Telling Me, Love [Normila]

By albadetamble

66.4K 1.5K 457

An Alternate universe: Normani is a single mom to a two year old, Ally, her best friends are Dinah Jane and L... More

Telling Me, Love [Fifth Harmony]
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteenth
Sorry Guys
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
SNEAK PEAK - 'Distance'
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four [Final Chapter]
Through the Years- Allouis

Chapter Sixteen

1.9K 59 31
By albadetamble

I told you guys you would get another update today! did you think i was lying? haha 

well a lot happens in this chapter so sit back, relax, grab some popcorn and read on! :)

“It’s not the Da Vinci Code just answer the question, Liam!” I said laughing; we were at the park with Louis and Allyson, a play date for them and a relaxing day in the surpassingly warm sun for Liam and I. It had been about a week after the recital and Liam was lucky enough to have his sun for more time now, Louis’ mother was beginning to trust Liam again.

Ally and Louis were playing on the slides, trying to climb up it and then go back down again, Liam and I were just lying in the still green grass, right under the sun. My head was resting on his stomach while his hands played with my hair.

“You can’t avoid this question forever, Liam, it will come up again. Every day, until you answer. Now, I will ask you one more time today; what is your type of girl?”

“Kordei…” he said, I could feel his heartbeat under my head and I nestled in a little closer

“Come on, tell me.”

“OK… OK… I’ve always had a thing for- please don’t take this offensively, black girls, or just girls with more color in their skin. I’ve dated a lot of dancers, and girls who stay in shape. I like girls with long hair, and dark eyes… I don’t know, I’m always pulled into those girls, and then when they have a light personality they know how to be a friend, and aren’t too delicate, then I try to make them fall for me, I guess.” He says and his hand travels to my shoulder and gives it a squeeze “Happy now? I told you.”

I nodded but stayed quiet letting his words sink in, I got what I wanted, and yet, I wasn’t sure how I felt about the answer I received. 

Before the silence became too much my daughter was yelling out to me “MommyBear!”

I sighed loudly and dramatically, causing Liam to laugh loudly and get up with me.

“What is it AllyCat?” I said looking around the bottom of the slide for her, but I was surprised to look up and see her at the top of the slide, I smiled at her. “Did you run up the slide, baby? You walked up the slide?”

Ally nods excitedly, then hops down on the slide and comes ridding down. I run over so when she stops on the slide I pick her up and spin her around, her giggles flood my senses and she clings to me. I stop when I feel a little to dizzy and put her down.

“Good job, baby!” I say when I put her down and try to keep my own balance, and still I swayed over to the side, almost falling over.

“Whoa there…” Liam’s voice ran into my ear, his breath on my skin, sizzling me. His hand found the bare skin on my side, his hands were warm as he pulled me against him, I couldn’t even help what I did next, I leaned my head against his shoulder and sighed against him catching  his scent in my nose, he smelled like urban spice.

“You alright?” He asked his breath now kissing my cheeks and I closed my eyes against it and nodded.

“Yeah… I’m good,” I Say opening my eyes and smiling up at him. 

“Alright, well, I’m about to go to the bathroom, can you watch Louis and Ally for a minute? Or do you need me to stay?”

I shook my head “No, no, I’m OK, the kids will be alright too. Go on before you explode everywhere.” I say smiling again

“Ooooh,” Liam says with a smirk on his face “I love when you talk dirty to Me.” then he rolled his eyes and wandered off. I laughed and turned away looking back to our kids, Ally who was watching Louis try to walk up the slide, Louis was about a year and a half older than Ally but she had certain skills he did not, which included climbing up slides.

“Louis! Come down here please, let’s play rocket ship!”

Louis turned around and looked at me “What rocket ship?”

I laughed “Come down, Louis!”

Finally he turned around and let himself slide down the slide and run over to me, Allyson right on his heels.

 I look down at Louis and put my hands on my hips “Ready?” I asked

Louis looked over at Ally who nodded her head at him and then he turned to me, smiling and nodding.

I bent down and picked him up under his arms and quickly took him up over my head making a “woosh!” sound with my mouth letting him glide through the air, left and right, up and down.

