You're My Protector (Zarry St...

By IvylinMalik

54.6K 2.1K 339

Zayn was Harry's, Harry was Zayn's Zayn loves Harry, Harry loves Zayn Normal isn't it? But what if one of... More

You're My Protector
•Naughty Nine•
•Twenty One•
•Twenty Two•
•Twenty Three•
*Not an Update*


1K 50 3
By IvylinMalik

Zayn was leaning back in the office chair waiting for Harry to wake up when his phone starts vibrating on the floor. Zayn got close and read the name, 'The House'.

"Crap." Zayn whispered. He grabbed the phone sliding the answer bar.

"Hello?" Zayn asked making his voice raspy.

"Harr- wait. Zayn I know it's you." Kaylor's small voice whispered over the phone. Zayn sighed in relief.

"Thank god. 'Cause these voice changes are killing my throat." Zayn laughed.

"Where's Harry?" She asked and Zayn looked to his right looking at his sleeping form.

"He's sleeping." 

"Wake him up. Akshaya's here." Kaylor said looking behind her to see her mum and Akshaya talking. Zayn cursed silently before putting his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Wait, I thought she was coming at 11?" 

"Look at the time Zayn." Zayn looked over at Niall's end table seeing the time, 11:37.

"We'll be over soon." Zayn mumbled, he lowered the phone from his ear before hearing a small ‘wait’.

"What happen?" He asked.

"Tell Niall to come and get me." 

"Okay, bye Kay." 

"Bye." Zayn hung up the phone before shaking Harry awake. Harry groaned and turned switching positions.

"Harry." Zayn rolled his eyes shaking him harder.

"Get up." Harry mumbled a go away as he swatted his hand.

"Okay, I didn't want to do this." Zayn lifted Harry up off the bed and placed him on the ceiling, surely waking him up as his head thud against the hard surface.

"Ow." Harry said rubbing his head.

"Wait. What the." Harry looked down seeing Zayn holding his hands up.

"Zayn. Put me down." Harry grumbled, still tired from being woken up in a painful way. Zayn slowly put Harry down on to the bed watching him put his feet over the side of the bed rubbing his eyes.

“Why’d you wake me up?” Harry asked him letting his eyes adjust to the light.

“Because you promised your mum you’d be home before Akshaya came. And you’re late!” Zayn said throwing clothes at Harry.

“Shit.” Harry cursed softly putting his clothes on.

“Let’s go.” Zayn grabbed Harry’s bag, putting it on his shoulder opening the bedroom door. 

“Harry is that you?” Zayn rolled his eyes seeing the irish lad walk down the hallway towards the bedroom. He made himself disappear making his bag hit the floor with a thud.

“Yeah, er.” Harry was hopping at this point trying to pull his jeans over his legs. Niall walked into the room tripping slightly over Harry’s duffle bag.

“Really Harry? Trying to kill me?” Zayn scoffed silently as he stood against the wall.

“No. It just got up by itself and went to the door.” Harry chuckled.

“You’re leaving already?” Niall asked, making Harry nod.

“But you just woke up. At least brush your teeth dude.” Harry nearly facepalmed himself and grabbed his bag heading to the bathroom. Zayn went behind Harry whispering in his ear.

“Oh Niall?” Harry called out as he started brushing his teeth.

“Yeah?” Niall said going to the bathroom door.

“My sister would like to hang out with you today, would you mind?” Harry smiled making suds of the toothpaste trail down the corner of his lips.

“Not at all, let me get dressed and I’ll just head out with you.” Niall said heading back into his room. Harry finished rinsing his mouth, he ruffled his hair in front of the mirror for a moment before heading out.

“I’ll be downstairs.” Harry mumbled heading down the stairs. He heard a slight moan and paused in his steps. He quietly tip toed down the stairs seeing Louis and Liam having a serious make out session. Harry’s eyes widened before he coughed making the boys separate. Louis’ eyes went nervous quick once he saw Harry.

“Well. Okay.” Harry said heading towards the door.

“I’m just going to go, er, leave now. See ya at school.” Harry left awkwardly not knowing how to react to seeing his ex and his friend sucking each others faces off. Zayn appeared lightly looking over at Harry.

“Are you okay?” Zayn asked giving Harry a look trying to solve his emotion’s riddle.

“I’m fine.” Harry whispered hearing the front door to Niall’s house open.

“Okay! I’m ready.” Niall jumped down the stairs joining Harry making Zayn go to the other side of Harry. 

“Alright. Let’s go.” Harry said putting his duffle bag on his back, he let his right hand find their way to Zayn’s slim fingers intertwining them as Niall was talking away; wasting time as they walked the 12 minutes to Harry’s house.

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