Unorthodox Obsession: A Mafia...

By HopelessAmorous02

931K 23.3K 3.7K

Highest Rank: #2 in passion : #1 in kidnapping : #3 in posses... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15: Part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chpater 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 3

42.4K 1K 199
By HopelessAmorous02


'Wrong choice'.

The words kept repeating in my mind all night, leaving me sleep deprived. Some how I feared that something bad was going to happen and no matter how much I tried to shake the feeling off, it would always creep back up on me.

Dragging my feet to the kitchen, I head straight for the coffee pot, desperate for it's bitter taste on my tongue to revive my body.

Once I had my coffee I felt a lot better.  Bouncing up the stairs and into my room I went to take a shower. Throwing on a sweatpants and a sweater, my hair in a lose ponytail and socks on feet. Feeling comfortable I opened the balcony door and the smell of the ocean tickled my nostrils and I loved it.

The street were filled with chatter and littered with people going about their daily lives. The cars zip pass, in a rush to get to where they're going. A small smile tugged at my lips seeing all of this.

But tuck between a dark alley way between two shops is a dark shadow in a black hoddie hiding his face. Getting a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach I walked back in my room about to close the window when the person look at me directly and waved.

My eyes widened, hurrying off the balcony I slammed the doors closed and draw the curtain leaning my back against the glass doors. My heart raced as I peeked through the curtains but the figure was gone.

Was I imaging things?

Sitting in the living room, watching tv with a bowl of popcorn in hand, I waited for Bradley to show up. I knew that he was hurt yesterday but going with the blue eyed devil just felt... right at the time. But now, I was feeling guilty knowing the he waited for me and I went with someone else.

Calling his phone again, it went straight to voicemail. That's how it's been since morning, I would call, it would ring then it went to voicemail. Deciding to leave a message, I said. "Hey Bradley, it's me, again. I'm just calling to find out if you're still coming over. Call me." Hanging up the phone, I placed it on the coffee table.

Laying there watching the television, I didn't realize that I was sleepy until it was too late, my eyes closing on there own accord and I drifted off to sleep.

Soft lips ghost over my skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. My body felt alive, as sparks and tingles surging though out my body, bringing it to pleasurable heights.

Big strong hands roam my body freely, with such knowledge, it was like I was a treasure map and he's memorized all of my hidden places.

Long fingers trail down towards my breast, so leisurely, that it sets my body on fire. Lips kissing my neck, a hard body brushing against my small delicate frame.

A moan escaped my parted lips as I waited with much anticipation, but, before his fingers reached my needy peaks, bright blue eyes stared into my brown ones.

"Wake up."

Wait, what?

"Wake up!"

My body surge forward on the couch with me panting, my body still tingling from the dream.

What was that?

The doorbell ringing stop my though process as I got up off the couch, moving towards the door. I opened it and was greeted with a ball of black hair latching onto my foot.

"Amira!" Came from an overly excited... Matylda. "I mwessed you."

Wrapping my arms around her, as not to fall on my butt. Her grip was so tight on my leg, I think that she's cutting off my blood flow. 

Picking her up from my leg, I rested her on my hip. "Hi Matylda. What are you doing here?" I asked her with a smile on my face.

"I wanted to visit you at the library today but uncle said that you weren't there." She replied with an adorable pout on her lips. "But then he said he knows where you live and now we're here." A wide grin took over her face and I couldn't help, her grin was just too contagious.

A grin of my own took over my lips, my face softening as I looked at her. She was looking up at me with adoration and I couldn't help but too look back at her the same way.

Seeing her one time was enough for me to be completely smitten with her. She's just that adorable and the innocence and curiosity that shines in her eyes would make anybody want to be close to her.

"Well you know... I was going to bake some cookies. Want to help?" I asked. "Maybe we could have a tea party."

When she heard this her grin widen if that was even possible, she was happy. She cheered and bounced on my hip while nodding her head ferociously.

"Matylda, I have a meeting in ten minutes. I told you that we couldn't stay."

My eyes snapped up to him, and just like the first time looking at him, I felt like I was punched in the stomach.  There was an instant tug and something very alien.

Looking at him for the first time since they arrived, all those feelings came back. I didn't understand all this.  What does it mean.

Today he looks just the same, deviously handsome. His body clad in a suit, hair tossled, eyes cold, and his stubble that has grown out a bit.

At his words, Matylda face drops. Not being able to see her sad face and pouted lips, I came up with an alternative. "I can watch her if you'd like." Matylda head snapped up at my suggestion.

"Re-really, I can stay with you?" She asked in a small voice.

"Of course sweetie, but only if it's okay with your uncle." I said looking up at him waiting for a reaction but I saw none.

His blue eyes staring into my brown ones, his gaze intimidating, unwavering from mine. I tried to maintain eye contact but his eyes spoke so much volume that I had to look away.

