Unorthodox Obsession: A Mafia...

By HopelessAmorous02

926K 23.1K 3.7K

Highest Rank: #2 in passion : #1 in kidnapping : #3 in posses... More

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15: Part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chpater 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 2

46K 1.2K 332
By HopelessAmorous02



Blue eyes. Bright, blue eyes that look as deep as the ocean but cold as a snowstorm that falls on a February night. Cold, beautiful eyes, framed by long dark lashes and neat eyebrows.

Raven black hair; dark as midnight but looks so soft to the touch. The way that the lights reflects off it, makes it look almost dark blue.

Straight nose and defined jawline.

Pink lips, oh pink sinful lips. Lips that could make any girl swoon, desperate for just a taste. If kissing this man was a sin I would gladly fall into sin, just for a taste.

A stubble ghosts his face, but it just makes him look manlier. Sexier.

His body, clad in a black suit that clung to every muscle. This man looks like a devil created by the hands of a God. A forbidden fruit, but not being able to have it, just makes you want it even more.....

One minute I am being hold up by a strong muscular arm and the next, I'm... falling.


Startled by the sudden action, I let out a shriek when I felt a small pain in my butt.

He-he dropped me.... Was the only thing running through my mind.

Then what was the point of trying to be the hero in the first place.

Standing above me he looks powerful, intimidating, yet, he looks so comfortable like that's how it's supposed to be, me, at his feet. You could tell that he's not one to be messed with, just his aura alone is enough for you to tuck your tail between your legs and run.

Gazing down at me with a curious look, he gives my body a calculating scan, making me feel insecure about my black and white flower skater skirt with my white tank top and black and white converse. I felt so under dress in his presents. Just as quickly as it came, it turns into a blank stare, still calculating but his curiosity long gone.

Before he could say anything, Ms. Mary appeared, "Oh dear", she exclaimed when she saw me on the floor. "Amira, are you alright?" Accepting the hand that she offers for me I got off the floor.

"Yes, I'm fine." I said as I stooped down to pick up the books.

Reaching for the last book, my hand brush against long fingers that sent chills down my spine. The blue eyed devil picked up the book along with the stack of book that I have gathered.

Giving him a strange look, but none the less expressed my gratitude.

'Maybe he's not all bad.' I though to myself.

'Really, he just stopped you from falling then actually let you fall.' Came my brains smart reply.

'Maybe he's bipolar or having an off day?' I contradicted when he place the books on a nearby table.

"I'm sowwy." Comes from a tiny voice behind me.

Hiding behind Ms. Mary's leg is the little adorable perpetrator, who almost knocked me over. She looks to be about 4 years old with her black hair braid in pigtails. Her eyes are light brown and full of curiosity and innocence. She is in a pale blue sundress with white sandals.

Stooping to her level, I answered. "It's okay sweetheart, just be careful next time, wouldn't want you getting hurt now would we?" She shake her little pigtails in a no motion and I smile at how cute she is.

"I'm Amira, what's your name?" I asked with an extended hand.

"Matylda." She place her hand in mine and gave it a shake, when I smiled at her a wide grin took over her face.

"Can we be fwends?" She signed. Looking at her ears I noticed that she had in earring aids.

Pretending to contemplate it, I signed "No," he face fell at my reply but soon became as bright as the morning star when I signed, "We can be best friends."

"Yaaaah" she cheered and throw her tiny arms around my neck. "Amira?"

"Yeah." I replied, looking at here.

"Why was uncle holding you like that, are you his girlfriend?" Choking on air, I looked at her innocent face with a horrified expression. Opening and closing my mouth not knowing how to answer.

Looking up at the blue eyed devil for help, it looked like he was waiting to hear what I would say. Gazing over towards Ms. Mary, she was trying to hide her smile behind her hand but was failing terribly.

'Should I just reply with a no?  But what if she has a follow up question.' I thought.

"I.... I- I... uhm... " I stuttered with flaming cheeks, my gaze cast towards the floor.

"That's enough Matylda. Get your books and let's go." Looking up, cold blue eyes stared back at me.

