Moonstone *One Direction* [Li...

By AgAu52

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*Lexi and Liam book 4* (book 1 is Sapphire, book 2 is Pearl, book 3 is Diamonds) ~A Liam Payne fanfic.~ When... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 9

484 21 7
By AgAu52

Song: "Say Something" by A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera

Lexi's POV

Andy reluctantly strode toward the French doors, looking once over his shoulder before entering and concealing himself in the secure room.

"Okay, does anyone have any ideas as to why Andy would even consider stealing the software?" Sydney asked as she paced around the table where everyone sat.

The room was silent as people tried to concentrate and devise some sort of reason, but no one said anything.


Hayley shook her head and sadly stated, "I just can't see Andy stealing a software that belongs half to him. It doesn't make sense."

"Wait, what did you just say?" Liam asked her as if a light bulb went off in his head.

"It doesn't make sense. Why?"

"No," he shook his head with eagerness. "Before that."

"I can't see him stealing a software that partly belongs to him?"

"Yes! That! Partly belongs to him!"

"Good, Liam. You're starting to think like a member of MI6 intelligence," a smile was shot in Liam's direction from Sydney's still-pacing figure. "Continue on that thought." Her words and the way she maneuvered around the table made me think that this was like a class, and she was the professor. It made me think she already had a motive for each person, and had a feeling of who it was.

"Well, one motive would be that he didn't want to only have half the credit. Maybe he stole it for power. So that somehow he could gain full commission over the software," Liam suggested with a hopeful, yet sad spark in his eyes. I felt the same way he did, I was happy that he was able to delve into deeper thought and develop this theory, but I was sad at the possibility of this being true because that would mean Andy, the narcissistic yet welcoming friend we loved and cherished, was really a greedy and power-hungry liar who we wrongly trusted. That possibility stung my eyes with a small tear that I caught before it was able to spill down my cheek. "Maybe he thought that, we were too stupid to find out it was him since his computers are untraceable." I saw the sorrow in his face as he talked of the possible crime of one of his best friends, and in an act to comfort him, I clasped my hand around his and began to run soft circles into his smooth skin. He looked at me with a smile and nod to express his gratitude of my small gesture, I just hoped it would put him a little more at ease.

"Exactly," Caitlin added. "He could have used his own computer and a random person could have stolen Lou's, or he could have stolen Lou's and trashed it hoping someone would find it somewhere in a dumpster. Then people would be spending all their time trying to get the computer up and running to be unable to find who had it last, and Andy would never be suspected."

"And then," Grae spoke softly. "He could say he was able to find the computer who stole it or something and look like the hero for finding it and safely returning it to the MI6."

"And because he 'found it' he could demand a raise and for Louis' name to be taken off of it or just put on the side. Essentially giving Andy a lot of power," Harry agreed as he delved deeper into the underlying motive.

"Have we reached a conclusive motive?" Sydney asked the table, to which we all responded with a nod or a small "yes."

"Good, Louis and Hayley, please take Andy's place in the MI6 room."

Louis and Hayley laced their fingers before standing and walking over to the glass doors. Hayley opened the door and entered the room, never letting Louis' hand drop. Seconds later, Andy emerged from the room to fill his previously empty seat. "Andy your results were conclusive. We have a motive. You are still a heavy suspect of this crime."

Andy shook his head at Sydney's words and seemed defeated. There was a shift of tension in the room after he entered, eyes seemed to pass judgment and scream at him just because we developed a motive that could possibly be false. This whole dinner was so messed up.

"Let's start with Louis," Sydney said as she reclaimed her seat.

"Well, we could say that he had the same motive as Andy," Caitlin suggested.

"Yeah, but my brother would never do that!" Grae defended. "I know my brother and he is overly thankful and appreciative for the immense amount of commission and recognition he already receives from the MI6, and he is in no way greedy!"

"So you all established my motive as greed!" Andy bellowed in sheer hurt. "Do you know me at all!"

"Andy, Grae please!" Sydney's voice boomed, instantly silencing the table. "We are merely trying to establish a motive. Yes, what we may know about someone may contradict these things, but we are simply brainstorming. With that said, I would agree that Louis personality contradicts the same motive we gave Andy; however, I also believe that one taste of power and the idea of how one could get more can transform into greed and cause one to peruse a different course of action. Therefore, I conclude that Louis' motive stands as but isn't restricted to the same motive we declared for Andy. Does anyone have any other possible motives to add to this or any objections?" The room was silent as heads hung as more and more close friends were marked with reason to commit the unheard of crime. "Alright then, onto Hayley."

"Well, haven't you and Harry known her since you were young?" Tom asked with a raised brow.


"So, wouldn't she be eliminated?"

"Why would you think that just because we have known her for a long time that she is automatically exempt?" Sydney questioned.

"I guess not," Tom sighed.

Grae awkwardly shifted her weight and bit her lip as she appeared to be in deep concentration, apparently I wasn't the only one who noticed. "Grae what are you thinking?" Harry asked calmly.

