Not Love, But Comfort

By bangtansonyeonhoe

185 19 18

He was your first love...or so you thought. The moments you had together could never be recreated with anyone... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Part 3

33 4 5
By bangtansonyeonhoe

As the three of you made your way through crowded hallways and navigated through a maze of people, Jimin spotted a guy stretched out on the couch taking a nap. You thought to yourself, "Who the hell naps at a party? Isn't the music loud? How the hell can he sleep with so many people around him?". He had black hair, skin paler than snow, and the best legs you probably have ever seen. There was something so peaceful about him sleeping that your instinct warned you not to wake him or hell was going to be unleashed.

"Hoseok hyung, I don't know if we should wake him."

"He's at a party, he shouldn't even be sleeping in the first place."

"But still, you know how hard Yoongi hyung works. Maybe we should let him sleep."

So that's his name then...Yoongi, you thought.

"Alright how about this then, we go look for the others, get them, and come back for Yoongi. That way he gets to sleep more, and we don't have to be the ones to suffer his wrath alone. It's a win-win situation."

"Hyung...anytime we have to wake up Yoongi it's automatically a lose-lose situation."

"I know. But if we drag in the others, we won't be suffering alone."

"Alright let's go find them then."

You start to move until the three of you hear a loud thud coming from the staircase.


Just the noise itself gave the boys a clue as to who the victim of the staircase was. The three of you rushed over to the staircase to find a tall guy with dirty blonde hair splayed all across the floor. While Yoongi may have had great looking legs, this guy was all legs. No wonder he was so damn tall. Other than tall, he was good looking just like Hoseok, Jimin, and Yoongi. You began to question if this group of theirs was nothing but flower boys.

"You know Namjoon, the reason why there is a handrail is so that way accidents don't happen," Jimin said.

"But you don't get it! I WAS HOLDING ONTO THE RAIL! I just slipped somehow and I fell, I don't know how it happened."

"You never do Namjoon." replied Hoseok.

As the boys started to help Namjoon up, you were now able to formally meet.

"Hi, I'm Namjoon."


"Nice to meet you. So, what's up guys?"

"According to Y/N here, our Jungkookie has a girlfriend. So we're gathering up the crew so we can humiliate him...lovingly of course." Hoseok said.

"Wait. Repeat the part of Jungkook having a girlfriend. I'm not sure if I heard you correctly, or if I really did seriously injure myself."

You were beginning to assume that Jungkook was extremely shy around the boys. It didn't really seem like it seeing how cozy he was getting to your best friend, Karen. The boy was good looking. He could have any girl he wanted, yet apparently, he was extremely shy. Well, looks can be deceiving right? You should know that by now.

"Yeah..that's why we're getting the crew. We want to make sure we have enough witnesses to document this historical moment. We wouldn't have known about it if Y/N never mentioned it, and knowing Jungkook, he would have kept it a secret for a little while longer."

"That's my boy. It's good he's finally getting some action. I was scared that he was going to be alone forever. do know Jin isn't going to be too happy about this right?"

And then it clicked. Hoseok and Jimin had more than just Yoongi to worry about, now they had to break the news to Jin. How were they going to do that?

"Well, looks like we're going to have to find Tae first, then go to Jin, and then go to Yoongi."

"Hyung, but what's worse...waking up Yoongi or telling Jin?"

"Wait.." Namjoon said, "You guys are going to wake up Yoongi?!"


"Yeah...maybe go to Jin first and then wake up Yoongi. If we play this correctly, Jin will be upset about Jungkook having a girlfriend and will wake up Yoongi, and if Yoongi gets upset, then Jin will just put him back in his place."

"Alright. Let's go find Taehyung." Jimin said.

Because you guy's were now a group of four each of you had partners to talk to. Jimin and Namjoon were obviously looking around for Tae while talking. However, you couldn't help but feel how close Hoseok was getting to you. While you did feel a little awkward, it wasn't uncomfortable.

"So..." Hoseok started, "What are you studying?"

"Oh...well I haven't really fully decided. I do think I'm leaning more towards a dance major...even though some of my family doesn't agree."

