Perfect Lighting - Sanvers On...

By lynellee_02

732 24 12

AU Prompt: Alex is an anonymous photo blogger and Maggie is really aesthetically pleasing and by Alex's opini... More

Part 2

Perfect Lighting

431 13 6
By lynellee_02

Alex Danvers was not a people person. Of course she had friends, her sister, Kara, Winn, James, and her best friend Lucy. She was the type of person who would wait at least 6 months of knowing you before she gave you her number. She was sort of a closed off, shy person, except to her friends and family, they knew a different type of Alex Danvers. Sure she was closed off, but if you dare try messing with her, let's just say, the previous ones who have maintain at least a 10 foot radius from her at all times. The thing is, Alex Danvers has a crush. A crush on the captain of the basketball team. No, not the boy's. The girl's team. Alex Danvers has a crush on Maggie Sawyer and will deny it at all costs if you bring it up. But one thing Alex loves for sure, is photography. It's always been her thing. She started a photo blog anonymously a few years ago, that grew to be very popular. Alex took her camera with her everywhere, it was just a given. She'd always have it at hand no matter what.

Today was the championship game for the girls, they won every single one of their games during the season. But this was the one that REALLY counted. Alex usually didn't want to go to events like these, but Kara wrapped herself on Alex's leg and wouldn't let go until Alex agreed to go.

The game was intense. The other team would rack up a few points but then Maggie's team would get back up and the whole game was like that. They would get up a few, then we would catch up and vice versa. There was 15 seconds left on the clock and we were 2 points behind. The stands were filled to the brim and everyone was at the edge of their seats. Every player was drenched in sweat from running miles back and forth across the court that seemed to only get longer as time went by. Soon 15 seconds became 5, then 3 and then Maggie had the ball she sprung in front of the 3 point line and got into position and shot the ball out of her hands just before the buzzer sounded. Every eye was on the ball. Swish. The only thing that was heard was the swish of the basketball gracefully going through the net, along with the opposite team's dignity and ego breaking into pieces.

The crowd was on their feet. Maggie danced a cute little victory dance as all her teammates came rushing to her cheering her name along with the crowd. Alex laughed in amazement. She pulled out her camera and quickly snapped a few photos of the absolute chaos around her. Alex and Kara went home after the game. Kara was sure Alex was going to make her walk home after the numerous times during she whispered in her sister's ear things like "Ooooh is that your giiirrrllfriieennddd?" or "Wow, your giiiirrrrlllfrrriiiend is so good at basketball." She was rewarded with a playful shove.

Later that night, she scanned her photos looking for the perfect one. There was one that particularly caught her eye. Maggie had a full out grin on her face, fist in the air and teammates surrounding her in awe and amazement. That was definitely the one. She knew if she posted it on her blog it would be taking quite a few risks. But it was worth it. It had to be shared. Art like Maggie Sawyer in that damn basketball jersey, victory and perfect lighting wasn't art that you kept to yourself. Posted. No editing required. Overnight notes racked up. It seemed like the whole world saw it. Alex was quite proud of it.

Maggie woke up the morning after the game and routinely checked her Tumblr feed. An image appeared after she scrolled down a bit, one that caught her eye. After a closer look, she noticed it was her in the photo. She realized that the account that posted it was one that she obsessed over a bit, but it was anonymous. The caption said "Beauty is meant to be shared, especially if it's in the perfect lighting. This beauty killed it out there so, of course, I had to share it. It was one of my favorites from last night's game. -beautiful tragedy227"

Maggie had to admit she was just a bit curious. Okay she was REALLY curious. She wanted to know who it was! She couldn't help herself! WHO WAS BEAUTIFUL TRAGEDY? As time went by, it only irritated her not knowing who it was. Soon she just willed herself to forget about it, she would never find out anyways.

