Waking up Hitched in Vegas |...

By PaintedWings77

148K 2.6K 1.1K

Anastasia is a good, sweet girl. Her idea of excitement is Tuesday night book club meeting. She was engaged... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - The Hangover
Chapter 2 - The runaway Wife
Chapter 3 - Goodbye Vegas
Chapter 4 - Wedding Reunion
Chapter 5 - A dinner date
Chapter 6 - A dinner to remember
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 - Secrets
Chapter 15 - Lockdown
Chapter 16 - Heartbreaking Dance
Chapter 17 - Book of Secrets
Chapter 18 - Anastasia Sorrow
Chapter 19 - Masquerade
Chapter 20 - The Past becomes the Future
Chapter 21 - True Lies
Chapter 22 - The Turning Point
Chapter 23 - Drowning
Chapter 24 - She comes Undone
Private Instructions
Chapter 25 - Love and Monsters
Chapter 26 - The Nightmare Begins
Chapter 27 - Day of Reckoning
Chapter 28 - A New Beginning
Chapter 29 - Anastasia's Choice
Chapter 30 - The warrior's secret
Chapter 32 - Love in the time of dragons
Acknowledgement and Thanks

Chapter 31 - Dirty Little Secrets

2.5K 51 42
By PaintedWings77

Dirty Little Secrets

-"I can't believe tomorrow is the big day."

Cathy frowned as she sealed another box with the clear tape. I knelt next to the box and marked it with a fragile label. It contained some of my breakable figurines my father had bought me when I was younger.

-"I'll be glad when it's over, all this packing and preparing has been a pain." I brushed the hair from eyes and glanced up at Cathy. "But I am going to miss you like crazy."

She sniffled and knelt beside me and we both hugged.

-"Life is going to be so boring with you!" She wailed.

I hugged my best friend tighter.

-"We will talk every day, I promise!"

-"Oh my god, are you two crying again?" Nick walked in and deposited a few empty boxes near the door.

We both laughed through our tears as Nick groaned and mumbled something about two insane women. I couldn't help but feel slightly bad for Nick. As my life was finally coming together nicely, his was falling apart. It had been a bit over two months since I had last seen him. He had gone home sick, but when he did get home, the poor guy had found his unsuspecting wife with another man. She had cheated on him for months and Nick had no idea.

I didn't know much more because he had pretty much isolated himself and refused to talk to anyone. So when he had said he was coming down to help me move, both Zak and I had been surprised.

"Where is Zak?" I asked standing up quickly, looking at the open front door.

"He's downstairs on the phone, yelling at the movers." Nick walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer.


"Beats the hell out of me ... He is just worried that shit will go wrong." Nick shrugged, taking a long swig of his beer.

I was finally moving out of Cathy's guest room and after some thought on my part and a little persuasion from Zak, I was moving to his home in Las Vegas. It had been a long almost three months of him and I going back and forth to see each other, but tomorrow I was finally going to move in permanently with him. I felt very anxious and excited all at once, but I had many reasons for feeling those emotions.

I had not seen Zak in almost two weeks. He and the guys had been on an investigation in Utah and afterwards he had to make a stop in Vegas. Nick had come directly from the investigation though, and I was thankful for his help. He had helped me find movers that would take my things to Vegas and he helped me with many of the smaller details I had not thought of, like getting my car to Vegas since we were flying. Nick volunteered to drive my car to Vegas. He had also just gone and picked up Zak from the airport, since I had a meeting earlier with my boss at the library.

I had handed my resignation last month but I was helping them pick out a replacement for me, and once Zak was here, he and I had to go to my mother's and pick up the rest of my things for the movers. I was not looking forward to that.

With a sigh, I sat on the couch and looked around the small apartment that had been my home. So much had changed since I had first come here. I was a very different person that was for sure. When I had come to Cathy's I was just a scared, timid girl who had been in a bad relationship and was unsure on her future. Now I was much more confident and I had some of the most wonderful people in my life. From my best Cathy, to Nick and Aaron who had become more than just friends. They were my family.