Every since you were young, you dreamed of being in a ballet company. It was your ultimate goal to become a dancer. While dreams do change, dance was the only constant in your life. Luckily your mom was able to pay for some classes until you were 8. That was when your family was in a financial hiccup, so she had to stop paying. Which meant you could no longer attend. However, that didn't stop you. You had an older sister who always watched music videos. So although you stopped dancing to classical music, that meant a shift into hip hop and music with heavier beats. Even pop would suffice. Anything with a beat would get you to dance.

When middle school came around, you begged your parents to let you go to an Art's school. While your father and sister pushed for a science academy, your mom had the final word. Your wishes were fulfilled, and you got to attend an arts school for the next 3 awkward years of your life. The first year you were there your dance teacher insisted you attend an audition for a special weekend dance program. With some convincing, your father drove you to the audition. Luckily, due to your small background in ballet and your passion for dance you passed the auditions and made it into the program. This is where you got your background in modern dance. Although similar to contemporary and a cousin to ballet, modern dance was the new outlet for you to express your emotions.

"Really?! I'm studying dance too! Along with Jimin. But do you at least have support from one member of your family?"

Your mother was always your cheerleader. She supported everything you wanted to do, no matter the hurdles you had to jump. She was your everything. She IS your everything. You value her opinions, her wise advice, and just about everything she says. The fact that she supports you in wanting to pursue a career in dance just makes you feel like you can accomplish anything, no matter how difficult the process.

"I have my mom" you responded.

"Well there you go! One fan is better than none. Everyone always starts off with one fan, even the most famous of people. And what's better is now you have two fans, so now your guranteed more success!"

How can he be so optimistic about everything? Hoseok was the epitome of optimism. If there was any hint of doubt, Hoseok was the first to push it out of the way.

"Thanks." you couldn't help but blush.

The two of you continue to talk as you, Hoseok, Jimin, and Namjoon continue your search for Tae. The four of you scoured all over the house and found no traces of Tae whatsoever. The four of you decided to take a break, and head outside of the house for some nice cool air. As you stepped outside, a wave of cool refreshing air hit your face and body causing you to shiver slightly. While it was slightly cold, the air felt good in comparison to the hot, heavy, and humid atmosphere inside the house.

It had only been 5 minutes of your quick break when the four of you spotted an interesting character outside of the house. He was crouching and trying to pet a cat. While you assumed the cat belonged to someone else, this person didn't mind. He was destined to take the cat.

"Meow...meow...meow...meow meow"

You assumed he was trying to communicate with the cat. Because it was dark outside, you couldn't quite make out his characteristics other than him having deep blonde hair.

As blonde hair continued to try to talk with the cat, he reached for the cat to pick him up.

"I don't care who you belong're mine now. No cat should ever be left alone. Especially on a cold night like this."

While you were touched at his reasoning for his kidnapping of a cat, it was still odd that anyone would pick up a cat that was owned. Due to this oddity and randomness, you didn't realize that you were left standing by yourself on the porch of the house. Apparently Hoseok, Jimin, and Namjoon knew the strange character and decided to approach him and convince him not to take the cat.

"YAH! The cat isn't yours! It belongs to someone in the neighborhood!" yelled Hoseok

"Put the cat down Taehyung..." Namjoon added

"But's cold. He's alone. He neeeeeeeeds me!!!" He whined.

" would you feel if someone took your cat?" Jimin asked

While he look deeply hurt, the idea of his beloved pet disappearing hurt more.

"ok...go! Be free my friend! Don't forget me and don't get into fights! Stay healthy! Hwaiting!" Tae said

As the group now officially added a new member, you were all set to go find Jin.



"Wowwwww....Y/N-ah is so pretty."

While Hoseok had a smile brighter than the sun, Taehyung's smile could definitely rivals Hoseok. It was wide and square...fitting for his personality based on what you observed.

"Sooooo...why did you guys get me? I was perfectly happy with that cat." Taehyung said.

"Jungkook has a girlfriend." the boys explained.

"So? There was a cat outside."

"Tae...would you forget the cat for a moment?! This is big news!"

"Well, is she pretty?"

"We don't know what she looks like, we just know he has one."

"Then why did you get me if you don't even know what she looks like?"

"Because, we're gonna go meet her in a little bit. We just need to get Yoongi hyung and Jin hyung and then we're going to go embarrass him."


"We already know where Yoongi is, and there is only one place Jin could be"

"The kitchen" they all chimed together.

