Not All Heroes Wear Capes (Th...

Von HarmonicShadows

11.7K 573 625

One year ago, a small meteor entered Earth's atmosphere, breaking into six pieces and landing in different pl... Mehr

Chapter Two: The Prince
Chapter Three: Blue Rose
Chapter Four: Pyrobolt (Part One)
Chapter Five: Pyrobolt (Part Two)
Chapter Six: Iron Ram
Chapter Seven: Trust
Chapter Eight: Clairvoyant
Chapter Nine: Phantom
Chapter Ten: Vigilante
Chapter Eleven: Encounter
Chapter Twelve: Arrival

Chapter One: Wild Time

1.3K 68 67
Von HarmonicShadows

One Year Ago...

The night that he gained his powers was as ordinary as any other peaceful night...

It just happened.

Mitch hummed as he tapped a finger on his desk, staring at his computer with furrowed eyebrows and narrowed eyes. His right hand was resting on his computer mouse, dragging and clicking things on the screen in deep concentration.

Most people would usually find the process of editing videos extremely tedious, but Mitch had gotten used to it long ago. It was a piece of cake to him, possibly because he's been doing it for years, but Mitch likes to argue that it is just pure skill and nothing else.

Mitch let out a long and loud yawn, leaning back in his rolling chair and stretching. Mitch then stared blankly at his computer monitor, before sighing and leaning forward, clicking the power button on it, the screen becoming black as it shut off.

Maybe I'll learn to actually record my videos on time... Nah.

Mitch shifted his gaze to the window surprised to see that it was dark outside, a crescent moon hanging in the sky. What?!? Mitch thought to himself as he inwardly groaned, Was I seriously working that long?

"Jerome, you still awake?!?!?" Mitch yelled, waiting from a response from his friend. Hearing no response, Mitch shrugged his shoulders, reaching for his phone. As he unlocked his phone, two things caught his eye.

The first was the time, which read '11:51' (which made Mitch make a 'Tsk!' in frustration). The second was that he had gotten a text from Jerome. Mitch opened his messages, quickly reading over the text.

Jerome A.: Just went out to grab a few things from the store, I didn't want to interrupt your recording. Need anything?

Mitch checked to see when he got the text, which had been about ten minutes ago. Mitch quickly text back.

Mitch H.: Just some waffles or something for breakfast I guess

Mitch almost instantly got a reply back.

Jerome A.: Got it.

Mitch smiled, exiting out of the message app and hovering on his home screen for a moment, biting the bottom of his lip as he felt sleepiness tugging at the back of his head. I'll just check Twitter really quick, he thought to himself, a few minutes less of sleep isn't going to kill me.

Chuckling to himself, Mitch opened Twitter, leaning further back in his seat. Mitch was just about to start scrolling through his page when he heard what sounded like whistling from outside his window. Confused, he tried to ignore it, but couldn't help but listen as the whistling grew louder... and louder... and louder...

There was a sudden sound of crashing from outside, and Mitch felt a tremor that seemed to shake the whole house. Mitch tumbled out of his chair and hit the floor, the tremor passing seemingly as soon as it had came. Mitch, eyes wide and his heart pounding, slowly rose to his feet, stuffing his phone in his pocket.

"W-What the hell?!?!?" Mitch yelled, checking his computer for any damage to it. Seeing that the computer was fine, he made his way over to his window, trying to see what had crashed outside. However, the window was completely covered with droplets of water, making it so that the only thing that Mitch could see outside were two bright lights, one white, and one orange. Mitch stood still for a moment before he reluctantly ran over to his bedroom door and threw it open, quickly making his way toward the backyard.

As soon as Mitch stepped outside, his mouth dropped open as he saw him and Jerome's pool... or at least what was left of it.

The pool was completely charred, the tiles lining it strewn across the backyard as if they had been thrown. The pool was also completely drained of water, the water being splashed all across the yard and onto the side of the house. There was a trail dug into the bottom of the pool as well, as if it had been drilled through. But, surprisingly enough, this wasn't what caught most of Mitch's attention. What caught his attention were the two small boulders that were lying in the bottom of the pool.

Well, that's what Mitch thought they were at least. The two rocks looked about the size of one of Mitch's computer monitors, and they were filled with holes that made them look hollow on the inside. They also seemed to be glowing different colors, on white, and one orange. The lights seemed to be glowing from the inside of the rocks, looking like mist as it swirled in the air.

Mitch was speechless, which was an understatement to what he was really thinking. Mitch, against his better judgment, approached the side of the waterless pool and lowered himself inside of it.

"What are these?" Mitch mumbled, crouching down toward the rocks and further inspecting them. I need to get rid of these... Mitch thought to himself as he bit his bottom lip, Before Jerome gets home and I have another thing to explain other than the freaking pool.

Letting out a long sigh, Mitch reached out to grab the rock glowing with white light, the misty glow seeming to wrap around his hand as it got closer. Mitch paused for a moment, before shaking his head and placing a firm hand on the rock, reaching out with his other hand and grabbing it with that one as well.

A few moments of silence passed as Mitch stared with a confused expression at the rock, before he shrugged it off and he tried to pull his hands away from it.

That's when it happened.

