The Missing Link

By MysticMayhemx

460 14 8

{Harry Potter Fan Fiction} Mischievous, cunning, chaotic and down right destructive. James Sirius Potter is a... More

The Missing Link

460 14 8
By MysticMayhemx

Chapter One: Scarhead 

The chains attached to James's jeans thumped with each step he took down the wooden staircase. A bored expression casted among his face, his eyes droopy from past sleepless nights. The commotion from downstairs irked him up to a point where he finally decided to slide out of bed and rant for some quiet. Feminine squeals and screams echoed down the main hall and blasted in the kitchen. His fathers voice was also in tack, along with the familiar sound of his fiery headed uncle, Ronald Weasley. 

James moaned to himself, realizing what was probably going on. His aunt and uncle, along with his two cousins most likely stopped by for a pre - Hogwarts goodbye. This meant a noisy family dinner and a bunch of "look how much you've grown" from his uptight aunt, Hermonie. James loved his family like any other person would but seeing them almost every week was beginning to become irritating. He didn't know how long he would live if he heard another squeal from his cousin Rose's mouth. 

Taking in a deep breath, James forcefully pushed open the kitchen door. A loud thump vibrated from the other side of the door and a girlish yelp pierced James's ear drums. From behind the door, Lily Potter, James's little sister emerged, her right hand covering her forehead as blotchy patches of crimson erupted on her face. "This is the THIRD time, James!" she yelled, pointing an accusing finger at her brother. James couldn't help but slip out a chuckle. This was true. This was the third time James accidentally hit her sister on the forehead with the kitchen door. "Don't stand so close to the door then, pimple head" James said with a broad grin. Lily grimaced sourly before shoving James hard in the chest. "I told you to stop calling me that! Just because I have red hair does not mean anything

"Whoever said I had to listen?" James questioned, his grin widening by the second. Before Lily could even shoot an insult, another fiery red headed girl tackled James from the front, embracing him in a meaningful hug. James let out a loud 'oomph' and caught the girl with reflex, catching himself before both of them fell. Rose squeezed James's shoulders one last time and freed him, a small, warm smile curving at her lips. "So good to see you again!" she smiled, her blue eyes glistening with excitement. "But will you lay off with your sister already? Why is it that every time we pay a visit, she is getting thumped in the head by you?" 

"Bad timing, I guess" James shrugged. "Like I said before, it isn't my fault she has a problem with standing behind the door. Besides, you would think she learned from the first time." 

"Or you would learn from the first time" Rose pointed out strictly, placing a hand on her hip. James mimicked her, tauntingly placing a hand on his hip with the same stern expression.  "Or you would learn from the first time" James said in a high pitched girl voice, mimicking his cousin, "Blah blah blah". Rose furrowed her brows and scoffed, looking completely bewildered. "I do not talk like that!" 

"Really? Because that's what I hear from your mouth all the time.." James said as he brushed past his cousin. "Pimple head" he added in a mutter under his breath. Rose scrunched her face, using all her self control to keep calm and not blast his head off with a hex. 

James moved over to the dining area of the kitchen where the adults where hugging and kissing one another on the cheeks with greeting. James's father, Harry, was patting his uncle, Ron, on the back. Ginny and Hermonie were deep in conversation about who knows what. Also present, was James's other uncle, George and his wife, Angelina. On the opposite side of the room, Bill and Fleur were chatting along with Albus. James stood in front of the ginger crowd, debating on whether he should stay and face the hair ruffling and patting on the backs or make a run for it back to his room where he would continue his sleep. Before he could even make a decision, George turned around and spotted him in the clear. 

"Look who it is" George grinned, his luminous red hair dangling close to his eyes. Hermonie and Ginny looked up from their conversation and casted a warm smile. George jumped on the dining table, slid across, and swiftly stopped at the edge. "What's with the look, kid?" he asked, clapping James on the shoulder in greeting. Out of all the family James had, George was his all time favorite. Both of them had a large sense of humor as well as a fun unserious attitude.

