n y c t o p h i☽ i a

By sadderddaze

3.4K 222 128

nyctophilia: (n.) love of darkness or night; finding relaxation or comfort in the darkness sequel to: s t ☆... More

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| t w o |

198 16 12
By sadderddaze

"Josh!" Brendon ran up to
me as soon as he saw me step
through the hall doors.

"Hey, I missed you!" I chuckled
before he practically tackled
me into a hug.

"Oh dude, you remember
Sarah right?" the black haired
female stepped up.
Brendon wrapped his arm
around her and looked at her
I could tell they were really
in love and it excites me to
see Brendon this way.

"Of course I remember.
It's good to see you again."
I smiled and nodded at her.

"Hey Joshua." I heard the all
too familiar voice behind me.

"Hey Jenna." I smiled and
went to give her a hug.

"Joshua!" I heard the other voice
I was longing to hear.

"Caitlyn!" I jogged over to her
and engulfed her in a big hug
where I lifted her off the ground.

"Ok, ok enough with all the
hugging, we all missed Josh,
he gets it.
Now let's get to rehearsing
because my wedding is in a
week and my fiancé decided
she wanted a group slow dance."

"So I have a list of who's going
to be partnered with who."
Jenna's small girly voice spoke up.
I smiled and nodded.

"Tyler, did you do it yet?" she
added and shot him a look.

"Oh I totally forgot!
Josh..." he looked at me.

"Should I be scared?" I asked
him but mostly myself.

"Joshua William Dun, you
are my best friend and as much
as I love my brothers, I want
you to be my best man.
So will you please be my best man?"
he smiled to where his dimples
showed and his eyes got crinkly.

"Dude, are you serious?" I
asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I think." he joked.

"Of course I will!" I couldn't
help but hug my best friend.

"Ok so my maid of honor is
Cait so Josh, you'll dance with
Caitlyn next week.
Brendon you'll dance with
Sarah, Kian will dance with my
friend Gracie, Zack will be with
Tatum, Jay will dance with my
cousin Lauren, Maddie will be
with Will, Kristin's with Mark,
Brennan can take Brittany,
Micheal can be with Audrey,
Mark E. you'll be with Jenna B.,
and finally Dallon will be with Noah." Jenna concluded.

"N-Noah?" I asked with wide eyes.
I didn't know she was going
to part of this.

"Oh, uh yeah.
She's still our friend.
Barely, but we needed one more
person to pair up."

"So she's coming today?"

"She's supposed to." Jenna
checked the time on her phone.

And as if on cue, the doors to
the hall opened.
My eyes stayed pinned that
direction, just waiting for her
to walk in.

"You ready for this?" Tyler
whispered over to me.

"Do I have a choice?"

Just then, the beautiful girl I
had left a year and a half ago
stepped into view.
She wasn't alone though.

"Sorry we're late." she said
nonchalantly as a tall, skinny
male followed behind her
with his hand in hers.

You can do this Josh.

"It's fine, let's just get in
our positions." Jenna tried
hard not to roll her eyes.
I turned my attention back to
the couple and examined the guy.

"I'll see you after this." he
pulled her by her waist and
kissed her.

My heart completely sunk.

His hand traveled down to her
butt and I felt the heat rise in me.
I was about to look away when
I noticed she was hardly kissing
him back.

"Ok Rich." she pulled back
and turned her face to the side
where he couldn't reach.
I could tell she was uncomfortable.

"Whatever, I'll see you tomorrow
then." he scoffed and started
to walk off.

"But we had plans later."

"You can forgot about them."
he said back before exiting.
I looked around to see that she
had unintentionally made a
scene in front of everyone.

"Fuck you." she rolled her eyes.
She looked around the room
until her mismatched eyes met
my brown ones.

God how I missed those eyes.

Her mouth parted slightly before
shutting again and her face
went into an angry expression.

"What are you doing here?"
she narrowed her eyes at me.

"I-I, um."

"He's here to be Tyler's best
man Noah.
You were already late so can
you please just go to your
partner." Jenna pointed to Dallon.
Her face went soft again
before she walked over to
Dallon, but never losing eye
contact with me.

This is going to be a very long
and very awkward day.


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