Before Mitch could react, the white light of the rock grew almost instantly into a blinding beam, Mitch's vision filled with white as he felt his body tense up, forcing him to be completely still. His lungs felt as if they were collapsing, and he gasped for air, somehow unable to catch his breath. The other sounds of the outside world were quickly snuffed out, the only sounds that Mitch could still hear being the beating of what he assumed what his own heart, the beating in his chest becoming almost deafening as Mitch struggled for air, and his own gasping breaths. Mitch could feel and hear his heart beating in one continuous pattern. One moment his heart was beating so fast and so hard that he thought that it would burst out of his chest at any second, and one moment the beating slowed to the point that he would have thought that his heart had completely stopped if it weren't for the occasional heartbeat, which was so soft that he could hardly feel it all.

A few of these moments passed before Mitch could feel his body slightly loosen, and he rapidly blinked, the white light slowly fading as his vision returned to him. As soon as Mitch's vision returned, and he regained control of his body again, he fell onto his side, gasping loudly as air suddenly filled his lungs and he started coughing. He lifted up his head and looked around him, his eyes wide and pupils dilated as he scrambled onto his feet.

He looked down at the two rocks at his feet, jumping back with a loud yell. Whatever had just happened, Mitch was sure that he didn't ever want to feel it again. The rock that he had grabbed was no longer glowing with a white light, now looking plain and like, well, a rock. The other was still glowing a bright orange... but something wasn't right.

The light flowing from it seemed frozen in place.

Mitch eyes narrowed as he continued to stare at the seemingly frozen rock. It wasn't that it had completely stopped moving, but the rock's light seemed to be glowing at an incredibly slow pace, as though it was in slow-motion. Wasn't that light moving faster before? However, that wasn't the only thing that Mitch had noticed was off either. Though he did regain control of himself, and he could still see, his hearing hadn't. The only thing he could hear still was his heart, which had slowed once again, staying like that rather than switch to the rapid, pounding beating that Mitch had also felt.

Mitch felt a shiver run down his spine, and he turned around, jumping and grabbing the end of the pool as he pulled himself onto the grass. As Mitch pushed himself off of the ground, something caught his eye in the corner of his vision, making his eyes wide as he turned to it, an expression of shock on his face.

In the air, right above him, there was a bird gliding in the air, but like the light, it was moving at an impossibly slow pace. "What the hell is happening?!?!?" Mitch yelled, panic in his voice.

Everything looks like it's in slow-motion...! But how is that possible?!?

Mitch could feel himself hyper-ventilating and he could hear his heart beat begin speed up, the painful pounding feeling resonating once again in his chest. Mitch let out a sharp yell as he felt a sudden sharp pain in his right eye, making it feel as if it was burning. He reached up and covered it with a clenched knuckle as he fell onto his knees, the pain unbearable as another yell escaped his lips. Whatever that weird rock had done to him, it apparently wasn't finished with him just yet.

It burns?!? Why does it burn?!?!

What is happening to me!??!?!

A few painful moments passed, before the burning suddenly disappeared completely, and the sounds of the outside returned to his ears as well, the sounds of his beating heart becoming mute.

Mitch, who had a dazed look in his uncovered eye, kept his hand over his eye as he slowly stood, his legs wobbling a bit as he struggled to keep his balance. He looked around him, still trying to figure out what had even happened to him. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of rapidly flapping wings, and Mitch whipped around to see the bird that had been stuck a moment ago fly away into the clouds, back to its normal speed. Mitch quickly looked back to the destroyed pool to see that the orange light seemed to be flowing out once again from the second rock as well.

"What the actual hell...?" Mitch mumbled, his voice trailing off as he felt something warm run down his hand, the one that was positioned over his eye. He moved it to be in front of him, surprised to see that the warm substance... was blood.

Panicking, Mitch covered that eye again, and turned tail to run inside, trying his best to ignore the blood running down his arm. He ran into the bathroom, staring into the mirror. Why is there so much blood?!?!? Horrified by the sight of his bloodied hand over his face, he was reluctant to remove his hand from his face, and when he did, he could feel a twisting feeling in his gut as his other eye widened in disbelief.

His right eye, instead of its usual dark brown color, was a striking silver color, his pupil looking a lot bigger than it should be, taking up about half of the now silver iris. There appeared to be tears running from the eye, but instead of water, it was, as expected, blood.

Trying his best to keep himself calm, Mitch reached behind him and grabbed a towel from the towel rack, pressing it onto his right eye without any hesitation.

What the hell is happening? Why is it happening? What the actual f-

Mitch's thoughts were interrupted by a small sting in his eye, which made him flinch. Luckily, it only lasted for a second, and Mitch slowly removed the now soaked towel from his eye, thinking that he might have been pressing on it too hard. However, when he removed it, he was surprised to find that it had returned to its normal brown color, and the pupil had dilated back to its normal size as well. It had also stopped bleeding, which was what made him relieved.

He pushed away the millions of jumbled thoughts running in his head as he cleaned himself up. He sighed as he washed the last of the blood from his hands, glad to finally have a moment of peace from the chaos that had happened only mere minutes ago.

Now he needed to just figure out what actually happened to him.

...and he had two mysterious rocks that he had to hide.

He felt his phone buzz in his pocket, and he rose an eyebrow as he pulled out his phone, clicking it on, seeing two new messages.

The first...

Lachlan P.: I think that I have had a VERY fudged up night...

...and the second,

Jerome A.: On my way home, be home in 15

Mitch stared at his phone screen with a strange expression on his face, and only one word escaped his mouth.


(A/N: Mitch's origin chapter is done! His is probably going to be the shortest out o fall the origin chapters, mainly because his and Jerome's go hand in hand. I've been switching my attention between all of the origin chapters... I can say that I like Rob's the most, but I'll let you guys decide that...)


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