Always Remember

By K_26ss

153K 2.7K 356

Nathan and Autumn been bestfriends for a really long time. Autumn always liked Nathan in a way that she doesn... More

Always Remember
Always Remember...2
Always Remember...3
Always Remember...4
Always Remember...5
Always Remember...6
Always Remember...7
Always Remember...8
Always Remember...9
Always Remember..10
Always Remember...11
Always Remember...12
Always Remember...13
Always Remember...14
Always Remember...15
Always Remember...16
Always Remember...17
Always Remember...18
Always Remember...19
Always Remember...20
Always Remember...21
Always Remember...22
Always Remember...23
Always Remember...25
Always Remember...26

Always Remember...24

4.4K 81 14
By K_26ss

 Tehe! Here's chapter 24! Two more chapter left guys!!!! :D Enjoy

Autumn P.O.V.

" We all can't wait to see you! Even Marissa, she'll be here the moment you step foot in this house. I've missed you so much sweetie," mom told me both Nathan and I were in the taxi on the way to the church that Kendal is suppose to be getting married in.  " I miss you too mom."

" What's wrong hun? You sound----different? What happened? Did Nathan do something to you?" she questioned me. How very right she was, but I'm not going to tell her what really happened. She'll find out tonight and plus this is already an eventful day and it's just going to get more and more evenful, if that makes any sense at all. 

Nathan looked over at me knowing exacting what my mom asked. He had a small smile on his face as he held his hand in mine. " Umm, I'll tell you when I get home but right now I got to go," I told her. " Alright hun, I'll see you later. Love you and make sure both you and Nathan are safe. I don't want anything bad happening to either one of you guys," she said in her mothing voice. I smiled, I really so miss my mom. I wonder how everyone will take Nathan and I being mated. I couldn't halp but to feel kind of nervous to what they will think of us. 

" Bye mom, we will," I said before pressing the end button. " Why didn't you tell her?" Nathan asked leaning closer to me so that he was whispering in my ear. My cheeks turned red and I looked away from him, " tell her what?" I asked. " About us cupcake, we're mated now I would think that you would want to tell your family the good news," he sound kind of sad but excited at the thought. I meet his hazel eyes and smiled. I didn't want to be the cause of his sadness. 

" I am going to tell them, I just don't want to tell them by phone. I want to see their faces when I tell them we're----we're" I couldn't finish my thought. " Mates? and we mated?" he said kissing my cheek. " Are you embarrassed by what we did because what we did was make love to each other and I loved every moment of it baby. I thought you would be a little more happier," he told me. His word broke my heart, I didn't want to let him down. " No Nathan it's not like that I did enjoy it, I loved it and I will never forget it. I'm not embarrassed by what we did," I told him holding onto his hand a little tighter.

He smirked at my words and planted a kiss to my lips. " I know you did and I'm planning on us doing it more and more until we have pups," he said his hazel eyes darkening at the thought. I blushed again. We were talking about having sex again while we are in a taxi. The taxi driver wasn't paying attention to what we were sying but just the thought of what we do together.

" Here you go," the taxi driver said pulling up near the church. Nathan handed him a ten before both of us got out. There were alot of people and most of these people looked rich. Alot of the older women were wearing shiny jewery and exprensive dress and most of the men were wearing suit or tux. Nathan held my hand as we got closer to the church.

I couldn't help but to think about the worse. What if Kendal see us before Cole leads him out back then what? What if they could smell us? What if Kourtney reconizes me and call me out on it. Wait, what if his parents see me? I meet them before and they know how I look and if they see me they will go right to Kendal and tell them. Nathan squeezed my hand before smiling down at me and kissing me gently on the lips. 

" You ok cupcake?" he asked. For a guy that's about to witness someone death he sure was calm and happy. " I don't think I could do this. Maybe we should just leave it," I suggested. His warm smile turned into a cold glare, " No," he said to me. " But Nath---," " No, Autumn, if he finds out that your still alive he will come back and try to kill you again. If you like it or not I'm killing him like I should've done the night he tried rapping." 

I didn't say anything as he starred down at me. His eyes weren't they're usual hazel color instead they were black meaning that now his wolf was in charge. I looked away from his gaze as he just starred down at me. He closed his eyes trying to control his emtions and eventually once he opened his eyes again they were some what back to normal. 

"I understand that you don't want to see him die but I'm doing it anyways. So would you like to go in the church and wait until Cole come gets you, or do you want to go back to the hotel and wait until I get there?" he asked, his voice was somewhat gentle as he held me in his arms. I shock my head. " I want to be with you until we get back home," I tolf him truthfully. 

