get across, you are ready and yes it does matter what you do in the ring but I know you're not dumb. You want this more than anybody here, you have more to loose. That's why you are ready."

I smiled at his words "do you really think I can do this?"

Jackson scoffed "hell yeah I'm putting all my bets on you. Just don't let people see you at your weakest point. That's how you lose too."

My dad told me something like that once. He said once an opponent sees that you are giving up they know it's there time to finish you.

"You know how to make me feel better." I smiled

"It's my job sweetheart." He smiled wickedly "now we have to go to wardrobe now."

I got up from the medical bed "Why?"

"You have to wear something when you fight don't you?"

I raised my eyebrow and followed him anyway. We passed by the other sections and I saw Aiden at one of them getting his tests done.

I stared at him until he looked up and caught my eye. He gave me a charming smile and looked away as soon as he did it.

I turned my head back in front of me shaking my head. No distractions today.

It took us about five minutes to get to wardrobe where there was a bunch of people running around like maniacs.

"Why is it so crazy in here?" I asked Jackson

"It's always like this." He shrugged his shoulders and led my towards a table.

He told me to sit done and wait here and I listen.

He came back in a second with a women holding a clothing bag.

"Victoria this is eva she is your wardrobe designer everyone gets there own." Jackson introduced her

"Hello," Eva said

I waved at her and then looked at Jackson

"No offense but what do I need a stylist for?"

Jackson smiled "for this." And then Eva pulled down the zipper of the bag and revealed my outfit. It was a gold sports bra with black compression shorts that had black sparkles going down the side. I also had black Nike shoes and black and gold fighting gloves to match.

"Wow this is actually pretty cool," I said looking at it.

"Go try it on." Eva said ushering me into a dressing room

In moments I was in my outfit and it looked surprisingly really good. I walked out and there was instantly big smiles on Jackson's and Eva's face.

"Beautiful," Eva gushed.

"Stunning," Jackson breathed out.

I blushed

"I think your hair so be in a French braided since it's so long here sit I'll do it quick."
Jackson gave me a robe that matched my outfit and I put it on and sat in my chair. It didn't take her long to do my hair and suddenly I was done.

"Perfect!" Eva squeaked

"Thank you so much." I said to Eva

Before she could reply Jackson said we had to go so I gave Eva a wave and we were off to god knows where.

"Where are we going?" I asked Jackson

Jackson sighed "your uncle wants to see you before the opening ceremony."

I groaned "why?"

Jackson faced me and shrugged his shoulders as he opened the door to my uncles office. I slowly walked in and jumped when the door shut. I saw my uncle standing by the window with his back towards me. My father use to do that all the time.

"Your father loved this tournament you know. He always wanted to make it about honor and just not about the money. He wanted it to be a place where people could relieve there anger or there problems." My uncle said

"Why are you talking about my father like you didn't kill him?" I said harshly

He turned around and looked at me "I loved my brother Victoria."

"That you decided to put a gun to his head when all he did was love you back." I felt my throat start to close up

"He wasn't fit to lead anymore," my uncle walked closer to me "he knew his time was coming and I was arrogant and stubborn enough to end it early. Not a day goes by where I don't regret it."

"Bullshit." I hiss "you dragged me into a room where I woke up from my sleep to see my father tied up in a chair begging for his life to be spared." I started to cry "after you killed him you threw me in a cell to rot so if you think that you did that at the spur of the moment because you were angry then you are fucking delusional."

"That's why you are here right now because I feel terrible of what I did and I'm trying to make things right." He said

"Did you just bring me here to insult me and bring up the time that you ruined my life?" I asked him.

"No I wanted to wish you good luck," he said 

"Yeah okay," I scoffed.

I felt tears stream down my cheeks but I quickly wiped them away.

"You're not as strong as you think you are Victoria." My uncle said calmly

"Watch me be stronger." I gritted through my teeth.

"I just want you to know I have complete faith you."

"I don't want your faith or your forgiveness," I said angrily "all I want is my father back but that's not going to happen."

"I'm sorry Victoria just know that I am." He said

I didn't say anything. I didn't want to say anything. I knew he wasn't sorry and I knew he was lying. I'm tired of hearing his lies and his apologies.

He ruined my life in one night.

How could you ever forgive someone for that?

"You should go Victoria opening ceremonies are soon. Good luck even though I know you don't need it." My uncle smiled softly "you may not forgive me now but you will."

I said nothing and walked away from him. I went out the door and slammed it shut. Jackson was waiting outside for me.

"Didn't go well huh?" He said

"Let's just go" I mumbled

Now I was determined to win more than ever.

I just want to get the fuck out of this hell hole.


We reached the arena just in time.

