England x Vampire!Reader- Cri...

By TheComicGal

14.5K 569 174

Confidante- 'a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to othe... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Character Profiles

Part 1

2.4K 68 16
By TheComicGal

Crimson Confidante

England x Vampire! Reader

Ch.1- Encounter

AN- Guess who's back to writing Hetalia~

"I'm heading out for a bit." The tired british accent spoke, breaking the silence of the apartment he and his roommate shared.

"Hmmmm...." The blond American chimed back almost immediately. "It's getting pretty late dude. Plus don't you have a job to be doing, or at least attempting to start?"

"Alfred, you know very well I can take care of myself... and that... I'm still in the midst of a writer's block..." The older man sighed and reached into his pocket once more to check to see if his wallet and cell phone were still in the jacket pocket he had left them in. His slightly chapped lips curved into a smile as he realized that he had not turned into a forgetful buffoon... yet.

"Yeah yeah whatever..." Alfred waved him off in a mocking way. The usually obnoxious and loud American was off tonight it seemed. That or he was too enthralled in his current Overwatch match to really pay attention to his roommate leaving for a walk at 1am on a Friday night, or now, Saturday morning.

"I'll be home later." And with that the blond gent opened the door and stepped out into the brisk and wet night air.

The gloom of Seattle, Washington was always one to stick with you and the familiar rain and downcast weather could really make a British citizen feel a bit at home (even if the city prefered their awful coffee over such a lovely beverage as tea).

Arthur Kirkland, pulling up his waterproof hood over his already messy blond hair quickened his walking pace, already knowing he wanted to get away from the usual area he was in.

His thoughts began to wander as he continued his walking pace just as the rain began to come down a bit harder on the poor man. Sure, Seattle was nice and one of the least terrible places in the states to visit or live at... but how exactly did arthur Kirkland end up in the current situation he was in?

He was the ripe age of 23 now: no longer bound by schooling or facing the trials of marriage and family life either. The perfect age for most human beings one would argue, one where you can finally make something of yourself and hopefully survive off it till you grow old and gray.

He studied hard all through his youth and college, earning a master's in both writing and literature. And though he dreams of being a famous fantasy author... the creative muse seems to have not favored him currently. He hasn't written a single likable or eye catching thing in almost 4 months, and the emerald eyed man was nearly at his tipping point with it all.

So eventually he came to the habit of leaving for a walk whenever he was about ready to throw his laptop out the window or pull his hair out. The city was almost barren, besides the few drunken college students and homeless who would give me a stare as he passed them by.

"It'll be great dude!" Alfred's voice echoed back. "I got a great apartment in the best area of Seattle and have 2 spare bedrooms! You should take one. Plus I heard Seattle is the place for upcoming writers!"

Ah yes... how he was convinced to leave his small flat in London to move in with his American friend in the first place was besides him. But one way or another... Alfred convinced him and here he was, millions of miles away from home in another city, another country and totally alone.

Sure Alfred would always be there for him, but Alfred... Alfred already had some baggage he was dealing with and Arthur knew he could not pry on him constantly. Plus the 19 year old American was still trying to finish up school himself.

Alfred F. Jones was a born New Yorker who had met the stuffy Brit when he came to live in the United Kingdom for a year. Though Arthur already had 4 other brothers, his mother thought another one for a year would not be terrible.

Arthur at first found the younger boy rather irritating and rude, so much so that Arthur had acted rather ungentlemanly to him for a time. Alfred, being the New Yorker that he was, eventually confronted Arthur on his behavior. And like most things with two puberty stricken males don't see eye to eye... it ends up a fist fight.

They both kicked each other's asses that day... but Alfred was the last one standing in the end. So Arthur, realizing his own mistake, apologized. The two eventually began to get along, or at least mildly tolerate each other.

Arthur made sure to keep in touch with him when the year was over, and it seemed to have paid off in the end now that Arthur had a wonderful apartment in Seattle.

Arthur blinked his emerald eyes and stopped in his tracks. He turned his head around a few times trying to gather where exactly he had wandered off too. It was still a part of the city on the nicer side, by the hospital and research labs it appeared, near one of the downtown malls.

