Meeting Her (A Jungkook Fanfi...

By -TheAquaGirl-

1.8K 83 251

It was an early morning. I was 15 and without a care in the world. I was in the midst of a meadow full of su... More

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154 8 20
By -TheAquaGirl-

Lee Eunri...

LEE. eunri...

lee eunri...

LeE. eUnRi...


What a pretty name...

I smiled.

Ah... geez, I never knew a name could make me feel all tingly inside.

Her name makes me feel different emotions that I didn't even know existed within me!

Her name reminds me of the sunrise I watched this morning.


It's even better.

Her name is better than any other painting I've ever seen.

Her name is better than any other food I've ever tasted.

Wait wait wait... food?

Hold on, let me rephrase that.

Knowing her name meant everything to me. And now that I know it, I just...
I just have to use it!

Leaning onto that conniving selfish side of you now huh Jungkook?

Yes, yes I am...

I need to talk to her...
I can't just let us be strangers after today's incident.
She's helped me out so much.
No one has ever done so much for me.

Especially in one day.

Surely, this can't be a coincidence... right?

I can't stand it.
I need to see her.

Jungkook, calm down or else you're gonna crumble and ruin her math assignment because of thinking so much.

Before I did anything disastrous, I laid the wonderful sheet of paper on top of my teacher's desk exactly the way I found it. To be honest, I didn't even want to let it go... How pathetic.

Wait. A. Second.

She came to turn in this paper just now.
She couldn't have gone far.
Well, unless she's a fast walker...

...but what if she isn't?

Then maybe~

My eyes widened.

Before I knew it I shoved open that classroom door and ran out of the school like my life depended on it.


I was panting.
I was panting all right.
And it felt like my legs were about to give out in any second, but did that stop me?


I ran with all my might, all my vigor, and quite a lot of sweat actually. Anyone would think I look like a mad man running through the school yard. Thank goodness that school hours have ended... I don't think I could live it down if the guys saw me acting like this...

Do you know just how much they would tease me?!

They would never let it go! It's just the kind of thing that nobody would ever forget...

Like ever.

We'd be crippled old men in our late 80's in old rocking chairs sharing memories of our school years with each other and BOOM! Someone brings it up, and the next thing you know, the whole conversation has shifted to just that one memory of me running through the school yard in hopes of reaching out to the girl whom I just met this morning.

Well when you put it like that... it does sound a little bit crazy. I mean, haven't you ever given it a thought that maybe you're the only one feeling this way?

I wavered a bit.

I didn't even think about that...

My heart stopped for a minute, maybe I'm the only one who wants to get to know her better while she still considers me a stranger and has no real intention of making me reach her 'Friend Zone'.

My heart started pounding nervously...

Aw man!
I never even gave it a single thought!

I mean, it could be true...

She did come into the classroom, and she did see that it was empty, maybe she saw me and played it off like it was nothing, like I didn't even exist...

I sighed.

I know I'm thinking this way.
But why do my feet keep on moving?!

I don't understand...

I want to see her, but at the same time I don't.

I want to say her name, to get to know her better, but afraid if she will reject me on the spot, or better yet, detest me for even mentioning the idea of a friendship between us.

Waeeeeee... why does this happen to me?

What should I do now?

I mean is it even worth going all the way to her?

Will talking to her get me the result that I, oh, so want?

Will we still even talk to each other after this?

Jungkook, STOP.

Just pause for a minute and think about the situation.

First of all, she was the girl who allowed you to be there watching the sunrise with her and soon after, she asked you your name. If she didn't have a good impression of you, I'm sure she wouldn't have asked for the name of a STRANGER who just stood next to her all morning.

Secondly, did you just have all of your brain cells gush out of your body just now?! We're talking about the girl who told us how to get home this morning, the girl who helped us during that horrible math problem, and saved us from a lifetime worth of embarassment, laughter, and ridiculous teasing if I didn't answer that question.

We're talking about the girl who showed you her most biggest smile ever to you. The whole package, eyes scrunched up till she could barely see out of them, cheeks raised up high and those perfect teeth that would show every model in Korea what a true smile really looks like.

