Business Deal (Camren)

By BobieBigDino

469K 12.7K 4.3K

Camila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui are two successful woman in two different industries. Camila Cabello is... More

Camila left Fifth Harmony!


14.5K 424 182
By BobieBigDino

****your reactions from previous chapter were gold 😂😂😂 sorry for pissing you off****

Lauren's POV

It's been a week since Camila had been avoiding me. I tried to talk to her but it's either she comes home when I'm in the office or always has an excuse to hurriedly leave the house. I knew keeping Lucy in the company was the worst decision I've ever made in my entire being. I should have fired her and sent her away from the country when I decided to end everything on us.

If I only knew that it's possible for me to feel genuinely happy with Camila I shouldn't have stubbornly denying my feelings for her. I should have been vocal like her and grew some balls to admit that I liked her since the day we've met. Even though it started late, we were finally starting to work things out between our marriage and here comes my past dragging me back.

When Lucy showed up in my office in the middle of the night with all our photos and videos from the past, kissing and having sex I blew up. It was a shady move of her to actually threaten me to expose it to my family and into the media. It never occurred to me that she could be so stupid and desperate to get back to me but I guess I was way more stupid to let her kissed me. Then before I could push her away Camila had already saw Lucy's lips locked to mine.

When I saw Camila standing in front of my office door, guilt washed over my conscience. I never had planned telling Camila about my past with Lucy, and for her to discover in that circumstances were definitely what I had in mind. Back when I haven't met Camila, I do have Lucy but it was different. I admit, I used Lucy for my satisfaction only. I had her when I was lonely and stress, mostly when I am frustrated at work. I know I'm such a bitch for doing that and Lucy is such an amazing person, I must have hurt her badly that cause her to think of threatening me.

The couple of months that I've spent with Camila had been the happiest and most alive point of my life. For a week that I haven't seen her my heart hurt on missing her. I miss waking up in the morning smelling her lavender addicting scent, I miss seeing her smile while she's preparing our breakfast. I miss her sweet cotton candy lips lingering on mine, I miss her arms wrapping around me every time I felt cold. I miss her touch, I miss everything about her. And now I am here at our kitchen counter staring at my empty coffee mug which she used to fill. I can't take this anymore!

I grab my phone and dial the one person I know who can help me, "hello?"

"Hey Lo?" I heard the person answered with sleepy voice.

"Mani, I need your help." I said waiting for her reply, I can hear her sigh.

"Is it something to do with Camila?"

I inhaled deeply, "yes Mani. I need to talk to her, I need to explain everything to her Mani."

"I think she still needs time Lo," anger is starting to build up in my chest, is one week of not talking to me is not enough for her?

"It's been one week Mani, isn't that enough time already? Help me Mani, I need to talk to her." I felt a tear starting to fall, "I can't lose her Mani, I need her, damn! I love her Mani and this is killing me." my voice may sound cracked and even sound so desperate, well I am. And I will do anything just to have her back in my arms again. I heard silence from the other line, maybe my own best friend also believe I did cheat on her. "I didn't cheat on her Mani, I swear I didn't," I said wiping the tears streaming down my cheeks. I fucking hate being weak and crying shows weakness but I don't care anymore, I just want Camila back.

"I believe you Lo, wait for me. I'll be down in your place in a minute, let's talk when I get there." She said and hung up the phone, I put down my phone in the counter running my fingers through my hair and staring to nowhere blankly.

I turn around and scan my penthouse, looking back a year before I never cared if the lights were on or off in this house. I was only here to take a bath or sleep then go to work. I never spent too much time staying at this place since I occupied myself with meetings and paper works. But since I was back here with Camila the whole house light up, she gave this life, she gave me life. She showed me life outside my office corners, she showed me colors aside from blue, she made me feel what real home is.

Not for long my doorbell rings, it finally made my body stood up from my counter chair. I went towards the door to open it, when I saw Normani's face I throw my body on her and hug her. I don't know but I just need some comfort now even though it isn't the real comfort that I needed. Normani reciprocated my hug and rubs my back calming the sob that I didn't even realized came out.

"God Lo, you're just as horrible as she does." Mani said while looking at my messy self as she pulled away from the hug and walks in into the house. "Come on, let's sit in the couch and tell me everything from the start.'' I nodded and sat at the couch, I start telling her from our little escapade in Cancun to the Lucy incident.

