Always And Forever》SEQUEL TO...

By Falls_Flower_Crown

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Anastasia and Henry are two healthy teens, Anastasia her own ability, no one how she got it. And her being th... More

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392 17 1
By Falls_Flower_Crown

I looked up and cough getting myself up. "Are you okay?" I jump and turned to see Jake. I place my hand over my heart cause I literally thought I had a heart attack. "Oh my gosh, don't scare me like that," I breathe out. He just kinda stares at me making me feel very uncomfortable.

"Sorry I heard something make a thud noise and saw you," he says.

"No, no I'm fine really, just uhh," then I remembered the wolf I saw," where's the wolf?" I ask looking around.

"The what?" He asks paled.

"The wolf, there was this beautiful gray ish color," I say. He mumbles something angrily that I don't caught. "What was that," I ask.

"Nothing," he avoids the question.

"Uh, not trying to be rude or anything but what are you doing here?" I ask pointing to him.

"I live right down the way, we own some land here," he says scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh...." God I felt like an idiot....

"Why don't I walk you home while its on my way," he says.

"Sure why not," I shurg, what's the worst that could happen?

Everything! Shouts the voice in my head.

We walk and talk about random things and then we walk up to the Mikealson Manor. "This is my home," I say spreading my arms.

"This is your home," asks Jake looking at the big house.

"Yep," I say popping the p.

"Well I guess this bye, until the next time we see each other," he says.

"Which will be," I ask.

"Either before or at school," he says shruging.

"Until then," I smile crustying out of instinct.

He laughs bowing catching on. I blush. "Bye beautiful," he winks then walks away and I swear he just took my heart with him.

"Bye," I breathe out. I shake it off then walk inside yelling," I'm home!"

Flashes in uncle Kol and dad. "Did you make any friends," asks dad.

"Prank anyone," smriks uncle Kol.

"I made two friends, they're both really nice, well one is kinda annoying sometimes but I'm sure I can handle him," I say like its nothing but as soon as I said him.

All my uncle flashes in, well uncle Jer runs in yelling," HIm?!?!" in an tell who he is so I can kill him voice.

Whereas my aunts and mom flash, well uncle Lily and Sage run in yelling," it's a him!!" in a happy voice.

"Yes its a boy, both are boys actually," I say slowly. "Now as you may excuse me I'm going to bed night!" I yell before flashing to my room and closing the door, I lean against the door breathing heavily before getting up and taking a shower.

The hot warm water hit my back, the water was nice and it felt like a waterfal. I get out and put on a night gown, one of the ones my mother and aunt Bebekah use to wear. They are so soft!

I get in bed when someone knocks on my door. "Come in," I call. Walks in, Caroline, uncle Nik's wife.

"Hey sorry about them, men being protective of their little girls," says aunt Caroline.

"I know they care but if they do stuff like that they're going to kinda push me away you know," I say.

Before she could say anything, my phone goes off. I pick it up, it's a text from Unknown.

Hey Anastasia its Jake from the park, Henry gave me your number and I just wanted to say go night beautiful

There he goes again with calling me beautiful. "Whoa, what does it say? You're blushing as red as a cherry." Teases aunt Caroline.

"Its from Jake one of the boys I met," I smile looking at the text.

"And?" She asks like tell me already.

"He thinks I'm beautiful," I smile laughing rolling in my bed.

"Awww, Anastasia," awes aunt Caroline.

Then I got another text. I look and see another text from another unknown.

Hello my feisty Anastasia, it's Ace. Your brother gave me your number, sleep peacefully and I hope one day I can show you who I truely am

The text made me think, maybe Ace only acted the way he did cause he thought I won't like him for him or maybe he has wall? Let then, that wall is going down!

"Well you need sleep since you seem like you had quite the day," says aunt Caroline, sometimes aunt Caroline acts like my mom when she isn't here or there for me.

"Okay, night aunt Caroline," I say sleepily.

"Night sweetheart," she kisses my head then leaves. I watch as she leaves then sleep takes over me like an old welcoming friend.

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