Then there was Zak. If anyone would have told me eight months ago that I would have married the lead investigator to Ghost Adventures. The cocky, full-of-himself, stubborn man on television, I would have called them crazy. And if they would have told me I would be happier than I ever been, I would have had them committed. But here I was, the luckiest woman ever. Although I was feeling very anxious to see Zak again. I had some big news ... and I wasn't sure how he was going to take it.

The only thing missing in my life right now was Keane. The immortal warrior who had protected and saved me several times had disappeared. I had not heard from him since the day he had left me in his home two months ago. I had tried to call him but he was ignoring my calls. I had so many questions for him, like what exactly had his relationship been with my half-sister, and why he couldn't help me locate her. He hadn't even given me a name so how was I supposed to find her?

Grabbing my phone, I was about to try to give Keane a call. I still tried once a day, but as I scrolled through my address book, Zak walked in. I hadn't seen him in two weeks but it felt like two years! He looked around the room until his eyes landed on me. His face lit up with a heart-stopping smile.

-"Hey there beautiful." He grinned.

I returned the wide smile and rushed to him, threw my arms around his neck and crashed my mouth to his. He circled one hand behind my neck and the other on the small of my back. As soon as our lips connected I felt the connection between us and our souls. The kiss left me breathless. He slowly pulled back and cupped both my cheeks in the palms of his hands, softly rubbing my skin.

-"I missed you."

I smiled at him.

-"I missed you more." I said back with a cocky grin.

He leaned in and he softly put his lips on mine, never taking his hands off my face. I felt my heart skip a beat as I molded my body to his.

-"I sure hope they outgrow this honeymoon phase of theirs." Cathy groaned from the kitchen.

-"Well when they get the Vegas they can fuck for days without being disturbed so hopefully they will get sick of each other sometime soon after that." Nick replied with a slight edge to his tone.

We pulled back from each other and Zak smiled down at me with a hooded look.

-"I like the part of not being disturbed for days, but I'll never get sick of her."

I blushed and pulled away from him, suddenly feeling major butterflies flutter in my stomach, but not before giving Zak a serious look.

-"I have to talk to you."

-"Sure sweetie, about what?"

I shook my head.

-"Not here ..."

Zak gave me a slightly concerned look and seemed like he was about to ask what was wrong but he never got the chance.

-"Hey Zak, the moving guys need to know what time to be here tomorrow." Aaron poked his head into the apartment.

-"Hold on a sec Aaron." Zak looked back at me. "What's wrong?"

-"No, it can wait." I gave him a small smile. "Go deal with the movers, I need to get ready to go to my mother's."

-"Okay ... if you are sure ..." Zak hesitated for a moment, giving me a lingering stare, and then went to Aaron.

I didn't have that many things to pack. I wasn't bringing any furniture; everything that I did own was put in storage until I could decide what to do with it. But it was very little. What I did have at my mother's was some photo albums and a few things from my childhood that I wanted to take with me. I knew this was the last time I would be setting foot in my mother's home, and I was okay with that. I also had a few things at Justin's, mostly just some clothing and a few books.


Once downstairs, I got into my small car and Zak got into the passenger side. He had offered to drive but since he had only been at mother's a couple of times I figured it would be easier if I drove. My mother lived only fifteen minutes away when the traffic was light, but it felt like the longest fifteen minutes of my life. The weather was slightly chilly today, it was only in the forties but my body felt like it was on fire.

I was so anxious, my palms were sweaty and I found myself wiping my hands several times on my cute little black, flared skirt. My heart beat erratically and I was debating if I should pull over because it felt like I was about to throw up. But I suddenly felt Zak's cool hand slip on my lap.

-"Hey ... everything will be alright."  His voice was low and soothing.

I turned my head briefly to him and saw the encouraging smile he gave me. I tried to return the smile but I found it hard too. I licked my extremely parched lips.

-"I hope so ..." I whispered, my throat feeling tight.

-"We are just going to grab your things, then we are leaving, you don't even have to talk to her if you don't want too." He squeezed my tight. "I won't let her be mean to you, Ana."

