Nothing Like This

By Blue_Mist21

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Nothing Like This
Nothing Like This - Chapter 2
Nothing Like This - Chapter 3
Nothing Like This - Chapter 4
Nothing Like This - Chapter 5
Nothing Like This - Chapter 6
Nothing Like This - Chapter 7
Nothing Like This - Chapter 8
Nothing Like This - Chapter 10
Nothing Like This - Chapter 11
Nothing LIke This - Chapter 12
Nothing Like This - Chapter 13
Nothing Like This - Chapter 14
Nothing Like This - Chapter 15
Nothing Like This - Chapter 16
Nothing Like This - Chapter 17
Nothing Like This - Chapter 18

Nothing LIke This - Chapter 9

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By Blue_Mist21

Chapter Nine

I sigh, “Yes, she is doing fine. I’m worried though, what will they say when I decide to tell them?”

Kalona smiles kindly and says, “If they are real friends they will understand,”

“I guess so,” I sigh “I am worried for the baby. Do you think she’ll have your bloodlust… or my sense of control?”

Kalona hugs me gently, “We won’t know that until she is older, but we will have to teach her about what she is and what a danger she can be to other children,”

“We can teach her that when she is older. When she can understand what is going on…”

I look back towards the front door, “I need to at least tell him…”

Kalona laughs a bit, “Of course, go tell Soldier. He’ll be quite surprised. By the way… where have you been keeping her… somewhere safe?”

“I’ve been keeping her in the small nursery that I built in the house that I am staying in now. No one has found her yet. I need to go check on her, when I left she was napping,” I keep my eyes on the door.

Kalona smiles, “I’ll take you if you’d like,”

I look at him, “It would be faster than running all the way… alright Kalona. Take me there,”

“Hold on,” he cradles me in his arms and takes off to the sky, back to the house.

Jamal leads Hailey up stairs, noticing that my bedroom door is wide open.

“Soldier, are you in here?” Jamal calls walking down the hall towards the bedroom.

It is quiet for a moment then a reply, “I’m in here guys…”

Entering the bedroom Jamal sees Soldier, sitting quietly on my bed.

He looks up for a brief moment than says quietly, “Hey guys…”

Jamal walks up to him and sits in a chair beside him, “What was that all about? What did you read in that book?”

Soldier shakes his head, “It was… a birth certificate. A girl, the name was Lilly Anne McKay. Born on February 13th, 2009”

Jamal frowns, “But she never… wouldn’t we have noticed?”

“I guess not…” Soldier replies getting up from the bed.

Jamal stands up with him, wondering, “How old would the little girl be now? No more than a couple months old…”

Soldier shakes his head in disbelief, “I would have noticed it. I would have heard something,”

“Unless she kept it secret from us for a reason,” Hailey says, taking the birth certificate in her hands. After scanning it for information she stops and says, “There… that is why she is keeping the baby secret,”

Soldier takes it and looks at the father’s name, Kolan A.

“Don’t you see? Kolan A is an anagram for Kalona!” Hailey says, pointing to the name.

They all become silent, staring at the certificate. All of them frightened and wondering where the child could be now.

I laugh, remembering how much fun it was to have Kalona fly me everywhere.

Kalona laughs, “Do I amuse you?”

“No. I just remembered how much fun this was!” I say, feeling the cool wind hit my face. I point to the house, “See it?”

“Of course I do. Let’s get you down there. Your friends will be waiting for you,”

Kalona slowly starts to descend towards the house.

Soon Kalona is standing at the front door, me still in his arms.

“Thank you Kalona. Do you want to come in and check on her with me?” I ask, smiling at him.

Kalona lets me down and looks at the door, “I’ll come in but not through the front door; your friends are much to hesitant towards me, besides they won’t understand what is going on,” Kalona pauses for a moment, “ Is there a window leading into the nursery on the outside of the house? I could enter through there,”

I smile, “Yes there is. Here I’ll show you,” I say walking around to the back of the house.

There are a couple of windows; a smaller window shows part of the kitchen. Above it there is a larger window with red bordering, I point to it and say, “See the red bordering around that window?”

Kalona nods, focusing on the window.

“That is the nursery, please go check on her, I’ll join you soon. Be quiet, make sure that they don’t hear you,” I warn him, starting to walk to the backdoor.

Kalona nods, stretching his wings. Quickly he flies up to the window and slowly opens it, keeping quiet as a mouse.

I smile at him as he enters the room, closing the window quietly behind him.

I run to the backdoor and enter the house, slamming the door behind me.

I laugh happily as everyone crowds me, asking me so many questions. “Guys, guys please. I’m fine. I don’t think Kalona will be coming after all, you can leave. Thank you for your time,” I say, escorting them out the front door.

I sigh, looking at the emptiness of the room now that everyone is gone. It is peaceful.

Soldier hears the slam of the door and rises from the bed quickly, looking around. “Someone is downstairs,”

Soldier hurdles down the stairs, nearly skipping all of the stairs as he jumps over them.

I laugh as he loses his balance and crashes into the wall.

Soldier gets up quickly and looks at me with surprise, his face goes pale.

I smile and cross the room in long strides, stopping just in front of him, “Hi Soldier,”

He brushes his pants off and frowns.

I notice the anger in his face, “Everything okay?” I ask, coming closer to him.

Soldier pushes me away, “When were you planning on telling us? When were you planning to tell me about the girl?!” he yells, glaring at me.

Shit! He found the birth certificate!! My mind rushes, I start shaking my head, “I meant to tell you…I just…”

“No you didn’t!! You were planning to keep it as secret for as long as you could and to have a child with HIM… ARE YOU INSANE ALICIA?!” he screams, running his hands nervously through his hair.

I sigh and yell at him, “I don’t have time for this… Soldier; just leave it alone it’s not a big deal!”

“Not a big deal?? It is HUGE! Why would you…? What did….? Ugh, just forget it!!” Soldier stutters in frustration, pushing past me and walking towards the basement.

“Soldier I only kept this a secret because I knew that this is how you would react to it!!” I yell after him, watching as he slams the basement door hard behind him.

Firelexis' familiar voice comes from behind me, “Why didn’t you tell us? We would have understood,”

I turn to her, “No, you wouldn’t have understood at all. You have no idea what happened. No idea what my relationship with Kalona was like before we started fighting…”

Firelexis comes close to me, “I can try to understand. If you’ll tell me,”

I shake my head, “No, I can’t tell you. I do not want to tell you, it’s far too personal for me to talk about with you Firelexis, I’m sorry,”

I look up the staircase, sighing happily, “I’m going upstairs I won’t be down for a while,”

“Alright, I think I’ll crash down here anyways. Have a good night Alicia!” She calls from behind me.

I see Jamal exiting my bedroom as I get to the top of the stairs, staring at me in awe, holding up the birth certificate, “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“I didn’t want you to get hurt,” I reply simply.

He passes me quickly, his head down. He drops the certificate at my feet.

I look ahead to the nursery; the door has a large sign on it the words KEEP OUT are spelled there in dark thick writing.

I walk quickly to the door, opening it quietly.

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