In the second semester she took AP (advanced placement) Biology, she knew biology, she could handle it. A week passed and she figured out that she couldn't. The quizzes that they had so far were difficult, the homework was a hassle and the studying in general begged for the most attention. Or maybe it was the cute redhead who sat in front of her that always seemed to distract her. Anyways, in her defense, balancing 3 hours of studying for the class plus all her sports practices and games, it just wasn't enough. She understood just enough to get a C+ in the class. Her parents weren't having any of it. "Get a tutor or else you have to get off the team." Yeah, getting off the team wasn't an option. But a tutor? Really? Her and her parents came to a compromise of an hour twice a week and she would stay on the team. Though her parents would to choose who the tutor would be. Her mom kept on raving about how her friend Eliza, had two daughters and how the eldest was in my class. "Oh yes! I just asked Eliza and her daughter said she would tutor you! She's such a smart girl!" Fine. She could deal with that.

It came time for Maggie's first tutor session at the library 2 hours after school because she had practice. 10 minutes had passed and Alex had proceeded to immerse herself in the book she was currently reading to pass time as she waited.
"Sorry I'm late! Coach had us stay late because I um...I..."Maggie trailed off because Alex lowered the book she was reading so Maggie got a better look of her face. Oh damn it's the cute redhead. Maggie thought to herself.

Alex flashed her a polite smile, "It's fine we'll get as much as we can done with the time we have."

The next two hours were spent delving into the books. At first Maggie was hesitant to ask questions because, God, did she hate feeling stupid. But she quickly learned that it was just comfortable with Alex. No question was ever a stupid question. Of course, it was just Maggie looking at Alex with her face scrunched up and her brow furrowed in confusion at first. But as Alex explained it more thoroughly Maggie soon sort of got the hang of it. The two hours that passed seemed like ten minutes. And soon Alex and Maggie parted ways. Hey it's not as bad as i thought... Maggie thought to herself. As time went by she found herself actually looking forward to her tutoring sessions, she liked Alex, Alex was cute and funny and smart and pretty soon she discovered that she liked Alex. Like like liked Alex. A lot. So what she had a big fat crush on Alex Danvers! A couple months and they started dating. But that's a story for another time.

They had been dating for two months now and Eliza invited Maggie over for dinner. Eliza loved Maggie, so did Kara and Jeremiah.

The doorbell in the Danvers residence rang out. Eliza opened the door to Maggie who had brought a small tray of cookies. "Hi, Mrs. Danvers! My mom wanted me to give you a batch of her famous snickerdoodles."
"Oh Maggie! Make sure you thank her for me! Your family is too generous." Eliza replied, "Alex is upstairs, you can go up there and I'll call you guys down in a bit when the food is ready."
She nodded and thanked Eliza, then made her way upstairs. She quickly identified Alex's room from the number of punk rock posters from her middle school punk rock phase.

She quietly opened the door to find her girlfriend at her desk almost drowning in papers.
"Babe, you're going to overwork yourself."
Alex jolted a bit. "Oh I didn't even hear you come in. Why don't you make yourself comfortable while I clean up my homework." Maggie agreed and proceeded to tour her room looking closely at the walls of the room. They were all covered in photos or posters. But there was a cork poster board the kind of shone out from the rest. She looked closer at the pictures. Pictures of Alex and her friends, Kara and Alex, Alex and her parents, pictures of scenery, pictures of school events. And then there was one. One that caught her eye. She recognized it. Mostly because she was the one in the photo. It was the picture from Beautiful Tragedy.
"Babe, where did you get this photo?"
Alex turned around to look at which one she was pointing to.
"Oh that one? That was one I took from your championship game."
"What are you-"
"I um-"
"Babe what's-"
"Babe what's going on?"
"Okay okay so I saw that photo on my Tumblr feed and I found out that it came from this anonymous blog that I was obsessed with and it's you?"
"Yeah it is me. I've been obsessed with photography and you really like that photo?"
"Yeah...I do." She said with a warm smile.
Alex's only reason was for taking the photo was because who can resist such a perfect moment especially if it's in perfect lighting.

a/n What do you guys think? Part Two?

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