I could already hear the fans packing the stadium.

It made my stomach go queasy.

We went into a room where all the other contestants and there guides were.

I wonder which one I was going to verse tonight.

"Alright this is it." Jackson said facing me "it all comes down to this Victoria."

"I know." I rolled my eyes "I'm just scared."

Jackson put his hands on my shoulders "don't be you are going to do great. Just don't lose focus out there okay? Always stay alert."

I nodded my head "got it."

An announcement went off for all the contestants to line up.

"Alright that's my cue to leave. I'll be cheering you on Victoria, good luck." Jackson kissed me on my head and left

I turned back around and went into the line that was formed. A countdown went on and i felt my stomach getting tighter and tighter.

This is it. It's all or nothing

The countdown went to 1 and they buzzed and all the contestants started to run out so I followed them as well. The crowd was screaming as we ran out. We ended up in the middle of the ring when the introduce us in the ring. After they were done we exited the ring and lined up where the contestants where standing. You could see the ring perfectly from where we were standing.

As soon as all the excitement was over everyone turned there heads to the Jumbotron where it started a random generator to pick the contestants.

The first round was two random contestants that Jackson didn't tell me about so I just stood there and watch.

They were both equally as skilled and it was pretty pathetic. I heard someone say "amateurs"

I ended up zoning out halfway through the fight just thinking about the possibility that I might be going out there tonight.

I snapped out of my zoned when I heard the bell go off signaling. The crowd went crazy even though that fight was a joke but people will go crazy over anything.

The crowd died down when the generator was back on again. The first pick was Tyler Ramsey.

He threw his fist up in the air and yelled as they took him down to the arena.

The generator went back on and the crowd was silent once again. The generator stop and the second pick was...

Victoria Reynolds

I felt the crowd erupt in cheers as I was getting drag to the arena. My eyes weren't closing and my heart was racing. I was shaking so bad.

Fucking Tyler Ramsey, he's going to want to kick my ass.

I stepped out into the crowd and felt a million lights shine on me. Tyler was in the ring pumping up the crowd as I was walking over. Once I was in the ring the cage closed and it was final.

It was my time to fight.

I look at Tyler who had a dirty look on his face.

"Ready to get what you deserve?" Tyler snarled

Before I said anything the countdown went down and I got into my ready stance. As soon as I knew it the bell rang and Tyler charged at me.

He swung with his right hand and I bent down on my one knee to duck it.

The crowd went wild but in that moment I lost my focus and he swung his right hand again and knock me to the floor.

I saw my vision go blurry as he kicked me in the stomach. I would try to get up but he would just keep kicking me down. Then that's when the crowd started laughing and booing.

"Not so tough are you?" He spit out

Suddenly I got really angry and swiped my leg under his causing him to fall. So I was able to get back up again.

The crowd once again went crazy and this time I was back in the game.

Tyler got up again pissed off more than ever and that's when I saw him twitch.

He swung again and that's when I block his punch and kneed him in the stomach then punch him in the face cause him to go in the fence of the ring.

I tried to swing at him again but he grabbed my arm and send me into the wall. He held my grip and tried to punch me but eventually I got loose and pushed him off me sending us both back into the middle of the ring. I saw Tyler breathing really hard so I knew he was getting tired. He swung at me again and I dodge it. He punches we're getting slower and slower but mine were only getting faster. Eventually we got to the point were I was he one punching him. We went back and fourth for awhile but I was still ahead of the game. The crowd chanted 'finish him' and I couldn't agree more. I went to the side of the cage and placed my foot on the side so I could push off in air sending my foot directly in his face.

Plus I stuck the landing.

He fell to the ground and didn't get up after that and that's when the bell went off and signaled I was the winner.

I was breathing really hard and felt blood drip down my face.

"You're a piece of shit you know that Tyler, " I said before walking out the ring.

I started to feel dizzy and I felt my legs go numb. I looked to were the contestants were and saw every single one of them with a shocked look. Expect for Rachel and Adien.

Adien was just smiling at me but I looked away.

I saw Jackson run up to me and once he was in my reach he wrapped his arm around me and helped to medical bay.

"That was a heck of a fight there kid." He said as we were walking.

"I feel nauseous," I mumbled

"It's your body, it's not use to any of this. Training was a different story but it's seem like your body couldn't handle the full thing." He explained "we got to get you to the medical bay."

"I'm sorry." I mumble

"For what?" Jackson replied "you won sweetheart there is nothing to be sorry."

We walked through the halls to the medical room where I saw Adien walk the opposite way of me with his robe off. I guess he was about to fight. He didn't make eye contact with me but when he walked by me I look behind me and watched him walk away.

