Chapter 3

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Ron slowly opened his eyes and the light of the hospital wing filled them. Hermione! Ron sat up fast which caused a sharp pain in his head and he put his hand up to his head. His fingers ran through his hair and small splinters were scattered all in his red hair. As his vision cleared he realized that next to his bed was Hermione sitting in a chair and reading a book on charms. "H-Hermione, how long have I been out?" There was a sense of urgency in his voice.

"Not too long. Five or ten minutes, maybe." Hermione answered and placed the book on the bed, next to Ron.

Five to ten minutes? I still have time! "Perfect!" Ron answered with immense glow in his voice and threw off the covers to get up. "Come on, Hermione!" Ron walked to the other side, grabbed Hermione's wrist and pulled her until they reached the Great Hall.

Oh great! I know that face! Draco looked at the look on hair's face of confusion, but anger. It was the same one that was given to him whenever he was cruel to Harry. Hm, I could laugh and say I was joking. No, I have to stick by this and he deserves to know.

Harry felt his heart beating irregularly fast and sweat was dripping from his forehead. How do I reply to that? Is he joking? Harry looked into Draco's pale eyes, but quickly pulled away. "Listen, Draco, I don't know what kind of joke this is, but it isn't-"

Draco cut him off and a visibly hurt look was worn on his face. "I wasn't joking! I love you, you dementor fearing Scarhead!" Draco felt tears begin to well up in his eyes, but continued to stare at Harry as if it would help him read his thoughts. I knew he wouldn't feel the same way! I shouldn't have done that!

Harry saw the tears welling up in Draco's eyes and felt that he had to do something. "Don't cry! I, um, I love you too. I always have, but try to suppress it." Harry couldn't help, but smile and felt blood rush to his cheeks.

Ron navigated through the tables with Hermione as quickly as possible and then was soon on the dance floor. Everyone was still having a great time singing and dancing. Yes! He let go of Hermione and smiled at her with a wide, toothy smile. "May I have this dance?" Hermione nodded and Ron began to do what can only be described as breaking it down. Hermione was hysterically laughing which made Ron smile even brighter. Hermione followed and they danced for a while until Ron was panting. "I'll be right back. I need some air." Ron ran his finger through Hermione's hair as he passed and headed towards the entrance hall.

"Perfect! Why don't we dance or do you want to keep our feelings private?" Draco wiped the tears form his eyes and smiled at the green eyed Gryffindor. I can't believe this! This has been the best night of my life so far!

Harry was flattered, but overwhelmed. I need some air! This is too much! I love him, but this is a lot! "Yes, of course! I'll meet you there, I need some air, okay?" Draco nodded and Harry bumped into Ron while heading outside. "You look happy. Why?"

Ron couldn't help, but jump in the air when Harry asked. "Let's just say Krum won't be a problem anymore." Ron smiled and jumped in the air again. "What about you?"

Harry shrugged to give off the impression that nothing happened. "Some stuff with Draco." To Harry's delight, Ron didn't question any further and continued to talk about how Hermione was his now. They headed outside where they overheard Hagrid speak to Madam Maxime and Snape to Moody. Snape looked peeved, but the boys headed in after, still on cloud nine.

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