Do you really think she will reject you? Even after she's done so many things that can prove to you that she actually wants to be your friend too?

I mean... in the end... even if she does reject me, I guess I will be content that I had the motives to go talk to her and stuck through with it.

I raised my head up high while looking into the distance, a grin taking over my face.

I finally gathered up a newfound confidence in myself and combined it with courage to slap my doubts in the face and do what I intended to do ever since I ran out of that classroom.
To be honest, I'm--

Wait a minute... where am I?

I stopped suddenly.

Oh. My. God.

Did I get lost again?!

I looked around.

And found the school gates a few meters behind me...

Okay, thankfully I didn't get lost... I really don't want to relive the adventure I had this morning.

As I turned back around to face the far end of the road I could barely make out a figure...

I started walking towards it.

My eyes were squinting in order to distinguish who the figure was.

My walking turned into a light jog.

My feet still hurt, but...

I started moving faster.

Wah~ Why are they so far away? I can't see from this far.

A few seconds later I just gave up and started running.

Why am I going to this extent?
Why is this such a big deal?
Why are you still running?

I ran for a good while before I could make out the figure...

The figure of a girl.

Why am I still running?

Because I have hope that things won't turn out as bad as I think they will.


Red brownish hair, school uniform, and her school bag draped across the right shoulder.

It's her... It's Lee Eunri.

Undoubtedly, It's her...

It's quite sad that I haven't known her for a full day yet and I've already completely memorized her back profile.

If I continue, sooner or later I will be able to find her with my eyes closed.

I was panting quite hard just like earlier. I've officially ran three times today...

What a record.

I bend down and rest my hands on my knees in order to regain my composure.

I look up to see that she was a few feet away from where I was situated and didn't seem to be stopping any sooner, in fact, she just kept on walking.

I had an uneasy feeling about this. I was beginning to feel like I did this morning when I was behind her at that cliff. Her school uniform, her back profile, her long hair.

Except, I knew who she was and she knew who I was.

I was starting to chicken out. She didn't even look back when clearly I was running like a crazy bull trying to catch up to her.

Is she ignoring me?
That can't be it...

But what if it is?


I stood up.

I gathered all the courage I could.

I clenched my fists, which were drowning in sweat by the way.

I released all of my motive for chasing after her in the first place...


I took a deep breath.



As soon as the two words came out, my spirits were lifted as I was faced with the familiar slim and delicate face.

She was quite the distance from me but frankly... I don't care. I'm just happy that she actually looked back. She also took the decency to actually turn her whole body in order to face me.

So nice~

I took that opportunity and started walking towards her. She didn't waver, nor did she make any movement as to indicate that she didn't want to speak with me, so that sort of calmed my anxious nerves for a bit.

I was about a mere four meters away from her.

Make that three.

She was fumbling with her ear. Is she ok?

Wait... something's coming out?!
OH! It's an earbud!

It's an earbud...

This is the reason why she didn't hear me in the first place!


Jungkook, sometimes you can act so dumb...

After she took out her earbud, she immediately turned her face towards me and smiled.

That smile!

If I had any sense of insecurity about approaching her earlier, it would be packing its bags and leaving this body cause the amount of happiness I'm feeling right now will suffocate it.

"Hey Jeon Jungkook!"

She said my name with so much excitement, to be honest I was only mentally preparing myself for her rejection so I wasn't really expecting that kind of reaction.

"Oh! Um, hi... Lee Eunri."

"Hey! Wait... how do you know my name? I didn't tell you yet."

I felt nervous but excited at the same time. Nervous because she doesn't know how I got her name, but excited that she mentioned the fact that she would've told me it sooner or later.

You pabo... you could've waited!

No... I couldn't wait.

Ugh... selfish side of me showin' up again.

But what if this ruins the relationship I have with her so far?

Oh no... why did I set this up for myself?

I could've halted myself from reaching out for that paper.
I could've waited for her to say her name to me personally.
I could've waited.

But I didn't.

And because I didn't, she deserves every right to know what happened and whatever repsonse I get afterwards, I will face it head on.

"I... um... you know, when you turned in your math assignment in class earlier, I was actually in there, so when you left I looked at your paper..."