“Ohmygod!” Louis yelled out and starting laughing, he stayed decently still though smiling and throwing his hands out in front of him.

“I’m superman!” he yelled “wooooooo!”

I laughed and started running with him over my head and he yelled out with joy smiling and yelling out. I couldn’t help laughing with him Allyson was running along next to me.

“What are you doing with my son?” A new voice said

I stopped and turned looking for the voice. I turned to see a girl with brown curly locks that fell down over her shoulders, dark eyes and her full lips in a tight line. Her eyebrow was raised and she had Carmel skin.

“Danielle?” I guess and she nodded and put a hand on her hip.

“Again, I ask what are you doing with my son?”

I sighed and put Louis on my hip and grabbed my daughter’s hand, walking towards Danielle.

“I’m Louis’ dance teacher Normani, and Mani’s Dance and Gym we met when you enrolled him, a year ago or so, it’s OK if you don’t remember me.”

“That doesn’t answer why you’re holding my son right now. You know what? Just give him to me, Louis, come here”

“Hi mommy,” Louis speaks up, and yet I was still hesitant still give him up, so I walked closer to Danielle but kept a hold on Louis

“Liam is just in the bathroom, he should be coming back soon.” I say, still holding Louis, looking around Danielle for Liam, who wasn’t in sight. Damnit.

“So while Liam is finally getting more time with his son, the son he says he wants to spend more time with he sends him off with his dance teacher? Pathetic”  she says reaching for Louis, he opens his arms for her so I let him go, I watch the way he nuzzles her neck, it’s definitely Danielle.  I pick up my daughter on my other hip.

“Oh no, your misunderstanding. We came here together to hang out, I’m not babysitting.”

Danielle looks like she doesn’t believe me, and still sort of giving me some kind of stank eye when another voice filled up the silent space.

“Hey! Sorry- wait- Danielle? What are you doing here?” Liam ask, finally back from the bathroom.

“You said you were coming to the park and I came to see if you wanted to talk but it seems like you’re busy playing house with a wannabe me.”

I raised my eyebrows “Excuse me? I’m not trying to be anyone little Missy.” 

“Excuse me, little?” She says putting Louis down and walking over to me, trying to walk up on me. I didn’t stand down though.

“Yeah, little, you’re so skinny; I could break you in half.” I snap at her, putting my baby down on her feet and putting her behind me.

“Oh really? I liked to see you try.” She says, she is a little taller than me, but she was looking down on me. I stayed planted on my feet if she would try to push me, I wouldn’t go anywhere.

“Yo! Guys stop!” Liam says stepping in-between both of us “Seriously, what the hell?”

“She’s the one trying jump on what’s mine!”  Danielle yells and again walks a little closer, even with Liam in between us. I do the same and speak again

“Your damn name isn’t printed on his forehead bitch!”

Her fist came at me slowly, going around Liam for me; I caught her fist with my hand and twisted it at her wrist. Danielle yelps in pain and tries to snake her hand away, but I don’t let her get to far off until Liam stared into my eyes.

“Let. Her. Go.” He says, eyes hard lips in a tight line.

I let go.                                                                

“Bitch,” she sneers, then turns to Liam “I don’t want her anywhere knew Louis. Now, I’m taking him home.”

Liam grabs her arm “Can’t we just talk? You said you wanted to talk.”

“No! Not with… that here.”

I sneered at her.

Liam looked at me “You should leave.”


“Go home, Normani.”

I just looked at him; he’s making me leave when she is the one that tried to punch me in the face?

My best friend was taking his ex-girlfriend’s side.

I guess I know where I stand now. 

So I swallowed my pride, turned around, picking up my baby and left.

I didn’t cry, I never really cried about anything.

Not when I found out I was pregnant at such a young age, not when my husband left and shattered me in half, and not when one of my best friends kicked me out of a park for children.

I just felt numb.

It was nap time for Ally, so I just drove around until she fell asleep, once she was knocked out cold, snoring slightly; I drove to Lauren and Zayn’s house. Once I was in the driveway I pulled out my phone and gave Lauren a call.

