Come...Fall In Love!

By hemisha

882K 28.5K 699

Kathy would always tell herself, "An arranged marriage is not something I'd ever settle for. I believe in lov... More

1: It all began here
2: Celebrate!
3: Miss over-confident!
4: Trying to break the ice!
5: Holi celebrations!
6: Hurt
7: A day of horror
8: Unexpected turn of events
9: The wedding
10: New life, new beginning?
11: Going back home
12: Learning about each other
13: Conspiracy?
14: Goa it is!
15: Adventurous road journey
16: Honeymoon
17: Oops, he messed it
18: Sweet Distance
19: Book of memories
20: Worrying, caring and ditching
21: Happy birthday!
22: He drops the Bomb!
23: I'll look after you
24: A Heart to Heart
25. Is that Jealousy?
26. Solving the Mystery
27: Diwali
28: Just him & her
29: Here I'm
30: Lonavala- I
31. Lonavala- II
32: New Year
33: Tense moments
34: Tests
36: What did I do?
37: Silent suffering
38: Is it the end?!
39: A year later...
40: Epilogue
41) It Is Back...

35: Uh-ah

17.2K 572 5
By hemisha

Dedicated to: Beckabecky

Chapter 35:

Making projects was one thing and studying the subject was another seeing as how Kathy was never good with theories. She was lost in her books and trying to memorize all those portions that included measurements, history behind a certain style, recent developments and costing related to Interior Designing.  Pacing from one end of the room to another with a book in one hand and a cup of coffee in another, she looked ready to pull her hairs out.

“Still studying?  Do you need any help?” Ronnie asked her as he entered her room with a smile on his face. Kathy had forced him to go out and hang out with his acquaintances mumbling something about befriending them and actually getting to know them. Ronnie was reluctant but Kathy being Kathy forced him and pushed him out of the house and then focused on studying for her upcoming examinations in two days.

“Yeah, still studying and going mad over these stupid subjects!” she replied as she looked up from her book and faced him. Ronnie sprawled across her bed and nodded.

“How did it go?” she asked him as she sat next to him.

“It was okay. They’re kind of nice but unlike you guys!” he shrugged as he got up and sat Indian style.

“Obviously they’re different. What did you expect? What did you want them to be?” she laughed.

“Do you need my help with your subjects?” he said, changing the topic.

“Yes please! I really need help memorizing this!” she said with a sigh.

“You know, I can’t make you memorize things…you have to do it yourself!” he replied awkwardly. Kathy grunted something about being such a help and then got up from the bed.

“Come, I’ll show you a fun way to do this!” Ronnie told her.

“A fun way to studying? You’re kidding me, right?” she asked him incredulously. He took hold of her shoulders and made her face him.

“Yes, a fun way to study! Now come on, sit!” he told her and made her sit down on the bed. Her heart did crazy flips at his touch and suddenly she was very aware that he was going to be sitting with her and make her learn all those chapters which she thought were impossible to learn, which would be even more of a distraction. That was one of the reasons why she didn’t want him to spend his holiday at home with her. She knew that she’d forget about her upcoming exams and think about all these meaningless things.

“So, how do we go with this?” she asked him slight awkwardly as she moved a little away from him and placed her book in that empty space.

“I used such tricks when I was a student…you know, you can memorize history in form of a movie-since that is your first love!” he smiled at her which she gladly returned.

“Like a movie?” she asked, a little confused.

“Yeah, make it like a sequence as to who started it and then who helped develop the plot and then how things changed and progressed. You can then link other questions with your plot and add it in your ‘movie’!” he explained her and then began writing a draft for her. She stared at him as he began writing quickly and blinked her eyes.

“You still remember everything?” she asked him, her jaws wide open. He shrugged and continued writing and soon the page was filled with his thick cursive hand writing. He had made a flow chart along with some songs and a storyline to go with which made Kathy read it out like she knew all of it already. She was now curious as to how he did all of that in matter of a few minutes. She took the paper and began learning those answers and Ronnie continued writing other answers. Silence enveloped the room and both of them were focused on what they were doing for hours.

“I cannot believe that this was all so easy! You’re a genius, thank you!” she smiled happily as she was almost done with one subject. It was midnight now and the moon was full and its light fell in her room illuminating the marble sitting near her window with its beautiful rays. The wind was warm but soothing and the sound of leaves swaying entered her ears. She walked up to the window and looked through its large glass as the sea waves flew across with force. It was probably a high tide time then and the waves came crashing towards the shore and then going back again. She smiled seeing how calm and soothing the climate was.

“Aren’t you sleepy?” Ronnie asked from where he was sitting. She jumped a little on hearing his voice and faced him, surprised to still find him there.

“I thought you left!” she voiced her surprise. He stretched his hands up in the air and got up. He walked towards the window without answering her and looked out through the glass. Kathy sat on the marble sitting of the window and looked back at the sea.

“You love nature, don’t you?” he said after a while. Kathy looked at him with a smile.

“I love nature when it’s all calm, serene and romantic. I always dreamt of living in a sea facing house! Just look outside, it’s so peaceful.” She replied and looked back at the sea.