"Tired" James groaned bitterly, running his fingers through his hair. "Teddy snores like a bloody hippogriff in his sleep." George let out a bark of laughter and shook his head, revealing the large gaping hole on the side of his head where a ear should be. Teddy was a very close family friend to the Potters whom lost both his parents at the battle at Hogwarts. Refusing to stay with his grandma, Teddy was welcomed into the Potters household. Ever since, Teddy had been living with James. "I may just have the thing for you" he said in a business like tone, pulling out his wand from his blazer jacket. With a flick of his wand, a box of what looked like candy appeared on the table beside George. He then picked it up and handed it over to James. James blinked a bit confused for a moment and read the top of the box: 

Ton-Tongue Toffees

"What do - ?" 

"Makes your tongue swell and turn this wicked purple color. That will for sure shut his snoring up, plus make a good laugh. Only 2 Galleons for one pack" George said eagerly, holding out his hand. "Do we have a deal?" 

"Or..." James begins, resting the box of toffees under his arms. "I can give you one Galleon and some advice." George quirked a curious brow. "What? What advice do you have? ... Since when do I need advice?" he asked in a murmur, half talking to himself. 

"Guess you wont find out unless you accept the deal" James shrugged, his dark eyes roaming around the room while he whistled innocently. George narrowed his eyes into tight slits, looking deep in thought before slowly nodding his head. "It's a deal" he agreed as James placed the money in his hand. "Now what advice do you have for me, hm?" 

"Cut your hair" James stated loudly. "I know you and Bill are brothers and all but that doesn't mean you could pull off the long hair." With that said, James hid a grin and strode past his uncle who was jaw dropped. "Oh by the way... It kind of makes you look like my mum from behind. I once got you two confused for a moment" James chuckled maliciously to himself, moving through the room quickly before his uncle goes after him with some type of jinx. He heard a loud scoff and a grumble from behind. James knew perfectly well he was honest... George did portray the long hair which looked raggedy like his brother. Anyone with sense would think he looked much better with the short do. 

James quickly escaped the family hugs and kisses; ending up in the den where Rose and Lily where chatting along with Victoire and Dominique on the first couch. Louis and Hugo where on the other couch, deep in conversation about the last National Quidditch Match. James thought if he ran quick enough to the staircase, no one would even notice he was present. All it took was skill, timing and pure luck. Something he was lacking at the moment. 

Not even halfway through the den, Victorie caught sight of him and called him over. Now there was a choice. Should he suck it up and sit with them or plop right back into bed. The choice was obvious. Sleep. James made pretend he didn't hear her and simply lifted himself up the stairs tiredly and paced back into his room, locked his door, and fell onto his bed face first. He shoved his face into his pillow and shut his eyes, obviously pleased with himself by picking the right choice. His mind slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep when...  


"AH!" James jumped up with a start, his eyes searching around the room. Directly in front if him stands Teddy, his bright blue hair brighter then anything else in the room. He grinned for a brief moment and looked around curiously. "Bloody hell! Where've you been?" James said tiredly back into his pillow. 

"With Lacey Finnigan" Teddy confidently retorted as he swaggered around to his side of the room. James rolled his eyes to himself. When summer came, Teddy was always on a roll with the ladies. Speaking of which, even if school was in session, Teddy would roam from girl to girl. James knew for a fact that Teddy had a big thing for Victoire yet  she would not dare to give him the time of day. "Surprise surprise" James murmured sarcastically, breaking off into a large yawn. "How was she?" 

"Alright I guess" Teddy shrugged, shaking off his sweat shirt and throwing it onto his bed. "She has this laugh that get's annoying after a while... Kind of like a mix between Ron's cackling and Professor Longbottoms wheezing. I still prefer Victoire though... Hey speaking of which -" 

"Yes" James cut off his sentence flatly, already know what Teddy would be asking. "She's here. Go ahead and put your charm on... close the door behind you, will you?" Teddy quickly shot a eager look, ran his fingers through his dark blue hair and shut his eyes tightly. After a few moments, he reopened them, revealing a clean green color. "She likes the green" he explained, bolting for the door. 

"I'm sure she does" James mumbled skeptically. Teddy ignored him and slammed the door behind him. Finally, James would get what he been yearning for. More sleep. Less Teddy.  


"Can you please pass the pork chops?" Rose asked nicely, holding out her hand. 

"Who the hell eats pork chops?" Teddy snorted along with James. 

"I do! Now hand the over if you don't mind" she snapped, reaching for the plate yet failing to get a grip on it. 