How Lucy and I had an affair before Camila and I got married, how I ended things with her before our marriage, how I thought Lucy had maturely accepted it. I made a mistake and now I'm dealing with all the consequences that goes with it. I can't blame it all to Lucy, I made those actions and I will deal with them on my own risk.

"Why didn't you tell me about Lucy, Lo?" Mani ask and I didn't really have an answer for her, "did you love her?" I look at her and shook my head, I cared for Lucy but never did had deep feelings for her. "Then why?" she look at me intently and I sigh.

"I got lonely sometimes Mani," I looked away not able to look her in the eyes. "But that was before Camila came into my life. She changed every dull color around me and made it brighter as it is, I never realize that til I lost her." I closed my eyes preventing my tears to fall again, I don't know why this hurts so much.

"What happen to Lucy now? Did you talk to her after she threaten you?" she ask with her eyes furrowed.

"I've talked to her two days after she went to my office, I explained to her that there were no us and never will be cause I'm inlove with someone else. She didn't took it well and brought up the videos and photos, but I told her get give me all the copies she had before I do anything to deport her to her homeland and never be back in U.S. She knew I was serious about it and I knew it will make her stop, and it did. She gave me the chip where she saved all our photos and videos, but if another copies of those will leaked I will have men to hunt her down and I won't give a fuck about her anymore Mani. I won't let her ruin my family's reputation as well as my marriage." I said with anger ranging my system but Normani patted my shoulder and nodded before speaking.

"Good to hear that Lo, but what's your plan with Camila now?" I look at her not really knowing what to do.

"I don't know Mani, I want to talk to her but she won't give me a chance. I've waited for her for a week but she always comes here when I'm not home. I can't even call this a home without her here," I sigh and looks at my hand in my lap.

"Don't worry Lolo, I'll help you. I had my ways to know her schedule so you better come up with a good plan and make the woman crawl back to you. I saw how that chick looks at you like you're the most precious gem in the entire world and with that I know her love for you won't fade in just a week." She smirks at me which actually gives me hope, I smiled back and hug her.

"Thanks Manibear," I'll be forever be grateful to have such a wonderful friend like her.

"No problem Lo, you know I'm always here for you. We're sister in soul, right?" she said, I nodded and pulled back.

"I know, same with me okay? I'm always gonna be here for you sis."

"I know too Lo, anyway, I got to go. I'll text you her schedule later, so make this week count and do what you have to do." She said standing up from the couch and started walking to the door.

"I will Mani, thanks again." I gave her another hug at the door and we waved goodbye to each other. Now all I have to do is think of something that will make her talk to me, if she won't take it the easy way then I'll be force to do it the hard way.


"Mani, where are you now? Is it done already?" I'm really nervous now, I know she will be so pissed with this but I know this is my only way.

"She's in the van now Lo, she's been resistant and I can say she's so pissed. So good luck, but I know everything will turnout just the way you want it." That sure reassure me right?

"I hope it does Mani," I heard a sound of the door cracked open and Camila's voice were echoing all over the room. "She's here, talk to you later Mani, and thank you." I abruptly ended the call and stood up from my chair. I stared at the two men holding her arms and settled her in a chair with the only light spotted from above her. They look up at me and I nodded, they walked out and leave me with her in the dark room.

"Whoever you are make sure I won't get out here alive or I will kill you myself." She uttered angrily, I started walking towards her and take off the black cloth covering her face. She looked up at me with a shock written all over her face. "Lauren?" she asked stupidly, I rolled my eyes as she furrowed her eyebrows. "What the hell? Let me go! Now!" she said sternly which I ignored.

"I run out of idea on how to corner you without you walking away from me. I've waited for a week for you to give me a chance to explain myself on what happened but you kept on ignoring me and avoided me. Do you know how much annoying and frustrating that is?" I turned around and drags the chair from the back and place it in front of her.

"I don't have anything to say to you," she said glaring at me.

"I know, but I do." I sat down and stared straight to her brown tantalizing eyes.

"I don't want to hear any of that! Let me go now or I will sue you of kidnapping." I rolled my eyes on her stubbornness, and I've used that line already at her.

"Shut up Camz, and just listen to me for a minute," she hums a song trying to ignore me and looked away, I sigh and do the only thing I can think off to get her full attention. I forwarded closer at her and leaned in capturing her lips to mine. God I miss this candy taste like lips. I felt her body stiffens and then relax again so as much as I like keeping my lips on her, I pulled back and runs my thumb to her lips, resting my forehead to hers. "I missed you, it's crazy," I uttered looking straight to her still closed eyes.