He had walked quite a way, and it was getting pretty late. Perhaps it was time to head back, or at least find a bar to have a quick drink at.

Suddenly the sounds of sirens and alarms alerted him to an emergency vehicle as it drove speedily past him on the street and towards the aforementioned hospital in the distance.

"Bloody hell.." he breathed out. "And at this time of night."

He placed he pale hands out into the air and waited several seconds until he deemed it dry enough to remove his hood and allow his head and neck to cool off from the heat that had built up earlier.

Turning 180 degrees, Arthur begun to head back the way he came, knowing all he had done was walk a straight path from his place to here.

Arthur began taking a few steps back then froze. He could not get that ambulance out of his mind, the sirens still in the distance. He knew that it was no use walking up 4 or 5 extra blocks to go to the hospital it was heading towards... but at the same time... he felt like he needed to.

Maybe it was the creative muse finally coming back to him or his sense of humanity, but either way, Arthur found himself hypnotically walking to the hospital.

About 15 minutes later, he stood near the driveway of the facility and watched as the ambulance slammed their doors closed. Arthur guessed that the occupant(s) had already been rushed inside for surgery or whatever they needed.

Sighing at his wasted energy, Arthur turned around. A flickering street light above him had him rolling his eyes. If this was like one of Alfred's terrible horror movies something would come out of the dark and take him away right now.

Cursing himself, he sighed. Arthur had a bad habit of asking for the strange and dangerous to come to him, and finding out in the end that it was more than he could handle. Like when he tried to summon and control a demon turn one year of his high school years.

"Better not go looking for trouble old chap..." He spoke softly to himself and walked past the light, not allowing it to hold his attention anymore.

Arthur sighed and looked up at the sky, still covered in clouds, but now drifting off allowing speckles of blurry stars to be seen tonight. He would have loved to gaze at them all night, but as luck would have it, Arthur Kirkland had just cursed himself.

Feeling a thin and delicate but strong hand grab him by the mouth and then an arm wrap around his body his eyes widened. Was he being robbed? No... this was a nice neighborhood... near a hospital of all places!

He immediately recognized the body as belonging to a smaller sized person. Just as he was about to pull away and run, he was slammed into a wall at an ungodly amount. He blinked his now tired eyes as he noticed that the wall had been indented.

"I'm sorry." A voice spoke out, catching the brit's attention.

'A-a girl?' He thought, but could not see her clearly from the darkness of the alley.

"I- I really don't want to do this... but... they needed all of it. And I-" She gasped and her already rough gasp holding Arthur to the wall tightened. "I need some now before I lose myself anymore..."

"If it's money you want, I'll pay you." Arthur tried to plead, knowing that this girl had a tight and inescapable grip on him.

"No!" She shouted angrily. "I'm not stealing your money... I just..."

Arthur's emerald eyes widened as his orbs finally adjusted enough to see something in the darkness of the alleyway. A pair of crimson red eyes staring down at him hungrily.

'A... vampire?' He panicked in his mind. No way... sure he believed in magical creatures... but a vampire? Right here in front of him.. About to...

"... I just need to borrow your body for a bit... your blood."

"Please... don't" He managed to mumbled out and she tightened her hold once again and forced Arthur to tilt his head.

"I'm sorry." She spoke again, placing her lips near his pale delicate neck. Her tongue traced along his neck in a semi-eroctic way and Arthur could feel his body slowly start to numb and bliss out, as if he had been put on laughing gas at the dentist.

His body was so relaxed that he barely noticed her fangs sink into his skin as she began to feed on him and enjoy the taste of his sweet ruby blood on her tongue.

Her grip on him suddenly became more close and personal and as Arthur started to feel dizzy and woozy he could feel her hugging him gently, her arms wrapped around him in a comforting and protective way.

He blinked his eyes a few times trying to brush away the sleepiness he started to feel, but for no effect. He could feel some liquid running down his face and he attempted to look at what he believed to be his own blood running a stained trail down his skin.

Instead he saw something else, a few clea trails running down his neck and onto his shirt from the vampire herself.

'She's crying..." He thought and then closed his eyes for the last time, no longer able to keep them open or fight her any longer.

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