"I mind" Teddy snickered, taking a large bite of his corn beef. 

"For the love of Merlin, Teddy! Hand them over!" 

"Teddy, just hand them over, will you?" Ginny sighed, placing down her glass of butterbeer. Teddy rolled his eyes and pushed over the plate filled with stacks of pork chops flooded in gravy. Rose made a disapproving face at Teddy before deciding which piece she should take. At the farther end of the long wooden table, Harry and Ron mumble to one another in a serious tone. None of the others seem to realize this except for Hermonie who leaned in a bit closer, his brows furrowed and her gaze stern. "What do you mean it hurts?" she whispered in an undertone, beaming up at the lightning bolt scar placed on Harry forehead. Harry shrugged a shoulder and rubbed his forehead. "I don't know. This morning it began to prickle... It hasn't burned like this since..." Harry looked from one side to another, checking if any of the others were listening in. "...since Voldemort was still in power." 

"He's dead" Hermonie snapped, drawing her glass of Quintin Black to her lips. "There is no way it could hurt... Are you sure you weren't just...Oh, I don't know, itchy?" 

"Really Hermonie?" Ron began, flashing her a 'are you serious' kind of look. "That's the best you could come up with? Itchy?" Over twenty years they have been married but it still felt like they were still in Hogwarts. Constantly bickering and arguing, yet secretly admiring one another from afar.

"Well at least I'm being realistic!" she hissed while dabbing her napkin upon her lips. Ron rolled his eyes the same way Teddy did. "Maybe you just had a head ache?" he suggested with a shrug. "With all the bickering that goes on 'round here, I wouldn't be surprised... I get head aches all the time." Ron merely quickly glanced over at Hermonie, indicating his point. 

"I think I would of known if it was itchy" Harry said quietly. "Let alone if it was a headache.." he paused for a moment, glancing from both Hermonie and Ron. "It felt like he was near, even though that's impossible." 

"Is it?" another voice swept in. All three of them turned their heads, noticing Ginny with raised eyebrows. "I mean... how do we know he isn't back?" 

"He's dead" Ron confirmed shortly, finishing up his mashed potatoes. 

"And why should that stop him?"

All three of them looked at Ginny in aghast. Hermonie dropped her fork down onto her plate; Ron peered a meaningful glare and Harry gagged on his drink. "And what the bloody hell does that mean?" Ron asked indignantly. 

"I mean..." Ginny began, placing her fork down beside her plate. "Voldemort came to Harry in such ways we never thought possible, remember? He was able to fly... He was able to attach himself to the back of another mans head... He appeared in Harry's dreams. Death would not stop someone like him." Harry stayed oddly quiet, shifting in his seat as Hermonie spoke up.

"What are you applying here?" 

"Harry..." Ginny spoke softly in an undertone, beaming at him heartily. "This morning wasn't the only time it hurt you, was it?" All eyes were now on Harry. Gazing up at the chandelier above the table, Harry did not know what to say. Eventually, he slowly nodded his head. "No... It wasn't." Both Ron and Hermonie looked even more shocked then before. "What do you mean? You didn't tell us!" Hermonie said sharply, hoping the others around the table did not take notice in the conversation. 

"I know, I know" Harry breathed, refusing to give eye contact. "At first I thought it was just imagination. Then, it began to sting sharper... Wait - " Harry stared up at Ginny curiously. "How did you know? I never mentioned it."

"I'm your wife, Harry" Ginny said flatly with a serious face. "I knew you since I was a kid. I think by now I can tell when somethings bothering you...And thanks for not informing me about this earlier" she added a bit bitterly. Harry sat back in his chair, letting out an agitated sigh. "I'm sorry - all of you. I didn't realize it was - " 

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" a voice screamed from ahead. All four of them jumped and turned to see what was wrong. From the other end of the table, Victoire stood with apple sauce dripping down her long silvery blonde hair; a bowl atop of her head to match. Teddy stood behind her, his wand drawn and a horror struck expression plastered to his face. George chortled aloud along with James. Rose pushed herself out of her seat and pounced over to Victoire for help. "I-I, uh... I'm -" Teddy spluttered, his hair darkening into a deep crimson color matching his patchy flushed face. "Forget it!" Victoire yelled, throwing off the bowl atop of her head onto the floor. Fleur quickly lept up, followed by Hermonie.  

