Golden Eyes (Percy Jackson Fa...

By howtofangirl101

361K 11.3K 2.3K

Ever heard of a vampire Demi-god. Wouldn't have thought so since Arabelle is the very first one and this is h... More

Golden Eyes (Percy Jackson/ Twilight FanFic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
AN: Sorry & New Story
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
AN: notification of update not sent out
Chapter 40
Sequel info
Back Again for a sequel
Beating Heart- Book 2

Chapter 4

13.5K 371 13
By howtofangirl101

Chapter 4

"Definitely glad I didn't kill you." I muttered under my breath, after all who would want Hades after them? No one who was even remotely sane. Luckily I said it quite enough so he didn't hear.

The silence we walked in through the next to empty streets was a mixture between awkward and comfortable, with it not really fitting into either category. What do you expect when you put two not so sociable people together?

The only sound heard was Nico's footsteps and breathing since my breaths were too quiet to even be heard. The Sun was beginning to come up in the distance and people were now beginning to come out of their houses and head out to work or mingle around the town. "Let's get you something to eat and figure out what to do." I said breaking the silence as we headed towards a quiet little cafe on the corner of a random street. He nodded and we headed inside and sat in a secluded corner of the cafe.

The cafe was rather small and decorated how you would expect it to be, with little tables and chairs, light blue walls which surprisingly worked well and a counter towards the back of the cafe. "Order whatever you want and I'll be back in about five minutes." I told him and placed some normal money on the table before quickly heading out of the cafe. As soon as I was outside I breathed in deeply thankful for the air which only smelt faintly of his blood. I could feel my eyes darkening even at the thought of it.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair before running with my newfound vampire speed back to the forest. In the daylight everything seemed tranquil and beautiful with flowers dotted about the ground and the tall lush green trees providing shade from the weak sunlight. Bird song was carried through the gentle breeze and a small smile found its way onto my face before it faded again. I carried on walking, my footsteps like a ballerina's as I walked through the few leaves that scattered the ground from previous Autumns and winters. A mixture of scents hit my nose and surprisingly I could distinguish them fairly easily.

Moss, dirt, bark, birds blood, flowers, deer blood, water and something more wild and sweet smelling which at first I had trouble placing. Wild cat. I could smell three different yet similar scents, Lynx, Mountain Lion and Jaguar with the closest scent by far being the Mountain Lion.

Before I could even think about it my vampire instincts began to take over my mind and body, clawing its way to the surface until finally I gave up fighting them and found myself streaking through the forest, a blur to anything watching me. Within seconds I stopped silently my eyes locked onto the steady pulse of a female mountain lion who was resting on a large stone rock. The scent of the animals blood was not at all appetising but it did smell slightly better than human blood but not by much at all.

My eyes flickered over the surroundings briefly and the next second the lioness was slumped on the rock with a snapped neck. With my hunting instincts still having control of my mind I sunk my aching canines into the soft (almost tissue paper like) skin of the dead animal and instantly the warm red liquid I had been hunting for pooled into my mouth, soothing the burning in the back of my throat. The taste of the blood was hard to describe. It wasn't particularly nice or horrible but at least I wasn't killing people and the burning in my throat was subsided for now. Once drained off blood I dropped the carcass of the lion to the floor. There was no sign to show that anything had happened to the lion apart from the neck at an odd angle. There wasn't even a spot of blood on it.

My more human instincts had now managed to fight there way back and I gently brushed the eyes of the lioness shut as guilt briefly struck me for killing such a beautiful creature. "I'm sorry." I whispered to the dead animal before running back out of the forest and into the town not to far away from the cafe where I had left Nico di Angelo.

"Do you know where I can buy a map?" I asked a random person. It was a woman about 34 years old with a kind smile on her face.

"The shop across the street should have one. All sorts of maps there. Town maps, country maps, world maps." She replied before hurrying away nervously. I sighed a little depressed about the fact that humans would want to stay away from me. There instincts would practically scream it even though they don't understand. I glanced back at the woman's retreating figure before heading into the little shop the woman had directed me to.

Right as soon as I entered the shop I spotted the maps on a huge shelf and headed over there. The woman wasn't joking when she said there were all sorts of maps. There was even a map for Disneyland Paris. I doubt even Zeus would know why. My fingers brushed against the smooth paper of maps as I looked through them until I found one of this town (Osspiee) and a few neighbouring towns. Quickly I paid for the map before heading back down to the cafe where Nico had just finished eating. "You were six minutes." He said as he caught sight of me a faint smirk on his face which vanished quickly making me wonder if it was ever actually there.

"Yeah, yeah." I muttered under my breath, though he still heard, and placed the map down on the table. Nico briefly looked at it before returning his focus to the double chocolate chip muffin which he had just been picking at since I arrived.

"What does human food taste like to you?" He asked suddenly and my gaze flickered up from the map to look at him. I frowned and shrugged.

"I haven't tried it." I replied truthfully. After a mili-second of thought I got up and headed over to the counter.

"What can I get you?" The cheerful old lady asked me with a warm honest smile on her face.

"Just a chocolate chip flapjack please." I requested and handed her the exact amount of money. The woman nodded and handed it to me in a clear wrapper. "Thank you." I said before heading back to Nico who was watching me curiously. I sighed as I sat down on one of the surprisingly comfortable wooden seats and opened the wrapper.

"I can't believe I'm going to do this." I muttered just loud enough for Nico to hear before breaking a small amount of flapjack off and eating it. Immediately I pulled a face. "Remind me never to do that again." I said pushing the rest of the flapjack away from me. "It's not as bad as I thought it would be but if I had a choice I wouldn't eat it." I told him trying to forget the strange taste that was nothing like flapjack, well to me anyway.

We sat in silence for a second before I turned back to the map. "We should probably head north since there are lots of spaced out houses surrounded by forest around there." I said and put my rucksack from the floor back onto my bag.

"Let's go then." Nico agreed quietly and stood up to follow out of the shop. Let's hope there is a vampire somewhere around here.

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