I nodded and gulped. I had not talked to my mother since before I left for Romania. That was almost four months ago. She had not tried to make contact with me, and I couldn't help but feel so sad at that. But in her defense, I had not tried to call her either. But according to Cathy, if the poor excuse of a mother couldn't take the time to check in on her own child, she wasn't worth my time. I agreed with Cathy's sentiment but I wish my heart didn't hurt every time I thought of her.

As I turned into the familiar long driveway to her house, a few of the grounds men were taking down the Christmas lights. When we reached the house, there were over twenty cars parked in the long driveway and some next to the garage. That is when I remembered it was the first Saturday of the month, and that was when my mother's husband hosted a meeting for the some of his political friends. Although meeting was not the best word for it, they discussed business for thirty minutes and the rest of the time was spent on a poker game.

I parked in front of the steps to the house since I had no intentions of staying long and it would make it easier to move things out. I stopped the car and stared at the steering wheel for a moment.

-"Come on, sweetie, let's get this over with." Zak gave me an encouraging smile and I nodded.

We both got out and slowly walked up to the front door. Zak grabbed my hand and gave it a tight squeeze as I pressed the doorbell. I didn't have to wait long for the door to open.

-"Ana!" My mother's husband, said happily.

-"Hi Phillip."

Phillip had always been kind and friendly with me. I had always liked him and often wondered why he had married a woman like my mother who was the complete opposite. Oh, she could put up a nice act of friendliness but she was anything but.

-"I haven't seen you in a few months, how are you? Come in!" He boomed with a big smile.

Phillip was a typical politician. He had a friendly face, one that made you want to trust him. He was tall and slim. He had a thick head of salt and pepper hair. Even now in his sixties, he was a good-looking man, with a dark tan and bright smile. Today he wore his leisure clothing, khaki shorts and a polo t-shirt, but there was no mistaking that he was an important person and had money. He sported his gold Rolex and gold rings proudly.

I wasn't sure how much he knew about mine and my mother's falling out so I chose to be as vague as possible.

-"I been kinda busy."

He smiled at me then at Zak.

-"Well I read that you got married, it was the center of gossip for a while. This is the lucky guy?" I nodded and Phillip extended his hand to Zak and they both shook. "Well your mother is around here somewhere." He quickly said and returned to his gathering.

I looked up at the stairs that led up and thought I could probably get my things and be gone before my mother even knew I had stopped by, but that seemed rather cowardly. Something that the old me would have done. But I was someone different now. If I could face the guardian, I could face my mother. I think.

-"Come on." I tugged on Zak's hand and we went in the opposite direction of the stairs, towards my mother's office.

My mother's office was located at the back of the house, where she had a full view of the garden and the pool. I think in the 1800's it had been designed as a sunroom for the lady of the house. As we approached her office I felt myself growing more and more sick. My stomach churned, my palms sweated and my heart skipped and lurched enough to make question if I should call an ambulance.

I tried to keep my breathing slow and regulate but it made it worse, making me dizzy and feeling like I wasn't getting enough oxygen. When we reached the door, it was closed but not latched shut. A small sliver of sunlight spilled out of the crack, splaying on the hardwood floor. I stopped and raised my hand to knock. My hand shook so badly that instead of knocking my fist pushed the door open slightly.

As the door slowly swung half-opened the sight that greeted both Zak and I was shocking.

-"Oh my god!" I whispered, swallowing the bile rising in throat.

-"Fuck!" Zak said in disgust.

But despite our revulsion we both stared for a moment to long before Zak snapped out of it and shut the door with a slam.

-"I think I'm gonna be sick." I mumbled still staring at the closed door.

I don't think I could ever get rid of those images from my head. Ever.

My mother and Justin had both been in the room. She had sat on the desk with her pencil skirt hiked up around her stomach, her blouse unbuttoned and opened. Her head had been bent backwards; her hair free from its usual tight bun ... and Justin ... his pants had been around his ankles as he was pumping hard into her.