“Want to go for a walk?” he asked her.

“I’d love to!” she replied with a huge smile on her face.

“Let’s go!” he said, pulling her up. She holds him tightly as she balanced herself and then looked at him.

“I’ll just grab my cardigan!” she breathed and then walked towards her wardrobe. She pulled out a grey color cardigan and wore it on her black and white striped T-back. She then got into her sneakers and walked out of her room.

“Let’s go!” she chirped as she grabbed her phone and house keys. They got into the elevator and then out of their apartment in silence. Both of them relaxed and breathed in the fresh air as they walked together. It was calming and comfortable.

“So…” Kathy began, as she couldn’t stay quiet for a long time. He scrunched his brows as he looked at her.

“So?” he asked her, not knowing what she was talking about.

“Do you love nature too?” she asked him as she rubbed her hands and brought them closer to her mouth, warming them a bit.

“I hardly had time or energy to notice all this!” he replied but added, almost like an afterthought- “but I can get used to such walks. It is kind of therapeutic.” Kathy nodded smiling.

“Did you always go for walks like this you know, before our marriage?” he asked her.

“My dad took us on a drive after dinner and treated us with an ice-cream every night. I started going out with my friends as I grew up, though that was occasional.” She replied.

“Did you go out with him?” he asked her hesitating.

“Him?” confusion crossed her features but it cleared as realization took over the confusion. “Yeah, we went for walks when we were a couple!” she replied as she began thinking about those days. It seemed like those days were so far away now. Ronnie glanced at her and found her lost in her thoughts. He wondered what went inside that head and he cleared his throat, demanding her attention.

“So how long did you date him?” he asked her awkwardly.

“For a few months but I never had feelings for him at that time.” She told him truthfully. Strange thing was that she did not dwell on those memories any longer.

“Hmm… Good.” He said, glad that they weren’t in a serious relationship and it was only a few months.

“Good? Why is that good?” she asked him, raising her brows.

“N-nothing” he said instantly, making her suspicious but she dropped it.

“So, um-what have you planned after our contract ends?” she asked him, secretly hoping that he’d say he did not want that to happen anymore. Ronnie was surprised as he heard her ask that, because he never gave a thought about that. Only thing that occupied his mind was how he’d live without her, but that didn’t count as a plan, did it?

“Acquiring more companies, making a firm position in world market.” He replied with no emotion in it. Something broke in her when he said that. She was disappointed but she covered it with a teasing smile.

“You will eventually find a nice, model like girl for yourself, won’t you?” she managed to ask, but now afraid of his answer.

“Maybe.” He grunted. He mentally slapped himself for the answer because he knew it was her, it will always be her. She was the only one for him. Kathy felt heartbroken.

“What about you?” he asked her, cautiously.

“I don’t know!” she stated in a blunt tone as she looked ahead and spaced out. Both of their hearts were now heavy and their faces were masked with a fake smile. If only they had courage! They kept walking towards the end of the sea fence in silence and without looking at each other but that changed when their hand brushed against one another. A wave of current rushed through their bodies at that one touch, making their heart beats faster and audible. All the disappointment and hurt went out of the window as emotions filled in their hearts.

“We should go home!” Ronnie said turning around and walking towards their apartment. She turned around and saw him walking away but she made no movement as she kept looking at his retreating figure, hoping he’d turn around to look out for her; maybe, he’d hear her silence.

“Aren’t you coming?” he turned around after taking few more steps, making her smile widely. She covered those few steps and walked up to him and intertwined her fingers with his. His eyes widened at that and he wondered why she did that. He was such a coward, he thought. But the very thought made him feel sick in the stomach and he pulled her closer to him as her wrapped his arm around her shoulders and walked home. She rested her head on his shoulders, taking in his scent and wrapping her own arm around his mid-back.

“I like it when things are this normal with you Mr. Shenoy!” she smiled at him. He wondered if there was any hidden meaning to her simple statement.

“So I’m Mr. Shenoy once again?” he asked her playfully.

“I’m so used to calling you Mr. Shenoy, it just comes easy on my tongue!” she smiled and he returned her smile.

“Kathy, we’re friends, right?” he asked her suddenly. She looked up at him in confusion.

“Yeah we’re friends, why’d you ask that?” she asked him.

“Nothing will change that, right?” he asked her once again and she nodded unsurely.

“What’s wrong?” she asked him. He tightened his grip around her and pulled her closer making her feel all warm and tingly.

“We’ll-you’ll… I mean-” he began, searching for right words.

“What are you so nervous about?” she laughed lightly but her heart went wild with expectations.

“Chuck it. I think you should sleep now, its 1am. You have exams from Monday!” he said as he pulled her in to the elevator. She pouted at him, making him laugh.

“You’re so childish sometimes!” he said shaking his head.

