Curruption's Wicked Destiny

By Shadowhunter-Xx17

115 0 0

Trinity never knew a thing about her parents or her family background, upon research her family name came up... More

Curruption's Wicked Destiny

Corruption's Wicked Destiny

70 0 0
By Shadowhunter-Xx17

Corruption's Wicked Destiny


Jessica-Rose Lacroix


The sky was dark and grey. The usual light atmosphere was tainted with dark clouds. The peacefull presence was lost to the aguments of two of the heaven's most trusted arcangels. Micheal and Lucifer. The agument was about a creature's judgment, wether there should be a place to send the condemmed souls, that were not able to get past heaven's gates. Micheal had said there was no such place, nor that they should simply create a place for them. Lucifer on the other hand had more sympathy, in his mind each creature should have someplace to go after they pass on.

The arguement lasted hours. The angels were devided between the two. Both had vast amounts of followers, yet only few were standing up for their chosen guardians. No one had layed a finger on each other, yet the danger was quickly rising, for no-one should desturb the peace of the heavens.

Suddenly the clouds divided, and a great light had appeared covering all of the kingdom of light. There was not a place for a shadow to hide. An elegant being stepped out of the light, this being was the creator of all, he was God. Only the elite had seen him before, manifested in a body, he was usually only just a presence felt, never seen or heard, until today. All angel's and arcangels knelt before him, all but Micheal and Lucifer, they simply nodded their heads.

"My beloved children, as we are pure, we should not have disareements over such petty things." He announced.

"My Lord, this is not a useless and petty agument. Where are the condemmed souls going to go when they pass? We cannot just leave them wander? Look at how many already do!" Lucifer objected. There was a collective gasp. No one had ever opposed the Lord. For they were thankful for all he gave them. Thunder and lightning clashed, showing the angels God's true anger, despite his calm facade.

" You dare opose my judgement! If they are not qualified to enter my Kingdom, then they should not be qualified to enter any other resting place I create. If you do not agree then you shall not reside here any longer! From now on you and your followers are forever banished. You Shall never return!" He roared.

That night the skies bled as the banished angels fell from the clouds. Lucifer swore he would get back at the Lord, for everyone deserved to be excepted, no matter what they have done, for they are only human. Now the truth of the great lord was relieved to him,all the mortals seen him as a kind and caring god, which they all thought was true. It wasn't. They all had belived his lies, even the banished Angels, nay, the Fallen Angels.


Okay I Wrote This Months Ago But Never Got Around To Posting It. Well Now I Am. Although It will take a while for the other chapters to come because I broke my arm the same day I started writing the 1st chapter... its taking soo long for me to write this A.N. I hope you like this story. ( I didnt Bother Editing It, I Will For The Next Chapter Though )


-Jess. A.K.A Shadowhunter-Xx17

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