I shivered at the images of my mother and my ex fiancé having sex imprinted in my mind. I quickly turned and ran for the bathroom, barely having time to shut the door; I threw up in the toilet. Once my stomach emptied itself, I sat on the floor and let my head lean against the cool wall. I drew my knees to my chest. My mother ... and Justin ... How long has this been going on? Had he been with her the whole time?

That though made my stomach quiver as I felt another wave of awful nausea wash over me, but a soft knock came at the door.

-"Ana, sweetie, can I come in?"

Zak didn't wait for my reply and just came in. He shut the door and crouched next to me.

-"You alright?"

-"No ..." I swallowed thickly.

-"Yeah ... me either ... that was ... I might need therapy." His lips held a faint smile of humor and despite feeling sick, I giggled at his joke. He put his hand on my knee. His face grew serious "We can get out of here if you want ... but they saw us ... I'm sure they will want to talk to you."

I groaned at the thought of having to look at either one.

-"I'm not sure I can face them Zak." I closed my eyes but that was a bad idea because all I could see was the naked image of the cold, stiff woman who had been my mother in the throes of passion with the same man I had been with countless times.

Zak stood up and extended his hand out to me. I reluctantly took it and he hoisted me without much effort to my feet. Once I was on my feet though he didn't let go of me and pulled me into his chest, where he enveloped his arms around me.

-"Well maybe this might help you forget."

Zak brought his mouth lightly to mine, kissing me with careful, undemanding pressure. Teasing my lips apart, he deepened the kiss. His arms slid around me, bringing me fully against him.

I pressed myself against him, molding against him, slowly feeling myself relaxing. But what started off as a leisure kiss soon became urgent, his tongue meeting mine. My arms lifted around his neck, my fingers delicately tangled in his hair. I felt myself growing dizzy with desire and pleasure. We pulled at each other's body like we couldn't get close enough to each other.

Zak deepened the kiss more and I helped by sucking on his tongue as little sounds of pleasure escaped from me. But all too soon, Zak tore his mouth away from mine, he panted hard, giving me a lustful look, he held me close to his chest. I could hear his heart beating hard.

-"Feeling a bit better?" His voice was hoarse.

-"What were we talking about?" I grinned up at him.

He returned the smile.

-"How your mother is probably waiting outside for us."

I sighed and nodded. His kiss had worked at getting rid of those awful images, but now my mind was full of naughty thoughts of what I wanted to do to Zak when we got back to the apartment. But the mention of going to face my mother did not bring me any joy at all. We separated and Zak opened the bathroom door. When I emerged, sure enough my mother was standing in the living adjacent to the bathroom. Fortunately she was clothed, even her hair was back in it's too tight bun. Her clothes were slightly disheveled but it was barely noticeable.

As soon as we came out, she turned and her steel-gray eyes met mine and I felt myself shrink slightly. She didn't move so I approached with Zak by my side.

-"Anastasia." She said, her voice held a hint of disapproval. "You should have called, I would have – cleared my schedule for you."

Zak let out a snort and I gave him a stern look, but the humor in his face was almost my undoing. But seeing the lightness of his mood reminded me that this woman standing in front of me was nothing to me. She certainly had never been a mother. As I stood here, I realized that she had never looked out for me, all her advice, all her "words of wisdom", had been a way of controlling me, all while she tried to get in my ex-boyfriend's pants.

Zak was my family. He saved my life and would do it again, I knew he would. It was all very clear to me now, and as that realization dawned on me, all that anxiety and worry on facing her melted away.

-"Yes, I can sure see you were pretty busy, you know having sex with my ex-boyfriend." I walked into the center of the living room. As I did so, I noticed Justin was sitting in one of the large, overstuffed chairs.

My mother opened her mouth to reply but she quickly shut it, obviously a little shocked by my reply.

-"Really, Ana, we are all adults here, that is no way to talk to your mother." Justin spoke.

I glared at him.

-"We might all be adults, but she is not my mother. But since we are adults, how long has this been going on, since we broke up? The first day we started dated?" Justin deterred his eyes and that told me everything I needed to know, for way to long. "I can't believe I was so stupid that I didn't see this happening."