"Otay uncle." She signed unaffected by his firm tone of voice. Matylda place a big wet kiss on my cheek before letting go and grabbing Ms. Mary's hand.

"Aunt Mary, did you see I made a best fwend. Isn't she pretty." I giggled as I hear Matylda talking absentmindedly to Mary as they disappear around a corner.

I could feel eyes burning into my skin, tingles to coursing down my spine, my body feeling warm.

Turning to the books I let out a gasp when I'm face to face with the blue eyed devil. He's so close, I could smell his spicy cologne, his minty breath.

His giant frame towering over me, with me barley reaching his broad shoulders. I found myself gulping at his intimidating height. My brain getting foggy with his close proximity.

My breath hitched when he pulled on my hair tye, setting my hair free. It fell down in waves around my face. Brushing some behind my ear, his fingers a feather light touch across my cheek. I could feel the blood rushing up to my neck and to my cheeks.

He started advancing toward me, with every step he took forward, I took one back. This went on until my back collided with a bookshelf, causing a startled gasp to escape my lips.

A gush of wind danced around us, sweeping my hair out of my face, on my shoulder. My heart was thumping so hard, I feared that I might be visible under my top. I imagined that I could hear his heart too, pounding away under his suit.

He leaned in close...dangerously close. Leaning close to my ear, my breathing stopped for a fraction of a second. "Next time, watch where you're going." He seethed before walking off. Leaving me there with a wild heart and hectic breathing.

'Okay, maybe he's having a really, really off day.'

I wondered if he felt it, I did, a rare and powerful, beautiful connection between us. My gaze followed him as he disappeared where Matylda and Ms. Mary went minutes ago.

All day, I've been distracted. Blue eyes always flashing in my mind, bringing my mind to him. Bradley stopped by and offered to buy me lunch, agreeing we set off to a café across from the library. I thought that making conversation with Bradley over a cheeseburger, fries and a sprite would let him leave my mind for a minute, but it was impossible.

"Hey, Amira you alright there." Bradley called bringing me out of my thought.

"Huh, what?" I asked straightening up in my chair. Bradley gave me a weird look, "I've been calling you for the last minute or so."

Sighing, I said. "Sorry, I'm just a little distracted."

"You think. Wanna talk about it?"

"No, no, it's fine. I'm okay." Liar. I smiled at him for certain reassure.

The day ended quickly, which I was thankful for. Walking home, feeling the sea breeze nips at my skin, the wind through my hair brought a smile to my face.

A sleek black car was about to pull up beside me when Bradley appears and give me a hug. Smiling at him, I asked. "Have you been waiting on me?"

The car sped of down the road in almost an angry manner, my gaze following it til it was out of site.

Reaching my door, I turned to Bradley. "Thank you for walking me home." Giving him a small kiss on the cheek.


I went inside and close the door behind me. Not in the mood for cooking, I went into the kitchen and grabbed a light snack, ascended the stairs and ventured into my room. Stripping my clothes as I walked into the bathroom to take a warm shower,  washing off today's activities.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped a white fluffy towel around my body going into my room when I heard a noise outside of my door. Fear gripped me at the possibilities. What if it's a robber?

Changing into my night gown, I took light steps to the door, cracking it slightly I looked and saw nothing. Closing the door and locking it just in case I went to bed with thus nagging feeling in the back of my mind.

Days passed and with those days the blue eyed devil was always watching me. His gaze following me all around, burning through my skin making me feel exposed. Whenever my eyes would catch his, a gush of wind would dance around me, sweeping my hair off to the side. His jaw would tick, the he would look away, leaving me with a cold, disappointed feeling.

Maybe he doesn't like what I'm wearing. Looking down at my peach maxi, white crop top with my white sandals. My hair is up in a messy bun and I applied peach lip gloss to my lips.

Frowning, I glance back at him to see him already looking at me with those eyes.

"Amira." Ms. Mary called breaking my gaze away from his. "Yes." I answered.

"Can you put these books on the shelf towards the back." Smiling I took the books from her.

"Sure thing." I said walking off. Sparing a glance at where the blue eyed devil was sitting, he wasn't there.