He caused me to much pain within the very short time that I known him. He tried forcing me into marriage, he tried rapping me and he tried killing me. I want to be one of the last people to see him alive so that I could see the fear in his eyes. The same fear that he caused me and I also want to see the shock of him finding out that I'm still alive and now fully mated to someone I actually love. 

Nathan gave me a small encouraging smiled before pulling me into the crowd of people. No one seemed to notice us as we made our way to the back of the church and into the woods. Now that I was fully mated I could hear better meaning that I could hear people talking from a distance away. As we got closer Nathan grip on my hand got tighter as if he was scared to lose me. I squeezed his hand, he wasn't going to lose me. Not anytime soon. 

Nathan stopped me in my tracks and held my face in his hands. " I want you to promise to stay as far away from him as possible. Either stay behind me or Cole alright?" he asked and I nodded. He just starred at me for a while before nodding and pulling me deeper into the woods. " I'm sure you'll be fine," I heard Coles voice say.

They're conversation stopped once Nathan and I were in sight. However, Cole couldn't see us due to the fact that he had his back towards us but then again Cole was a guy full of suprises. " You guys finally made it," he said with out even turning around.

Kendal was glarring at us and his glare deepened when his eyes hand on our hands. " I see Nathan finally put a move on you," Kendal said before smirking. Even though I hate the guy I couldn't lie and say that he wasn't sexy. He had bright green eyes and a head full of straight blonde hair. He could definately make any girl drool. " Hey Autumn," he said. 

Nathan instantly growled at him, pushing me slightly behind him. " Long time no see?" his words brought back deja -vu. He never took his eyes off of me. " Cole, this is the girl that I was talking about. The girl that stupidly rejected my hand in marriage and that's the mutt that took her away from me," he said with vemon drenched words. 

" I know and if you ask me it think that was probably the best choose she ever made," Cole said turning around to face us with a small smile on his face. " What do you mean?" Kendal said snapping his head to face Cole with sharp eyes, " you need to get out of that little fantasy of yours Cole. It's getting to your head, you'll never find a girl that not after the title of Princess or Queen when she's with you. So get that through your fucking head shrimp," he said before aproching us. 

Wow, and he wonder why Cole's on our side. " Your dead Kendal and I'm here to make that finally. You trying to kill my mate was crossing the line," Nathan said as he approched Kendal. They meet each other half way. Kendal just smirk at me before looking back at Nathan. " Listen here mutt. I don't have time for your childish games so this is how it's going to go. I'm going to kill you and then I'm going to kill your pathic mate over there. If you haven't noticed I got a wedding to go to." 

That's when the first punch was released. The made they're was to the ground and I turned around. I couldn't look beyon this point. After a minute I heard a cry and then a snap. I knew who that cry came from and it wasn't Cole or Nathan cry. I turned around slowly before gasping. There laying on the floor covered in blood was Kendal. His neck was slightly bend at an odd angle and his eyes were open starring at me. I knew he was dead but he got what he deserved. 

Nathan walked over to me and to my suprise, he was covered in blood that wasn't his. " We got to go now," he said pulling me towards a path. Cole took off his jack that was also cover in blood and smile down at the dead body at his feet. " Wait what about Cole?" I asked. I didn't want him getting in trouble for something he didn't do....well he did help kill him but still. " I'll be fine Autumn, I got things handled here. You two just go, I'll see you guys soon," he said winking at us before Nathan pulled me along side of him. 

I guess I was running to slow for him because he picked me up and threw me on his back before using his wolf speed to get to all the way back to the hotel. We were there with in five minute and once we got there. Nathan ran into the bathroom before quickly changing out his blood soaked close. I did that same but the only different was that there wasn't any blood on my dress. 

By the time we got everything together, we turned our keys in at the lobby and then got in a taxi and to the airport. We made it in time before our flight left and we were home free. We're going back home and I can't be any happier. Nathan smiled at me in his seat before kissing my lips and saying, " go to sleep, we had a long night," he said before I obeyed. I laid my head down on his should and I was fast asleep. 

" Nathan, Autumn!" Kassie yelled once she saw us. We decided to stop at Nathan house before I went home and the first person we see when we get their is Kassi. She jumped up in the air and wrapped her arms around Nathan's neck. " I never saw the day when I could miss my little brother this much," she said. 

Nathan parent's laughed at her behavior. " Hey Autumn, or should I say miss Crandal?" he said coming up to me and hugging me. I looked at him confused before realization hit me. The pill that Cole gave me wear off and now everyone would smell Nathans; scent all over me. I blushed before looking away from everyone. 