She pressed her lips together, her smile vanishing.
And before I could get even more uncomfortable than I was now, she spoke.

"You know, didn't your mom ever tell you that it is rude to look at other people's papers?" she said with a tilt of her head, the rising of one eyebrow, and with a small grin.

My eyes widened. I immediately got nervous again.

Ahhh if only I didn't read that stupid paper!

I gasped.

"Oh my gosh. You're right.... YOU'RE RIGHT! I'm so sorry. I am very very very sorry!!! I didn't really want to look at your paper at first, I promise you."

I looked down and closed my eyes for a brief second and reopened them to see myself bowed down with my hands clasped together. I must've bowed somewhere in my apology.

"It honestly wasn't my intention...I'm sorry if I've offended you. You have every right not to forgive me."

I blushed and looked down at the ground some more.

"I just wanted to know your name..."

I kept my eyes shut for what seemed like the longest time. All was quiet.
All was silent.
All was awkward.
All was painful for me.

A few seconds later, I hear laughter...


I open my eyes and look up to see Lee Eunri laughing like there's no tomorrow. I was confused. Wasn't she mad at me? Why is she suddenly laughing?

As an instinct I looked behind and all around me to see what would make her laugh so hard.
I look left.

I can't find anything!
I'm so confused...
What is happening?

I turned to my original position and looked at her with a confused face. As soon as I did that she bursted into another round of chuckles and each one was progressively louder than the last.

I mean, I'm not complaining. As long as she doesn't calm down and remember that she's mad at me...
Besides, her laugh is cute.


"Jeon Jungkook, you're a weird one!"

I glanced back at her to see her wiping off potential tears away from her eyes from laughing so hard. Not the first time someone's called me weird...

"I was just messing with you, I really don't mind if you looked at my paper. Besides, even if you were trying to get answers from it, they would've all been wrong!"

I looked back down and just stared at the ground.

She was just joking?

I... I have never felt so much relief in my life.

It was like a hurricane destroying everything in its path and then having it dissipate in a matter of seconds with her few words.
Why was I overreacting in the first place?

You're right Lee Eunri... I am really weird.

"Jeon Jungkook, please raise your head. I don't deserve to be bowed down to, besides I'll feel bad the longer you do it..."

I raised and rested my gaze upon Lee Eunri's face.
Is she blushing?
Aw... now she's hiding her face!
Why is she so cute?!

Jungkook you better stop this now.

"So... you're really not mad at me?"
I contorted my face at the word 'really' in order to put more emphasis on my question.

"No! Why would I be?! You just wanted my name..."
She paused for a minute... probably thinking about something.

"Now, I understand that you wanted to know my name since you told me yours, but..."

She paused again as she looked down.

Man, the ground is receiving a whole lot of stares today...

"But you seemed like you wanted to know my name so badly... why?" She said as she looked up at me.

It was like time froze... I can quickly capture the scene. Two 15 year olds in their school uniforms. One a girl and the other a boy. In the middle of the paved road that connects the main entrance of the school they go to and the many buildings that make up the home town that these two kids grew up in.

One of them was curious.
And he sought out to find her.
And he did.
Now the other was curious.
And she deserved to know.
So he felt the need to tell her everything...

Because I could see the sincerity behind her eyes.

She wasn't asking this question out of malice.

Far from that, I could see that she was curious as I was when I approached her.
And even though I'm still as nervous as heck at how you will answer to this.
Lee Eunri, I'll tell you why...

"I wanted to know more about you..."

I glanced as she titled her head slightly.
I took a deep breath.

"So I started off by wanting to know your name, and honestly, now I just want to learn more. What you like. What you dislike. What you are truly made of. Now, I know it sounds pretty crazy that a fella like me whom you've just met this morning is giving you this confession, but-"

I paused.

"I just can't help myself..."

At this point I saw her blushing and avoiding eye contact with me.

I knew this would happen...

I probably either creeped her out or just made things way more uncomfortable for her now.

I'm sorry Lee Eunri, but after all I've said...

I can't back down now.

And with all the sincerity I could muster I said the words I wanted to say ever since I saw her name.

"Can we be friends, Lee Eunri?"

