I'm the Perfect Sensei a stud...

By Taiga-chii

5.3K 225 165

Kagami Taiga is late on his first day of school, really late; he would meet new people in this school. Leavin... More

Nice to Meet You Too
You are Much Crazier than We Ever Thought!!
Imp notice
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This is the Start Line!

899 47 30
By Taiga-chii

HEYYYY GUYSSS!!! UHH i'M REALLY SORRY FOR THE SUDDEN DISAPPEARANCE, i really had a hectic year. it also made me ponder if I should continue writing fanfics.

however, I returned and I'll start updating once again!!!! Plus, thank you A-chan for beta reading this chap! ARIGATOU

thank you for all of the comments and reviews, it made me realllllllly happy. I hope that you guys will continue reading this story

Red orbs were staring at the puffy clouds that were moving gradually in the vast sky. Kagami was seated on one of the benches in the school, under the shadows of a massive tree. The red head's face was gazing at the skies, and he reached out his hands to it.

"Ah~ the clouds look like cotton candies! I want one so badly~" Kagami mumbled as his eyes were threating to close, but it was stopped by a grumbling. The teacher patted his stomach and glared at the far reaching skies, "Damn you Aomine, I hope you get poisoned by the bento you stole from me."

Kagami sighed and stood up when he heard the last bell going off. He started walking to the teacher's lounge leisurely, "Seems like it's time for me to shine..." the red head yawned.


"EEEWWW! Aomine-chi! Cover your mouth when you sneeze-ssu!" Kise shouted at his friend and made a disgusted face.

Aomine ignored the blonde and smirked, "Somebody must be talking about my awesomeness, must be a beauty too!"

Everybody looked at Aomine and sighed, "What?" Asked the navy head.

"No way" they said at the same time, and moved their hands in a 'no' gesture. The tanned teen made a predator move by jumping at his prey, chasing his friends around. It all stopped when Akashi coughed.

They looked at the emperor who had the most determined and serious face. They all nodded to him because from that look, they knew that hell was waiting for them.

The skittles crew marched off to their unreadable destiny.

Kagami entered the gym, he looked around and he was seriously amazed. The school must spent billions of yens on the gym. Don't forget that there are three more gyms beside it. Red orbs switched between the equipment. Kagami's smile grew wider, as the place made him feel that he was glad more than anything that he returned to japan; especially to this school. Maybe the red head should thank him. Well, since he was the one who saved him after all.

The teacher's smile softened at the thought. He inclined his back on the gym's humongous door, and looked at his partner. The wolf sensed his master's gaze and looked up to him. The red head crouched to Kibou and the red orbs held large amount of warmth. He placed his hand on the wolf's silky fur and looked into the silvery eyes, "Maybe I really should thank him, without him I wouldn't have met you." He beamed.

Kibou's cat like eyes softened and licked his hand. The red head felt his eyes watering at the memories that kept repeating through an endless loop of memories.

"EWW, gross, why the hell are you balling your eyes out?"

A voice popped suddenly behind Kagami, the red head felt that he cracked his neck when he immediately turned his head to the voice. Aomine stood in the middle with a disgusted face, while Kuroko had a worried complex, and Momoi who hugged the teal head's arm was the same. On the other hand, Kise and Akashi had the same expression as Aomine. However, Midorima looked away from the scene, while Murasakibara continued eating his maiubo and other snacks.

Kagami's cheeks were painted with dark red, and he rubbed his eyes rapidly, erasing the traces of his tears.

Kuroko wanted to jab Aomine's side, but it was stopped by Kagami's clapping. Then all of the attention was directed towards him.

The tiger cleared his throat and moved his hands to his hips "Okay! Time for business!" The kids were all amazed by the seriousness that was coming from Kagami. It was unexpected. He looked behind him and closed the gym doors, and scanned the generation of miracles with his calculative red orbs, "Are you the only members of the basketball club?"

Kuroko shook his head, "Ah no this is our gym... the others are in the other gyms..." Kagami's jaw fell and his eyes widened, "Uhh," Kagami looked behind his back, scanning the massive gym that he was standing in, "this is really -"

"AMAZING-SSU" Kise beamed at the same time Kagami finished his sentence, "a waste of money..."

The model and teacher looked at each other for a moment, not uttering a single word.

