Steady Arrow (Oliver and Feli...

By Eden_Montang

688K 14K 2.1K

Oliver and Felicity have just triumphed in killing The Count. Now, they face a new challenge: Oliver has star... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Last Chapter!
Words from the Writer
Shielded Arrow

Chapter 13

11.7K 266 37
By Eden_Montang

Oliver stared at Felicity's endless beauty until sleep called his name and he settled into a chair.

Felicity woke she dawn streamed in her windows. She rolled over in the most comfortable bed. She never realized her bed was this comfortable.

She sat up and noticed that this wasn't her bed. This wasn't her room. Was she even in her apartment?

She gasped when she realized her dream was t a dream. Everything was real. Everything was real?! Oh... maybe not everything. Like the kiss? No, surely Oliver didn't kiss her. Well, almost kiss her. Oliver didn't feel that way about her... Did he?

She looked around the room. There was the chair that Oliver was resting in, his breathing was still rapid so there was a chance that he wasn't asleep yet, that the unfamiliar curtains of red silk embroidered with the Queen crest. There was pictures of Oliver everywhere smiling and kissing his mother's cheek. Thea as a child (or so she guessed) and Oliver's father. She studied the picture of Oliver and his Dad. The apple didn't fall far from the tree, at least talking about looks.

I'm in his bedroom, she thought, sleeping in his bed, while he slept on uncomfortable looking chair?

She was still dressed as she crawled out of bed and smiled at the breakfast try on a nightstand beside the bed. Appealing to her, was cinnamon toast and some fruit (chocolate covered strawberries, and pineapple) and one French vanilla cappuccino. Had he done all this? She wanted to say thank you, and say how speechless she was.

Sitting there, looking the way he looked, made her giggle. She didn't know how to wake him. She knew that he had been up to get her this delicious mouth watering meal, it had Oliver's signature all over it. Kind, but distant.

Would she shake his leg? No, he just might kill her from fright. She blushed and walked over to a radio that was beside a window. Looking out for a moment, she envy's him, but only for a second. Growing up in an endless land of trees, and blue skies, and magic mystery, must have been paradise.

She looked over at Oliver in the chair and hit the power button turning it all the way down. She once remembered him telling her that he preferred instrumental music now that he has been back and hasn't learned the newest songs and beats. Who's new and who's due.

She slowly turns up the music to four, just loud enough to sweetly wake a sleeping knight.

She walked over to the bed and dug in to her food. She started with the strawberries and how they tasted made her want more and more. The sweet taste just made her mouth blush.

She wondered aloud when Oliver's eyes opened, "So how much of last night did I imagine and how much actually happened?"

"Umm... Well, when you fell asleep in the club, I made the fast decision to bring you here instead of your home remembering how you didn't want to go there since Brian and you had history at your wonderful quaint little house."

She smiled and took a drink of the hot coffee. "I didn't say anything embarrassing, right? And nothing about Brian?" Please say I didn't say we should sleep together...

Oliver bite his lip and Felicity started to panic. "No," he said lying, "Nothing. Well," he made the decision not to say anything about his feelings, "No, nothing."

"Good, cause that would be bad if the Midnight Me came out..." Oliver gave her a puzzled look. "When my body goes into over drive exhaustion, I say things I shouldn't... Just like when I'm drunk."

Oliver laughed, a sound good to hear in the morning. "You? Drunk?"

"It's only happened like twice!" Felicity defended herself smiling along with him.

"Let me guess," he said stretching his legs from the uncomfortable sleep, "You didn't like yourself when you were drunk?"

"Psh..." Felicity said, "I loved myself when I was drunk, it was the other people that had the problem." She laughed and blushed. I shouldn't have said that, she thought.

"Felicity!" he said liking the new side of her, "Goodie goodie gone bad, now that's headlines."

They sat there for a moment while she finished her breakfast in an awkward silence.

"Ollie," Thea said, just barging in without knocking, "can you help me with my-"

Arrow cleared his throat "Thea, I have a guest."

Thea puckered her lips and said, "Oh, I'm just gonna go back... out there... back to minding my own business."

"That'd be my preference." Oliver said apologizing with his eyes to Felicity.

But she smiled at him and moved the tray away. "I'm sorry for his ignorance... You must be Thea."

Thea practically jumped into Felicity's arms. "Yes, and you must be Felicity." Felicity was taken aback by this. How did she...? "Oliver talks about you nonstop."

Oliver's mouth was wide open. "Well, not you in particular but your work, and your smile and you funny sexual sayings. I only got your name when I saw the way he was smiling at you." Thea giggle and Felicity was speechless.

She looked at Oliver and he had an expression that said, 'Thea! Get OUT!' His lips were puckered and it looked like he wasn't denying it.

Her cheeks were never more crimson. Is this true? she wondered.

"Has he invit-

Oliver cleared his throat and said, "Thea, go downstairs and tell Mom that I have a special guest and she needs fresh new clothes."

"No," Felicity objected, "I couldn't intrude like that. It's nothing, I just need to get home and take a nice shower and-"

"Nonsense!" Thea objected coming around and checking her clothes size, "Now, I'll have you clothes in fifteen minutes."

"Th - I... This - I don't need the clothes."

"You're right," Thea smiled coyly, "but you want them, and you can't deny them, once you see them."

Felicity shut up about it. The thought about wearing some dangly, sparkly, dazzling dress did amuse her. "Okay," she said with a smile, "can I take a shower first?" she asked both of them.

Oliver half laughed. "Yes, of course. Right through there." Oliver pointed to a master bathroom.

"Wow..." she said, "You have a master bathroom in your bedroom."

Thea and Oliver shard smiles. When Felicity was out of ear shot, Thea said, "You know I'd think she'd like it if she lived here."

Oliver scolded her, "When have I ever talked about Felicity!?"

She rolled her eyes, "I knew you had feelings for her by the expression on your face. It was rather simple when I saw your smile. I've never seen it that bright before. For Loral; for Mom, when you first got home, not even for me."

"Yeah... well, Felicity matters to me..." he admitted.

"A lot."

"Yeah... A lot."

Thea's smile dropped and she said quietly, "Do you love her?"

"I - I'm not sure yet... I..." Oliver sighed and said, "Go get Mom."

"Fine," she said walking out, "change the subject."

"Don't forget the clothes," Oliver jumped after her.

Thea laughed, "Yeah, totally in love with her."

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