"Nice charm, ladies man" James roared with laughter, clapping Teddy on the back as he was forcefully pulled away from the table by Hermonie. Rose and Lily shook their heads while Albus muffled his laughter. Fleur took her daughter away from the table and up the stairs. Ginny drew out her wand and simply muttered, "Scourgify", and instantly the apple sauce mess disappeared. 

"Harry" Ginny whispered as she sat down in Hermonies empty seat. "How long has this really been bothering you? This could be serious..." Ron leaned in a bit closer, his eyes staring pleadingly at the pot of mashed potatoes, but decided to listen to Harry instead. "Reckon a month" Harry shrugged, rubbing his forehead. "I just didn't mention it for everyones sake. I was going to tell you after the kids went back to school." 

"You could of at least told me" Ron said defensively, his eyes still locked on the mashed potatoes. 

"Oh this is ridiculous, Ron!" Ginny spat, raising her wand. "If you want the potatoes so bad then, Accio mashed potatoes!" Harry chuckled amusingly as the potatoes soared over the table and into Ginny's hand. "Here you fat git" she said, pushing the pot over to him. Ron's eyes glittered with happiness as he accepted the pot and ignored the foul comment. 

"Oh when she does it, it works!" Teddy groaned indignantly, pointing over at Ginny. "But no, when I do it, it ends up all over the girl I want." Everyone gazed at him in silence. James snorted aloud and muttered, "you do realize you admitted your love for out loud, do you?" Teddy went wide eyed and slapped his hand over his mouth. The whole table burst into laughter and even more mocking jokes from George. 

"Blimey Harry, who made these potatoes? I think I just found the love of my life" Ron moaned, chewing on his mashed potatoes. 

"Fleur did" Ginny chuckled, nodding her head at the staircase. "And I thought that position was taken by Hermonie... y'know... your wife." 

"Eh..." Ron began, swallowing a large spoonful. "She's a close second." 

"I heard that, Ronald!" Hermonie's voice bellowed from upstairs. Ron went wide eyed; his ears glowing red, matching perfectly with his hair. 

"Anyways..." Ginny drawed out, turning back to Harry. "This doesn't seem quite normal." 

"Who knows... I'd rather we not dwell on this. Hermonie can be right for all we know. Maybe it's just an itch." Ginny rolled her eyes dramatically. "Fine. But I'm not putting this off. You have to let us know when it burns, stings, or blisters again, alright?" 

"Alright" Harry groaned, wishing he'd just keep this to himself. 

"You should tell some of the co-workers. Anderson? Navan? What about Kingsley?" 

"You've got to be kidding me" Harry said with a shake of his head. "If I even attempt to tell them, I'll be the next headline on the Daily Prophet."

Victoire came back down the stairs looking good as new with Teddys eyes glued on her in awe. Dominique casted a scowl at Teddy while he continuously apologized, saying he was just trying to help. Even for a 17 year old he still acts like an 11 year old. 

"That's a great idea" Hermonie said, returning back to Harry, Ron and Ginny. 

"Wha - ? How did you even hear us?" Ron spluttered. 

"Fleur nicked an extenable ear" Hermonie rolled her eyes. "She still believes we hate her. She wanted to make sure you all weren't speaking foully of her." 

"Not a surprise" Ginny grinned to herself with a shrug. "But yes, Harry, going to Kingsley is a smart thing to do." 

"I don't know about -" 

"It's Kingsley, Harry!" Hermonie argued, taking Ginny's old seat beside Ron. "If anyone trust him, it's us. He is the Minister and a close friend. He is... He is..." 

"As good as Dumbledore" Ginny finished her sentence in an undertone. The reminder of Dumbledore made Harry's heart sink. He remembered when he saw him in Platform 9 and 3/4 when he had had a choice to make. Whether he should live or join Dumbledore on the other side. But all of this was very true... Kingsley was a man to trust.

"Tomorrow at the office I'll see if I can get a word in with him, alright?" Harry said in a defeated tone. Ginny and Hermonie both smiled while Ron stuffed himself in his plate, barley listening. "Perfect" Ginny said, standing up. She whipped out her wand again, pointing it directly at the table to clear it off before Ron looked up. 

"Hey wait. Gin... before you clean up, do you have any more potatoes?" 

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