"MilkyBanabar.... Look here, with all this money you could have bought other.....Hey kid why the hell are you pouting for?" Kagami looked at the blonde who puffed his cheeks out more, and further more scrunched his golden eyebrows.

"You! My name is Kise Ryouta-ssu! Not Milky whatever!" Kise sulked more, Kagami felt that the ticks on his face were snapping. The red head clutched the kid's head and thanks for his height difference he looked quite intimidating.

"Hey Kid! It's time to cram some lesson in that dull brain of yours, so lesson one! Respect your elders, so it's not 'you'! You'll be addressing me as Kagami Sensei or whatever! Second lesson, I'm free to call you whatever I want, that's the rule!"

'What the heck is that rule?! Aren't you the one who made it up!' they all sweat dropped.

Kise felt the pain subdue, as the hard clutch on his head turned to a pat. Kise peeked through his bangs to see the expression of the teacher. He was holding in with all his will power to.....not crush the blondie's head.

Kise started trembling shit scared, "Senseiiiiiii is going to kill me-sssuuuuuuuuuuu!" Kise bawled out loudly, reaching his hands to his friends, begging them to save him from the clutches of the devil.

Kagami released him instantly and started rubbing his arms. Kise ran towards his tallest friend and hid behind him.

"Ah..." the teacher looked at his students and laughed nervously, he then muttered under his breath, "I would have done that a long time ago if it wasn't against the law..."

Kise pointed his finger accusingly at his teacher while hiding behind the purple titan, "Don't think that I hadn't heard you-ssu! You really are a criminal-ssu!" Kagami just rolled his eyes on him and started to clap his hands once again, "Ignoring that aside, you guys once again, starting from today onwards; I will be the first string coach. That it also seems....uhh, that apparently you six are the only ones in the first string. Oh well whatever, every school got their freaky way of handling the school systems." Kagami scratched his hair roughly trying to remember what he was doing here in the first place. As if Midorima could read the teacher's mind, "Kagami-sensei, instead of gibbering rubbish, don't you have something else you want to ask us." Midorima adjusted his glasses, looking perfect as usual.

"Otaku... you...." "My name is MIDORIMA SHINTAROU!" The green head lost his composure in an instant. Kagami just grinned and then frowned deeply, "You're not cute at all!"

Midorima just really wanted to hit the teacher so badly, to wipe off that stupid grin that formed when the red head saw Midorima's enraged face. However, since he was a mature kid he held back his fist and tongue, but continued to glare daggers at the rookie teacher.

The generation of miracles face palmed, 'why the hell are you acting like a brat~'

"Uhhh, okay so you guys....what was it again...uhh yeah! State your name, height, weight and position!" Kagami stated out happily.

Aomine rolled his eyes, and Kuroko took this opportunity to give him a sharp jab. Kuroko smiled satisfyingly.

"T-Tetsu...TEME!" the tanned man wheezed out. Kuroko ignored him and looked at the teacher who was burying his head in Kibou's fur, hugging the big piece of fur ball. The wolfie seemed that he was used to his master's odd behaviour.

Kuroko saw that his teacher's shoulders were shaking, 'maybe he felt offended by what Aomine-kun did?' kuroko thought. However, when he approached him, it seemed the red head couldn't hold back anymore. He fell on his bum from his crouching position and started laughing out loudly holding his stomach.

"A-Aomine you should have looked at your face, HAHA...pfft you kids are acting like pffft kids..." Kagami said between his laughing.

Aomine crossed his arms, "Hey you supposed-to-be-adult! To your information we are kids!" Aomine pointed at himself with his thumb then at his friends, "And heck! You are the one who's acting like a snotty, stupid kid!"

Kagami just shrugged at him, "Hey I'm a kid at heart, don't blame me," he said nonchalantly.

'EEEEEHHHH, so your okay with being called snotty and stupiddd?' the generation of miracles sweat dropped.

At that moment the red head smirked as he approached Aomine, who took a step back at the smug, and had a sly expression on the tiger's face, "W-what?! Why the hell are you looking at me like that?!"