"Matylda, why don't you give us a minute." He said, his gaze not once leaving my form.

"Why don't you go watch cartoons. The living room is right there." I said placing her on the ground and positioning her in the right direction.

When she was out of sight, I turned to face him. Fidgeting with the hem of my sweater, I stared at the dark brown hardwood floor, trying to find a distraction anything to take my mind off his gaze that was burning into my skin. Setting my body on fire.

Placing his thumb and forefinger on my chin, he tilted my head up so that my gaze met his. "Don't look away from me." He said in a firm voice, one that sent shivers down my spine.

Taking out his phone, he dialed a number. I could hear someone talking on the other side of the line but I couldn't make out what the person was saying.

My eyes widen and a gasp pass through my lips when I heard what he said. "Cancel all my meetings for today. Something important came up." Then disconnected the call.

"I-I.... Yo-you didn't have to do that. We would have been fine. If it's important you should go." I said in a small voice still looking into his eyes.

Removing his fingers from my chin, he said. "You really don't think that I would leave her alone with a stranger, do you?" He snapped, raising an amused brow.

Taken aback by his harsh reply, I started at him in shock, my lips forming the shape of an 'o'.

I don't even know if I should be insulted or not. What a jerk.

"Now are you going to invite me in?" He asked.

Slamming the door shut in his face, I went into the living room to see Matylda watching Finding Dory.

'Where did uncle go?' She asked with curious eyes, looking around for him.

'He had to go, so how about that tea party?' Before she could answer a loud banging on the door stopped her... BAM BAM BAM!

'Who's that?'

'Nobody de... '

A throat being cleared broke me out of my thoughts. The blue eyed devil was standing in front of me with an annoyed look on his face. "Well..." He said with impatience.

My cheeks heat up from embarrassment, he must think that I'm stupid, standing there like a statue looking off into no where. Clearing my throat I invited him in and closed the door behind him.

Leading him into the living room Matylda was on the couch watch SpongeBob. Hearing us come in she asked, "Is it time to make cookies."

Smiling at her I nodded, taking her small hand in mine and began walking to the kitchen. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him following us.

Taking out all the ingredients that we needed to chocolate chip cookies, lemon raspberry tart, finger sandwiches and a chocolate cake with chocolate tea, we got to working, mostly me.

This was one of the things that me and my mom used to do together, as a mother daughter bonding time.

On her days off we would go grocery shopping and then come home and bake a lot of treats for our tea party. I miss those days, I missed her.

Refusing to put a damper on my mood, I focus on having fun, something that I haven't had in a long time.

Matylda was my taster and cookie maker. We laughed and make silly jokes as we baked. All the while I could feel his gaze on me, I felt my cheeks reddened on there own, my heart hammering away in my chest.

"Come and help us uncle." Matylda called with her face full of chocolate. I'm sure mine looked the same way.

He looked at her and then moved his gaze to me. Quickly looking away, it was pointless, he already caught me looking at him. Staring down at the chocolate batter in the pan, I started stirring it ferociously with heated cheek.

Hearing some rustling, seconds later I felt a warm body heat beside me. Looking up, he removed his jacket and rolled up his shirt sleeves to his elbows. What looks like a tribal tattoo on his right arm that stopped at his wrist was visible, it looks amazing. The lines and shapes were etched perfectly on his tan muscular arm.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked up at him to already see that he was gazing down at me. My cheeks heated up more."What do you want me to do?" He asked in a gruff voice.

His close proximity and spicy cologne was messing with my senses, "Could..," swallowing against the ball of nervousness in my throat, I continued, "Could you check if the cookies are ready." I asked in a soft voice.

Not feeling the warmth of his body anymore I let out a breath I didn't know that I was holding.

Why does he make me so nervous?

Pouring the chocolate batter into a baking pan, I didn't hear footstep approaching behind me. Turning around with the spatula in my hand, I collided with a hard warm chest.

Looking up into his eyes with horrid ones I took a step back, only to gasp. On his white shirt... was a big chocolate stain.

Dashing to the sink and wetting a paper towel and began dabbing his shirt trying to get the stain out. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so so sorry..." I repeated over and over while rubbing his shirt so hard I thought that it as going to rip.

Grasping my arm that was wiping out the stain, he stared down at me, his eyes emotionless. I thought that he was going to lash out on me for ruining his shirt.

Matylda was busy on the counter top eating cookies, lost in her own world to notice my distress.

Letting go off my wrist he took a step back, swallowing hard to try and push the rising panic back I began to take calming breaths.

Lifting Matylda and placing her on the ground, he whispered something in her ear. Nodding her head she disappeared out of the kitchen leaving us alone.

Oh God.

Walking towards me, I took a step back with each one he took forward. A startled gasp escaped my lips when my back collided with the counter top. My breath hitched as my heart started to pound wildly, my palm clammy at his closeness.