-"It has not been going on the whole time." My mother - Diane - replied. "But I did try to give you pointers on how to keep your man satisfied. I am sorry he had to come to me to get what he needed." She said snarkly.

Unable to contain his laughter any longer, Zak bursts out laughing, and both Diane and Justin turned to him.

-"I'm sorry." He chuckled, trying to calm his outburst. "But Ana doesn't need any pointers and nothing in this world could make me turn to ... well that." He pointed his hand in Diane direction.  "You are just nasty, dude!"  He said, looking at Justin.

-"Hey now!" Justin stood angrily, but didn't come any closer.

-"Enough!" I took a step forward to be sure that I was between Justin and Zak, just in case. "I came here to get my things. At first I had hoped that you," I face the woman who should have loved me. "I had hoped that you would want to fix things between us, but you know what, I don't want to fix anything. You mean nothing to me." I reached out and grabbed Zak's hand. "This man, showed me what real love is, and what caring for someone else is, and neither one of you have a clue what that is. You two are perfect for each other."

I turned and Zak followed, but before exiting the room Diane spoke up.

-"Anastasia ..." I stopped and turned my head towards her. "I shouldn't have to tell you that the incident from earlier ... requires some discretion ..."

I rolled my eyes.

-"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone that I caught my adoptive mother fucking my ex fiancé. Trust me, I wish I never knew." With that we left the room to grab the things I had come for.

It didn't take long for me to gather my things. They had already been boxed up and put away in the attic. I wasn't to sure what was in all of them, but I decided I would go through them when they arrived in Vegas, and whatever I didn't want I would just donate them or something.

Once everything was loaded in the car, Zak took the keys and offered to drive, but as we both got ready to leave, Justin came out of the house and approached us.

-"Ana, could I talk to you ... please?" He had a very demure look to him.

Zak stood on the driver's side.

-"Ana, just get in."

-"Please, Ana, just one minute, then you can go, he can watch us, I just ... want to talk to you."

I glanced at Zak and then at Justin and nodded looking back at Zak.

-"It's okay ..."

Zak nodded and kept a vigilant eye on us as Justin and I walked a few steps away from the car. When we stopped I crossed my arms over my chest and waited. Justin shifted awkwardly. As I watched him, I wondered what I ever saw in him. Sure Justin was handsome, and he usually oozed confidence and there was just something about him that drew you to him, but I think that was part of his charm and one reason why he was successful as a news journalist. But now that I was here with him, I didn't feel anything for him.

I wasn't torn, my heart didn't hurt, in fact I had not really thought about him at all until I recalled I had things at his apartment which I really didn't want anymore. But there was no comparison between him and Zak. They were not even in the same ballpark, and the best part was, Zak was all mine.  I didn't fear that he would stray, and that was the best feeling in the world.

-"Ana ..." Justin started nervously. "Please, I've missed you ... Come home with me. We can forget that all this happen, you had your fun with him," He inclined his head in Zak's direction, "but it's really time to grow up."

I gaped at Justin. I couldn't believe him.

-"Are you really fucking serious right now?" My swearing caught Justin off-guard. "You were just caught having sex with my mother!" I hissed.

-"I had too! She – she promised me things for my career long ago, and I just got in too deep ... That meant nothing to me!"

I shook my head and put my hand up for him to stop speaking.

-"Justin ... whatever is going on between you and her is none of my business. I don't care. I love Zak, I am married to Zak, and I will always pick Zak. I'm sorry Justin ... Goodbye."


Zak watched Ana brush by Justin. He had moved to the passenger side of the car and was leaning against the car, waiting ... keeping his eye on her. He was so proud of her. Not only had she faced her mother, which he knew scared the living crap out of her, she had just closed the door on her past and she was walking towards her future. Him.

When she walked by Justin her eyes were glued him. God he loved this girl. When she was near enough, he enveloped his strong arms around her and relished in the warmth she brought.

-"You alright?" He asked softly in her hair.

She looked up at him, with her eyes sparkling.

-"Amazing." She smiled widely.

