Shawn Mendes Imagines

By angelinelee1313

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Imagines about the muffin boy who plays the guitar from Canada who I will probably die for. You know, that ki... More

Act Like You Love Me
Friends and Snaps
Stitches and Kisses
Tours and Surprises
Best Friends... But Not Really
Challenges (Mature)
Hold On
Periods and Muffins
The Playground
Sleepless Nights
Guitar Lessons
Supermarket Flowers
Small Bump
Meet and Greet
Illuminate World Tour
Military Pt. 2
The Birds and The Bees
Under the Stars
New imagine coming soon!

Tours and Surprises pt. 2

323 6 7
By angelinelee1313

Note: Y/F/N = your full name

"He's in his dressing room. Sometimes, we even have to drag him out of there."

"This is way worse than I thought it'd be," I said, running toward his dressing room. Luckily, there was only one down the hallway, and that must be his.

I opened the door quietly, scared that I would disturb him if he was resting. I felt my eyes water at the sight of the room.

It was messy, and Shawn never liked messy places. It dawned on me how much touring was really stressful for him. I knew he loved every minute of the actual shows, but the jet lag, all the traveling - it was taking its toll on him.

"Shawn?" I called.

"Go away," he said. And I knew that things were bad. He was sitting in the corner of the room, shivering when the room wasn't even cold. If it had been cold, the cold air would hit me when I opened the door, but it didn't.

"Shawn, it's me," I said.

He looked up. "Y/N?" he asked weakly.

"What happened?" I asked, getting inside and closing the door behind me. "Haven't you been eating?" I asked when I noticed how skinny he turned.

He just hugged me and started crying.

"Shawn, what's wrong?" I asked, almost crying because he was crying. It hurt whenever I saw him cry. I hugged him back, rubbing his back.

"I'm a mess," he cried. "I missed you so much."

"Shawn, I missed you, too," I whispered, feeling a tear running down my face as I hugged him tighter.

I sniffled as I heard him calm down a little bit.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm so cold, Y/N," he said, shaking uncontrollably.

"Shawn, the AC isn't on," I said.

"I don't know what's wrong with me," he said, starting to breathe heavily.

"Shawn, calm down. Everything will be alright, okay? Let's get you in bed."

"I don't wanna go to sleep." He shook his head.

I pressed the back of my hand to his forehead and flinched. "Shawn, you have a fever. You need to rest," I told him.

"I don't want to," he said. "I wanna be here with you. I'm fine, Y/N."

"No you're not. You're shaking, Shawn. The room isn't even a tiny bit cold."

"I just don't want you to go," he admitted. "Whenever I go to sleep, I dream about you, and when I wake up, you're not there." His eyes were filled with tears once again, and it completely broke me on the inside.

"I'll be here, alright? I'll be here until you're all good again. I'll even talk to the bunnies, if you want me to, tell them that you need rest and to postpone the shows."

"Y/N, no. My fans."

"Shawn, yes. Your health," I said, kind of mocking him.

He was quiet for a moment, before saying,"Fine. But promise you'll stay here?"

"I promise, Shawn. I'm not leaving until you're eating normally," I answered. "Speaking of eating, I'm making you some food."

"I don't wanna eat," he mumbled. "I don't like eating."

"Shawn, you love eating," I told him, worried of how sick he must've been in order to not eat anything for the past - I don't know... days?

"I don't. I'm a mess, right now, Y/N. And I always will be. I'm sorry I got you into this."

"No, Shawn. You're not a mess. You're under pressure right now, and I need you to calm down, eat something, and then get some rest," I said. "Or I'm calling the doctor."

He shook his head no. "Please, Y/N, I don't want to."

"For your fans, Shawn. They love you. One of them even told me how off you looked at the meet and greet and she was extremely worried," I explained.

He contemplated the choices for a while, before saying,"You know what? Okay. But could you go out for a while, I need to get some things done before I can eat."

"Sure," I said, shrugging. I mean, what can he possibly do?

"Great. I have a surprise for you. Now go."

"What is it?" I perked up immediately, my eyes filled with excitement. Hey, don't judge me, Shawn Mendes just told me that he has a surprise for me; how can you not be excited?

"Y/N, its called a surprise. And if you don't know what that means, it's basically-"

"Yeah, yeah. Okay. I get it, Shawn," I said, giggling before exiting his dressing room.

I waited for him in the small dining room just a few meters away from his room, scrolling through Instagram and Twitter, noticing that some fans were extremely worried.

I smiled at how caring they were, ever since the very first start. How caring and kind they were to me when I joined the fandom.

"Y/N?" Shawn called. I looked up, and even though I almost fangirled to the sight of him in a fitted white shirt and jeans.

"What's the occasion?" I asked, smiling. "You cleaned up pretty good."

"Yeah. I'm still not feeling that well, but I guess now's the right time."

"What are you doing, silly?" I asked him when he walked to me, his hands in his pockets.

He didn't answer. Instead, when he was close enough, he got down on one knee.

"Shawn," I gasped.

"Y/N, ever since the start of my career, I just knew that I would feel really connected to one of the fans. I didn't know why exactly, but now, I know it's you. You're the reason beautiful things happened, Y/N. And I hope you can make more beautiful things happen, but now, with me by your side. So, Y/F/N, will you marry me?"

Well, this was one hell of a surprise.

Soon enough, I started sobbing as I hugged him tight. "Yes. Of course I will. Yes, Shawn. Yes," I repeated, laughing as I cried even more.

Shawn laughed along, a few tears slipping out of his brown eyes.

"I love you, Shawn. Thank you," I cried, burying my face into his shirt.

"I love you more, Y/N," he spoke, and just before I moved to kiss him, he pulled back. "I don't want you getting sick," he explained.

"Who cares? I, for certain, don't. Now just shut up and kiss me," I said with a grin I couldn't seem to erase plastered on my face.

"If you insist," he whispered, smiling, before pressing his lips to mine.
Hey guys! I hope you all liked this really long imagine! I'm sorry it took so long and the ending was kinda sucky.

Thanks for reading! Have an amazing day/night!

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