“Hey boo,” she said “what’s up?”

“I’m outside, with Ally.” I said

“Oh no, what’s wrong?” She asked me.

“Just come out and help me please, I have her baby bag in the truck can you get it, while I try to get her out of the car, and leave the door open.” I say getting out of the car and making my way to the back seat, opening the door as quietly as I could and crawling in to get the middle where my daughter laid head down, sleeping.

I put my phone down and unblocked my daughter and hoisted her up from her seat and crawling out of the car, I stuck her to my chest and closed the door quietly, then turned to see Lauren already holding the baby bag and concerned look in her eyes.

I just shook my head; I didn’t want to talk about it yet.

She nodded and headed back to her door where Zayn was standing, he wasn’t really smiling either just looking at me, and when I got close enough, he kissed my forehead.

Lauren and Zayn’s place was a lot bigger than mine, Zayn was an artist and most of his paintings sold for over 10,000 dollars apiece, and he even had a few in the Detroit Institute of Arts.

I walked through the large foyer straight into the master bedroom, when Allyson was  first born Lauren had bought one for whenever she slept over, which didn’t even happen much until she was about one and a half.

I took of Ally’s coat and laid her down in the crib, Lauren was behind me, so we walked out together, and into the living room.

Zayn was sitting on the sofa watching a movie so I sat down beside him, he put his arm out for me and I snuggled into him, and Lauren snuggled against my back.

This is what we always did when I had bad days, I would come over here when I didn’t want to be alone and we would just sit together until I felt like talking about it. Whenever I thought about it afterward I felt so babied, when I had my own, I should grow up a little more, but the comfort of having both Zayn and Lauren wrapped around me made me feel better.

The movie was Transformers and about half an hour in I was laughing along with Lauren and Zayn, and I felt OK to talk about everything.

I paused the movie and they both looked over at me. I told them everything that happened as Zayn rubbed my back.

“It’s just… I felt so, useless, like I was unwanted, and I know I should have kept my cool a little better, but he didn’t even try to defend me or anything, he could have stopped her fist from coming at me, but he didn’t. Like I’m useless to him.”

Lauren puts her fingers under my chin and makes me look at her “You are not useless. That’s the mother of his child, and it did sound like they needed to talk, but no he shouldn’t have told you to leave like that.”

“Just let him talk to Danielle, yeah?” Zayn says “he’ll give you a call after it’s all sorted out babe. Don’t worry.”

I don’t think he will, Zayn… I mean she said she didn’t want me near Louis, what if they stop coming to dance class because of all this? What if she stops Liam from seeing Louis because he hangs out with me? I know how custody battles work. The moms’ always win.”

“None of that will be your fault but it won’t happen Normani, I promise.” Lauren says and starts getting up, unwrapping herself from me “I need to make a call, I’ll be back in a second.” She says and I nod my head and snuggle back against Zayn’s side. I didn’t feel like talking anymore.

Zayn let me curl up against him and rubs at my back, then turns up the movie and we start watching again.

Lauren comes back in a few minutes later “I checked on Ally while I was in there, she’s still sleeping so that’s one thing you won’t have to worry about.”

I smiled at her and mouthed thanks as she snuggled up against my back again.

I must have fallen asleep sometime in-between this because Lauren is shaking at me. “I ordered a pizza, can you get it? Money is at the door?” 

I nod sleepily, and try to pull myself to the door, walking down the long hallway.

I throw open the door before I even grabbed the pizza money and my breath was taken away by the sight.

“Camz?” I said

And there she was, holding up what looked like a pizza box, smiling up at me in a blue dress and black eyeliner.

“Somebody call for a pizza?” she asks giving me a wink. I grabbed at her hand and pulled her inside, she closed the door behind and I put the pizza down on the table by the door and enwrapped my girlfriend in a tight hug my arms around her waist and holding her close, holding onto the comfort she gave me.

When we finally pull apart Camila smiles at me and kisses me softly on the mouth.

“Guess someone missed me?”

I laugh and smile at her, kissing her lips again “Yeah, I did.”

Don't be scared to comment! I always reply because I love them. Haha :)


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