He kissed the top of her head and he reached for the passenger side door, opening it for her, but before she could slip in Justin spoke up.

-"I know."

Ana paused and Zak suddenly felt an awful feeling.

-"What do you think you know?" Ana asked calmly.

Justin gave a cocky smirk, one that reminded them both of the real Justin. He took two steps closer to the car with a confident swag.

-"I know what you all did in Romania ..." Justin's eyes went to Ana. "What happened at your father's old house." Justin paused and Zak felt Ana's body grow rigid.

-"I don't know what you think you know, but Ana came with me to Romania for an investigation, and to spend time with her husband." Zak replied confidently.

-"I really don't give a shit what you both did, but I know what she is ... I know about the man called Keane and the power Ana has and I know she is looking for a blood related sister."

Zak tried not to gape at Justin. He had no idea how Justin had found out all that information. Zak took a step towards Justin and glared at him menacingly.

-"You really don't know shit, Justin, but if I were you, and you want to keep breathing, you really should keep your mouth shut."

-"Are you threatening me?"

-"Yeah, I am." Zak glared. "And there are much scary things out there to worry about then just me, so you really should think long and hard on that."

Both men stared at each other for a long moment before Ana put a hand on Zak's arm.

-"Come on ... He isn't worth it." She said softly.

Zak flexed his fists open and closed several times before he turned towards the car and walked away. Once Ana was securely in the car, Zak got in and drove away, but as they pulled away, Zak glanced in the rear-view mirror and the smirk that Justin sported did not help put his mind at ease.


By the time they got back into downtown Miami, where Cathy lived, Zak decided to stop at one of the many marina restaurants that Miami was famous for. It was a little after six and the place was packed but fortunately he had made reservations for himself and Ana, along with Cathy, Nick and Aaron, who had declined to come. But he wanted to give Ana a last night out with her best friend before she left.

He felt slightly bad that Ana was moving away from Cathy. He knew both girls had never lived further apart than a few miles away from each other, but he was also thrilled that Ana had finally agreed to move in with him and they would start their new life together. Their life had been on hold long enough and things were finally falling into place.

Of course he knew that Ana was still worried about what happened to Keane. He couldn't say he missed the guy, but he was rather curious to what happened to him and what exactly his relationship to Ana's half-sister was. Ana had tried to find some information on herself or her family but she had not found anything and she hadn't had that much time with getting ready to move. But once he got her to Vegas she would have much more time, because he planned on keeping her close to home, at least for a little while. He had already informed the guys that she would tag along on investigations.

That probably sounded extremely overprotective and a bit controlling, but he didn't care. Until this business with the guardian and the order was settled he was not letting her out of his sight for long.

Sure, they had not heard anything about the order since they had left Romania and the guardian had told Ana to stay away from the spirit world. But the fact still remained that she was a weapon. She could open the door to that world and anyone who knew this was a danger to her. It was one reason he was slightly hesitant on digging further into her past and finding this sister of hers. What if finding her meant that the ominous warning would come to past?

He wasn't going to forbid her from looking for her sister, but he would make sure she was safe. And Keane was still out there ... somewhere. He had told Ana that he was her half-sister's ex ... The guy sure seemed to get around ... had he been with Ana's sister on purpose, knowing who she was? There was just too much that remained unanswered.

Zak pulled himself from his thoughts and gave Ana a smile.

-"Are you alright?" She asked concerned.

-"Yeah." He smiled back at her and pulled her in for a quick hug, kissing the top of her head. "I was just thinking."

-"About what?" She looked at him with her big hazel eyes.

Zak felt his heart squeeze at the thoughts of losing this woman who had been so unexpected in his life, yet he would never give up for the world now.

-"About us." He winked at her and she laughed.

They sat at their table, Cathy and Nick soon joined them. As per usual, Cathy's chatter dominated most of the time with her tales of awful dates and her sex advice. Nick was quiet most of the time, ordering little food and too much to drink. Zak was concerned for his friend, but Nick wasn't talking.

