My Alpha

By megawattsmile

29.1K 1K 189

I moan as I feel his lips touch my neck before dipping lower still. Never in my life have I felt this amount... More

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Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Author's Note

Chapter Two

3.5K 133 6
By megawattsmile

"He sounds dreeeeaamy, Vi."

My best friend Lucy and I decided to meet at our favorite little coffee shop today, and I have just finished telling her all about Xavier. I haven't been able to stop thinking about him since yesterday.

"I know! He's even better in person," I flop back in my chair and throw my hands up, "And he smells... Amazing!"

Her eyebrows shoot up at my enthusiastic statement, "Ooo. Does he smell spicy or sweet?"

We both lean forward in our seats like we're about to swap some important government information, "Neither," I say seductively with a smile and a raise of an eyebrow.

Lucy squeals at the turn of events, "Oh my, Vi! Tell me then, does he smell as mysterious as he looks?"

"I can't even describe the way he smells," I grab my head, "He just smells absolutely heavenly."

I watch as Lucy's face transforms into the funniest, sly face I have ever seen, "Did you get a good look at his feet? Because you know what they say about shoe size."

I feel my cheeks turn a shade of pink, "I di-"

I'm stopped by the site of the man who's walking through the door behind Lucy. My jaw drops open at the site of what he's wearing. A tight black shirt clings to his muscles and a pair of jeans hang loosely from his hips but are strangling his thick thighs.

The sound of Lucy clearing her throat stops me from continuing to eye rape him. I watch as Xavier walks towards the registers. Good, he must not have seen me then. Shaking my head and closing my jaw I look back at Lucy with wide eyes.

"That's Xavier heading to the registers, Luce," I whisper-yell at her.

Lucy jerks her head in all directions frantically before finally landing on the sexy Greek God that is Xavier. All she can see is his back, but from the look on her face I can tell she likes what she sees.

"Violet Hoover, if you don't want him, I'll take him."

I slap her arm, "I saw him first."

"Ow Vi," pretending my slap hurt her, she rubs the spot I hit.

I laugh at her and take a gulp of my coffee. I glance back over at Xavier to see he's grabbing his coffee from the lady behind the counter. I choke on my spit when he turns around and our eyes meet. I watch as his lips form a smirk and he starts to make his way over to where Lucy and I are sitting.

"Luce," I whisper, "Luce! He's coming this way. What do I do?"

This grabs her attention and she jerks her head up to look at me and then over to the approaching man. When she says nothing, I assume she's become to busy gawking at Xavier to help me. In the back of my head I feel a slight pang of jealousy. For whatever reason, I find that I can't stand Lucy looking at Xavier and thinking of unthinkable things.

"Hello ladies," Xavier greets us once he's made it to our table.

"Hello to you too. I'm Lucy," Lucy introduces herself, but I'm too busy being stunned by Xavier's presence to say anything.

I don't know what's gotten into me. Seeing Xavier for a second time and not at work is really messing with my head. I'm usually not this thrown off by a good looking guy. Then again, Xavier isn't just a good looking guy, he's at least two levels past good looking.

"Violet, right?" The sound of my name brings me back.

"Huh?" Lucy kicks me under the table and I turn beet red realizing how embarrassing I am.

Xavier chuckles a little, "You're Violet right? From the hospital."

"Oh, yeah! I'm Violet. Xavier, right?" He nods his head.

"I was wondering if I could sit here with you two," he asks, gesturing to the open seat. I look over at Lucy, who's too busy eagerly inviting him to sit with us, to notice me.

"Of course!"

"If you don't mind me asking, where are you from Xavier?" Lucy asks as he takes his seat.

"I live in Keld, the town over. I was born and raised there. Where are you two from?"

Come on Vi, act normal. Be cool.

"I'm from here. Good old Aramore," Lucy says, leaning a little closer to him. I narrow my eyes at the movement.

"What about you, kitten?" I raise an eyebrow at the nickname, but decide to ignore it. Besides, I kind of like it.

"I, uh, actually don't know. I was adopted by a couple, that lived here, when I was very little," I confess. I take another drink of my coffee before looking back at him.

I don't usually tell people that was adopted, especially people I just met. Lucy didn't even find out until after we graduated from high school. I don't know what it is about this man, but he makes me want to share all my secrets. And I mean all of them.

"They're very lucky to have found such a beautiful girl to call their own," he whispers so low I'm sure Lucy didn't even hear him. I watch as his eyes turn a darker shade of blue before quickly changing back as if it never happened. I'm seeing things again, call an ambulance.

Before I can respond, Lucy's phone begins to ring. She brings it up to her ear to talk to whoever called her.

"So, Violet, I was wondering if we could hang sometime soon. It seems like fate wants us together if we just randomly bump into each other at a coffee shop," he jokes. The way he says randomly has me questioning just how random this encounter actually is.

"Yeah. I'd like that. Do you want my number?" I ask, picking my phone up off the table.

"That would be great," he smiles, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

After telling him my number and receiving a text from him to save his number to my phone, Lucy finally ends the call.

"Sorry guys, I have to go. Mom called, she needs me to help her at home. I'll text you later, Vi," Lucy sighs. Xavier and I say goodbye to her as she leaves the cafe.

I turn to Xavier, surprised to see him already looking at me, "I should really be heading out too. I have some errands to run before the days over," I say, finding an excuse to escape the awkward alone time with him. I grab my bag and keys and put my phone in my pocket after standing up.

"Same here. I'll text you later with the details about our date." he says with a smirk as I head to the door.

"It's not a date!" I yell back at him.


Well here it is guys! Chapter 2! I hope everyone enjoyed it. I know not much happened, but at least we finally have a second chapter. :D

(WC: 1179)


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