Kagami's smirk widened, "Hmm, nothing....but you admit that you are a brat," Kagami pointed at Aomine, who's jaw had fall, "Hoooo so Ahonutella is actually stupid and snotty....pffffft, I should spread it as a rumour! Oh this year will be fun~"

Aomine felt the ticks on his face growing in numbers. He yanked his teacher's collar, and glared at him, preparing to punch the odd teacher, "The hell are you trying to pull?! That is exactly what I said a moment ago!"

"Huh?! What did you say? You just said that I'm a Kid..."


With that the stupid fight ended by Kagami hitting Aomine's head so hard, that steam started coming from the place he got hit.

Aomine groaned in pain, and glared at the teacher, who was standing tall and proud. He then crossed his arms.

"WHY DID YOU—" Aomine shouted at the red head.

"Didn't I tell you to respect your elders didn't I?! The hell did you not just scream at me, but insult me too!" Kagami flicked Aomine's forehead.

Aomine held his forehead, and was ready to seriously hit the red head, but Murasakibara saved the day.

Kuroko pushed Murasakibara on Aomine, and now Aomine had trouble breathing while Murasakibara is trying to reach for the potato chips in front of Kagami's legs in that state. Kagami raised one of his eyebrows looking at the two students. After staring at them for a whole minute, he picked up the bag of chips and started eating from it. The sound of Murasakibara's heart being shattered was heard.

Aomine stopped his futile struggling and gulped nervously. He looked at the titan upon him, "U-Uh Murasakibara? You okay?"

Everybody stepped back excluding a titan who is trembling, a terrified tanned man, and a teacher who is playing with fire.

"Kaga-chin-sensei, I once liked you, but I now hate you..." Murasakibara got up and stood infront of Kagami trembling with rage, towering him.

Kagami paused his eating and looked at the purple head. He then paced back and forth while Kibou is on his tail, so he could get his share too from the red head. The red head finally stopped in his tracks and turned instantly, pointing his finger at the titan.

"Youuuuuu...." The red head stretched the word and then lowered his hand, and then he showed his toothy grin. "oooooh~ Revenge is sooooooo sweet."

"Huh?" Everybody tilted their heads.

"Murasakibara do you remember the scene of crime..."

"What the hell are you saying?" Muraskibara muttered confusingly.

"Hmmm...are you trying to avoid your crime?"

"What crime?"

"At, I don't know what o'clock, you and your gang came to the crime scene, and that was in the school garden...." And then his smile darkened, "While I was busy dealing with my dear Kibou's rebellious stage, you took something from me, and the victim is...." Kagami glared and pointed at his target.

Murasakibara lifted an eyebrow and pointed at himself, "Me?"

Kagami shook his head and crossed his arms and pouted, "Nope, it's not you maiubo. It is the lollipop that you are currently engulfing in!"

Murasakibara pulled the lollipop from his mouth and looked at it intensely. He then looked back at the teacher, who is currently sulking and back again to the lollipop in his hands, then nodded.

Everybody was surprised by that. Murasakibara is thinking to return the sweet that he took from Kagami. That would be a miracle.

"No way, gross. Are you really planning to return it Murasakibara? That's a miracle!" Aomine looked at his giant friend. He pointed accusingly towards his teacher, "BAKAGAMI! What the hell did you do to him! It's dirty play to brainwash Murasakibara!"

Kagami shouted "I did not!"

"Wooooow Murasakibara-chi! I thought that you were married to all kind of sweets! That is unbelievable-ssu!"

"Ohasa has told me that a phenomenon will occur today. But I didn't see that coming-nanodayo!"

"Murasakibara-kun, I'm proud of you. It's a good thing that you return things that doesn't belong to you!" Kuroko nodded approvingly.

"That's nice of you Murasakibara. However, some people don't deserve the things they already have." Akashi gave a dirty glare to the teacher, who nodded while smiling, "Yeah that's true."

Aomine rolled his eyes, "Idiot, he's talking about you."

"HEY!" Kagami shouted.

"Ah Mukkun you have grown up into a fine young man, AH! I feel the tears are building in my eyes!" Momoi wiped away crocodile tears.

Murasakibara looked at them, and showed his childish smile to them and looked back at the teacher.

"Yup, I'm not returning it back." Murasakibara nodded to himself.