All he knew was that after he had gotten home, Nick's wife had another man in their apartment, and she had come clean about the long affair she had been having. Nick had moved out that day. Nick had mentioned that they were maybe going to try counseling or something like that but that didn't seem to be going so well and there was talk of divorce.

All Zak knew though was that he would support his friend no matter what happened.

As dinner came and went, Zak also noticed that his wife was not eating much. Although she talked animatedly with Cathy, and tried her best to include Nick in their conversation, she just wasn't eating and that concerned him. She also had not touch the wine Cathy had ordered for them and only sipped her water. He really hoped that what happened at her mother's earlier wasn't still bothering her.

Zak quickly changed his train of thought; he really didn't want to remember that ... he wanted his food to stay where it was.

Once dinner was done and paid for, Cathy urged everyone to go to a local club, for one last crazy outing, but Nick refused and left, telling them he would pick up the keys to the car tomorrow morning and take off for Vegas. Ana seemed hesitant on going as well.

-"I'm tired ... and our flight leaves pretty early."

Cathy bit her lower lip.

-"Oh come on! Please Ana! I don't want to be the only one shaking my ass on the dance floor!" Cathy pouted.

-"I'm tired too; I think Ana has the right idea, sorry Cathy." Zak said, swinging his arm over Ana's shoulder.

-"Fine!" Cathy frowned. "You suck since you got married." Cathy teased playfully. "But when I come and visit you guys in Vegas, you both owe me; I want to be shown a great time."

Zak laughed.

-"Yeah, we will, you'll have such a blast you won't remember what you did the night before."

Cathy snickered.

-"And what? Wake up hitched like you two? No thanks!"

Ana and Zak both laughed and told Cathy to have a great time.


Back at the apartment, Ana did look tired, as she sat on the bed.

-"You alright, sweetie?" Zak asked sitting next to her on the bed.

She nodded but her face was full of anxiety.

-"I – I have to talk to you." She said softly.

-"Well you know you can tell me anything." Zak slipped his left hand on her thigh. Ana looked down and rubbed her finger on his ring. "Come on, talk to me sweetie."

He watched Ana swallow visibly. Her eyes closed and when they reopened a single tear ran down her face.

-"I don't know how you will react." She whispered.

-"Hey, we been through hell and back together, I even saw your mother naked ... nothing can shock me anymore."

She was silent for a moment.

-"I'm pregnant."


I held my breath as I waited for Zak's reaction. I had taken a home pregnancy test three days ago and it had come out positive. I had not believed it and ended up taking a second test yesterday morning and that one was also positive. My period was never late. You could probably set your calendars by my cycles, so when my period had been late last week, I knew right away that something was wrong.

Truthfully the thought of pregnancy had never really crossed my mind. I had been on birth control with Justin but after my weekend in Vegas things had been so crazy that I had forgotten about the pills. I really had meant to get back on track but I was waiting until I moved to Las Vegas and I got a new doctor. But now that this was happening...

Zak remained silent for a long time, as he stared straight ahead of him. I wanted to scream. The silence was driving me nuts. I knew this was not happy news to him. Although we had never talked about kids, I knew how he felt about having them. He didn't want kids and I didn't know what this meant for us.

All of a sudden, Zak just busted out laughing. He clutched his stomach as hysterical laughter escaped him.

-"Oh my god, Ana ..." He gasped, trying to catch his breath. "You really had me going there for a minute." He wiped his eye.

I furrowed my brow at his reaction. He actually thought I was joking.

-"I'm serious –"

-"Who put you up to this, Nick? It was Nick right. He has that weird, sick sense of humor lately." Zak turned to me, and his laughter slowly started to die down. "It is a joke right?"

I shook my head as a few tears started to flow.

-"Shit." He mumbled and took his glasses off, setting them on his lap and rubbed his face vigorously. "How ... oh ... shit." His voice was muffled.

-"I took two test and they were positive." I whispered and got up to grab the one test that I had kept.

I opened the top drawer to my dresser, moved some of my underwear and fished out the little plastic stick that had suddenly changed my whole life. The two bright pink lines in the clear window stuck out, there was no mistaking it for anything but saying "pregnant". I turned and walked back towards Zak who had put his glasses back on but he was staring intently at the floor, as if something might sprout out of it.