Her eyes widened. Her cheeks turned even more red. She was shocked, I could tell.

Did I cross the line?

Does she see me differently now that I've conveyed my feelings?

Is this situation making you uncomfortable?
HECK YES. Save me please...

Say something at least.

With all of my hopes drained out of me, I was awaiting for her response.
I heard a small snort.
I looked towards her.
She had a small smile and held a passive and sweet expression.

"What are you talking about Jeon Jungkook? We already are."

As soon as I heard those words...

Well, I don't know what I did but I'm pretty sure it involved my eyes widening from their doe like shape, mouth wide open exposing my slightly bucked teeth, and a hand running ruffling through my hair in disbelief.

To be honest, I was totally prepared for a rejection, never in my life had I thought that she considered me as a friend...

I was so happy.
I looked at her face.
She was smiling.
It wasn't the tooth smile.
But it's still good enough.
This is just the beginning.
Plenty of smiles are soon to come.
I will always treasure this moment.

No, not the moment...

I will treasure her forever.

Even though I'm speechless and filled with happiness right now... why do I feel that I'm forgetting something really important?

I removed my eyes from her and looked at the ground once again.

I guess she noticed because she held a concerned face.

"What's wrong Jeon Jungkook? You want to walk home together?"

"No, I can't walk today because I have to be in-"

My eyes widened.

I gasped.


I lifted both of my hands and weaved them through my hair in frustration.

Waah~ my teacher will never let me hear the end of it.

Wait... but maybe he wasn't there yet.

Maybe he's still in the office collecting all of my records. In that case, I better run... but before I do that.

"Lee Eunri, can I have your number?"

She looked enlightened by my words, hence she got her phone out as quickly as possible, I told her my number while rummaging through every pocket I had in order to find my phone.

Ugh! Not now please...
I can't find it!

Then I realized.
I left it in the classroom.


"I left my phone in the classroom, once I get it I'll be sure to get your phone number!"
I said as I turned around and started running towards the building I left earlier.

I feel bad for leaving her like that, but at least she knows all of my true feelings now. If anything, I should be worried about the next few minutes... I'm only praying that I get there before my teacher does.

I got onto school premises, through the school yard, into the building, up the stairs, down the hall and rammed into that classroom like my life depended on it!

I pumped a fist in the air.
Nobody's in sight!

I'm safe!


My eyes widened.

I turned around to follow the very familiar voice.

It looked really angry... no, really... steam was coming off it.

"Erm... sir? I can explain?"


I opened the front door to my house and literally dragged myself up to my room.

Parents get home late tonight... looks like it's ramyeon for dinner today!

I take a shower, put on my sleeping attire, and head downstairs to make my ramyeon.

As I was waiting for the noodles to boil, I noticed my phone screen light up.

That's weird.

The guys don't really look at their phones on game nights...

Curiously, I unlocked my phone and saw that I got a message from an unknown number.

°°°Unknown Number°°°

Unknown Number: How did the meeting go? Is everything alright?

Whoa... who is this? Some kind of business worker?

Me: Um... excuse me, but who exactly is this?

Unknown Number: You already forgot about me Jeon Jungkook?! Even after you said you wanted to become friends?

I almost dropped my phone.
My eyes widened.

What do I do? What do I do?!

Come on Jungkook, respond to her like a normal person would do ya big idiot!

Me: NO! Of course not! How could I ever forget you!

Unknown Number: Ok, I'll believe you... but only if you tell me how the meeting went.


Me: I got lectured... on all my subjects... again. But especially math this time. I hate math.

Unknown Number: ME TOO!

Me: No way... you were the one who had the right answer for the question I did on the board today.

Unknown Number: Yeah, I was bound to get at least 1 right out of 20!

I chuckled to myself. Who knew talking to her like this would be this much fun?

I checked up on my ramyeon, went to get a bottle of water and then leaned against the countertop holding the phone with one hand.

Unknown Number: How about we study together?

I choked on the water I was drinking.
I almost died.

Me: Pardon?

Unknown Number: Yeah! For math! We can help each other out. And since we're so bad, we won't have anything to compare it to! It'll be like starting from square one!

