Flowers Won't Fix Me (Harry S...

By tomlinbumfun

1K 83 4

My names Delilah. I get easily confused and misled. My boss just happens to be Harry Styles, and our victim... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 2

86 7 2
By tomlinbumfun

Currently, I was recovering from possibly the worst hangover ever whilst led uncomfortably close to the most charming stranger I had ever met. My head felt like it had been smacked with a hammer over and over again.

After taking a moment to recap over last nights events, the man spoke in a croaky voice "I slept well thank you. Say, what is your name? I didn't catch it, I caught you when you fell." he chuckled sarcastically. I felt my cheeks begin to burn; brilliant. I look like a school girl who can't control my own emotions. His slight joke wasn't even funny, however this much confusion I had never endured before.

"Uh. . . it's Delilah." I stuttered, grabbing my auburn pony tail and pulling it over my shoulder for reassurance. "What's yours?" I asked, intrigued by his raspy voice. I wanted to hear him speak over and over. "My name is-" A loud knock at the door finished his sentence. He grabbed the beige duvet, pulling it off him and towards me. "Please excuse me." he apologised. I died a little inside when he left. I hardly knew him and yet I wouldn't blink an eyelid if he was someone I had to spend everyday of the rest of my life with. He was mysterious, quirky, and different to my usual daily faces I saw.

As he left the room in his black boxers and oversized brown shirt, thoughts of G began to rush through my mind. Did she get home okay? Was she safe? Was she raped? I was so paranoid of her when she was drunk after I found her in a bin with a homeless guy behind a diner one morning. He wasn't a complete stranger to her but seriously, did she have no class? His flannel shirt was so dirty, I couldn't help but judge him on his clothing choice.

I grabbed my small leather purse from beside the bed and rummaged through it for my phone. It wasn't hard to find in such a small bag but my head was all over the place, I panicked. I gently placed the bag back on the floor and unlocked my phone to find an unread message from G.

'Get in there Dee;) have fun with loverboy,im in a diner having some sausages;)'

I was unsure by what she meant by 'sausages' but her upfront comment led me to believe she was alright. A weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

As I slugishly locked my phone and dropped it into my bag, I heard a faint voice come from round the corner. It was too girly to be the man's but why would he have had a girl here whilst I was here? That's just rude and inconsiderate. He seemed politer than that.

I heard a scream. A positive scream; like a reaction I would give if someone told me Karen was eaten by a shark. This girl was excited.

I continued to contently listen to the happenings outside of the bedroom. Another scream sounded from outside; I edged closer towards the door handle, tempted to run out and prepare myself for who or what I may face.

I heard a click. Like a camera. Who would want to take pictures of a guy at his doorstep? Oh. Was I really that stupid. I'm obviously oblivious to who I may have stayed the night with but he clearly had the attention of more than just mine.

That's it, I'm going to find out what's going on because my head is beginning to hurt even more than before. Plus I'm nosey, and that side got the better of me.

I turned the wooden door handle and stepped outside the room. The door slowly creaked behind me. I gingerly stepped towards the noise, taking in all my surroundings. The house's ornaments seemed very expensive, yet the interior of the house was another story. This man obviously didn't have time to clean.

I finally approached the man stood at his white grim front door with beautiful rose stain-glass windows slightly ajar.

"AHHH" "AHHH" I heard girls scream. The smile on the man's face was something money simply could not buy. It made me feel a warm feeling inside. I stepped closer to the door; possibly closer than I should've.

I took a glance at what was beyond the doorstep and I wish I'd never had looked. A sea of girls stood infront of the man, being pushed away by several photographers. As soon as my face appeared in view for all to see, a loud gasp rippled through the small audience and cameras snapped twice as fast. The man's smile turned into a vague smirk. He slammed the door shut. What had I done. He was showing two different emotions at the same time, I immediately felt my heart sink to my stomach.

He glared at me with his emerald eyes and I instantly melted. Just before he opened his mouth a girl screamed from the crowd outside something I could not erase from my mind and would soon begin to leave me stunned.


That was all I needed to hear before I realised I had made a massive mistake.

Hey guys! Okay thankyou so much for reading. Will write and post the next chapter soon. Hope you enjoy!

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