My legs slowly carried and stopped in front of him. My hands shook as I held out the test to him, which he ignored. We both were still for the longest time, until he raised his eyes to mine. My breath caught as I waited for him to speak, to say something ... anything. He then reached out to me and pulled me hard against him, crushing his face to my stomach.

Stunted, I glance down at him. He turned towards my stomach and placed a kiss on it and he then scooped me up, sweeping my feet off the ground and cradling me like a child in his arms.

-"This isn't a joke?" He asked, turning his face to me.

-"No ..." I whispered.

He laughed again, but this laughter was different. It was mixed with many emotions.

-"I don't know why I'm surprised ..." His bright, dark blue eyes stared into mine. "What – what are you going to do?"

-"What do you mean?" My voice shook and my heart stopped at his question.

-"Are you ... going to keep it?"

I looked at him a bit strangely. I actually had not really thought about that, I did have options. I could have an abortion or even consider adoption...

-"I – I hadn't thought about it."

Zak nodded and kissed my forehead.

-"Whatever you do ... I'll be there for you, sweetie ... but - " He stopped and shook his head looking away.

I quickly grabbed his face with my hand, cupping his scratchy cheek; I turned his head back towards me.

-"But what?"

I felt Zak's hand creep under my shirt, he splayed his large, cool hand against my soft stomach.

-"Maybe it hasn't sunk it yet ... or maybe my food was drugged." He chuckled. "But we made this ..." He rubbed his thumb back and forth over my skin. "It's our baby ..." He whispered.

I put my hand over his and intertwine my fingers over his.

-"You think we should keep it?" I said hoarsely.

A giant smile spread across his face and he set me down on the bed.  With speed he covered his body with mine. He kissed the exposed skin of my neck. I felt warm all over, my nerves sparked by the touch of his sensuous mouth. I suddenly felt his hand go under my skirt.

-"You have no idea what you do to me, do you Anastasia?" He said hoarsely, tracing the inner structure of my ear with the tip of his tongue.

He slid his hand between my thighs, finding my underwear, and he stroked soft circles. I tried to bite back a moan.

-"We ... we should talk." I stuttered, feeling myself melt at his touch.

-"We can talk ... on how much I want to be inside you right now." His fingers pushed my underwear to the side, and he slid a finger inside me, then another. I whimpered softly. "I need you ..." He whispered in my ear.

I gasped for breath, while my heart thumped madly.

-"The baby ... we need to talk about ..." I tried to form coherent words. "I'm pregnant ..."

-"Yes you are ... and I love that."

I nearly choked with shock, while his long fingers teased me, inside and out. My body began to clench in a slow, steady pulse of desire. Zak pulled back slightly, looking down at me with desire and warmth.

-"I have never said this to anyone before." His voice was like ragged velvet. "But you ... pregnant ... it is the most insanely arousing thing I could imagine ..." He exhaled out, and licked his lower lip. "Your stomach swollen, your breasts heavy ... the funny way you would walk ... I will worship you. I – God, Ana, you don't even know what those thoughts do to me. Everyone will know that I made you that way, that you belong to me."

-"You ... you are so ..." I couldn't even think of a suitable word.

-"I know. Primitive, caveman ... an awful sexist pig." He laughed. "But you are stuck with me." He grinned and caressed me with gently, his fingers slick and tireless. I felt a new flush arousal. Not simply from his touch, but that he was happy. Zak was actually happy that I was pregnant. I had never seen that coming, and neither did I see the night filled with passion that we had together.



As always thank you so much for all your support and kind words!  

I am a little sad, after this chapter, there is only 1 chapter left and the epilogue :(  I sort of feel that bittersweet feeling.  This is my very first fiction that I have finished and that was mildly successful :)  But I am sad because writing about Zak and Ana sort of has been an almost daily thing for me for the last few months.  

But do not worry, because Ana and Zak will be back in the sequel (How to bewitch a ghost hunter), along with their newest addition ;)

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