We reached the medical bay and as soon as we got in I threw up in a trash can.

Jackson was holding my long braid back as I empty out all the contents in my stomach and there weren't a lot. 

After I was done I laid on one of the medical beds as Jackson started checking my vitals again. 

I groaned in agony. I felt very weak and tired.

I heard a lot of cheering and it was probably no surprise that Adien was probably winning.

"I want to watch the rest of the fights." I said to Jackson sitting up.

Jackson shook his head "not today you need to rest now and be healthy for the next fight."

"Which is?" I asked

"You mostly likely won't fight tomorrow since you fought today. Like I said you don't fight everyday so tomorrow you'll probably just watch." Jackson said

"Well good. " I said

"But I said maybe." Jackson smirked as he stuck a needle in my arm

I winced

He took it out and put my blood in a small bottle and set it down.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better I'm just tired." I said

"Okay rest here for now. When the tournament is over I'll take you back to your room," He said.

"Don't leave me here alone though." I said

He smiled "I won't I promise now sleep."

So I obeyed and lay back down on the medical bed and shut my eyes.

Instantly I drifted off into a sleep.


I didn't know what time it was when I woke up but it was dark and I was still in the medical bay. I looked over and Jackson was asleep on a chair. I chuckle a bit. I guess I was sleeping to good for him to wake me up and take me to the room I'm staying in. I probably wasn't going to go back to sleep so I decided to take another walk. I got up slowly from the bed so I wouldn't wake Jackson up and carefully walk out the door.

I felt much better then I did before but Jackson was right I haven't done that much in forever my body wasn't use to it. We take it easy on training but I couldn't take it easy on the ring.

Just because I'm mean.

I was walking by the training room when I heard someone punching the punching bag. I walked into the room and saw Adien was in there. He was shirtless again and he was punching the punching bag with all his force.

I guess he couldn't sleep either.

We have a lot in common.

"Training never stops for you huh," I called out to him and he stopped.

He gave me a smirk and stepped away from the punching bag "ahh malady what a pleasant surprise," he says "can't sleep?"

"You can say that, " I mumbled "what about you?"

He shrug "can't sleep either."

I saw him walking closer to me but he stopped when he was face to face with me.

"You surprised me today princess. I didn't know you had it in you." He said

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked him

"I mean is that you did good today." He admitted "but you were kinda sloppy."


He chuckled "you definitely know how to fight I'll give you that but when's the last time you actually fought against someone?"

I stayed quiet but I was slightly annoyed.

"Exactly you almost lost today let me point that out." He said

I got angry "let me point out that I didn't."

"No need to get mad I'm not saying you're a bad fighter because you're not. Actually you a pretty damn good one." Adien said "well not better then me of course," He smirked.

I scoffed "you're just all talk."

"Darling I knocked my guy out today in less then 3 mins. The first round lasts at least 10 minutes." He crossed his arms over his chest

"Wow you're so good," I said sarcastically.

He smiled "thanks I know."

I rolled my eyes and started heading towards the door but Adien grabbed my arm causing me to stop. I turned around and gave him an annoyed smile.

"Yes?" I said annoyed

"Leaving so soon." He chuckled "right when we finally getting to break through to each other. I thought we were become friends."

"I'm not here to make friends," I said bluntly.

"So it seems," Aiden said "Don't really seem like the socializing type anyway."

"Why do you want to be my friend anyway?" I asked him crossing my arms

"Why can't I?" Adien asked "I'm simply intrigued by you and I think you could use my help."

"I don't need your help." I tried to walk away but he stopped me again

"You could use it if you want to get far in these games." Adien told me

"You are one of the contestants Adien why do you want to help me." I rolled my eyes "Actually that's stupid that you want to help me."

"Guess I'm dumb then," He chuckles " I hate half these bastards in these games and I would like to see them gone as soon as possible." He said to me

"So you are using me?" I said

"If you want to see it that way then I guess," He said with humor in his tone.

I rolled my eyes at him, "I don't know I was told not to trust you."

"And I was told not to trust you either but here I am breaking the rules." He smiled

"I don't know anything about you Adien. " I sighed

"Think about it darling." He said "like I told you before I'm not the one you should be worried about." He said walking back to the punching back

I have a feeling that I should worry about him.


HI ITS BEEN FOREVER. I know it been awhile but hey 👋 . So what do you think about this chapter? Victoria won her first fight! Adien is trying to get Victoria on his side. Should she trust him? Should she trust her uncle? What do you think is going to happen? Should Victoria just worry about herself.

I've been very busy and I can't wait to graduate high school.

Hopefully I'll try to update more.

Ily guys

Vote and comment

See ya soon


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