“Oh yeah, I am?” she asked, blinking her eye lashes at him. He began laughing loudly at her, his whole chest reverberating with his laughter. She looked at him with a smile as he continued laughing at her. He pinched her nose playfully earning a smack from her. He grabbed both her hands and once again pinched her nose. She began pushing him away from her using her hips and rest of her body weight as he continued irritating her. He then left her hands and kept her his fingers firmly placed around her waist, keeping her in place as he began tickling her sides. She fell on the elevator floor laughing and gasped for air as he tortured her. His body hovered over hers and their faces were now inches away. She tried to escape him and kept squirming under his weight, finally making him fall face first. Kathy began laughing seeing the imprints of the metal design of the floor now marking his face and freed herself from his weight and got up only to be pulled back on the floor by Ronnie.

“What’s so funny?” he asked her.

“Your face, look at it!” she laughed again. ‘Blink’ the elevator made a sound as they reached up, making them stand up quickly. They readied themselves to walk out of the elevator when they saw one of their neighbors from the next floor waiting for the elevator. The lady smiled at Ronnie and winked at Kathy mischievously as she got in the elevator.

“I came here to invite you for a Jagran at my place; but I see you’ve plans, I won’t disturb you now!” the lady said smiling and the elevator door closed.

Kathy wondered what that look was for as she walked towards the door. She unlocked the door and entered the house and caught a glimpse of herself in a nearby mirror.

“Oh fuck!” she said, making Ronnie look at her.

“What? You want me to do that?” the words escaped his mouth, even before he could realize. Kathy stared at him with wide eyes as he shifted uncomfortably under her gaze.

“I mean, what’s wrong!” he mumbled, his cheeks warm and red now. Kathy cleared her throat.

“That lady came here to invite us for some Jagran at her place but then said that she won’t disturb us!” she said.

“I heard that…so?” he asked her sweetly.

“So- just look at us, she thought we were doing something back in the elevator!” she said, her face red as realization hit her. Her hairs were stuck out all over her face and her T-back was riding up a bit, her cardigan falling off her shoulders. Ronnie was no different, his hairs were messy, his shirt pulled out and creased and that metallic impression from the lift floor was still imprinted on his face.

“Oh shit!” he agreed with her. Both were now quiet as they stared at their reflection in the mirror and then at each other until Ronnie burst out laughing.

“God- that was ha-ha-ha-ha” he laughed and soon Kathy joined him.

“Yeah, that wasn’t very pretty!” She said and laughed along with him.

“Are we alright?” he asked her after they stopped laughing and she nodded her head confirming.

“Good night Mr. Shenoy!” she yawned as she went inside her room.

“Good night!” he replied as he walked in to his own room.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sunday started on a lazy note before Kathy looked at the date and began pacing around the room with a book in her hand. She spent the day locked in her room with books spread all around the room; only coming out for lunch and dinner. They fooled around when they sat at the dining table and he then offered help in the revision.  They sat together and Ronnie really helped her and gave her quick tips on how to go about in her subjects and how to answer wisely when she forgets her answers. She wrote down all the points and began re-reading as he sat with her and checked up on her progress.

Finally, her exams began and she got busier as college occupied most of her day and then revising for the next subject took away her mind. Ronnie focused on his work and went out with his dad for more new meeting and projects. The week was mainly a drag and filled with boredom. They missed each other’s company as they were hardly around each other and sunk neck deep in their own work. Mrs. Patel came to their house and cooked meals for them. Kathy sat with her as she studied and also talked to Mrs. Patel. Days passed quickly yet slowly and soon it was Kathy’s last paper. Ronnie drove her off to the college as she still kept revising.

“Come on, all the best, write well!” he smiled at her.

“I hope this goes well!” she said unsurely.

“You’ll do it fine!” he assured her. She took a deep breath and opened the door and got out of the car.

“Do you want to hang out with me after exams, it’s a Saturday and I’ve all the time in the world.” He said dramatically, making her smile.

“Sure, I don’t mind!” she smiled and walked away.

The dials of her watch ticked as the examination time came closer and she tapped her foot nervously and looked around and saw all the familiar faces, studying like the way she was. She smiled when she realized that she wasn’t the only one. The bell rang at that time, signaling it was time to enter their examination halls. Soon a teacher entered the hall and distributed the papers. Kathy looked at her paper and began writing all that she knew. Sweaty palms clamed and she looked around nervously as she was stuck at a few questions. She looked at a few students who were also looking around for some help. She relaxed and tried to think of what Ronnie had advised him. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as his face appeared in front of her, instantly making her smile. She thought about how he helped her with her studies, how a single touch would make her heart beat crazily.

“Sorry!” someone told as a pen fell on her lap and brought her out of her day dream. She began writing her paper once again and soon it was time up.

“Come on, hand over the papers to me!” the supervisor instructed and collected all the papers.

She heaved a sigh of relief as exams were finally over. She walked down the college hall happily, collected her bag and phone and exited the college building. Fresh air hit her face and she looked around happily as everyone was moving around in groups, probably making plans for their vacations. Her phone rang at that moment and she picked it up without looking at the ID.

“Kathy, meet me at our hide out place, please? I-I need you badly… Riya broke up with me!” the voice cracked and a full on sob began.

“M-Monish?” she answered.


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-Hemii :)

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