Everyone fell down dramatically and Kagami was so de4one with his life. He stood up in front of the purple head, "I'll show you what happens when you disobey me, your teacher!" Murasakibara rolled his eyes, "What are you going to do? ~"

Kagami threw the remaining chips in his mouth and started chewing it messily. Kibou bit Kagami's leg and 'what about me you traitor?!' was written in his eyes. Murasakibara's face turned blank, and then after few moments of trying to digest the situation, the titan snapped.

He launched at Kagami, fire in his eyes. Kagami managed to dodge the attack and stood behind Murasakibara. The red head tried head locking the purple head, but he lives for his nickname; titan. Murasakibara was heads taller of the red head.

Kagami may be thick and not clever in the head, but he has sharp senses. Therefore, he has done an action that brought on the astonished eyes from his students. Kagami went and hid behind Kuroko and started punching the buttons on his phone.

"Kagami-sensei.... What are you doing right now?" Kuroko stared at his crouching teacher that is using him as a shield with his blank eyes.

Kagami looked up at his ghostly student, and showed him his phone, "uhh... dialling the police...."

Kuroko looked at the phone and then back to his sensei. "Police? Why?"

The red head looked at Casper doppelganger and smile sheepishly. "Because... I'll be killed if I don't report him to the police. With that they can arrest him and he will atone for his sins that he has committed."

Kuroko blinked his eyes, "But on the screen.....Its written 911...."

Kagami looked at him and he slightly cocked his head to the side, "yeah, what about it?"

A sigh was heard from the back. Midorima was shaking his head and sighing once again. Kise was covering his mouth, tears could be shown from the corner of his eyes. Murasakibara was no longer angry, but he was looking at the red head as if he was a monkey in a zoo. Aomine was laughing his head off as if he heard the best gag of the year. Akashi rolled his eyes, and the side of his mouth was quivering.

"We're in Japan, sensei. So the police station number will be....119."

The tiger's face went from blank in a few seconds. "Oh....oh..." Kagami shoved his hands to his face, hiding his embarrassment away. His façade was burning with humiliation as he stood up. He was looking to the side, wiping the signs of embarrassment from the dilemma he had just caused. Then looked at his students who were either laughing or sighing from disappointment.

"Look, don't take it wrong guys. I lived in America for too long, okay?! I should have moved back here right away. Look, I even talk like an American. RIGHT?!"

Aomine ruffled his hair and smirked, putting on his wickedest smirk. "Yeah right, you speak perfect Japanese. Don't worry, people will think you're pure Japanese. No one will ever mistake you as a foreigner."

Kagami flared up for a second. Kicking the stupid wolfie when the big guy rolled his eyes ONCE AGAIN. The tiger shook his head and tick marks were popping on his slightly tanned face. "So that's how are you guys going to play!" the red head mumbled angrily.

"Hey we can hear you!" snorted Aomine.

"Nutella, Po, Casper, MilkyBANABAR, Maiubo, and OTAKU!"

The generation of miracles were ready to shout back at the annoying teacher who couldn't remember their names.

"HEY, pink skittle give me that data about these punks!"

Everybody paused trying to remember who was this pink skittle again. A feminine shriek was heard at the back, "E-EH, me sensei?!" Momoi looked at the teacher who nodded angrily. The group looked at the poor manager with sympathy.

Satsuki blushed slightly then shouted, "You guys have worst nicknames than mine!"

The pink haired girl stomped furiously to her teacher, with a cutesy pout decorating her face. "Here" she mumbled bitterly.

Kagami took the data, skimmed through the papers, and smirked. Kagami whistled sharply and raised one of his eyebrows. The members just looked at each other. Kagami looked at the tanned man in front of him. "What are you looking at?" scowled at his teacher. A triumphal smile was drawn on the red head's face, "Nutella you live up to your name! You're fatter than me!"

Aomine's eyes widened, "H-how much do you weigh?!" he pointed at the red head. Kagami smiled slyly as a cat. "82!" The red head did the V sign with his hands, and moving his eyes upwards and did the 'ho ho ho' laugh.

"I just weigh more than you by three kilos, three freaken' kilos!" Aomine tried to defend himself with every way he could.

The rest just sighed at the trivial childish dispute. Kagami cleared his throat, few chuckles escaped his mouth and he gave the most serious look he could muster.

"Hey punks be prepared; the demon coach has come to bury some moral in you. Plus, I won't let you ever dare say that basketball is boring once again!"


thank you once again and see u next time

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