"Well," she breathed. "I don't want to make assumptions, but I don’t know. It's probably really dumb. Louis hasn't given me any mental training so I have no idea how I'm supposed to go about thinking this through so I am probably extremely off."

"Just give it a go," Liam encouraged with a soft smile.

"Well, Harry you and Hayley dated a while back right? And Sydney, her family knew of your family's involvement with the government agency? Well, what if part of her is still somehow attached to Harry and when she met Louis and found out that he was also in the MI6, it would be a way to get back at Harry for hurting her. Since just dating my brother didn't work, when she found out about the software, it would kill Harry's division and possibly career if it was stolen or lost and no one could find it was her. The only thing is I don't think she is very good with computers."

"Grae that's brilliant," Tom inquired causing the small brunette to smile.

"It is actually very logical; however we dated ages upon ages ago and I don't think she'd hold a grudge over something so silly," Harry added to defend his long-time friend.

"Yeah but you all dated for years! She could have thought she was in love and at that young of an age, losing you could have been detrimental to her and stayed with her all this time!" Andy asserted, agreeing with Grae's logic.

"Good," Sydney smiled at the table. "Have we reached a conclusion?"

Once again, the table replied with small nods or a soft "yes."

"Well then, after establishing their extremely different individual motives, with all of my background and training in thinking and profiling I cannot see any motive plausible for them to commit the crime as a couple. So moving on, Grae, you are up. Will you please tell Louis and Hayley they can come back?"

"Yes," she said before excusing herself from the table to replace Louis and Hayley in the sound-proof quarters.

"Louis, Hayley, your individual motives were conclusive; however your results as a pair were inconclusive. For now, we can rule out the both of you working as a team; however, the both of you are still held as individual suspects." Louis' grip tightened around Hayley's small hand and I could see the defeat in their eyes as they heard Sydney's words. "Now let us continue with Grae."

"She is my sister, I know her, she wouldn't do that," were the first words from Louis' lips.

"Funny, that’s almost the exact same thing she said when we were discussing you," Sydney's words fell over the table of tension much heavier than if the situation had been different.

"She wouldn't."

"Unfortunately, we are not taking people's word for things, we need evidence Louis. We are her brainstorming their possible motives, if you do not wish to participate in devising a possible motive for your sister, you do not have to; however, you must be silent while the rest of the table does their best to develop one."

"Fine." He slouched in he seat and folded his arms over his chest with a huff.

"Well, Louis… of all people Louis, is her brother," Tom started off the discussion this time.

"Exactly, she may feel that in her parent's eyes Louis has established more," Caitlin added. "If her parents, or anyone for that matter, see that a software Louis devised that basically protected the whole MI6 data was stolen/lost/destructed, then people would have disappointment in him and she would be perceived as the better Tomlinson." Louis just shook his head after hearing Caitlin's theory.

"Good, Caitlin. Anything else?" The table fell silent as another person fell into the category of conclusive motives. "Alright, Zayn and Caitlin, you are up next."

After Sydney had told Grae her results, the brainstorming was started up again, but this time talking of Caitlin.

"Her motive is quite simple and clear," Harry began. "I think the easiest we've tried to establish yet. She trains agents, she has always been responsible and successful for training the best and brightest agents in combat. She got a minor position with this division, but seriously, this is a small temporary division that experienced hardly any combat. Our division really was only necessary for the one mission considering there is a force of people who run it along with multiple guards protecting it at all times. She has stayed in this division and training for 3 years, and hasn't been moved up or promoted. Yes, she is young and it takes time to be promoted, but she is always looked over considering she trains anywhere from 20 to 50 year olds to take down huge people and slyly move throughout places. If she can't get promoted, then why not cause some hysteria with stealing the software. She could have slyly moved through Louis's place, stolen the computer, hacked the data then destroyed the laptop. I'm not saying it's in her character to do so, I'm just saying that is what I would think her motive would be." One of my best friends, one of the people I trusted, now shifted into the realm of possible suspects.

We moved from Caitlin to Zayn, and no one could possibly think of any reason why the artsy, Bradford, warm-hearted boy would do it; therefore making his results, and their pair results inconclusive. When the pair re-entered the room and got the news, Zayn simply sighed as Caitlin held a blank face, yet I could tell it was one of anger. It was now Tom who occupied the room behind the restricted doors.

The table fought internally with their brains trying desperately to think of something, but in the end, Tom's result was inconclusive.

Then it was mine and Liam's turn. I was petrified as I followed the muscular man into the room I didn't want to go into. I immediately sat in a chair and let my head fall to my hands as tears formed in my eyes. I heard the door shut, and seconds later, a hand was rubbing soft circles into my back. "Don't cry love," Liam whispered as he pulled me into his warm body.

I let myself hug him as I tried to calm down and hold in my tears; I didn't my makeup to run and soil the nice shirt that covered Liam's shoulder I had grown fond of leaning on. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked sweetly.