His body just inches from mine, makes my brain get foggy, I couldn't think of anything. Pulling on my hair tye, my hair cascade down my back, some falling over my left eyes.

A gush of wind danced around us, sweeping the hair out of my face. Stooping down a bit, he grasped my thighs firmly, hoisting me up onto the counter top with him tucked between my legs.

"W... What are you doing?" I asked with wide eyes.

Licking my dry lips, his eyes followed the movement. The act was innocent but his heated gaze makes it feel dirty; deliciously dirty.

Picking up the paper towel, he began cleaning my face. His touch was feather light, gently. All I could do was stare at him. When he was finished he placed the towel beside my thigh, "There now you don't look like such a kid." He scoffed.

Scowling at his comment, I pushed at his chest, wanting to put as much distance between us as possible.

Grabbing the hand that I placed on his chest to push away he said, "Wait, I missed a spot." Bringing his face closer to mine, my eyes widened. What is he doing?

But he raised him thumb instead, brushing it on my cheek. Looking into his eyes, I saw something flash quickly and then it was gone.

Bringing his thump to his parted lips, he sucked the chocolate off his finger. "Delicious." He said with a smirk on his face.

Stepping back, he allowed me enough space to slide down off the counter, steadily placing my feet on the floor. Not meeting his gaze I said, "Uhm, why don't you go check up on Matylda. I'll finish up here." Taking the forgotten pan with the chocolate batter, I made a dash for the oven.

Hearing the door close, I let out a huge breath that I was holding.

That man is so frustrating. One minute he's sweet and the other he's pouring a bucket of cold water on me.

Sighing I cleaned up the messy kitchen while waiting on the cake. Once it was finish I put it cool, then cutting it up. Everything was organized and looking at how everything turned out I felt proud of my self.

Taking up the tray, I walked into the living room with a smile to start our tea party.

It was lovely. When I walked into the living room I saw the couch fitting on the floor, surrounding the coffee table with Matylda and him sitting on them watching cartoon. It was so cute. To think that an emotionless man like him would do anything for his niece.

Placing everything on the table, I went to sit beside Matylda. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Uhm, sitting." I replied. "No, don't sit there," getting up she pulled me beside him causing me to crash into his side. His warm hand resting around my waist, stopping us from tumbling onto the floor.

"Sorry." I whispered softly but I knew he heard me. Straightening up Matda flopped down in my lap. "Okay, now we can begin."

We were sitting close, his hand still around my waist. Every time he would reach for a treat our clothed thighs would brush again each other, sending tingles throughout my body.

They stayed until it was late. Matylda was already asleep when they were leaving. He lifted her and carry her to the car and buckled her in.

"Here," I said giving him a bag of cookies. "We made too much and I won't be able to eat it all so...." I trailed off.

Taking the bag, his fingers brush against mine, my cheeks heated up as I looked down biting my lips.

Tilting my head up to face him, he used his thumb to pull my lip from between my teeth. "Don't do that." He said accepting the treats. "You should head inside."


Turning to walk away, he grabbed my wrist. "Wait."

Looking into his eyes, a gush of wind danced around us. Pulling me into his chest, he lightly pecked my cheek, "Thank you." And just like that he was in his car and driving away, leaving me with red stained cheeks.

Today is Monday and I still haven't seen or heard anything from Bradley. He's been MIA and I felt really bad because it's my fault but he wouldn't even let me apologize.

Walking into the library, in a red skater skirt with a white tank top and a jeans shirt over it. Paired with my brown boots and bag with my hair let down in curls. I was greeted with a strange girl behind the counter smiling at me. "Hi, you must be Amira. I'm Aaliyah, Mary's granddaughter." She said extending her hand.

Aaliyah is a blonde hair girl, with brown eyes. She looks to be about 5'7, two inches taller than me. She's in a black ripped jeans with a pink top.

Taking her hand in mine I gave it a shake with a small smile. "Yes. I didn't know that Ms. Mary had a granddaughter that was coming down." I replied.

Smiling she countered, "It was a surprise visit."

"Oh good, I've seen that you already met each other." Ms. Mary said walking out from the back room. "She'll be working her too for the summer so you have another helping hand." She said as she greeted me with a morning hug which I gladly returned.

Aaliyah and I got to know each other the entire day and I could tell that we were going to be great friends. She's easy to talk to and out going, confident and speaks her mind, the total opposite of me.

It was now closing time. I bid Ms. Mary and Aaliyah good night after exchanging numbers with her. Walking through the door I stopped in my tracks. The person that I wanted to see was casually standing there with his hands in his pocket... Bradley.

Another chapter up. We have a long way to go.

What are you're thoughts on the blue eyed devil?

Remember to hit the star on the bottom of your screen if you like it, and leave your comments.

Xoxo J.

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