She inhaled deeply before opening her eyes, "I'll let you talk but can you please untie me first? It's starting to hurt my wrist." I nodded reaching at her wrist to untie her and settled back to the chair in front of her. I watch her rubs her wrist before started talking.

"To start off, I'm sorry about keeping my history with Lucy but believe me Camila, I ended everything with her before our wedding. It was after my father announced our engagement. I admit my relationship with Lucy before I met you were more than just a normal employer-employee relationship. I hide it from my family since it wasn't really serious and I intend not to make it serious, she knew it. I made it clear to her that what we had cannot go any further." I pause and observed her reaction.

"So what was it then?"

"Through the years of being alone with only surrounded by work and pressure, I got lonely at times Camila. And at that times, Lucy was there to accompany me, make me forget about stress for a moment. I know it sounds like a bitch but that's what keeps me up somehow." I never had been open to anyone like I am now with Camila but I could care less to be honest.

"Well, I've done worst." She shrug and I don't know if it was a good sign or a bad one. We stared at each other for a moment before I continued telling her everything.

"After few months without seeing her I thought we had sorted things already as we had agreed. That night when you found her at my office, she was there telling me to leave you now that I have your company." I pause looking at Camila frowned, "but of course I didn't listen to her, why should I anyways. When I told her to leave she then showed me our photos kissing and videos of us having sex. A film which taken out of my knowledge. She threaten me to release it in public to ruin my reputation and my family's name along with my marriage with you" I saw her jaw dropped in shock.

"Oh my god! You've dated a freak!" she then let out a loud laugh. I raised my eyebrows looking at her, how could she find this funny? "I'm sorry," she said shutting her mouth to let me continue.

"I got pissed and argued with her then she keeps telling me on how I would be better with her than with you. Our words got heated up til she cried, I got closer to her to comfort her but then she kissed me." I stopped for a while and inhaled deeply, "but I already kissed her back before my mind snapped out of me. Then even before I could pull back you've already seen it," I look down to the floor guiltily.

There were silence echoed inside the room for a moment til she broke it, "did you somehow felt something for her?" I shook my head, I felt her hand tilting my chin to look up into her eyes. "What do you fell about me Lauren?"

"I felt complete when I'm with you Camz, you make my heart contently happy. Days without you makes my life so dull, you make me happy with your simple goofy smile, with your sweet kisses, you make me feel like a complete woman with your touch. You drive my mind crazy that you're images keeps popping out of my thoughts. In every little things you do for me makes my heart flatter, waking me up with morning kisses and making me breakfast everyday wants me to just stay, be with you and forget about work." I pause and caresses her face, "forgive me if it took me a while to realize how much I love you Camila, I was just too scared on how much control you had in me that I am so afraid it would show my weakness. I'm sorry it has to come to this for me to realize I don't want to lose you by hurting you so bad. Please give me a chance to prove it to you and I promise I will never waste it." I pleaded and I never pleaded my entire life but then again I could care less as long as I can have her back.

Finally I was able to verbally express the words I held for so long inside my chest. I didn't notice there were tears falling to my cheeks when she wipes it with her soft hands. I held her hands and press it to my face then kissed her palm softly. She lean closer and kiss my forehead, I closed my eyes and feel her touch. She pulled back at stares at me.

"It's okay Lauren, I forgive you. Let's forget everything that happen and for Lucy-" I interrupted her before she could continue.

"I already handled Lucy and made sure she won't do anything stupid again" she nodded and smile.

"As what I've said, let's forget about your past, forget about my past and live in the present. You, me, us. Let's just focus on what we have and work this out. I love you Lauren and thank god to our parents that brought us together, I have you in my life forever already." She smiled at me warmly, I reciprocated her smile and bring our lips to together. I kissed her pouring all emotions that can't come out through words and held her as closer, feeling her warmth once again.

We may started our relationship backwards but I know this is not the end of our story. This is just the beginning of the stronger foundation that we didn't have when we got married. It won't matter who controls who, what matters now is how to make each of us happy, content and complete.

-----The End-----

This is it guys, I'm planning to have an epilogue so hope you'll wait for that....

Also I've published the first chapter of my new story (Treat Her Right) so please check it out. Give support same as you've shown me on Business deal.

Thank you for reading and voting for this book 👍😙😙😙

Love you lots 😙😙😙

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