" You mated her?!" Kassie yelled before coming over to me and hugging me tight. " Now you offically apart of the family!"  she cheered. " Stop that your making her feel embarassed,' Nathan said coming up to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. " Awe!" both Kassie and Jackie said together and suprisingly both his parents did to. 

" Let's head over to Autumn house now, everyone over their including Markus and Hailey. When they find out that you two are mated they are going to freak," Nathan mom said before kicking everyone out the house. When we were outside my front door Nathan's parents went first followed by Kassie and Jackie. By the looks of it, alot of people we at the house due to the many cars in the driveway. 

When I hesitated to go in Nathan kissed his lips before saying. " They'll be happy for us. There's nothing to worry about cupcake," I nodded before Nathan pulled me out with my suitcase in his other hand. " Welcome home!" Everyone screamed and I was shocked. The hold pack was here? Myu mom rushed over to us before kissing my cheek and the kissing Nathan on the cheek, "I'm so glad that the two of you are alright," she said. 

Dad came up to me and hugged before and then pulled away looking confused. He snifted the air around me. My heart rate picked up before he smiled at the two of us, " my little girl is finally mated!" he said out loud basically saying the odvious. I blushed for what felt like the millionth time today and hide my face in Nathans' chest. 

So that's how the night went, people congradulated both me and Nathan on mating and getting home saftly. India was more then excited to hear that we mated and I couldn't help but be mad at the fact that eveyone knew that we were mate but me. But I thought my worries were over until Seth approched us. He didn't have a smile on his face but then again he didn't look mad. nathan gelt me tense up before telling me that, " it'll be ok."

Before Seth said anything a short girl with wild curly hair and deep blue eyes apaired in front of us with a huge smile on her face, " Autumn!" she yelled and I smiled back at her instantly hugging her. Oh, how much I missed Marissa over the weeks that she was gone. She pulled me away from Nathan telling me about how she was pregnant and eventually India, Hailey and Kassie were with us. 

The night grew old and everyone was tired. " Time to go home babe," Markus said walking into my room to get Hailey. " I'll see you guys later," She said before getting up and going over to her mate. " I guess I got to go too. I'm so tired," Kassie said before rubbing her eyes and giving me a huge. I feel sorry for her, she's almost out of her teen years and she still haven't found her mate. She deserves someone that will love her and I hope she finds him soon." Bye girls!" Markus said to us and me, India and Marissa said bye to him. 

" Well, I'm going to find my mate and future husband," Marissa cheered before skipping out my room. Now it was just me and India. I missed my sister so much that I almost cried when I seen her. It was just me and India talking in my room while the parents, Seth, Marissa, Micheal and Nathan cleared up down stairs.

There was a knock on my door and smiling at me was Nathan. He walked into the room with out premission and sat down on the bed, " our parents said that I could sleep over here or you can come home with me," Nathan said getting this gint in his eyes. " Eww, I know what that look is. Get your head out of the guttter Nathan, no one want to here you guys going at it in the middle of the night!" India said with a huge smile on her face before getting out the room acting as if she was disgusted. 

" So what do you think?" Nathan asked me, kissing my cheek. " You know, I could never say no to you," I told him before he smile and said. " Then I'll stay here with you. I'll go in the shower and then we could go to bed," he said before kissing me one last time before going into the shower. I went downstair and said goodnight to Nathan's parent and my parents. I went into the kitchen to get a bottle of water and once I close the freezer door Seth was standing in the door way starring at me. 

We just starred at each other. He didn't say anything and I didn't say anything but we both knew what he was thinking. " So how do it feel to be full mate, sis?" he asked making his way towards me.  " It feels good," I told him honestly. A smile broke out on his face before saying, " go because he some how hurt you I would beat his ass." I laughed at my brother before hugging him tight. " I love you Seth," I told him. 

" I know you love me and I love you too." That night was a wonderful night. That night I fell fast asleep with my mate by my side. Life can't get any better then this!


They made it home! There is so much love in the air with Autumn and Nathan, India and Micheal, Marissa and Seth, Markus and Hailey.......but what about Kassie? Well, in the naxt chapter I got a suprise for her coming up! :D Oh, the love never stop now does it?

What do you guys think happened to Cole after Autunm and Nathan left? Well, we will all find out in the next chapter at Seth and Marrisa's wedding!!! Stay tuned! Only two more chapters left!!!

Peace, Love & A Pocket Full Of Doves!!!


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