You didn't expect the party to turn out this fun. While you weren't drinking or dancing like everyone else, hanging out with these guys made you feel like you were having the time of your life. As your group got bigger, you suddenly became aware of eyes staring at you. You were in the center of the most popular boys on campus. You had almost forgotten that these boy were popular until those unwanted gazes and stares were on you. Although you were uncomfortable with all the looks, the boys made you feel safe. As though no one can harm you. It was an odd feeling to have support all of a sudden, especially from people whom you just met.

The five of you make your way into the kitchen when you see on person stuffing their face with as much as they can eat. While the sight of it looked a little unappetizing, what he was eating wasn't. Whatever the guy made, you wanted. He looked as happy as a kid in a candy store. Unfortunately for him, his attitude was about to change. He had pink hair, his features were softer than any of the other boys that you had seen. His looks could easily put both girls and guys to shame. He was a sight to see. As you were going to approach him to ask if he could spare you some of his food, you realized that the boys were following you. Did they know this guy? Is this Jin?

Right when he was going to get up for seconds, he spots the five of you and his face turns sour towards the boys yet respectful towards you.


"We have something to tell you.." says Namjoon.


You couldn't help but laugh at his desperate attempt to make the guys understand. As he was yelling he was turning red by each word he said, by the time he got to his last sentence, he was shaking his head furiously, pointing his finger accusingly, and jumbling his sentence into one long word. You were impressed that he was able to yell all that in just one breath.

"Jungkook has a girlfriend hyung"


Jin had gone from yelling his head off to being quiet. 'I guess he still must be processing it' you thought.

"Where's Yoongi?" Jin asked

"He's in the living room sleeping." Hoseok replied

"Alright let's go get him."

Before you turned to follow suit, Jin stopped you.

"Hi, I'm Jin, i'm so sorry you had to see that. I'm normally not like that, but these boys always get into trouble and who else is supposed to take care of them?"

"Hello, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you."

The group of now 6 walked back to the living room.

"Jin hyung is a little too calm about this. I would think he would be freaking out" Hoseok whispered.

"Is he not like that or...?" You asked

"Well, he's protective of all us, but more so with Jungkookie"


"Because he's the maknae in our group"


By the time you reached to the living room, you saw the familiar figure sleeping on the couch. He had not moved at all. Not even to change his sleeping position. 'How the hell does this guy do it?' you wondered.

"Hoseok...wake up Yoongi" Jin said

"But hyung..."

"No buts, just do it. We're on a mission"

Before Hoseok approached Yoongi, he took a nice big gulp, indicating that he was nervous for what might happen. Hoseok decided to go for a more simplistic approach and tickle Yoongi under his chin. Automatically Yoongi's eyes shot open and you heard him mumble a set of curse words to Hoseok.

"Get Up! We don't have time for this. Jungkook has a girlfriend" Jin explained


"And we're going to go humiliate him in front of her" Tae added.


The seven of you decided to stand in the living room to make your gameplan. Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Yoongi all agreed that when they found Jungkook, they would all start clapping and cheering. Jin had other plans. You figured you would join in the clapping not for Jungkook, but for your friend Karen.

"Who's she?" Yoongi asked nodding his head towards you

"Oh... I'm Y/N"

"You're telling me that you have met the entire gang decided to stay? I'm impressed...but I will say that that's pretty stupid of you. The moment you meet Namjoon, you're guaranteed 10 years less of your life."

You couldn't help but laugh at his statement.

"Aright, now where's one place Jungkook would be?" Jin asked

"Well, we didn't see him anywhere around here. Maybe it's too crowded for him? You know how he likes to be left alone." Jimin said

"If you elimante all the places with people in them, that just leaves the bedrooms upstairs." Namjoon added.

"Do you think Jungkookie is in his room with his new girlfriend then?" Tae asked

It wouldn't surprise you if they were. While Karen isn't the type of person to hook up at parties, that doesn't mean she wouldn't want to spend some alone time with her new boyfriend.

"There's only one way to find out" Yoongi pointed out.

A/N: This part is more fluff if anything, but I promise you we'll get some more angst later in the series..i'm just still introducing a bit. Also, this one is a bit more lengthy than my previous two parts. Sorry. I promise that there will be angst later on in this series..I pinky promise. Also I do have to say that this was my favorite part of the story to write, and that I struggled so much with it, so I'm especially sorry if this chapter is lacking.

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