"I just… I just don't want people to think I did it. I mean, just establishing the possible motives has already got me thinking differently about some of my best friends Li, I don't… I don't want people to think I could possibly have a motive for doing it. Why did Louis tell me about the stupid software in the first place?"

"Babe, take a deep breath, it will all be okay. Louis told you because you are trustworthy. They all know that! They are probably going to have the easiest time establishing your motive as inconclusive because everyone knows you."

"How could Louis know I was trustworthy when he had just met me?" I asked curiously, breaking the hug to look my wonderful husband in his chocolate brown eyes.

"Well…" he smiled sheepishly as a pink tinge crept to his cheeks. "I kind of asked Louis and Andy to break into your phone so I could call someone to get it back to you, and well, they got your name… and uh… they sort of did a couple of background checks on you and stuff, then searched you on social media, and decided that not only were you harmless, but that your were trustworthy."

I simply gave him a chaste kiss to let him know that this new insight of his friends violating my internet information didn't bother me, because it didn't. This actually gave me some confidence that at least two people out there knew my background and 100% trusted me.

When I pulled away, a fire had ignited in Liam's eyes as he stood and pulled me out of the chair to swiftly turn us around so I was straddling his lap while he sat in the chair I had once occupied. I looked at him with wide eyes but he simply cheekily grinned at me as he pulled at the back of my neck so my lips would meet his. Our kiss deepened as his lips parted with mine and our kisses intensified. Every movement seemed perfectly precise and planned even though it was messy and rough at the same time. Fire burned in my stomach, and tingles ran up and down my spine. I hadn't realized that my dress had bunched up at my waist until Liam's warm hands were on my exposed hips. His fingertips played with the lacy waistband of my underwear as I pulled him closer by his collar. I loved him so much, I constantly wanted to be with him and feel and make love with him. His lips made their way to the nape of my neck where he kissed and sucked on the soft skin rewarding himself with what would most likely be love bite. But I didn't care. I wanted everyone to know that my heart belonged to Liam James Payne. And Harry Styles was the lucky lad who wouldn't easily forget it. "Eh Hem…" he pretended to clear his throat, making Liam and I jump apart. I looked over my shoulder to see Harry with wide eyes that formed into a cheeky and mischievous grin. "Enjoying yourselves?"

"Oh, shut it Styles," I replied embarrassed as I clumsily hobbled off of Liam's lap, pulling my dress back over my bum and down to just above the tops of my knees. "You saw nothing."

"No, I definitely saw your bum as you tried to get off of straddling your husbands lap there," he cheekily cocked his head to the side. A chuckle vibrated through Liam's chest as he stood up and began to straighten his shirt and tie.

My jaw dropped and my eyes grew wide "I was referring to you seeing Liam and I kissing, and you did not see my bum!" My cheeks were sure to be blazing.

"Hey," he held up his hands in defense. "It was your choice to go with a thong, not mine."

"Harry!" I whined before walking up to slap his shoulder.

"Oh… and you've got a little lip stick." He ran his thumb under my lip to remove the smeared lip stick before letting a laugh escape his lips at my embarrassment.

I just pouted before asking the question that I knew would end in more of my embarassment, but I needed to ask him because Liam wouldn't tell me the truth. "Does my hair look messed up?"

I was right, Harry threw his head back in laughter before coming to his senses. "Actually no, I can tell he pulled on it a bit and maybe messed it up a little, but no one else will be able to tell the difference between that and just the fact that it's been a long night."

"Don't listen to him, your hair looks just as beautiful as it did when we walked in love," Liam stated with a smile as he squeezed my hand. How Liam of him.

We followed Harry back to the dining room and all of the light banter that had previously taken place vanished as I laid eyes on Sydney waiting for her to give us the news.

"Lexi, Liam," Sydney breathed. "I will start with your individual results. Liam your individual motive was inconclusive." I squeezed Liam's hand with relief for him. "Lexi, your individual motive was also inconclusive;" I felt him squeeze my hand back. "however, your motive as a team was conclusive. As a pair, you both are still suspects for the crime."

I looked at Liam with shock in my eyes, I wanted to know the motive they established for us, I wanted to know why they thought it, I wanted to know who came up with it, I wanted to know if anyone believed it… I wanted to be trusted. As I peered into my husbands eyes, he didn't seem shocked or worried, he seemed calm and soothing. His eyes and touch offered me comfort, and although he couldn't prevent the tears from slipping from my eyes, he was able to calm the sobs that were threatening to escape my lips. But one thing couldn't leave my mind, I was still a possible suspect.

______Author's Note_____

Vat do you all think!!!??? :) This is such a long chapter! Anyway, I would like for you all to take guesses on who you think it is! Remember if you guess right, I will either promote one of your stories here and on twitter, or I will message them some huge spoilers and previews that are pretty juicy! Love you all! <3

ALSO best comment gets a dedication! So don't forget to comment lovelys!

Dedication: all of the people who have stuck with this series from book one to book 4 and I really hope you all will hang with me until the end of book 6!:) I love you all! And thank you sooo much guys!

*** 11 more votes until I reveal the title of book 5!!

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