Happily Ever After

By dragonslayersam

18.8K 661 144

Based around the Yule ball in the Goblet Of Fire. More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

5.7K 174 34
By dragonslayersam

"Ugh! I keep pricking myself with this Potter Stinks pin!" Draco began to fiddle with the pin he had been wearing around the school to anger Potter. Maybe this'll get Potter's attention? Was his initial thought when he first pinned it to his robes, but just like most of his other attempts it didn't work. Draco was trying to get it off to change for the ball which was challenging considering the way he had pinned it. "Are you idiots going to say anything or just stand there like oafs?" Neither Goyle or Crabbe had responded so out of anger Draco just ripped his robes off. Whatever I'll worry about that later. Draco threw on his dress robes and left the boys dormitory with his pair of thick-brained scoundrels closely behind him.

"Oh, Draco, you look very handsome!" Pansy was waiting for him in the common room so they could head to the Great Hall together. Draco took this ego booster and visibly puffed out his chest in pride. Pansy strode over to clutch his arm and they headed toward the entrance hall. The two were among the first there and waited a while.

McGonagall called for the champions once everyone had arrived and Draco sneered at the Gryffindor cheater. "Enjoying your fame for being worthless, Potter?" Draco shouted after him, but Harry didn't seem to have heard and continued to leisurely walk towards McGonagall with Parvati closely aside him. The heck is Potter doing with her!

Pansy sniggered by Draco's side and rubbed his arm which made him wince a bit. Why aren't I enjoying this? They headed inside and took their seats to eat with Draco not taking an eye off of Harry while he barely spoke to Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle. Everyone at the small table listened with intrigue after he finished gazing and decided to critique the food being served. "It's as if Dumbledore doesn't even try with the house elves anymore. Probably so gross because one of them is getting payed and is too full of himself to cook properly."

Harry had regretted his decision to take a seat by Percy. Although his questions had been answered, now he had to pretend that he cared about Percy's work while Parvati looked down on everyone as if she was better. Ron doesn't look very excited about this either. I wonder if Padma is doing the same as Parvati? With a second glance it was quite obvious she was not by the unpleased look on her face that matched Ron's.

Can this get any more boring? Maybe if Hermione didn't go with the enemy I wouldn't be in this horrible situation! Ron looked around to see what Hermione was up to, but mainly just stuffed his face while listening to Padma talking about herself as he daydreamed about what had happened during the Quidditch World Cup. Hermione went for a guy that can't even help his team win! Oh, but those Irish players on their fire bolts flying around the stadium was amazing! I wouldn't even been able to see them if Harry hadn't had helped me out.

Soon it was time for the champions to begin the first dance which was extremely forced on Harry's part. Harry wasn't bad on his feet, like Krum, but he wasn't used to dancing.

That bitch better step off my man! Why did I think that? I need to stop thinking! I should talk to someone to get my mind off of this. Damn, no one else is talking and it'd be weird if I began to speak. Suddenly Draco watched Parvati push Harry away and stomp off toward her sister looking angrier than he'd ever seen her. Draco watched as Harry stood there in awe without anyone to help him. Ha, half blood doesn't have anyone to dance with! Suits that cheater right! These thoughts were forced as Draco felt his insides churn watching Harry look so lost. He had to resist the urge to run up and do something regrettable.

You've got to be kidding! The Dursley's might have been better than this. Everyone is staring at me! He'd only been alone for a moment, but it felt like an eternity with the eyes of his peers shooting him down. Why did Parvati have to be so sensitive! I didn't do anything except not look ecstatic! But suddenly he felt a hand grasp his and another wrap awkwardly around his waist. The two hands fingers had intertwined and Harry, confused on what to do with his other hand, lightly grasped the arm around his waist which felt muscular, almost manly. "Ron?" Harry looked up, but it wasn't Ron. In fact, it was the opposite of the boy he'd expected. His eyes were looking straight into a sea of pale gray, along with a pale face and nearly white hair. His assumption had been correct, it was a boy, but one Harry didn't expect to be staring back at him. "M-Malfoy?"

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