Wow... that did sound pretty good! Then, I could avoid the boring and stupid lectures I get from my mother and my teacher as well. And...

It could also get me to know more about her.

Me: Ne! I'm down for that plan. When do you want to start?

Unknown Number: Hmm... how about tomorrow after school? My house?

Me: Yeah! Sounds good! Do you want me to bring anything?

Unknown Number: Oh! Um... how about some... fruit? Yeah, some fruit! Your choice!

Wait... fruit?
Well okay then.

Me: Ok, see you tomorrow then.

Unknown Number: Cool! Sweet dreams, Jeon Jungkook.

Me: Goodnight... Lee Eunri.

I put my phone down while I let out a sigh. A contented one at that.

I smiled to myself.

Heh, fruit huh? There's so many to choose from. Geez, what are you saying Lee Eunri...

I chuckled to myself.
I guess I'll just have to pick one.

Strawberries it is.

I will see you tomorrow Lee Eunri, my new found friend.


··· 5 Months Later ···

I approached her door and rang the doorbell.

I heard rapid footsteps approaching the door and then it opened a few seconds later, which revealed that all-too familiar face of hers.

"Well, you sure took your time didn't you Jeon Jungkook?" she said as she rested a hand on her hip in a sassy way.

I gave her the most charming smile I could muster.

"Just get in..." she sighed out.

She turned around in order for me to step in.

I took my shoes off and stepped into her already familiar house as if it were mine. I turned to look at her as she was closing the door.

She rubbed her hand on her forehead out of frustration and then spoke.

"I don't even want to know why you're late to our math group study... again." she emphasized on the word again.

"But did you at least bring the-"

"Strawberries? Why yes my lovely friend I have them right here!" I said in the most cheesiest way possible.

She narrowed her eyes at me as she walked towards me, snatched the bag of strawberries from my hands and started to head towards the kitchen in order to wash them and put them into a bowl like she always does.

I chuckled at her actions.

"You know I always bring them... ever since we first started doing this."

I smiled as I saw her halt her movements.

She's probably remembering the first time I came over for our group study five months ago after I had confessed that I wanted to be friends with her.

"Yeah, when I thought you were the awkward yet nice kid who would never arrive late to any study group sessions from his friends. Wah~ such a shame..."

"Hey! I'm still nice! And... still a little bit awkward too, but that's not the point! I'm more comfortable around you now and you are too, so things turned out for the better Lee Eunri!"

"I wouldn't necessarily say it was for the better Jeon Jungkook." she retorted with a smug grin while proceeding to disappear into the kitchen with the strawberries I bought.

I groaned.

"This is because I arrived late again... isn't it?!" I yelled from the living room so she could hear.

I didn't hear her say anything.

"Okay okay! I'm sorry, alright?! Just please don't treat me like you do with the group of popular girls from school... I don't think I could handle the amount of sass."

Geez, it's not like I mean to arrive late on purpose... I just lose track of time easily.

"What's with all the ruckus over here?" said a mature voice behind me.

I turned around and smiled.

"Annyeong Mr. Lee!"

The older man smiled at me.

"Why hello Jungkook-ssi! You're here for another math study session with my daughter yes?" he said while he made his way to the couch and sat down.

"Yeah, but by the looks of it, she seems pretty mad because I arrived late... again." I said sheepishly.

"Ah, I wouldn't say she's mad at you son, more like frustrated because she wanted to see you at the time she told you to be here."

He then whispered to me.

"But give it about six minutes tops before she'll forget she was ever mad at you, besides, bringing the strawberries gained you some points too." He grinned.

I chuckled as well.
I'm impressed at his skills.

"Wow, you sure know everything in and out about your daughter... I just hope I can reach up to that point as well."

The older put on a confused face.

"What are you talking about my boy? You are the closest friend she has! In fact, you even knew her favorite fruit and brought it to the very first group study you guys had."

I looked up at him, then averted my gaze and placed a hand behind my neck.

"Ah, but that was pure luck sir... never would I have thought that Lee Eunri's favorite fruit was strawberries. I don't know her at all compared to you."

The older man sat up and placed a hand on my shoulder causing me to look into his reassuring eyes and his sincere smile.


You also know her very well."


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