Putting up the last book, turning around, he was there. In a royal blue suit with a skinny blue the, hair gel back, hands in his pocket, looking as handsome as ever while his eyes, his eyes, breathing me in.

Taking a step forward, I took one back. A game of cat and mouse and I'm sure that I was the mouse.

Like the gods were laughing at me, my back hit the book shelf, my eyes widening when he was right in front of me. Pulling on my hair tye. My hair fell framing my face, shielding me from his view. Not liking that, he brushed my hair behind my ear, gazing into my brown eyes. Holding me captive, a willing prisoner.

"You look beautiful with your hair down." By now my cheeks are stained with a fierce blush.

"T-thank you." I cursed myself inwardly when I stutter.

He smirk when he sees the effect that he is having on me and let me tell you his smirk is so sexy.

Not knowing what to say, "Books" is what spill out of my mouth.

"Books?" He repeated and quirk an eyebrow at me.

"Y-yeah. I should get these books to where they belong." Trying to escape his close proximity.

His eyes twinkled, "There aren't any book, kitten."

Looking down at my empty hand I felt my cheek reddened out of embarrassment, "Oh-oh. We-well... " I trailed off. Hearing heels clicking on the floor he stepped back, allowing me space to leave. "I... I'm gonna just go, now." I whispered.

Walking back toward the counter, I felt a gush of wind across my face, moving my hair over my shoulder. I turned around to find him looking at me, hands tucked in his pant pockets.

Looking into his eyes I could feel my heartbeat speeding up and a small smile grace my lips, cheeks heating up again as the blood rush up to make a visible blush. A smirk appear on his lips knowing what he's doing to me.

Turning a corner, away from his piercing gaze I let out the breath that I have been holding in. How is it that one man can have control over my body without doing anything.

What is this feeling? Is it ever going to go away? I'm not sure that I want it to.

For the rest of the day a permanent smile was etched on my lips. He left after a while but that didn't matter, I was happy. Every time my hair brush against my cheek, I remembered his touch, his smell.

It was closing time, with my bag in hand I bid Ms. Mary good night, pushing the door opened I was greeting with an unexpected sight. The blue eyed devil leaning up against a sleek black car, the same black car from a week ago.

"Need a ride?" He asked.

Standing there blinking like an idiot, I finally regained my composer, "I.. "

"Amira!" Bradley shouted waving his hand. This had become a routine for us, every nigh he would walk home from work.

Reaching us he through his hand around my shoulder. Giving him a side way hug, I greeted him, while feeling the blue eyed devil penetrating gaze on me.

"Looks like you're off duty tonight Bradley, I already have a ride." I said motioning to the brooding man in front of me.

Finally looking his way Bradley acknowledge him, "Oh, okay. Well maybe I could tag along." He said.

"No. Not enough space." The blue eyed devil gritted out.

"Then I guess that she's not going with you then." Bradley seethed, clutching my hand.

"Oh, is that so?" The blue eyed devil quirked an eyebrow challenging Bradley to object one more time. Before that could happen I intervened.

"It's okay, Bradley. I'm off tomorrow, just come by the house and we could have a movie day or go to the beach." I said.

"Fine." He seethed, walking away leaving my hand limp at my side as I watch his retreating back walking away.

Turning to the man in front of me, he opened the passenger door waiting for me to enter. Closing the door behind me he got in the car too, started it up, asked my address the sped off into the night.

Minutes later he pulled up in front of my house, cutting the engine. The atmosphere in the car was tense, the silence deafing.

"Thanks for the ride." I said, my voice sounding squeaky. Clearing my throat, I continued. "Good night."

"Good night." He replied. Watching me exit the car, his gaze following me until I unlocked my door, looking at him one last time before I disappeared inside my house. The car drove off a few seconds later.

Leaning against the door, I couldn't help but smile.

My phone rang startling me. Digging through my bag I found it but the caller was a blocked number. Answering it I heard heavy breathing then, "Wrong choice." Before the line went dead.

Another one.

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Xoxo J.

Sorry for any mistakes.

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